The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 22, 1941, City Edition, Page 3, Image 3
For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS Join—Reliable Friendship Club —?*or Marriage, Friendship, or Measure. Send Dime for member •hip blank. II. Brookes, 317 Wen ieU, Chicago, 111. i Kaplan Produce formerly locat ed on No. 24th St. is now located at 1804 No. 20th St. We have a large selection on Poultry and eggs. We deliver, Phone JA. 6537, Kap lan Produce Co. extend an invita tion to his old customers to pay him a visit at his new location. 5 Room, modern house for rent, 2615 Binney, WE. 3030 or JA. 9298 Furnished Roo 2213 North 25th St. All Modern Furnished Apt., For Rent—WE. 0718. Nice Room, Good location, 2408 North 25th Street. Furnished Room for Rent, reason able, HA- 5452, Prefer Gentleman. Furnished Rooms for Rent WE. 2705. 2 ROOM APT furnished. AT. 3281 HOUSE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW AT SACRIFICE PRICE CLOSE TO PACKING HOUSE ( 3111 “S” Street, 5 rooms, modern, good condition. $2700. Call GALDA AT. 1619, LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6056 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 105^ MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the atyliah new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy." WANT TO BUY— Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 500 AGENTS AND BEAUTICIANS WANTED TO SELL “RED” Sulphur Salve A scalp cream for dandruff Inching scalp, falling hair, Write for information and Make 100* Profit AH Material Guaranteed 4-tn-l PRODUCTS CO. 205 West 116th St. Asthma Mucus Loosened First Day For Thousands of Sufferers Choking, gasping, wheezing spasms of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy. In gredients in the prescription Mendaco quick ly circulate through the blood and common ly help loosen the thick strangling mucus the first day, thus aiding nature In palliating the terrible recurring choking spasms, and in promoting freer breathing and restful sleep. Mendaco Is not a smoke, dope, or In jection. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of suf ferers. Printed guarantee with each package —money back unless completely satisfactory. Ask your druggist for Mendaco today. Only 60c. “A Thing of BEAUTY IS A JOY Forever”—Keats BIG PROFITS Selling Greeting Cards For Every Day if* the Year Popular and Religious, Christmas Box Assortments . WRITE FOR SAMPLES AMITY CARD CO. .321 West 125th St-, Dept. 4. Ne% York City • ®|,Mix Lemon Juice Si AT HOME TO RELIEVE /RHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back—If This Recipe Fails Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands of folks who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuL. of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice In a glass of water, they get faster relief 101 the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru Is a IS year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains In fact—if It does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only 85 cents—Do it Now. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2216 MAPLE STREET A modern 7 room house arranged with 4 rooms down; 3 and bath up. Exterior sided with asbestos shing les. Monthly payments are $24.50. Owner leaving town and wants to SELL IMMEDIATELY. Will sub mit your offer if at all reasonable MR. MANSFIELD. KE- 0280 AMOS GRANT CO. AT. 8380 • •• 2520-22-24 PATRICK Solid BRICK Triplex, structurally sound but needs decorating and a few minor repairs As 3 units this can show an income of $65 month ly; good possibilities for convert ing into 6 small apartments. Of fered at $3150 CASH, but want your offer- Owner will consider cash only, MR. MANSFIELD, KE. 0280 AMOS GRANT CO. AT. 8380 Nice Private Room—JA. 3143. Advisor and Healer 2213 N. 25th Street. Neatly Furnished Room AT. 3810. 3 Room Apt. JA. 4558. Furnished Kitchenette or Room 2022 North 22nd Street. 3~Room Apt. Furnished, Utilities Paid—$4.50 week. JA. 0986. For Rent, 3 Room ^(pt. AT. 0745 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2012 HARDWARE— DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We de glazing and make window shades to order 1822 N. 24th St. WE. 1G07 LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St. At Willis Avenue •nwiiiffnrmmTiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiimuuui'miuimmiiiiiiiiirimiimnimniimiiiiiiniw I THOMAS I I FUNERAL I I HOME f I i 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 sentiPnnmttifDi'ii irnii mi nrnmmmiiiiiiHi iiuwummii MHinanmnninaMni GROSS JEWELRY AND LOAN COMPANY formerly at 24th and Erskine St. New location 514 N. 16th St. Phone Jackson 4635 llll!llllllll!llllll!ll!!!!l!lllll!!!lllllilllll!III1l!lllll!IIl'!llllll{||||||lilll4llllllllllllllllllllllU!ll!' USED- CLOHING Dresses — Shoes All Clothing for entire family READY TO WEAR VERY LOWEST PRICES Write for Free Catalogue Special Gift Offer Discounts. Bargain Mail Order House 202 Henry St—Dept H New York City, N. Y. BELL SYSTEM READY TO DO AND IS NOW TODAY DOING ITS PART ON ALL FRONTS IN DEFENSE PROGRAM SAYS W. S. GIFFORD Talk Given on “The Telephone Hour” Radio Program, Monday Evening, Nov. 10, 1941, by W. S. Gifford, Pres., American Telephone and Telegraph Co. When I last spoke to you, just about a year ago, I told you that the Bell System was ready to do its part on all fronts in the nations defense program. Now, after twelve months, I want to tell you how the job lias been going. First of all, it is a big job....the biggest we have ever been called upon to perform, and it has been tackled with the determination to do the impossible rather than trying to show why the possible can’t be done. Everywhere people have been reaching for the telephone to speed the defense job. This has meant a tremendous increase in its use, and we now have to handle many millions more telephone calls a day than we did a year ago. Army camps and naval bases, shipyards airplane factories and munition plants have had to have new or greatly expanded telephone fac il ties.... most of them with the word “rush” written all over them, and many of them in areas that ! a year ago were corn fields or sand dunes. Yes, it is a big job, because we must maintain all telephone ser vice at a high level if calls vital to national defense are to go thru quickly. Let me illustrate: Just the other day we received a letter from a man in Buffalo. In it lie thanked us because a long dis tance call he made to San Fran cisco had been completed in a mo ment or so. He said that in this case we had done an unusual ser vice because the call was of a very great importance to the defense program. Well, natunally, tele phone people like to get such thanks. But the fact of th^hnat ter is that no special considerat ion was given to that particular call, for we don’t know which call, of those pouring in upon us, is the important one to the national de fense. To be sure of serving de fense needs ,all calls should go ! through swiftly and efficiently. I hope you will agree that wc have so far successfully met the demand for telephone service, great as it has been. Neverthe less, because of cnnditions beyond onr control such as the shortage of copper and other essential mat erials, it may be as time goes on, that we cannot continue to meet the demands with the same suc cess. However, I pledge you that \ we shall continue to do our very best. The telephone and the radio are essential in very special ways in military operations. Fast moving tanks and airplanes, for instance, keep in touch with their comm ands by radiotelephone. The fir raid warning service relies f n. what are called “radio-sentriis” and on civilian observors who tel ephone their observations of • • emy aircraft to the proper de fense center. These and many other military needs mean new | VAN AVERY | —Sporting Goods Co.— jf<—————— | TOYS - SPORTING | GOODS • •• M Colored Trade Appreciated 1512 HARNEY ST. Omaha 'iiriiiiimiiniinmiiin'iuiinimiiimniHmiiiiimmniiiiiTrarmiiiniiiic^imu. .immiii:iin . —-I Dark Laughter .... by ol harrington Madam would you tell us if a very dear friend of ours—a fellow named Bootsie lives here” * ? communication devices. We have about a hundred diff erent military research jobs under way and a large proportion of the 2.000 scientists and engineers on our Bell Telephone Laboratories staff are devoting their full time to this work. Our manufacturing branch, the Western Electric Company, is sup plying great quantities of tele phone and radio equipment for the army and navy. Among the many things that are being pro duced are tens of thousands of radiotelephone set® for training and combat planes. Also, there are special field telephones, switch boards and wire for the army, arid complete communicating systems for new battleships and for air craft carriers. There are many other new devices, such as, for in stance, a new microphone for the pilots of fighting planes which fits around the pilot’s throat, so that the sound of his voice can be heard clearly, without-interference from noise. All of this inventing designing and making of military equipment is an important part of our defese responsiblity and is in addition to our regular but great ly increased telephone task. In conclusion, I want to express my sincere appreciation to the 380.000 men and women of the Bell System for a big job being done in the best Bell System tia dition. The credit for this big job first goes to them. Then it goes back further to the system of private initiative and free en terprise which made it posible for them to develop their skills their abilities. And then, finai'y, the credit goes back to the very system all of us now are working to defend.... our own American democracy. CHURCHILL ASKED TO REPLY TO NAACP. CHARGES New York—The NAACP cabled England’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Friday, November 14, asking him for a reply to the As sociation’s letter sent by Clipper, September 26. The letter named instances where Negroes had bee>. discriminated against by British agencies operating in this country. .nrt'iMiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiuimmimiiiuim.iimi|>iiiiiiiin!mii'iMiiin^ -mmam r KABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street % - Always a place to park— _1 '. ■j!lil!’»!'ll!lliiillllUi Is Your Laxative a Popular One? In laxatives, as in people, it takes ‘‘something extra” to get to the top and stay there. BLACK-DRAUGHT has been one of the popular laxatives with four generations of Americana. That’s one reason you ought to try this all-vegetable medicine next. You’ll discover an all-around good laxative. Spicy, aromatic, easy-to-take. Punctual and thor ough, yet usually gentle in its ac tion when simple directions are followed. The main reason for all this is a “tonic-laxative” ingredient in | BLACK-DRAUGHT that helps to tone lazy intestinal muscles. Note:—You* Question XTnx Be Answeeed "Fees’* m Tm Column. For • "Private Reply" . . . Send only 2Jc foe my new Asteoloct Beaosno It Lucs* Dat Chaet and receive by return mail a confidential letter of free Advice Maly ing three ()) Questions privately. Sign yonr full asae, address, and birthdaee On all letters, and please include a self-addressed, itemped envelope for your reply. Send all letters to ABBE’ WALLACE, P. 0. Box, 11, Atlanta, Georgia MY NEW 1942 ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE READY. Mrs. 28—I have been reading your column for a long time and enjoy it as you help people. Now I have a problem. My husband and I have been married for two years. The first year we were lovely as we loved each other so much but now things have chang ed. He is so jealous if I go across the street and he is staying out too. Tell me what to do Ans: Both you and your hus band need a good old fashioned ^SPANKING_it is very unfort unate that you two people could not see far enough ahead to be have yourselves and live true to one another. Your husband isn’t doing anything that you aren’t.. both of you are to blame. Now stop this running around cheating and live true to one another and you can get along and be happy a gain. A. E. L.—I started to write you before but I was ashamed. I know that I did my wife wrong so please help me and tell me what) to do to get her back again. I love my wife but some people aie talking. Write me and I will do anything that you say. Ans: Go to your wife and ask forgiveness. Be sure that you have money in your pocket to dress her up for that will go a long way toward winning her back after the break she has re cently. Your wife is no(fool.... if you try any of your monkey business with her again, she will throw you down and she will nev er change her mind. Live up to your marriage code. M. J.—What is wrong with my feet and my head pains me some thing terrible. I want to send for my reading when it gets ready ? Ans: You must go to a reliable doctor there in your city for treat ment. .he can diagnose your case and help you. Yes, the new 1942 Astroology Readings are ready now. The prices is 25c. Send for yours anytime. B. C. T.—I have married *he third time. My second husband still pulls after me and I can’t help myself loving him. I love, him so hard. This man I am mar ried to is real nice to me in every way. But everytime I see my second husband he will buy me cold drinks and be nice. Does he love me or just playing? Ans: Don’t you think if your second husband loved you.... he would try to show it other than buying cold drinks and talking to you when he sees you out ? He is terribly infatuated with the wom an he is with right now and only treats you nice because you did mean something to him once. My honest suggestion is that you be nice to this third husband as hr loves you, is sincere in every re spect and will make you a good mate. Stop going out just to meet this second husband. L. S.—Please let me know if you think I should take the job that has been offered me about 200 miles away? Ans: Take it. At the present time you are badly in need of a change, especially what happened the first of October. The new job will make it possible for you to meet new high type friends and that is exactly what you need. N. B. R.—I was with a man 12 years and we have two children. We separate because he likes the night life and I don’t. He is beg ging me back right now since he found out a nice, high type man with plenty of money is going with me. The new man wants to marry me too. Tell me what to do and which one to marry. The first man says he will marry me now. NEW PREMIER OF JAPAN Tokyo, Japan,—Pixpage Photo shows General Eiki Tojo ,who frieads th|| n^w cabinet. Tojo’s cabinet will consist of men who are familiar with Russian and Manchukuoan affairs, with partic ular emphasis on the United Stat es and Great Britain. What Does Your Handwriting Show? ~', Handwriting Analysis Lesson V* j* JLAS OLs T .. ^yj \v r i j -- ^—~ By Dee Hammer Angular writing is the sub ject for niy opening lesson in graphology, the first in a ser ies of a complete course. These lessons will prove in valuable to those who study and keep them. They will pro vide a key not only to ones’ own character but also the characters of friends and ac quaintances. Readers should clip each lesson, and refer to them from time to time. The most important point to note in reading handwriting is the slant of the letters. One of the most common forms of writing is that of the angular type. This includes every hand which shows angles in the for mation of the various letters, especially the *M’ and ‘N\ Angular writing denotes a person who is primarily active. He or she is mentally alert, grasping the slightest details from a conversation. This per son is of a nervous, quick and energ"*sc disposition and is physically restless. Those who write with an angular hand are natural born workers. They arc not stopped by handicaps—ob stacles serve to make them more eager than ever to reach their goal. Other characteristics of toe angular hand are—an enthus iastic disposition, practical tastes, and an emphatic, posi tive. aggressive, self-reliant na ture. The angular writer is prone to praise those who are worthy of praise. In conclusion it may be said that angular writing indicates a person to whom it is not necessary to give suggestions— one who will go his or her own way. working faithfully and in the majority of cases success fully. “No greater comfort on earth" —see yourself as others see you— your Assets, Handicaps, Person ality and Emotions. This paper has made arrangements with DEE HAMMER to send at your reuuest. a special prepared chart that will enable you to read your own character as well as that of others. All you need do is send a SELF ADDRESSED. STAMPED ENVELOPE AND 10 CENTS (in COIN—or STAMPS) FOR EACH CHART ORDERED. MAIL YOI'R REQUESTS TODAY' TO DEE HAMMER, c/o PIXPAGE. :SG0 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Ans: There are advantages and disadvantages regarding both men. The first man is the fatiier of your children, but you two have separated and lived badly for the whole 12 years. The new man loves you is honest in wanting to marry you. Now you are going" to have to choose the one that you love the best....but be sure you marry.... do not try any more of these partnerships ventures for they nearly all lead to sorrow. ppppmtii TT?V HARRIS’ GROCERY WE SPECIALIZE IN MEATS 1 VEGETABLES, HARDING’S ICE CREAM —OPEN SUNDAYS— 6 A. M. TO 10:30 P. M. 5302 SO. 30th ST. MA-0741 HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago iMiNffipmHpmHppppp Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH AND CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th S\ CARL CRIVERA OMAHA OUTFITTING Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting They carry Furniture, Washing Machines, Radios, Travelling Bags, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St. Phone AT. 5652 wwywwwywwwMw 1 IPs? ifEt READ The GUIDE I A Prominent Business * l Woman Praises Mme.C.J. £ Walker’s Preparations k ** “I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation.” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late » Madam C. J. Walker to reach t certain definite conditions of the I hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. p • Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building. Indian apolis, Indiana. „ li-. ,* Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Jufct Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. we. 1929 > 38-52 Years V Suffer Distress At This Time! If this period in a woman’s life makes you cranky, restless, nervous, irritable, tired, blue at times, suffer weakness, dizzi ness, hot flashes, distress of “irregularities”— Start at once—try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. It’s one medicine you can buy today made especially for women—it helps relieve distress due to this functional disturbance. Lydia Pinkham’s *Compound has helped hun- * dreds of thousands of women to go smiling thru trying “mid dle age.” 9 ,regularly_Lydia Finkham s Compound helps build up resistance to such an noying symptoms that may be tray your age faster than any thing. Also very effective for younger women to relieve monthly cramps. Follow label * directions. WORTH TRYING!