I GOOD I READING The OMAHA GUIDE 5c at your Drugstore 1100 Citizens Hear Speaker A. P. Randolph ———IIIIIIUIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIII1IIIIIII|| 1 llll THANKS GIVING DAY ’41 by RUTH TAYLOR “Can we give thanks? Can we In all honesty celebrate Thanks giving this year—when famine stalks a war torn Europe, when violence and threats of war are at our very door step, when even the elements themselves seem to con spir to the feeling of desolation?’’! So speak the gloomy souls. They know as all of us know that Thanksgiving Day is the day set apart for the annual festival of thanksgiving for the year’s bless ings but they do not see the blessings. Last year at Thanksgiivng time they were sure we would be at war in a few weeks they set the date so many dates that never happened. They were sure England would fall, that they would never withstand raids and deprivations. They were sure the Russian-German coalition would be too strong for the world. The one thing they were confident of was disaster. Let’s see what has happened. The low countries have fallen. France lies helpless. The Scandan avian countries have been .over run. Greece was devastated but In a battle of Thermopolae that as far surpassed the ancient heroism as this war has surpassed the wars of the ancients. But—the coalit ion is broken; the conquered coun tries are seething with revolt, even aqainst the greatest odds: England still stands firm, united and courageous. With us. .we have still not declared war, but within the country is arising, des pite an avalanche of Nazi Inspired propanganda, a sense of cooper ation, a national unity which is our best safeguard of defense. Slowly but surely we are struggl ing to a sense of responsibility, of idealism, of high morale. Spirit ually we are becoming armed for any crisis the coming year may bring forth. Thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude for devine mercies. Not only can we give thanks this November—but we must. We, who still have peace, whose shores war has not penetrated, who still can enjoy the blessings of free dom ,have a solemn duty to re joice and give thanks unto the Lord for his many favors bestow ed upon us as individuals and as a nation. In the spirit of thanks giving for the devine favor of the past year, and with a deep and a-1 biding trust in His mercies in thej future we must celebrate this day of Thanksgiving, 1941 as a UNI TED people in a UNITED States. MRS. BETHUNE ADDRESSES D. A. R. New York, N. Y. (NNS) Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, president of the National Council of Negro Women said in an address to re gents of the Daughters of the A merican Revolution at the Wal-1 dorf-Astoria hotel that in Spite of discrimination against Negroes in the U. S. they feel that the fight against Fascism is their fight too. ‘We’re not blind to the fact that the doors of democratic opportun ity are not opened very wide for us,” Mrs. Bethune said, but she added that Negroes realized that under Hitler their persecution would be far greater. The DAR. is the organization that refused to allow Marian An derson or Paul Robeson to sing at Constitution Hall in Washiig ton and from which Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and others resigned in protest. MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSE VELT NAMED HONORARY CHAIRWOMAN OF ALL STARS VS. YANKEE GAME New York, Nov. 19 (ANP) — Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt has consented to become honorary chairwoman of the committee in charge of the charity football game to be played at the Polo grounds Sunday, Nov. 30, between the Colored All Stars and the New York Yankees. Active head of the charity or ganization is Commissioner Sam "uSa^Vm^Tphon”ffe«&?"■ Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, Nwember 22,1941 OUR 14th YEAR-No. 36. City Edition, 5c Copy To Pastor In Detroit WILL PREACH FAREWELL SERMON TO MT. MORIAH ON 2ND SUNDAY, IN DEC. REV. F. P. JONES, pastor of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, and Moderator of the New Era Baptist State Association of Ne braska, and one of the Vice Fres dents of the National Baptist Convention who has been called to the Curintliian Baptist CHurch of Detroit, one of the leading church es of the state of Michigan ex tended his resignation to the Mt. Moriah Church Sunday morning. An atmosphere of gloom and sad ness overshadowed the entire church, and expressions of regret were voiced by everyone present. Rev. Jones, will preach his fare well sermon on the Second Sun day in December. He has served as minister of the Mt. Moriah Church for over 10 years, working hard with his hands, mind and spirit. Giving his money at a sacrifice, endeav oring to prove that he was not here for the fishes and loaves. Finding the church heavily in debt the mortgage has been paid. The parspnage was threatened with foreclosure, has been readjusted. 75 percent of the active member ship and those who hold responsi ble places in the church are those who came in during his adminis tration. The church is well organized and operates under the church con trol system. How well he has served, ad lived in the community is left for the public to judge. He came as a Christian gentleman, and gospel preacher and leaves the same way. He has made many friends among all races and class es. The loyal members who have worked with hir.i earnestly, and untiringly, deeply regret the loss of his leadership. Mrs. Jones who has faithfully labored by his side, serving in various capacities in the church and community, will be equally missed. uel J. Batle who was selected by Mayor LaGuardia to take the late Lou Gehrig’s place on the Ne-.v York City Parole Board. The As sociated Football Charities, Inc., which hopes to make this game an annual affair, represents various Negro, Catholic and Jewish char ities. JURY FREES EX-CONVICT OF ROBBERY CHARGE IN FIVE MINUTES Chicago, Nov. 19 (ANP) Delib erating only five minutes, a jury acquitted Harvey Rogers, white, 39 year old ex-convict of a rob bery charge here Wednesday. The trial was held before Judge John A. Sbarbaro in criminal court. The complaining witness, James C. (Big Jim) Martin, testified that Rogers and two other men had kidnapped him, his wife and chauffeur last May 27, and de manded $100,000 ransom. Instead of waiting for the ransom money, they fled with $30 and a $300 ring. Martin is alleged to be king of the west side policy racket. Councilman Powell Begins Harlem Fight FORT BRAGG KILLINGS BY “UNKNOWN SOLDIER’’ SAYS WAR DEPARTMENT Investigators Assert Whites and Negroes Were Shot With Same Gun, and Killer Is Still Hunted Three Months After Crime New York, N. Y.—The killer - f a Negro private and a white ser geant of military police in a row on a bus at Fort Bragg, N. C., the night of August 6, is still un known, it was asserted by Henry L. Stimson, secretary of war, in a letter to the NAACP. this week. All reports at the time of ihc shooting agreed that Sergeant E. L. Hargrave, white military police man, had been killed by Private Ned Turman, colored, who, in turn was killed by Sergeant Ru3sell Owens, another white military po liceman. These accounts were given by the daily papers, the As sociated Press, Negro weekly pa pers, a personal investigator for the NAACP., a reporter for the New York newspaper, P. M. and eye-witnesses. Despite all this, Secretary Stim son stated in his letter to the NA ACP. that an examination of the bullets showed that both Hargrave and Turman were killed by bul lets from Hargrave’s gun. Secretary Stimson asserts that Sergeant Russell Owens was us ing a different type of ammuni ! tion from that used by Hargraves and none of his bullets were found in the bodies of the dead or wound ed men. - I WALTMAN RESIGNATION . SHOWS REPUBLICAN LACK OF VITALITY ( Washigton Bureau ANP— < Washington, Nov. 19 ,(ANPi — . Dying slowly because of an inab- | i’ity to cope with the present day; issues, the Republican party is about to lose its last vestige of vitality, if the reported resignat ion of Franklin Waltman is true. To the lay members of the party, the name of Franklin Waltman means little—but to those who look to the issues of the party and to the cause for which the party fights, the name is the open ses ame to a ringing battle. Mr. Waltman is and has been the best publicity director the Re publican party has ever had. His contemplated resignation comes, according to friends, because there is no issue confronting the party or rather there are no issues on v.hich the party will take a def inite stand in opposition to the ad ministration. Purely political, Mr. Waltman is one of the most astute writers in his field. Taken on when it seem ed that the party needed a man with vision and ability, he was given unlimited powers at the on set. One of his first moves was to rebuild the party, and name Em n ett J. Scott, director of Negro Publicity, a position which Dr. Scott has held for three years. Dissention in the party is be lieved to be wholly responsible for Mr. Waltman’s decision. Saddled with Rep. Martin of Massachus etts as minority leader, who him self is saddled with Wendell Will kie, Democratic convert to the Re publican ranks and last campaigns candidate, leaves Mr. Waltman with a terrible burden. Republican indecision on the question of strikes in defense in dustries is another issue which is causing headaches for the mem bers who want to see the party re gain some of its former glory and prestige. No clear cut stand on the matter of racial issues also follows up, with plenty of amm unition along this line furnished day after day by soldiers in var ious camps, selectees and others interested in promoting the wel fare of Negroes in the country. The Republican party has come to a sad state and just about ver ifies the words of the person who when Willkie was nominated said “There goes the last of the Repub LEARN LATEST IN CARE OF CRIPPLED CHILDREN— Participants in Post graduate course, in care of Infantile Paraly sis victims, held at Tuskegee Insti tute infantile Paralysis Center, re cently. Reading from left to right: Mrs. Blanche Polk; Mrs. Katherine Parker; Miss Lulu B. Boswell, -.. . —i Head Nurse; Miss Mary MacDoni aid, Orthopedic Consultant; Mrs Florie Trice, Brady Hospital, At lanta, Georgia; Mrs. Sallie Adams Miss Warrena Turpin. (ANP) ------- - ^ Louis, ‘Cab’, Jesse Owens On “Freedom’s People” Sues School Board For Equalization Of Salaries ■■■■■■■■■■■MB,, ( INDEPENDENT MERCHANTS ENDORSE STATE CHAIN STORE TAX Over one thousand men and wo men attended a mass meeting of the Omaha Independent Grocers and Meat Dealers held at the Blackstone Hotel, Thursday night. Mrs. R. M. Kiefer, Secretary of the National Retail Grocers Associa tion, addressed the assembly on “Modern Merchandising” and “The Advantages to the American Community of Maintaining and Preserving the Independent Re tailers.” Short talks were made by Louis Kavan, secretary of the associat ion, Richard Jepsen, police com missioner and Ben Perelman, pres ident of the association. A discussion was had concern ing the proposed state chain store tax now being sponsored by tho Federation of Nebraska Retailers. The entire assembly unanimously adopted a program favoring tha enactment in Nebraska of a 3tato chain store tax based on the Lou isiana law. The Louisiana sta tute. in effect since 1935, provid es for a graded tax based on the number of units owned or control cd by a chain system in the entire United States rather than the number of stores in the particular state. Iican party.” If Waltman leaves, there will be a void in the party which will be hard to fill. CARVER ART CENTER OPENS AT TUSKEGEE Tuskegee, Ala., (NNS) Another step in commemoration of Dr. Carver’s monumental work was the dedication this week of the Carver Art Rooms which were opened at the George Washington Carver Museum at Tuskegee In stitute. Several weeks prior to the open ing of the Rooms Dr. Carver was busy classifying and selecting can vasses that had been rolled and packed away for nearly half a century. Not only did the aged artist clean every canvass himself, but he also personally supervised the construction of the frames and he trusted no hands but his own to put the pictures in the frames. Only when it came time for the pictures to be hung did Dr. Car ver call upon his assistant. TWO RECEIVE ONE YEAR SENTENCE FOR UNEMPLOY MENT COMPENSATION FRAUD Chicago, Nov. 19 (ANP) Muni cipal Judge Erwin J. Hasten sen tenced James R. Bell, 33, and Car ter Ashford, 32, to one year each in county jail on charges of de frauding the state of $2,800 thru fake ifnemployment compensation 9 Tampa, Fla., Nov. 18 (ANP) Suit was filed recently in federal district court here by the Hills boro county unit of the Florida Teachers’ association against the Hillsboro county school board for equal salaries. The petition was made by Miss Hilda Turner, tea cher in the public schools here, who is represented by the law firm of fclcGill and McGill, Jacksonville Fla., and Atty. Thurgood Marsh all, NAACP member. Miss Turner has worked in the public school system for 12 years with only a meager increase in salary annually. Her maximum salary was recently reached and she only received $87.68 per month as compared with $148.13 for a white teacher with the same ex perience and training. Miss Tur ner is a graduate of Atlanta Un iversity and has done graduate work at Atlanta and Northwes tern universities, the later at Ev anston, 111. A difference of 41 percent be tween salaries 6t Negro and white teachers for the same type of work requiring the same degree of preparation exists. White teach ers are paid on a graduate scale with substantial increases yearly. Training and experience are both considered in determining the sal ary. Negro teachers are paid more or less arbitrarily with a maximum reached after 10 years’ service and with no serious regard for qualifications. The wage discrimination is prac ticed generally throughout the south in utter disregard for the United States Supreme court rul ing in September, 1939, in the ease of Melvin Austin versus the citv of Norfolk, Va. The court ruling teachers was in favor of Austin. A formal request for salary ad justments was presented by local teachers to the school board, but the request was ignored and suit was immediately filed. Recently a similar case in the Gainesville district brought a ruling frora Judge Long that the case of Me Daniel vs. Escumbia county was in the same category as the case upheld by the U. S. Supreme court. This was the first case of this kind contested in the state. claims. The two men, former claim-takers in the state unemploy ment compensation bureau, plead ed guilty to the charges. Bell had defrauded the state of $800 and Ashford, admitted taking $2.000.. JAMAICAN NATIONALISM GIVEN BOOST Kingston, Jamaica, (NNS) An other step favorable to Jamaican nationalism was taken by the Brit ish Government when in a recent order it gave permission to the is land to have a national flag de signed and flown from the flag pole of King’s House, the official j) New York, N. Y. (NNS) —Joe Louis and Jessie Owens will head line the cast for the third broad cast of the NBC-Red Network’s “Freedom’s People” series, Sun day, November 23. The program will salute the contributions of American Negroes to the world of sports. Bill Stern, NBC director of sports, will interview Owens in NBC’s New York Studios, and Kon Carpenter, NBC West Coast sports caster .will interview Louis from Hollywood’s'Radio City. The pro gram also will feature dramatiz ations of the careers of Owens and Louis. 1 w~**k I Cab Calloway and his orchestra, will highlight the musical portion of the program. They will be picked up from Albany, N. Y. The DePaur chorus, the Golden Gate Quartet, and an NBC Concert Or chestra also will be heard. The series presented once a month by NBC in cooperation with the U. S. Office of Education has won wide acclaim for its pre sentation of achievement by Am erican Negroes in all phases of na tional life. residence of the Governor. The Jamaican ensign will re place the Union Jack. As recent ly as March of this year a new l constitution was proposed for Jamaica by the London Govern ment. This constitution included universal suffrage, enlargement of the council and abolition of the veto power exercised by nine elect ors in financial matters and of fourteen in all matters. Though the new constitution increased the Governor’s vote and compulsory powers, it nevertheless represent ed a progressive step and partial success for the forces struggling for the island’s independence. Looked at in another light these steps of the British Government, might be regarded as measures designed to appease the labor and other social groups in Jamaica. The island is the largest in the British West Indies and is strate getically regarded as the key to the Caribbean. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL AND HOME ECONOMICS WORKERS AMONG NEGROES GOES TO MEMPHIS FOR 1942 Memphis, Nov. 19 (ANP) The National Association of Negro ^CONFERS WITH MAYOR ON "CRIME WAVE” New York, N. Y. (NNS) Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church, elect ed last week to the City Council of New York has started to make good his promises made while a candidate. The first colored member of the City’s Council stated to the press that he intends to “Fight discrim ination in city contracts and fran chises .... in the giving of con tracts to firms that won’t employ Negroes; discrimination in the Po lice Department: in the public schools, in the city colleges and in Harlem itself.” In referring to the so called “crime wave” in Harlem Dr. Pow ell said: “Most of the actual crime you hear about is on the fringe of Harlem. But, if our Police De partment and some of its mem bers in precincts on that fringe are against the Negro, what atti tude can you expect other people to take?” In a conference with Mayor La Guardia the newly elected Coun cilman made the following recom mendations: (1) That colored pa trolmen and detectives be included in the precincts on the fringe of Harlem, where colored and white homes are intermingled; (2) That "exchange” meetings of colored and white youths be held in set tlement houses, libraries, churches and the YMCA in Harlem. Fast on the heels of his elect ion to the Council came the form ation, under his sponsorship of the "People’s Committee” its aim, to bring together the Negroes and Puerto Ricans in the Harlem area and use their organized strength to get jobs for them. The organization, he said, would be “nonpartisan and non political” and has been developed from the “People’s Committee” formed to elect him to the Council. ' l!lllllllll!lllllll!llllllll!llllilll!llllllllllll!lll!llll!l!llll||l!lill|||IIII11l!lll!llllllt!l!lliIi|j Agricultural Workers for its 1942 sessions will meet in Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 4-6. The organization is gaining mo mentum and a paid up member ship of 500 is expected to be pre sent or to be represented by proxy J. W. Mitchell, chairman of the North Carolina State committee and vice president of the assoeiat ation has been formed. J. E. ion, reports that a state organiz Taylor of Oklahoma reports that the extension agents voted to af filiate with the national through their state organization. The of ficers of the association are Miss L. C. Hanna, Tuskegee, corres ponding secretary, A. T. Bushy, Alcorn, Miss., recording secretary J. C. McAdams, Texas, treasurer; J. W. Mitchell, North Carolina, vice president, and M. F. Spauld ing, Langston, Okla., president. The association was organized in 1940 at Tuskegee institute. Tt has as its object to advance the knowledge to promote the general interest of agriculture and home economics by developing stand ards and informing the public of conditions existing and suggest ing remedies. -— i LOUIS-BAER FIGHT PURSE TO NAVY RELIEF New York, N. Y. (NNS) Hav ing completed an exhibition tour of eight army camps heavyweight champion Joe Louis will do an other stint for Uncle Sam when he i meets Buddy Baer in Madison Square Garden on January 9th. The bout will be for the benefit of the New York Auxiliary of the Navy Relief Society. Louis will receive only expenses although his title is at stake. Pro moter Mike Jacobs also is donat ing his services. The Relief Soc iety does not accept proceeds from any promotion where the promot er receives payment of a fee. Or ganized in 1904, Navy Relief pro vides for emergency situations cn countered by officers and enlisted ♦♦ Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters’ Meeting Goes Over In Big Way The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters held their mass meet ing at Zion Baptist Church, Tues day, November 18, 8:00 P. M. with the Honorable Mr. A. Philip Ran dolph, President of the Brother hood of Sleeping Car Porters of New York and the Honorable M. P. Webster, Vice President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por ters, also a member of President Roosevelt’s committee on Fair Employment for Negroes in the defense industries, were principle speakers. Mr. Samuel Towles, President of the local branch of the Brother hood of Sleeping Car Porters, act ed as Master of Ceremonies. Mr. Towles is becoming a master in the capacity as Master of Cerem onies. Several favorable com ments were heard throughout the audience of how he successfully handled the meeting. Mr. Webster, the first speaker, dealt principally with his new po sition as a member of the Presi dent's Fair Employment Commit tee—in the work they are trying to do, to increase the earning cap acity of our group in the defense industries. Mr. Randolph held the audience spellbound for one hour and eight minutes. You could hear a pin fall during the time he was speak ing. After the meeting had ad journed, many of the attendants shook hands with each other con gratulating themselves on deciding to attend the meeting. You could hear them say on leaving the en trance, “It was the greatest mes sage as well as inspiring one, that they had ever had the pleasure of listening to.” Wednesday at 11:00 A. M. the local branch held their Brother hood meeting in the NAACP of fice 2418 Grant St. At 2:00 P. M. Mr. Webster attended the Chair Car meeting at the Urban League. Mr. Randolph and Mr. Webster an Mr. Towles, paid a visit, with many other members, through the plant and offices of the Omaha Guide Publishing Company. Wednesday evening at 8:30 Uio honorable guests were entertain ed at an reception at the Elks beautiful hall. Ail seem to of had an enjoyable evening. Mr. Randolph and Mr. Webster, Mrs. Sims, Mrs. Rome, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. Taylor, were the guest at dinner of Mr. Towles and Mr. Sims at the King Yuen Cafe, where a reporter of the Omaha Guide dropped in on them and if you had been there you would have thought that the reception at the Elks hall had not adjourned for the evening, but just for a few minutes. Mr. Webster stated at the King Yuen Cafe, that New York had nothing on Omaha when it comes to entertaining its guests. Mr. Randolph say he always has a feeling of joy when he is headed for Omaha and that he considers the Omaha branch of the Brother hood of Sleeping Car Porters, one of the finest branches of the en tire organization. Mr. Vernon Booker T. Washing ton who is chef cook on the Union Pacific, had the pleasure of meet ing the distinguished guests at the King Yuen Cafe. Mr. Washing ton was very much impressed with his introduction and Mr. Randolph with his keen interest in the wel fare of the Negro worker asked Mr. Washington many questions about his position with the Union Pacific. Mr. Randolph asked Mr. Washington was it true that the Union Pacific was planning to ex clude Negro chefs in the dining car system. Mr. Washington stated that he didn’t know, but that they have not hired any Ne gro chefs since 1938. Mr. Wash ington stated to the Omaha Guide reporter, that he expected it to be a good idea, in order that his many friends may know who he is . .that he had better say that Mr. Washington, better known as “Sioux Bill”. Thursday at 6:00 p. m. the local branch gave a dinner in honor of their distinguished guests at me Masonic Hall. men and their families. Louis has been classed by his Detroit draft board as 1-A and is subject to call by the army any moment. But ,in view of this charity bout and the fact that the champion will be 28 in May he may be permanently deferred. When Louis fought Baer in Washington last May he was de clared the winner when Baer’s manager refused to allow him to answer the bell for the Sth round claiming he had been fouled. This however, after Baer had been dropped several times by the cham pion.