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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1941)
I -Lxo-j: -\£JL V^ixiG. cy^ta^j^A k Jlw^A*!^' Sizes 11 to 19—27 to 32. Size 15 re* dress and bolero heart applique includ quires 4 yards of 39 inch fabric for ed. JOLLY TWENTY CLUB A few years ago a group of 0 maha’s leading citizens seeing the need of an organization that would stand for the best there was in en t ertainment, organized themselves into an organization that they call ed the Jolly Twenty Club. Since that time they have inau gurated an annual July 4th picnic at which time the Club entertain ed several hundred persons. About three years ago they inaugurated another annual social event the housecoat frolic. Last year the e vent was held at the Music box— 750 guests were entertained. On November 3, they entertained at the same Music Box. Each of the 20 members had 35 guests. Lloyd Hunters orchestra furnish ed the music. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brown 2112 Webster St, announced the engage ment of their neice. Miss Mary E Brown ,to Robert L. Jackson 2716 Parker St. The wedding will take place later in the winter. Rev and Mrs. J, C, Bell of Lin coln were the houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. McCloud 1916 North 26th St-, while here attending the AME conference. Mrs. E R Parksa and Mr- Tom Gordon are visiting in Hutchinson, Kansas. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. Adolph Hicks of 2422 Ersk ine St, wias surprised by his wife, Esther Hicks, with a birthday party. He also was surprised by his two huge birthday cakes. The large white one was trimmed with leaves and the icing was a beauti ful fall brown, which helped to biing out the coior scheme of their beautiful living room apt., which also was decorated in autumn leav es- Mr. Hicks received many beau BERUTy.-RomnncE ,« $ ^ yr^irrpptT^Piff'" ^ .; The Larieuif! Beauty Bureau was established by the { Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public. Beautiful eyes are not only the “windows of the soul'7 in the poetic sense, but they are your most im portant beauty feature. People look first into your eyes and remember them longest Are your eyes as lovely as they can be? Of course, eye make-up ap plied ever so deftly and sparingly, does a lot to bring out the beauty of your eyes, but that’s the last step. First of all, clear eyes come from plenty of sleep, so don’t skimp on the shut-eye if you want pretty eyes during their waking hours. Next, avoid eye strain. If you need glasses, wear them—the old, ugly, horn rimmed spectacles have given way to modern glasses styled to add rather than detract from your good looks. Never read or sew in poor light, for you’ll squint and bring those aging little lines around your eyes. The lighting experts say at least a 100 watt light bulb for read * ing and close work. It is also a good idea to wear sun glasses in bright sunlight, but be sure they are the ground glass variety, for poor sun glasses, which distort the vision, are worse than none at all. Your eyes need cleansing too, and a reliable eyewash belongs in your beauty kit right next the mascara. Powdered boric acid, from the drug store, can be made quickly into an approved eyewash. ” Now for the cosmetic touch. Eye creams are important. They are different in texture from ordinary skin creams, for the texture of the efein around the eyes is different f from the rest of your face. Use eye cream every night, smoothing it well up to the eyebrow line and well un der the lower lashes. As to eye make-up. Use your eye brow pencil lightly, with short, light strokes, avoiding a harsh, heavy line. Choose black or brown ac cording to the tones of your skin and hair. Black for brunettes, brown for lighter coloring. Choose your mascara the same way, and use it to darken the tips of the upper eye lashes, making them appear long and thick. A light hand with this, please! Eye shadow is a nice evening ac cent, when used sparingly. Just a shadow on the eyelid, right next the lashes and faded to nothing above. Choose brown or green eye shadow if you are a brunette or have brown or hazel eyes. Blue or violet shadow are best choices if your eyes are blue, violet or grey. For a heavy eye make-up (and enter here at your own risk, we think it smacks too much of gilding the lily) black eye shadow, mascara, brow pencil. There! The eyes have it There never was a man who could resist a pair of beautiful eyes. They’re keys to his heart for sure. What are your beauty problems? Write: Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Bureau, 3509 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be •Jure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. tiful gifts from his comrades and near friends Mr. Hicks has been in poor health for over a year and this party has cheered him very much. Everybody present enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. He wishes to thank his friends for the most usefi^l presents received The distinguished friends present were his comrades Dr. Peoples, his commander, Mr. Harry Leland, President of the Demo. Club and also Mr. Edward Turner his adjt of the American Legion Post No. 30 BABY BOY A bouncing 7 pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Streeter B. Turner, 2877 Wirt St-, on Octo ber 31, at the Methodist Hospital. Daddy and mama are both very proud of their offspring who has been named Streeter B. Turner Jr. 3 C’s The 3C’s Club met at the home of Mary Anna Williams 2519 Ohio, Saturday, October 25. The club wSll have some exciting pleasures for you for the month of Novem ber. They are also going to have a popcorn ball sale, November 15 Betty Jones, Pres.. Lutcha Nee ly, Secy. HALLOWEEN PARTY Members and friends of Saint Benedicts School had a lovely time Wednesday night at a Halloween party. Every one present had an enjoyable time. TURKEY DINNER Policemen and Firemen’s wives Clubs had a Turkey Dinner Thurs day, October 30th, at the home of Mrs. Lewis. A very lovely dinner was served and a great amount of tickets were sold. RETURN HOME FROM CONVENTION Rev. S. K. Nichols and Mrs, Willie Long have returned home from the Convention which was held at Cincinnati. Ohio. They ic port a wonderful time. While be ing there they had the pleasure of being present at the opening cf the new church, which was built and paid for by Bishop and Ev angelist Ross at the cost of $100, 000, seating 1500 people. While being in Cincinnati, Mrs. Long ,vas the house guest of Bishop and Ev angelist Ross, who really showed her their hospitality. MY SCRAP BOOK by LUTISHA— SOMETIMES If times are hard and you feel blue, I Think of others worrying too— Just because your trials are many Don’t think the rest of us haven’t any, Lfe is made up of smiles and tears Joys and sorrows mixed with fears And though life seems to us one sided, Trouble is pretty w-ell divided, If we could look into every heart We’d find each one had its part. And those who travel fortune’s road— ^ Sometimes have the biggest load. Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun of Pawnee City, are here enroute from Chi cago, 111., .visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Parker 2825 North 24th St. GIRLS ON THE ‘ STREETS..... FURGESON-TURNER NUPTIALS Miss Florentine Turner, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. S.. J. Turner of 2528 Blondo St., and Mr. Dave Furgeson, 2808 Grant St, were married Sunday, November 2nd in holy matrimony. Following the wedding a lovely reception for the newly weds was held, at which time many useful and beautiful gifts were presented to them by their many friends and acquaintances Good fortune to you Mr. and Mrs Furgeson. Private James Lexine of Fort Riley, Kansas is back home on a leave of absence. Miss White of Kansas City, who has been in Omaha for quite some time has returned home to con tinue her course in Beauty Culture. Miss White has been staying with her sister Mrs. Fred Dixon. Mr. Floyd Pettie of Fort Riley Kansas is also home on a leave. Mr. Norman Love of Uncle Sam’s Ninth Calvary regiment, is home on leave. At her home Miss Helen Brad shaw, the lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L . Bradshaw 2720 Creighton Blvd., became the bride Sunday evening of Corporal Nich olson of Fort Riley, Kansas. Mrs. Nicholson wias lovely in a white gown. Mr- Nicholson was attired in his uniform. Many beautiful gifts were received. The young couple Will leave today for June tion City where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs- Sam Greenfield en tertained with a dinner party Oct. 19th in honor of their twenty-first wedding anniversary. Place cards were laid for the following guest. Mrs. Frank Grayer of Leavenwortn sister of Mrs Greenfield, Mr- a'-id Mrs. Owens Watkins, Mrs. Lena Bratcher, Mr- and Mrs, Lillard Sloan, sister and brother in law of Mr. Greenfield, Mrs. Gertrude Kin ney, Robert Greenfield. Mrs. John Anderson and the host and host ess. Mrs. Grayer returned home Sunday evening after spending the week end in Omaha.| Mrs. Marie Woods, has gone to the southland for an indefinite stay. THANKS A MILLION The Omaha Guide and its staff wish to thank each and every per son Who attended the food show, for their fine cooperation in help ing make our food show a big suc cess. "i* 'Jf The Omaha Guide wants to thank the business dealers who participated in our food show, for their cooperation, in donating the things that made our show a suc cess. We also wish to thank those who worked in the food show. HE’S IN THE ARMY NOW! Mr. Booker Washington had planned to leave for Baltimore, Maryland, where he would hear Miss Helen Traubel sing his ar rangement of “Were you there when they Crucified My Lord” — on October 30th. On the day Mr. Washington was leaving, he receiv ed his draft paper. So Mr. Wash ington will not go to the east but to the army. Mr. Clarence McDavis will leave soon for the United States Coast Guards. PRtMtOU § tefctjpes I *"*• \ \ Toasty Under-Coat Protector Pretty, quilted rayon vest filled with Soft warm wool. Double breasted for extra protection—and so smart looking. •til NEIGHBOR! Once again this week, we’ll see what’s the main spill that’s going on these days aroun’ and about the Avenue: in the hash joints: the drug stor es and other hangouts during this time of the year when the weather is very frone and etc. IT WAS MORE AMUSIN’ THAN CONFUSIN’— Why it should snow for the first time on Halloween for a long time. Many were surprised to see those large white snowflakes failin’ down to the good earth. Although some were almost praying that it wtould quit, but mother nature had better plans, and so it snowed a*l night. THE MIDNITE SHOW At the Ritz last Saturday night was tops, yes indeed- Why it was jammed and everyone got their 27c worth and you can bet everything was on. CALLIN’ ALL CARS— CALLIN’ • - ALL CARS - - Brown Skinned cat with dark hair, brown eyes, weight about 175 pounds, very comical in deed, was seen pushing a fine black sedan roaster—answering to the name of Raymond Alexander. “OH! A MILITARY CHEST’’ SEEMS TO SUIT THE LADIES BEST”— Yes my frans!—that well known Cat Jimmy Lazine was spotted a long the stroll- Aitho he was sharped down in a whole Uncle | Sam outfit he’s yet breaking the women’s hearts. This time it was between Velma Murrell and Char lotte Preston. A SQUARE DEALER Blondie is quite upset—his girl friend down yonder in Ala- wrote him a letter, asking him to sand her a time keeper for Xmas. better start savin’ that small change R. L. SLOWLY BUT SURELY— W- M. is gradually winding up his way back to a certain Chick, like a spider making himself a web What’s your story W? Marcus Douglas left for Illinois last week, also left word to tell the many... .that he would be back to his ole’ stompin’ grounds Christ mas! DEFENSE NEEDED Fighting on the streets has be come youth’s ambition today. A group of Nazi Germans attacks the enemy and all of them beats him up. That is exactly what happen ed after the free dance last week. It was the second gang fight sines the other dance- Floyd Wtebb hap pened to be the enemy. Altho war is going on in the European coun tries, and all of you boys have the will to fight, including your draft cards, pleaz don’t fight on the streets or in Dance halls. If you want publicity, the boxing ring is yet open. THREE IS NOT A CROWD At least that’s what George Station thinks. He is having a heck of a time trying to choose between M- J... and C- S- So he paid both their ways to the dancu. The only trouble was, he couldn’t dance with but one at a time. MAN ADVANCED Viewing the situation from i glance it seems that David Hughes is second man to the major. At last he has struck the luck with a race business man for his boss. OMAHA U GOSSIP Well it seems that those qua t ers are not coming in as fast this year as those dimes did last year The crowd all had comfortable seats and the strutters that strut around all night, had no hard time going around the large noisy cir cle. The soldiers occupied half of nv£r on our left v.e spott Blick, looking fine as ever and trying that same line on a Sjtudri i Chprlotte J^amerson wfes in high spirits. She actually fought five boys at once. Little Frampton got the most and worst licks. Mac Franklin was going a round in circles with a grip full of team clothes. Laura F. was sitt ing under the clock with Herman P<wchie Mease was engrossed in army men- Mabe she wanted someone to protect her at the mid night sho! Jimmy Lazine was carrying a red army compact not knowing whether to give it to Charlotte Preston or Velma Mur rell. Johnny Lee was breakm’ some studds heart. Anabelle King was attracting the little Johnson boy’s attention. Emmett Janus Was looking for someone who would bet on a team. Looking down at the players. The two Preston boys were pretty swift, if they keep it up they’ll be great stars someday. The usual play 'i s were playing around looking Mayjbee things will be more livier the coming week, because when everyone buys their cards everyone will be there. Flash your gleamers upon Wen dell Jenkins fine black and white draped hat- It is really the lick; and do the Chicks give him credit for picking such a becomin’ hat. Modelling a pea green turban, we spotted the former Lyndell P.. Her reason for wearing this cute green turban is so confusin’ cause she’s never been accustomed to wearing turbans! It must be love—Edgar Alford 3ent Gloria Monday a pint of ice cream Sunday. Ain’t many Cats that will do a good thing like that ; WEINER SHOP— 24th and LAKE ST. Going north on 24th Street, w i , find ourselves at the American Weiner Shop. Just in time to se a mix-up. A bad black thunder boat with an 111, license drove up 'and two half high Cats entered I this shop. The waiter with the water took their order. Then they decided to stand up by the dead beat machine and lend the mus c their listeners; then--the manager ordered them to sit down! This insulted them and after introduc ing themselves os FBI. men, starr ed after their shooting irons; but on the second thought they spur around the block, and came bad; and spoke their peace. After the scrap was over, the manager or dered everyone out that was thru spending their Uncle Sam. Whatta world!!! Until this time next week “This is your Weak to Week . Girls On the Street”— The All- t ri • i beeing EYES..” WELL CATS here is a little bit of the many things that we focus ed our glad gleamers on as we were pinning you Cats the past week. CLUBS The Sub Debs are having a soec ial feature, so all members please be present. The Sub Deb will meet at the home of Miss Nancy Bryant at 3:00. This club is to be commended of its fine progress. It has had numerous obstacles. Some people did not want it to pro gress... .fortunately it has and we hope it will continue. GROSS EICKES: Many of you Cats attended the matinee dance at the “Y”.... you must admit it did jump. It was on. ESTELLE McCRATY: Seems to be playing the field- • she has so many admirers. We must admit she is pretty. EVA DORRIS: Miss Dorris is quite a problem Is she still carrying the torch for ‘‘Phillips” or has Kenneth Young taken over. HALLOWEEN: Well you pinned the fine dance the other night and some of you were just rocking w*jth stagger soup. Well you witches can re move your masks now it is all ov er. The most outstanding cost ume was Miss Hazel Montgomery _white satin blouse, black satin skirt, boots and cowboy hat. she was looking cute. COLEMAN DAVIS: Whom the boys call a square from Delaware seems to be inter ested in all ages of Chicks. W< wonder about him lightly girls. Don’t get loss Hos? FASHION PARADE: Miss Eva Dorris looked neat it her pink sweater skirt- Miss Na omi Downs came on with her vel vet dress. Mr. David Hughes fel out in a sharp coat-Evelyr Quarrel walked out in a blue sui and red accessories. Miss Maxine Nichols looks glam orous in her fur chubby- Miss. Inez Upcher looked mighty fine in her tweed suit--Miss Rozellr Th„mas looked quite dignified in he1* needle point coat w|ith squirre fur.She used black accessories .. . Miss Bertha Davis wore black and white form fitting dress, with corsage, pearl costume jewelry, black suede shoes, leopard fur coat, hat, muff and purse - .These are all of the outstanding fash ions we pinned lately. CUTEST GIRL OF WEEK: Dorns Fittman PRETTIEST GIRL OF WEEK: Delores Williams. BEST DRESSER Rozella Thomas. BEST LOOKING COATS THAT WERE WORN: Clarice Washington, Rozella Thomas. Bertha Davis. BEST GIRL DANCER. Eva Dorris. FRIENDLIEST GIRL: Florence Jones. MOST DIGNIFIED GIRL (Cool)— Bertha Davis. GLAMOUR GIRL: Shawn Edmondson. BEST LOOKING BOYS: Richard Gaskin, John Booh, Coleman Davis, Harrold Matth ews, David Hughes, Willard Wright. BEST DRESSER: Joseph Wright BEST BOY DANCER: • • Frank Brown. . FRIENDLIEST BOY:. Richard Wright. MOST DIGNIFIED: (Cool) BOY Willard Wright. Blanche Phiefer is just like the bear, she is everywhere, but who is she interested in on Erskine St? TO THE BOY WHO DOUBTS:— • This Cat we are writing about doesn’t believe his girl friend lov es him. she has told him sne does. What should she do to prove her love? We know she loves him very much. JIVE TALK— This week we thought we would refresh your memory in case some of you had forgoten a little of the jive- Now pin this lightly, but politely Cats— JIVE MEANING Iceberg .Cold Woman Out for coin.* . .looking for money Handcuff. engagement rino Ball and Chain .v/ife Polooka .third rater square S. A.Sex appeal Pash . Passion Shafts . legs Welded .Married person Frish . Search Grease . bribe Blow .boast Go whole hog •. stay till party ends Stagger Soup... .whiskey, gin, etc Boiled tonked .drunk Cart wheel .Silver Dollar Trust buster.... Deceitful persrn What’s featuring.what’s up Wing-ding . Hot Cookie .......Best girl Booging . Dancing Drizzle .Going Steady Ugly Boy.Dog face Unpopular Girl .Zombie Wolf.Girl Stealer B. U. Biological Urge. .... Attraction in boy or girl Cuddle Cat .Girl who necks HERE WE STAND— before you with our hearts in our hands, hopin’ that you’ll read it over, hopin’ that you’ll under stand .... So please pin the good stagger soup lightly. Some of you boys are nothing but tank heads. You ain’t no where when you come on like that. It’s pretty frone to be seen with a boy that’s drunk . drink lightly but politely. . . .that way you will keep cool.... see what I mean. We know you boys have gone on up the path already to the bad beer joint to get all tanked. We’ll pin you next week folks, so go lightly on the good old stag ger soup- - keep cool folks, don’t get loss hosses... - come on lightly, but politely. Take it ain’t hard-it’s just S-L-O-W and E-A-S-Y! CYCLOPS AND ASSTS Mrs. Greenfield 1005 North 49th avenue, has been ill for quite some time JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO Coral and Con" O’dai. • MOVING *107 Howard W. W. KoPer. M*r. If You Need COAL Call Us First for Quality and Services LION COAL CO. WE2605 2124 Nicholas St. ft .. NORTH 24th SI. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES - YOU CAN’T TELL THEY \RK REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD "Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. \HE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. AUTHORIZED BOTTLER: PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO., OF Enjoy speedy, economical, air-conditioned travel on these convenient trains. Comfortable chair cars . observation-lounge cars on day trains . . . Pullmans on night tram. Lv. Omaha . .* 9:00 am 4:30 pm 11:55 pm Ar. St. loseph . ,11:28 am 7:30 pm 4:35 am Ar. Kansas City .12:50 pm 9:15 pm 7:00 am ^SILVER STREAK ZEPHYR-Streamlined, dtesel-powered