9 LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS Entered as Second-Class Matter at The Post Office, Omaha, Nebraska, a a j a. i_ 5 Under Act of March 8,1874-Business Phone: we. 1517_Umaha> Nebraska, Saturday, October 18, 1941 OUR 14th YEAR—No. 31 City Edition, 5c Copy ■BWBM8IBillllill1i!!UlllUU}HIllUllllHlltlUllilliirt!liiHlliH!!!!llllllHi!llhIT!l!IIHt!III,IIII!Hl!IIllliniIlHfl!IH!!!ll!!lII!ltI11i!l!!!llilll!!IHinH!IliJi!!!!Hi'!;!!l!:!!! - !:nff??!!!l!!niHllI!IB S Feted by AKA’s ETTA MOTEN The AKA Sorority gave a recep tion last Wednesday evening, at the residence of Walter Irvin, 30thj and Binney St., in honor of Etta Moten, who appeared in concert at Council Bluffs, la. The Alpha and Kappa fraternit ies and their wives were guests. me AME. Church The AME. Church Conference was held in Omaha this week at St. John’s AME. Church. It was one of the most successful in many years. And the local churches of this creed should feel justifiable pride. Here and elsewhere in the coun try this denomination has rendered fine service to the Colored People and the Nation. From its beginning, it has insist ed upon the recognition of the sacred nless of human personality of members of the Colored Race. And for more than a century this CHURCH has functioned and grown; her sons and daughters have won distinction in ev ery field of human service. Through what they have done and given, mil lions of men and wnmen have grown a little better and have moved a little closer to the God who Gave Them. Its greatest work must be done in the years which lie ahead. The pion eers who laid the foundations and built the edifice to its present height, pass on to you who live and love and work for the TOMORROW the CROSS THEY’VE BORNE. The lands in three-fourths of the world are bathed in blood and tears. And millions of men and women in their extremity are asking: Art Thou Dead, 0 God, OR FLOWN AFARE”. Faith is waning and in the place of love and service, stands the twin mon ster of murder and hate. The AME. Church has its great opportunity and responsibility in this day when war IS KING. Our hope is that this institution will make sure that CHRISTIANITY throughout the coming years shall never lack champ ions of its cause. FINE WOMAN FOR STRIKING WHITE BOYS WITH STRAP Memphis, Oct- 14 (ANP) Judge Kinkle of city court here Tuesday levied fines of $102 ogainst a one armed women after she had ad mitted striking four small white WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY (See Page Three) win«mni«MiiiHiiiiiiii unmminiiiHiiiii mu mu iiiimui im j ATTEND THE 1 OMAHA GUIDE’S I FOOD SHOW j October 20th-25th s n boys with a heavy leather strap in front of her home Monday night. The woman, Florence McKee, was fined $51 each on charges of assault and battery and disturbing the peace- She admitted giving the 8-year old boys a “strapping” but insisted she did not hit them, hard. He claim was that she had administered the blows because the boys came back to play in her yord after she had run them away According to the estimony of the boys, they had returned to the yard to look for three pennies they had dropped in front of the woman’s home and she struck them across their backs with a strap and told them to get away. The boys were accompanied to court by their parents. WHITE LAWYER FLAYS NEGRO FED. OFFICIALS FOR INSINCERITY OXLEY LOSES TEMPER: DRAWS CRITICISM Minneapolis, Oct. 14 (by J. W. Pate for ANP)—More than 600 persons witnessed a heated con. troversy whtn they attended a cit izen’s ma»s meetifng Sunday at Phyllis Wheatley Settlement house sponsored b ythe Minnesota Negro Defense Committee- The princip les in the verbal battle were Jon as Schwartz ,white and Lawrence A. Oxley, supervisor of racial re lations unit, U- S. Bureau of Em ployment Security, Washington. Mr. Oxley gave a summary of the work of his department in the fight for Negro jobs in the defense program He referred to the President’s executive order against discrimination and the urgency of Negro trainng ond made an appeal that Negroes not resent the many ^upleasant obstacles that1 may be thrown in their path. Atty. Schwartz, who is a liberal Jew, was invited by the chairman of the meeting to make a few re marks. He criticized the attitude of the Negro government officials and stated that Oxley knew that very little would be done because of the insincerity of those control ling the set-up. Schwartz further disagreed with Oxley in his praise of the Ford motor company’s hir ing of Negroes on a percentage basis according to population. He said, “I believe if five jobs are open and there are five com petent Negroes available, they should have the jobs irrespective of racial population”. He concluded his criticism by stating if those Negro government paid officials were sincere about this discrmuaton break down they would resign from their jobs in two weeks after they were employ ed or force a change of condition. Mr. Oxley apparently became angry as he interrupted Mr. Sch wartz’ and challenged him to a debate, called him a demogogue, and exclaimed, “I know better Jews than you”! The chairman severely criticized Mr- Oxley for his improper man ner of interrupting the speaker and defended the right of Schwartz to state his opinion on the speak er’s views. The citizens were openly divided on the question of who was right in the heated controversy. OPM HIT FOR AFL CONTR’CT Washington, Oct. 14 (APN) — Defending its action in blocking a contract award to a CIO union and awarding it to an AFL union, OPM finds itself on a hot spot with Rep. Smith of Virginia declar ing the aW|ard delay. ‘‘The most brazen, bold and outrageous effort to defraud the United States gov ernment of which I ever heard.” He called for indictments against the AF of L and an unnamed 0 PM official and said that the a greement which had given AF of L the rights to all construction work in the defense program had the efftct of giving that body a monoply on all federal construct ion. This is the same agreement which the ANP pointed out last week prevented Negro building trade workers from participating in the vast defense building pro gram. Carpenters especially are thrown out of work on account of this agreement. In high OPM quarters, however the charge of monopoly was den-* ied, officials pointing out that the qfaabfclization agreement; specific ally permitted award of construc tion contracts to non-AF of L con tractors. Negroes are watching further developments and awoiting the out come. If the CIO, charged with raiding the AF of L building trad es union, wins this fight, there will be a change in building methods which is not acceptable to the an ions, it is believed NAACP ASKS CHURCHILL TO WIPE OUT RACE PREJUDICE IN BRITISH AGENCIES BRITISH EMBASSY GREATLY CONCERNED OVER LETTER New York— Ad- H dressed personally I to Prime Minister I Winston Churchill, a letter setting for- I th five types of dis 1 crimination on the I part of British a- | senses operating m dispatched b^’ plm N° ANSWER American Clipper Sept. 26, by the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People. The letter, written by Walter White, NAACP. executive secret ary, urges that the British and A merican governments make the four freedoms apply to the color line and that the five types of dis crimination and other demarcat ions based on color or race be im mediately wiped out. Publicity on the letter was with held until this week because of the custom of not revealing contents of communications to the head of a government until the communi catins to the head of a government until the communication has had on opportunity to be received and acted upon. Five days after the letter was dispatched, Colonel R. L. Benson, military attache of the British Embassy in Washington, called the NAACP national office by long distance expressing great concern •ver it and particularly over the case of Dr. Walter King, cited as an instance of prejudice. No copy of the letter was sent the Embas sy, but copies were received by the Americon Red Cross and the Brit ish War Relief Society. During the conversation Mr. Benson stated that he would like to “get to the bottom of things a little more’ ’and asked for a copy of the letter. After pointing out the import ance of America’s 13 million Ne gro citizens in the national life and saying that the sucession of discriminatory acts on the part of these British agencies are ‘build ing bitter resentment against Greot Britain among certain ele ments of the population of the Un ited States, “the five known cases where Negroes were discriminated against were listed. ASHE CASE LEADS First was mentioned the refus al of the British Air Commission Washington, D. C. to accept Char les M. Ashe, fully qualfied comm ercial pilot and instructor, as a ferry pilot solely because of his color. Ashe volunteered for the service and after repeated evas ions wos told on September 15 by Captain J. D. Muford of the RAF Ferry Command, British Air Com mission, Washington, that no Ne gro would be accepted for ferrying I bombers. Captain Mugford sent! Ashe a copy of the minimum re quirements for pilots and co-pilots issued by the RAF Ferry Comm and, the ninth of which reads: “All applicants must be of the white I race.” | NEGRO DOCTOR REFUSED Second case of discrimination pointed out to Mt. Churchill was that of Dr. Walter W. King of New York City In reply to urg ent appeals recently made for Am erican doctors to come to England to minister to the wounded there, Dr King volunteered through the [ American Red Cross. He was ii formed by Dr G. D, Williams, Medical Administrative Assistant of the Red Cross, in a letter dated May 23: “It is true that only White cit izens of the United States ore eli gible for the Doctors for Britain project. The American Red Cross did not set the standards which Keep ‘Em Smiling “Keep ’Em Flying” is a nation al defense slogan and one which deserves support. “Keep ’Em* Smiling” might well be a home de fense slogan, one which also des erves support. Because, that’s what the Com munity Chest does on the home front, it keeps them smiling.... those hundreds of children, 'll, needy and aged who need the help the Community Chest gives them. And, that: “Keep ’em Smiling” idea is working and geting sup port. One thousand one hundred and 19 children ‘‘kept smiling” during the first six months of 1941 oe cause a lot of Omaha people con tributed to the Community Chest during the Campaign last year. It’s taking $80,692 or 15.9 percent of the Chest funds, to keep those poor tykes smiling this year Another $65,820 is being spent this year in keeping the sick and crippled smiling and happy. That amount is spent by the Visiting Nurse Association and the Ortho pedic Association of Omaha from Community Chest funds for health services. It is 12.9 per cent of the total Chest funds. Family service and general de pendency required $169,989 of tho Chest funds, or 33.6 per cent, for the care of aged and dependent. Eight private welfare institutions work with the Chest in this field. A total of $144,365 or 28.8 per cent, is being spent for youth ser vices and for character building with aid to such groups as the Boy Scouts, the YWCA and others. A small percentage, 2.8 percent or $13,599, is spent for coordinat ing services such as the Council' of Social Agencies, the Omaha Douglas County Health Council, and the Social Service Exchange. They work to prevent duplication of aid by various private and pub lic welfare agencies. Six percent is all that is spent for campaign and central office, expense and all the rest—94 per- ■ cent goes for charity and charac- | ter work. These figures are all taken from the report of services of the Om aha Community Chest, mailed this week to approximately 60,000 O mahans. are being followed. The American Red Cross is acting upon instruct ions and cannot diviate from them NO NEGRO BLOOD The NAACP letter continues— “Touching appeals have been made to Americans to contribute their blood to bipod banks to be sent to save the lives of men, women and children in Great Britain, who, without such aid, would die from grievous wounds inflicted by Nazi bombs. Instructions have come to the United States from Great Britain, we are informed, that only ‘white’ blood is wanted. Does this mean that English men, women and children wrould prefer dying to living, if the balance in favor of life is non-Aryan blood?” BANNED FROM WORK AT BASES The fourth of the instances of British race prejudice states that reputable newspapers here have reported that the British Govern ment asked the United States Gov ernment to refuse to send any Ne groes, regardless of qualifications to help build naval and air bases in islands of the British West In dies and thot the charge was also ^nade on the floor of Congress. The letter noted the denial of the charges by the United States Government but said that “the plain facts are that visas are den ied by British consulates to highly qualified Amercan Negroes who wsh to work in the British Carib bean Islands. Other means, subtie and otherwise, are used to discour age American Negroes from apply ing for work at these places. ‘‘This is all the more incredible in view of the fact that the Negro population of these islands consti tutes from 90 to 95 percent of the total. Does the British Govern Womens Council To Hold Whitehouse Session Ask Probe of TheA.f. of L. Monopoly On Building Trades VICTIM OF PTOMAINE POISON MISS ROSELLA McGILL, of 2724 Lake Street, is very ill in bed, at her home from ptomaine poison ing, seemingly after eating her lunch with a dish of pineapple in the Tech High lunch room Tues day noon. UltlllIilll!illl1illlllllllllll!llilllllill!ill!!!lllt!!11lllll!l1l!I1ll[!!lll!!llill!tlllin!ttlI!l11l1lll1III1ll{ NEW ARMY BUILDING TO CAUSE TICKLISH SITUATION Washington, Oct. 14 (ANP)— The erection of a huge $35,000, 000 army biuiidng in Arlington, ▼a., will bring about a ticklish sit uation for Negroes, with the se gregated laws effecting the oper ation of the new edifice With some 20,000 persons work ing for the war department, in cluding hundreds of Negroes, get ting to and from the building will force workers to be jim crowed and the same rules will be in op eration in the building, it is fear ed n many circles here Going out of the district to put mp this new building is an entirely hew step in the annals of the de partment. Plans for the building indicate the most modern innovations in cluding a vast lobby similar to the waiting rooms of railroad stations. What to expect in the nature of dressing rooms, toilet facilities and cafeterias is awaited by organizat ions opposed to such segregated policies. They argue that the gov ernment should not establish such precedents but they also w'onder what effect the state laws in Vir ginia will have on the operation of the new building. PIGOTT RETURNS TO ILLIN OIS SQUAD AS CENTER Champagne, 111., Oct. 14 (ANP) Bert Piggott, reserve fullback as a sophomore last year on the Uni versity of Illinois football team, returned to the squad Monday af ter being certified as eligible and will be used as a substitute center, according to Coach Zuppke. He had been ineligible this year prior to last week. ment bar these American Negroes lest the example of qualified Ne groes filling executive and other offcal postons arouse too great ambton to do likewise on the part of underprivileged Negro British, subjects in these islands?” BRITISH PURCHASE COMMISSION MENTIONED The NAACP also said that as far as it is able to learn, everyone of the qualified Negro applicants for employment with the British Purchasing Commission at Wash ington has been turned down. Dur ing the hearings before the Con gressional committee on motion picture propaganda, witnesses tcs tfied that the Purchasing Comm ission also barred Germans, Jews, and South Irish from employment there. Spokesmen for the Cow mision denied religious restrictions 1 but said nothing about color. ( The NAACP. told Churchill, — “You have with unsurpased elo | quence appealed to the peoples of the world to help Great Britain I destroy Hitler and Hitlerism an 1 to keep freedom from being ex • •• New York—The effect on color ed workers of the virtual closed shop agreement granted by the Of fice of Production Managament to the Biulidng Trades Union of the American Federation of Labor, was urgently requested for inclu sion in the investigotion of mon opolistic practices being conducted by Thurman Arnold of the U. S. Department of Justice, by the NA ACP on October 10. The NAACP pointed out the grave importance of the matter to Negro workers because many AFL bjuildipg trade unions completly deny membership to Negroes through constitutional provisions, ritual and other means. In support of its request the As sociation named specific instances of exclusion by AFL unions in St. Louis, in Milan, Tennessee, where the Carpenter’s Local No. 259 of Jackson, Tenn., refused to grant clearance to any Negro worker in spite of the expressed willingness of the company to hire colored la bor; in Chicago, 111., where Plum bers Local No. 130 bars Negro members, and in Joliet, 111., where Local No. 17, Electricians Union refused clearance to Negro elect ricians. Others named were the Interna tional Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Local 89, Mobile, Ala., Brotherhood of Painters, Decorat ors and Paper Hangers, Baltimore, Md., and Carpenters and Joiners of Washington, D. C. The NAACP said that prejudice on the part of AFL labor unions invades the aircraft industry and quoted the ritual of the Internat ional Association of Machinists, contracted by Boeing Aircraft Company, Seattle, Washington, which says: , “I further promise that I will never propose for membership in this Association any other than a competent white candidate”. The same union is in control at the Vultee Aircraft plant in Nash ville, Tenn., and at neither plant are Negroes doing production work Through the same Machinists un ion Negroes have been barred at the Bethlehem Shipyards, San Francisco, California. The NAACP place responsibility for clearing up the situation on the government in view of the Presi dent’s Executive order. tinguished. You have in stirring language denounced the racial the ories on which Hitler has built a sinister philosophy and a diabolic war machine. But these instances reveal that England is no :ess guilty of racial arrogance than is Nazi Germany unles the leaders of the British Government summar ily order the abolition of such dis crimination. ‘‘Such racial demarcation must not only be abandoned during the war, but the same freedom from prejudice must be manifested at the Peace Conference. Unless such theories are abanodned, other and ore destructive wars will tel low as inevitably as the night does the day.” No answer has yet been reced ed. TEACHERS CONTRIBUTE TO NAACP SCHOOL FIGHT New York—A check for $100 from the Middle Tennessee Color ed Teachers" association and an ?n dividual contribution of $10 from Miss Ernestine Hawkins of the Anne Arundel County Teajchers* Association were sent to the Na tional Association for the Advance I ment of Colored People last week to be used in continuing the NAA CP’s fight for equality for Negro es in schools throughout the south. NED MOORE, JUNIOR GRADUATES FROM MOTOR SCHOOL HERE First Class Private Ned Moore, Jr., the son of Mr- and Mrs. Ned Moore, is one of the graduates of the Seventh Corps Area Motor ?; Washington, Oct. 14 (ANP) — A two and a half hour session at the White House on Thursday will ■highlight the 8th annual meeting of the National Council of Negro Women, according to Mrs. McLeod Bethune, president of the organiz ation which meets here this week. In speaking of this particular sessir" -' * * also hear Mrs. P >me 600 w’omen - the best minds of the would be pres ent to make ten minute speeches. Included in the impressive ar ray of nationally known figures are Vivian Carter Mason, ranking Negro in the department of pub lic welfare in New ork City; Car ita V. Roane, head of the Harlem office of the New York State Em ployment service; Sue Bailey Thurman, speaking on cultural ac tivities; Elsie Austin, national president of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority; Dorothy Height* execut ive secretary of the Phyllis Wheat ley YWCA. Also Earl Dickerson of the Fair Employment Practice Committee; Aubrey Williams, dir ector of the NYA. Carol Brice, rising young contralto, will render several selections during the course of the discussion. Talks will be limited to 10 min utes each- Mrs. Bethune will pre side at this affair, which will end with tea being served by Mrs Roosevelt. The invocation on this occasion will be asked by the Rev. Robert Williams of the Ashbury M. E> Church The eighth annual conference will get under way Wednesday evening with the executive session at the headquarters on O street. Then flllowed in rapid succession by the other meetings of the group including the big public meeting on Friday night at which time A. A. Berle, assistant secretary of state, will be the principal speak er. Paul V. McNutt, of the Federal Security agency, will speak Friday afternoon. Friday night’s dinner meeting will hear Walter White of the NA ACP.; Mrs. Frances Payne Bolton, congresswoman from Ohio; and findings of the entire group meet ings, presented by Sarah Palham Speaks, New York attorney. Mrs. Julia West Hamilton is chairman; of this meeting. Prominent women from all parts of the country are expected to take part in the discussions, centering around the defense program. Guests of honor at the dinner aneeting will include Gen. B- O. Davis,. Congressman Arthur Mit chell and several distinguished women whose names had not been submitted at press time. Growing stronger as each year brings the conference to Washing ton, Mrs. Bethune proudly poinis cut that already there are some 600 women registered and paid their fees for the meetings, com pared with 432 last year. While most of the program will be cevoted to women speakers, many noted men will appear. Of particular interest will be the round table discussion which brings before the body the colored beads of the various government al departments, who will answer questions put them by the women. Government officials themselves are looking forward to this import ant conference which brings to gether representatives of more than 20 various Negro organizat ions in a combined effort where, as Mrs. Bethune so aptly phrases it, “The We can help the you and I solve many of the problems con fronting the Negro in America to day” Transport School of the Seventh Corps Area Quartermaster Ml tor School Depot, United States army. Ned Moore, Jr., is the only O maha, Nebraska boy of our group to graduate in the present Octob er school. He will now rejoin the 10th Cavalry at Fort Riley, Kans as, where he will be on special duty as a result of his acquired knowledge of the Motor Servic?, which is more and more becoming mechanized