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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1941)
Graduates Looking Ahead % % % UNIVERSITY 0 MISS ORA LEE BRITT U Miss Ora Lee Britt graduated Q from the University of Omaha last 0 June, where she received her Bach f J elor of Arts Degree and her Tea 'S Q cher’s Certificiate. She has been S Q quite active in the Community and S A Civic tfork. Miss Britt is a mem A her of the YWCA., Zion Baptist f X Church and is Epistoleus of the % y Gamma Beta Chapter of Alpha 1 y Kappa Alpha Sorority. Q UNIVERSITY GRADUATES A NOT PICTURED A Annie Franklin, Bachelor of X Fine Arts Degree, Teacher’s Cer U tificate. Eva Mae Stewart, Busin 1 0 ess Administration, Teacher’s Cer ' Q tificate. ' Q Both young ladies are gradu al ates of Omaha University. y »—■HI— X HIGH school « u 1 A _ _ WILLIAM PEOPLES William Peoples, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Peoples, 3011 Pinkney graduated from North High, this June. 1041. Mr. Peoples complet ed the College Preparatory course at North, and left Thursday, Sep tember 11, to enter Wilberforce University in Ohio. Mr. Peoples will take up an Industrial Arts Course at the University. Mr. Peoples is a member of the St. John AME Church and a former Boy Scout. MISS KATHRYNE LOUISE TAYLOR Miss Kathryne Louise Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Thearis Taylor, graduated from Technical High School last June, 1941, and enter ed Fisk University last week. Miss Taylor was awarded the Scholar ship to Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee at her graduation cere mony, in June. Miss Taylor was an honor student and received several awards while attending High school and was also quite ac tive in the Community and church work. She was a member of the Gross Eiches Girl Reserve Club and a member of Pilgrim Baptist Church. Miss Taylor will take up Teaching at Fisk. LEAVE FOR SCHOOL Arthur Herrington, Jr., left Friday, Septembed 12, to enter as a freshman in the College of Engineering at Kansas Univer sity. Arthur is a graduate of the 1941 Class of Central High. He was also a member of Central High School,s ‘‘Acapella Chiir'’ for the past two pears. Mr. Herrington is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herrington of 3123 Burdette Street. S3®':." t ■■.i&sssm . iwwiwhi imiyimiiih ii'i'iiiiii iIiuiiiihhiimii1 mwii m MISS PORTIA TRUELOVE Miss Portia Truelove, the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. True love, 2864 Lake St., is a gradate of Central High school and enter ed the University of Omaha last week, where she will major in Foreign languages. Miss True live is a former Girl Reserve and a member of the St. Jtfcn AME. Church. KENNETH LOVE Kenneth Love, the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Love, 1420 North 22nd Street, graduated from Cen tral High school, June, 1941. Mr. Love, who has already enrolled at the University of Omaha and is majoring in Sociology would like to enter Atlanta University, At lanta, Georgia. While at Central, Mr. Love was a member of the A Cappella Choir, and Presdent of the Cosmopolitan Club. Mr. Love is a member of the St. Philips Episcopal Church. MISS AUDREY PRESTON Miss Audrey Preston, the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pres ton, 2314 Charles Street, graduat ed from Technical High school this June 1941. Miss Preston completed a Secretarial-College Preparatory course, and entered the University of Omaha last week Miss Prestin is a member of the Entre Nous Club of the Northside Branch Y^CA. and the St. John AME. Church. Her hobbies are music and crotcheting. Last yf>ar Miss Preston belonged to the Gross Eiches Club. WILLIAM BOWDERN William Bowdern, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowdern, 1127 orth 19th street, graduated from Central High school this June, 1941. Mr. Bowdern would like to go to California to enroll in the Aircraft Corporation school Swimming is Mr. Bowdern’s hob by. He is a member of the Muse Drama Guild and the Zion Baptist Church. JAMES MONDAY James Monday, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Monday, graduated from Technical High School in June, 1941. Mr. Monday complet ed a College Preparatory Course. He is a former Boy Scout and a member of the Bethel AME. Church. Mr. Monday would like to attend College in the near fut ure. BETTY RIGGS LOVE Betty Riggs Love, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ce?il ed a Costume Designing Course Mrs. Love was a member of the Gm‘5 Eiches Club of the North side Branch Y W.C.A. and is a member of the St. John A.M.E. church. At present, she is vaca tioning in Denver, Colorado but is looking forward to continuing her Costume Designing in the near future. KENNETH MARONEY Kenneth Maxoney, graduated from Technical High school this June, where he completed a Gen eral Course. Mr. Maroney is looking forward to entering Col lege soon. He is a member of the Junior Elks. Ramblers Ball team of the Pleasant Green Church. He is the son of Mrs. Louise Hender son, 2420 Indiana Street. MISS WALTERINE WRIGHT Miss \\ alterine Wright, gradu ated from Technical High School in June, 1941 where she took up a Costume Designing (’jurat and Stenography. While attending Tech, Miss Wright was a member of the Red Cross and Motor club3 and also the Gross Eichs Girl Re serve Club and other social clubs of the city. She is a member of the Zion Baptist Church and is looking forward to entering college in the near future. MISS LEONA EDWARDS Miss Leona Edwards graduated from Central High School this June, where she was an honor roll student. While attending Central Miss Edwards was a member of the Inter-Club Council, Jr. Presi dent of the Gross Eiches Girl Re serve Club, and Chairman of the Career Conference which Was held last year at the Northside YWCA. She is quite active in Church work and is a member of the Zion Bap tist Church and is also an assist ant of Mrs. Flora Pinkston. Miss Edwards is looking for ward to attending College some time in the near future. MISS VIVIAN TURNER Miss Vivian Turner, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs: Sam Turner, 2528 Blondo Street, graduated from Howard Kennedy Grade school last June, 1941, and enter ed Central High school where she will take up a Stenographic course on September 9, 1941. Miss Turner is a member of the Sem per Fidelis Club of the Northside Branch YWCA, and the St. John AME. Church. MISS JOHNICE HARSTON Miss Johnice Harston graduated from Central High school and is planning on entering the Univers ity of Omaha the Second Semes ter of School. Miss Harston, who won a Scholarship to Bennett Col lege Wias an honor student while attending Central High school and has also been quite active in church and other community act vities. She is the daughter of Mrs. Ida Willis, 2025 Ohio Street. The following are graduates of high schools: Percy Byrd, Tech; James Calhoun, Tech. Elmer Collins, South; Jos eph Custin, North; Joe Crossley, Tech; Ellsworth Devereaux, Cen tral; Bernard Grice, Tech; Grant Green, Tech; John Hamilton, Tech Calvin Hobbs, Tech; Percy Hud son, Tech, Milton Mallory, Tech; Ralph Montgomery, Central; Ed ward Morrow, South; James Mos ley, Tech; Kenneth Myers, Central Gaines Partridge, Tech; Hobart Ray, Central; Willard Sullivan, Tech; Alphonson Wesley, Tech; Maxine Alston, South; Lillie An derson, Tech; Brycie Dorris, Cen tral; Thelma Hicks, Tech. Dorothy Jackson, Central; Mary E. John son, Tech; Viola Littlejohn, Tech; Clara Mae McClinton, Central; Lyndell Partridge, Tech; Lavar Powell, Tech; Claudia Seay, Tech; Mildred Smith, Tech; Doris South ard, Central; Mary Stewart, South Venita Swancey, Tech; Gladys Taylor, Tech; Katherine Taylor, Tech; Nonnice Williams, Tech; Wright Walterine, Tech; Charlene Brown, South. GRADE SCHOOL wwrair i«nmmimiwwuywkyyQIIII[1HtltlltlHHHWI MISS RUBY WASHINGTON Miss Ruby Washington, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wash ington, 2708 Lake Street, graduat ed from Howard Kennedy Grade School last June, 1941 and enter ed Central High School on Sept ember 9, 1941. MISS ELIZABETH DYSON Elizabeth Dyson, graduated from Howard Kennedy Grade school this June and entered Central High school where she will take up a Stenographic Course. Miss Dy son’s hobby is Designing. She is a member of the Pilgrim Baptist Church. MISS DOROTHY WOODS Miss Dorothy Woods, the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Woods grad uated from Howard Kennedy grade school, in June. Miss Woods en tered Central High school Sept ember 9, 1941. While in Howard Kennedy, she was a member of the Blue Triangle Girl Reserve of the Northsde Branch of the YWCA. Miss Woods, who would like to be a nurse will take a College Prepar atory Course at Central. Her hobbes are muse and sports. She is a member of St. John AME. Church. MISS WILLA MAE BATTLES Miss Willa Mae Batles, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Battl es, 2829 Decatur street, graduated from Howard Kennedy Grade School, this June, 1941, and enter ed Central High School this Sept ember. Miss Battles is the Daughter Ruler of the Winnebago Juvenile Elks, Secretary of Red Circle Mis sion Group of Pilgrim Baptist Church, and also the Treasurer of the State Baptist Young People’s Alliance. Her hobbies are bottle collections and music. - r To Prepare Us For Complete Living Is the function which Education has to discharge Omahans Who A re Away To School Kathryne Taylor, Fisk Univer sity, Nashville, Tennessee , Elsie Mallory, Spellman College, At lanta, Georgia, Gaines Partridge, Oakwood College, Huntsville, Al abama, Henry Saunders, Alcorn College, Alcorn, Mississippi, Syl vester Stroud, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, BeTtha Young, Northwestern University, Chica go, Illinois, Celestine Lightner, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, Kenneth Myers, Howard Univer sity, Washington, D. C., Jean Ter rell, General Hospital, Kansas Ci ty, Bernard Grice, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, Gro ver Mtrsrall, Wayne Cillege, De troit, Michigan, William Peoples, Wilberforce University, Wilber force, Ohio, Betty Davie, Howard University, Washington, D. Herman Stevens, Lincoln Univer a/, J efferson CAty, Missoni, iiarrold Biddlex, University if Na ka, Lincoln, Nebraska, Hiram Pittman, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, Arthur Bryant, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, Lois Gordon, Queens College, New York City, New York, Del-. | bert Gordon, University of Wis i consin, Wisconsin, Otila Gordin, i University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, Harvey Bridges, Lin coln University, Jefferson City, I Missouri, Arthur Herrington, Kan sas University, Dorothy Bryant, Western Seminary, Kamsas City, Kansas, Price Terrell, University if Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. MISS NANCY BRYANT Miss Nancy Bryant, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Bryant graduated from Howard Kennedy Grade school this June and enrer ed North High September 9, 1941, to take up a College Preparatory Course. Miss Bryant’s ambition is to be a nurse. She is a mem ber of the Semper Fidelis Club of the Northside Branch YWCA and the Zion Baptist Church. Miss Bryant’s hobbies are sewing and cooking. All the following are graduates of Howard Kennedy Grade School: Ada Goodwin, Betty Macey, Oval ine Grice, Lena Adams, Mary Da vis, Dorothy Lawson, Mattie Sta tion, orma Jackson, Robert Free man, Dorothy Watson, Edman King, Bessie King, Albert Elling ton, James Johnson, Sam Vealand, Ronald Williams, Doris Manle, Henry Cole, Frank Brown, Mattie Swan, Vivian Phillips, Goldie Gor don, Anthony Hill, Dorothy Smith, Homer Norris, Cecil Mills, Vartiell Hill, Christine Brooks, Darlene Morris, Xdoxie Goodwin, Odessa Goodwin, Clarence Phelps, Nath aniel Mills, Charles McCants, Rus sell Smith, Lawrence Riley. YOUNG PEOPLE WHO ARE ATTENDING OMAHA UNIVERSITY Bernice Grice, Senior, Rowena Jones, Senior, Monroe Coleman, Senior, Emily Portia Ritchie, Wil da Chue, Junior, Clifford Tim many, Sophomore, Melba Faucett, Junior, Velma Thomas, Junior, Kenneth Love, Freshman, Booker T. Washington, Freshman, Au drey Preston, Freshman, Mildred Greene, Sophomore, and Bessie Williams, Junior. OBJECTS OF THE PARENT, TEACHER ASSOCIATON TO promote the welfare of the ehldren and youth in home, school church and community. TO raise te standards of home life. TO secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth. TO bring into closer relation, the home and the school that tre parents and teachers may cooper ate in the training of the child. TO develope between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantage in physical, mental, social, and spir itual education. (from the By-LawS, National Congress of Parents and Teachers’