B - - - - - - -- ■ I LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OP CHICAGO AND NORTE OF KANSAS CTFT — MEMBER OF TRE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRfflS Under Act of March 8? ml—Basing Phone/WE. Nebraska, Qmaha Nebraska, Saturday, September 27,1941 OUR 14th YEAR, No. 28 City Edition, 5c Copy Enters K. C. hlurse 7 raining School MISS JEAN TERRELL Miss jean lerrell, the charming daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Price Terrell, recently left to enter the General Hospital Training School for Nurses in Kansas City, Miss ouri. Miss Terrell graduated from Central High school last January, miiiitimmiiinmimiiJiimuiiuiniMimimmii.iMiiiimiiimiimmiiiiiiiiimHiiimiiiiiii.imii 1941 where she completed a col- | lege Preparatory Course. She is a member of the Young People’s Fellowship Altar Guild and the St. Philip Episcopal Church. Miss Terrell’s sister, Ethel, is a grad uate of the same Nursing school. OTMiMuimmiimm imm urn imuimiiM min mu ... iii iiii nm tint mil ill lllHIIIIIIIMMi III Illli' lllcmoriam _ As a small contribution to a great cause, we dedicate our en tire columns to the greatest sports man and the grandest little scrap per of our time—To VERNON BROWN, who paid the supreme price for his love of the greatest American sport of today. We feel that it is no more than right that we offer this small commemorat ion for such a great little guy, and (hope that it will be looked upon by our readers as a modest at tempt to express our undying sym pathy and devotion to this grand little sportsman. We realize that all we could say or write, would be but a small part of the debt owed by the youth of today for his cour age and spirit—shown in his fight against modem medical knowledge even against mother nature her self, to live for almost a year af ter he had been given but a few (hours of further existence. In closing we wish to quote a small portion of Shakespeare: “All the world is a stage, and all the men and wtomen are merely players. They have their entrance and their exits —” This is VERNON BROWN’S exit. May he live in the minds of the youth of today, as a shining example of courage, faith ana devotion. URBAN LEAGUE OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER Mb The Board of Directors of the U’lan league Cotmiurity Cen'er heard pre;’,nir,a*\ plans fir i <« "rcn Houi\ progra?n pre«*-rtod by t « Executi e See*etary. Raymond R. Brown at their regular month ly meeting. Tuesday, September 16*h. breakers h iv° not been chosen but o * n« are being made to cen ter the top-’-? discussed around the ir.' luence of ief-r se activities on home Rfe. F’xhibits 't the girls and boys r»n.p craft d'H-at.ped at Camp Hiiriet Hording recently, of U.e a. ult edurt /on and WPA recrea Von depftt^mem, w.rk of Frank Trtis and Paul C'v-cn, and other deal artists will be on display in the n'etwJy decorated rooms of •ho Urban League. The Paul Briggs Ensemble has been reques-'d ts furntap music for the prognm. A member of the odganization will present the philosophy of the Urban League movement. This will be the first opportun ity that all contributirs to the Ur ban League’s recent financial drive have had to be invited as members to an Urban League pro gram. This meeting, however, is open to the public as wel las mem bers. URGE AID TO KEEP NEGROES ON FARMS Savannah, Ga., Sept. 26-CANP) President Benjamin F. Hubert, Georgia State college, issued an urgent plea here Tuesday for na tional, state and local aid to keep Negroes on the farm. His appeal was directed to agricultural lead ers, with a suggestion that a study of individual family needs be made as a forerunner for set miiimuiiiiiiiiuumimuuiliHliUillUllililHiiliilUIIIUmilliUIlillilliimilMlililllllUlllUlliliUUia ANNUAL SESSION OF AME. CHURCH TO BE HELD OCT. 14-19 Incl. WELCOME TO THE GATEWAY CITY OP THE WEST The 21st annual session of the Nebraska Conference of the Afri can Methodist Euiscoual Church is to be held at rSt. John’s A.M.E. Church, Oct. 14—19—1941. The Rite Rev. Noa W. Williams D. D. Ldd. Presiding Bishop. We are planning one if the best annual conference ever held in Omaha, spiritually and financial ly The opening session will be Wednesday, October 15, 1941 at [ 9:4F A. M.. We are expecting I somp very extinguished guest namely: Professor A. F. Jackson, financial sect, of the AME churcr, of Washington, D. C., Rev and Mrs. F. D. L. McDonald presiding elder of Kansas City and the Lex ington District, Rev. and Mrs. L. F. Bryant of Shorter Chapter, Denver, Colorado, Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Williams of Kansas City, Mo., Rev, and Mrs. I. S. Wilsin of Los Angeles, Calif., Rev. J. H. Clayborn, Pres, of Shorter (College in Little Rock, Ark., Rev. and Mrs. U. S. Robinson of Cary Temple in Chicago, 111., Rev. Miore of Den ver, Colorado, Dr. Adams, D. D. Pastor, Witchata, Kansas and a number of other connectional men and women . Rev. T. A. Sears, members and friends of St. John extend to all a cordial welcome to our city, j homes, and churches. ting up a program which willj keep the Negro farmer on his ‘ i farm. In many instances, Dr. Hubert said, drought followed by exces sive rainfalls bring about the small yield of food and feed crops | in Georgia this year, especially on small farms. Many farms make less than 500 pounds of lint cotton and where farms are worked by tenants or sharecroppers, it will require much more than that a mount to satisfy the landlord for his interest in the year’s farm pro gram. ' Hubert asserted that recently a group seeking to better the con dition had been advised by federal officials that they could not grow tobacco or peanuts on their farms. This presented a serious question to many Negro farm families who struggle for years trying to hold small plots of land. the older people,” Dr. Hubert ‘‘Peas and potatoes may satisfy said, “but the children want cash. They will leave and go elsewhere seeking this ready cash if they cannot find it on the farm.” - --. ALLEGE MAN ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS HIS WIFE Mrs. Beatrice Jaskson, 2908 No. 26th St., was accidentally shot in the shoulder, Wednesday night by her husband, John Jackson, 45. Mr. Jackson claimed that he had taken the gun out of the dresser drawer and was cleaning it when the gun accidentally went off, shooting his wife in the shoulder. Mrs. Jackson is in Nicholas Seen hospital and her condition is reported as good. APofL, Unions Blamed For Blocking Negroes In National Defense Work by ALVIN E. WHITE WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 (ANP Negro employment in defense in dustries is being blocked and halt ed by reactionary unions affiliat ed with the American Federation of Labor, which control the work vital in many defense plants, ar.d nc amount of “paper records” will offset the actual records of these unions concerning Negro labor. The Fair Employment Practic es committee recognizes this fact, it is believed, and will set about seeking some remedy if the unions themselves do not clean house. The chief offender along this line is the American Federation of Labor which with its numerous unions national in scope, refusing by one device or another admis sion of Negroes into the organiz aton, scoff at the President’s exe cutive order to industry and lit erally thumb their noses at the FEP. Although the AFL has from time to time gone on record in op en convention as being “opposed'’ to the discrimination practiced a gainst Negroes, nothing has been done to remedy a situation which is known to exist in tre national unions. As far back as 1934, it is re ported, A. Philip Randolph fought on the floor of the convention to have this black mark eradicated. Te convention as a whole voted to “look into the matter” and auth orized the president, William L. Green, to appoint a committee to see what could be done. The chief sought out members of top ranking unions, the mine workers, which was his own union; the barbers, the hod carriers and two other goups and osked them, to name a member to the commit tee of five to conduct the investig ation. John Brophy, now representing Phillip Murray of the CIO on the FEP, was one of those appointed and also naed secretary to the group. Hearings, public, were ordered held in Washington in the exe cutive chambers of the AFL. These ran two days with a num ber of local persons appearing to testify before the group. Each told a story condemning the atti tude of the AFL. And as each story was told, the picture wns clearer and clearer that the AFL was even then on the spot. The committee then, at the end of the two days, sought to con tinue its work by having hear ings in other key cities, New tY/ork, Chicago, St. Louis, and other spots throughout the con try. Instead of moving in to do this, the group decided to put the matted up to Mr. Green, who was fully cognzant of what was being shown in the hearings. Green vetoed the suggestion de claring it would cost too much and recommended that the com mittee make its report to a spe cial executive committ --p. instead of the convention W’hicn author-' ized the group. Ehiring the headings, the committee asked the witnesses fore specific acts and suggested remedies. Each person felt that an educational program carried on by the AFL would do much to eradicate the feeling against Negroes. And naational unions in the AFL have autonomy, which in common words is the same thing as states, rights so often heard discussed in connection wiah le gislation concerning Negroes. And on this is based the right of the unions to bar Negroes, but when the convention met the V ‘sSuunaq ,8uiavo[{oj: jbojS Phiijip Rand£lp(h again insisted that the recommendations of Ae special commiatee be adopted. A bitter battle ensued, but the re commendations were shelved. Brophy, in discussing the pol icies of the CIO, pointed out the . constitution of his organization (Continued on pagefc^'2) t --- ' .. . ' - ' ---- ■ ■■ ^1——■—— “People Must Wake bp To Trend ot Government” Says Chairman Joseph Martin 1 THIS EDITION | DEDICATED TO ! OUR I GRADUATES (PICTURES ON PAGE 8) BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS FOR GET ME NOT DAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Saturday, September 27, will \s For-Get-Me*Not Day in Omaha. That day marks the date of the 23rd anniversary of the Battle of the Argonne and is observed na tionally by hundreds of Chapters of Disabled Veterans from coast to coast. Blue For-Get-Me Nots will be sold on downtown Omaha streets! and in residential districts, office buildings and stores of the city cn Saturday by a group of Omaha mothers of dependent cdilrren and YA. girls who will be given a part of the proceeds of the sale, pro portionate to the number of flow ers sold by each one. The proceeds of the flower sale will be used to supply emergency relief for needy Disabled Veterans and their families, lor trie families of deceased Veterans and to con duct an effective iiason service for the prosecution of claims of worthy Veterans for compensation for disabilities suffered as a result of wartime services. Contrary to popular belief, the average compensation received by those Veterans who are fortunate enough to receive consideration, is approximately $30 per month, ac cording to arry B. Saunders, Com mander of the Oma’ia Chapter of| the DAV. ‘ The compensation rec eived by our disabled buddies in most cases pitifully inadequate to meet the needs of the veterans and their families,” Saunders stated. “Disabilities grow worse with age and it is impossible for many vet erans to hold down a job of any kind. We are faced with a contin ual battle with authorities to ob tain just treatment for our less fortunate disabled buddies, and we sincerely hope that the people of Omaha will be generous in their support of our one day drive for funds to carry on this work.” WHITES FORM ‘'VOLUNTEER” POLICE AIMED AT NEGROES Washington, Sept. 25 (ANP1— Nearby Virginia through its gov ernor, Jamer H. Price, has offic ially disapproved the organizat ion in Fairfax county, adjacent to the district, of a so called volun teer police force whose members carry pick ax handles to keep Washington refugees moving “in event of a bombing or race riot in the capital.” \Y ith a white membership, the group was recently organized and had attempted to enlist member ships from the farmers and busi ness en in the county. Gov. Price declared the organiz ation unnecessary and potentially dangerous, further staling that ir. the event the regular police and enforceent officers need supple menting, it should come from ap propriate public agencies. Rev. Austin Denies Rumors He Will Dead Bapt. Split CLEVELAND, Sept.—(By Her man Clayton for ANP)—Cont rary ti rumors afloat, the Dr. C. Austin, Chicago unsuccessful can diate for president of the Nation al Baptist conventon, does not plan any effort to start a new body if Baptists nor to institute court ac ion in contestation of the election in which, accirding to Rev. Aus tin, only a mysterious “hand full” of the more than 12,000 messen gers who had streamed from all parts of the country for the ex press purpose of voting, were so permitted. Instead Rev. Austin says he plans to form into permanent or ganization the 1,000 ministers who in Mt. Zion Baptist church while in Cleveland voluntarily pledged themself to fight within the con vention the flagrant abuses which have “for too long a time shamed the Baptist convention.” These abuses, Dr. Austin said, expressed themself in the refusal of what he terms the machine-run convention to register opposition, delegates and in what Dr. Austin says is the fraudulent practice of issuing non-negotiable sheeks to cover the expenses of non-eligi ble machine delegates, in the gross disregard of constitutional provis ion, and in the ‘‘un-christian, and undemocratic gagging of opposi tion sentiment.” Proof of some of these abuses Rev. Austin furnishes in the fol lowing cases: The machine, having fraudul ently registered most of the huge Alabama delegation, upon being challenged, feverishly sought to cut the number down so as to wipe out the disparity between the num ber of delegates and the amount — of money collected. In order to nullify the rising avalanche of opposition votes, the machine tot ally disregarded the constitntion al clause granting to churches ad ditional delegates at $5 per dele gte, and arbitrarily limited the church they were howled and heck led down. “However, these are not mat ters to drag into court,” the mil itant Chicago pastor said. “I shall continue the fight I started in St. Louis in 1922 for a clean, orderly, democratic, progressive and Chris tian convention. Though the one past was a far cry from that id eal, I am not dismayel, or discour-1 aged. I have the confidence to be lieve that those of us who fight on the side of right will in the end triumph.” Legionnaires Dissatisfied With Site For 1942 Con vention; Threaten Split The ‘‘comander” of the group states that he has about 200 white en in various units in towns near Washington, and he thought the courts could be persuaded to grant authority for the organization, known as the ’‘White Wands” to carry firearms. HASTIE SAYS WAR DEPT. NOT DISCRIM INATING Washington, Sept. 26-(ANP)— Declaring that an erroneous i m pression is being created about the employment of colored clerical and stenographic workers in the war department, William Hastie, civilian aide to the secre tary of war, last week pointed out that this was as much a part of his job as seeing that proper tnings were being done for the enlisted personnel of the army. Since Jan. 1, some 50 c dored clerks and stenographers have been taken on in the department, says Hastie, exclusive of a large number of Negroes as messengers, laborers and custodial workers. When the department asks the civil service commission for a Urge group of stenographers, they are put in the stenographic room, which has been referred to as a pool. From here they are gradually taken in private offices as their services are needed. Their pay be gins immediately after they are assigned to the department. From this initial pool, they are assigned out to the various offices. “No doubt the assignment of colored stenographers has been slow from the start”, said Mr. Hastie, ‘‘in fact, it was slower than it should have been, but things are beginning to change a bit. More an more colored stenographers are being used in white offices. Now no colored stenographer is in the pool more than two weeks. The work has been speeded up consi derably and the transfers are com ing through faster than ever. “A previous newspaper story” said Mr. Hastie, “confused what is a colored section of the Civilian personnel division with a previous report that Negro girls were being segregated. These gills, about s*x in number, are attached to that office and have a separate room for themselves. “Scattered through the depart ■ . , .. ■ i ment are all types and all kinds of arrangements for colored work ers. In some offices, they work together with the whites and in, others there are all colored units. ‘‘One section exists in the de \ partment where there is a color ed chief over colored and white personnel. This is in the procure ment division of the finance of fice. There are about ten work ers in this office. Of course, this man in charge has a high rating in the civil service system”. Continuing, Mr. Hastie pointed out that the war department is scattered throughout the city oc cupying some 17 buildings and an accurate check on the ever chang ing personnel is difficult. How ever, the trends in the policies of the integration of colored work ers with wfhites. “I would be the last person in the world to attempt to white wash a situation”, said Mr. Hast ie with reference to the previous story, “and were it true, I would want to clear it up. But since this is not the fact, I am relating the conditions as they exist in the de partment to point out specifical i ly that the war department at present is not discriminating a gainst Negro workers.” _ NEGRO WORKERS CRASH BENDIX PLANT South Bend, Ind., Sept 26-(ANP Negro workers have at last been given employment in the Bendix i plant here. Bendix, one of the largest manufacturers of auto and airplane parts and devices in the country; holder of many exclusive patents, was formerly headed by the fabulously wealthy Vincent Bendix, who at one time is repu ted to have said that no Negro worker would ever darken the door of a Bendix factory, the prin cipal one being located here. Monday 15 Negroes were given employment. These were unskilled workers but doing the same type of work many white are engaged in. Five young men who have been taking the defense training course at the local high school were not ified that they would be given jobs in a skilled capacity on next Monday This accomplishment was easily brought about entirely by a com mittee of local Negroes. On it were the pastor of Olivet AME church, 1 Rev. G. L. Hayden, chairman, A1 MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept— (ANP)—The designation of New Orleans as the site of its 1942 con vention has caused much dissatis faction among the ranks of Neg ro legionnairer who attended the American Legion convention held here last week. Letters of str ong proteste are to be sent to tihe newly elected national comman der, Lynn U. Stambuagh, of Far go, N. D. demanding that the Louisiana committee of arrange ments assure Negro delegates they will receive every courtsit with their state delegations and that every precaution will be made to safeguard theor lives during the convention. Negro veterans threaten to se ver relationships with the legion,1 because they fear the policy of southern posts of discriminating against them. Louisiana has no Negro legion posts and the state commander has recently refused to grant charters for their form ation. Hence Negro legionnaires have no organization to act as hist and assure them of the usual round of entertainment they are accust« omed to. If however, the national commander refuses to support them, rumors have it that the Ne gro legion will hold a grand union in Atlantic City, N. J., opening on the same day of the New Orleans convention. In addressing 3,000 legionnaires of both races at Borchet field here Atty. Euclid L. Taylor, president of the National Bar Association, ty. Chas. A. Willis, Atty. J. Ches ter Allen, a member of the Indi ana legislature and B. C. Smith, secretary of Hering house, local community center. The group, lea ders in local civic affairs, has been trying to open up employment op jortunities for Negroes. Crashing Bendix is regarded as a signal vic tory. Negroes work in many other plants here. Vincent Bendix inci dentally was forced out of control oh his companies a few years ago and declared bankrupt. | ATTEND THE | OMAHA GUIDE’S I FOOD SHOW | October 20th-25th § Republican Natl comm chairman Joseph w. martin addresses meet ing at Kearney, Nebr., Sept. 20. Address To The State of Nebraska County Chairmen and Co.Workers by Joseph W .Martin, Jr.» Cong. For Mass and Chairman of the Re publican National Committee The people of America must wake up to the trend of Govern ment in this country. We are drifting and have been drifting for eight years toward a new type of government which threatens to end the American way of life. Our Constitutional government is seriously threatened when men in high office recklessly overstep the power of their office. The bal anced government of a strong exe cutive, an independent legislative branch and a free judiciary threat-1 en soon to be only a beautiful mem ory. The two party system of government under which the Am erican people have enjoyed more progress and liberty than under any other system yet devised is steadily being undermined. Priv ate enterprise has been under se vere attack for nine years and is now in real danger of extinction. There is grave danger of national bunkruptcy with all its serious consequences of inflation, debt re pudiation and some new system of government. i An enormous bureaucracy is be ing built up in Washington which is constantly expanding and reach es out to bring the people of this country more and more under its complete domination. Neither agriculture nor industry were having a very happy time be fore the war boom arrived and there is evidence their position is to be difficult with war. The nec essty of both being kept solvent must appeal to all. In the light of present world conditions we must keep on spend ing huge sums for national defense There is no great disagreement a bout that. The spending for de fense has received support by near ly all in Congress. The necessity for economy in our non-defense spending has been apparent for some years. The Republicans in Congress have worked toward that end. We have sought for over a year for the ap pointment of a non partisan com mittee to obtain some real econ omy after a study of all our non defense spending. In behalf of the Republicans, Congressman Al len Treadway of Massachusetts, ranking Republican Member of the House Ways and Means Commit tee, introduced a resolution toward that end but was never granted a hearing by the Rules Committee. In the new tax bill Sen. Byrd was able in the senate ,to have adopted a resolution which will bring about this needed inquiry, and we Republicans wfere very (Continued on pagtj^=*4) flayed the southern white man for his prejudices and likened him to Hitler. He asked why the color bar should not be broken for good and for all concerned. Said Taylor, ‘‘The best hearts among American Negroes yearn for unity. They extend their hand to the Italian who is a good Amer ican, to the German, the Epglish tman, the Frenchman, the Pole, the Jew, the Irishman, to all the stalwart contributors to America as a nation who are willing to join hands with them against the com mon foe.” Conspicuous in the parade Tues day in which 50,000 or more per sons marched from nine o’clock in the morning until late that night, wtere Negro legionnaires. Nearly ever;' northern state was repre sented, together with a few sou thern states. Special honors went to the George L. Gaines Post No. 87, of Chicago; the Charles Young Post of Detroit, and the James Reese Europe Post, Washington.