THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPEk Published Every Saturday at 241820 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Ma*x:h 15, 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. 51. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Fluma Coopei, — — Vice Pres. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway, — Sec’y and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — S2.C0 Six Months — — — $1.25 Three Months — — — .15 One Month — — — — .£5 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — $2 50 Six Months — — — — $1.50 Three Months — — _ $1.00 One Month — — — — .40 All Newjs Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. THE OMAHA BRANCH N. A. A. C. P. OPENS THEIR NEW OFFICE The Omaha Branch of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People for the first time in its 27 years of existence here has apened a permanent office where its activities will be organized and directed. The men and women re sponsible for this step are to be congratulated, but what is far more important is for the local branch to start a program in line with its principles and carry it through. On every hand there are matters calling for Action on the part of this body, and an office, no matter holw inviting, wiH not attain the ends de sired. Look about you, In the courts, in public places; Sn government offices where men and women are denied employment on acCount of color; in private employment where we do not have cfeir quota f work; in the treatment of colored persons as citizens’ (through which they suffer unjustly at the hands of public officers and public sevants. The forces which commit these wrongs are the real Fifth Columnists in our midst. And, therefore, to attack tljese evils will be an aid to NATIONAL DEFENSE and the 'ultimate salvation of the spirit of liberty and fraternity and equality. Wtei have a Hitler right here in our midst. He is Mr. Colorphobia, and he is more dangerous to our security than HITLER of Germany. The battle for American democracy must be I won here in America, in every community of it, in cluding Omaha. And the NAACP, more than any otheti) single agency, nrust lead the fight to win it. Let the Omaha Branch of the society lead the battle for the NATION. Let it be said of it, here in MID-AMERICA, that an organization dedicated to the extension of democracy to all the people reached its fullest maturity through service to a race and to the country. Sincerest good wishes to the officers and mem bers of the Omaha NAACP. ANOTHER GRAND JURY IS CALLED The Douglas County District Judges have called another* Grand Jury to investigate objects requiring their attention. For several weeks past the Omaha World Herald has been spanking some of our public offi cials and intimating that all may not be well in county government. It may be that this grand jury 4vill “clear the air” and probably ferret out any wrongdoers, if any there be. THE COUNTY MANAGER For several years large tax papers have urged the passage of a constitutional amendment to en able counties to adopt the County Manager form of Government. .In other words, huch a plan will bring about a County dictator, differing only in degree and method from dictators we are denouncing ev ery day of the year. It does have its good points; it also has its bad ones. In Cleveland, Ohio, several years ago, the City Manager plan was tried. It was abandoned there, because it was fcwnd inimical to the best interests of all the people. It served the ‘‘favored few”, but took government out of the hands of the people. We arte against dictators, big and little, not only in Europe, but right here at home. The news releases are growing more numerous every week. Many of the articles are excellent a/id regret our inability to print many of the fine things we receive from every agency. We simply do the best we can. “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty.” “EAication is the Salvation of Democracy.” HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family And Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —SERVICE— Subway Service and Surface Cars at Door Rates Reasonable Ed. H. Wilson, Prop. _Tel AU 3-7920 500 AGENTS AND BEAUTICIANS WANTED TO SELL “RED” Sulphur Salve A scalp cream for dandnrft Inching scal£, falling hair, Write for information and Make 100% Profit AH Material Guaranteed 4-/n-i PRODUCTS CO. 205 West 116th St. America On Guard! Above is a reproduction of the Treasury Department’s Defense Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original “Minute Man” statue by famed sculptor Daniel Chester French. Defense IBonds and Stamps, on sale at your bank or post office, are a vital part of. Amerlca’a dpfeT>gA prepaja.tio.ns. Men, Women Over 40 Don’t Be Weak, Old Fee! Peppy, New, Years Younger Trke Onrex. Contains general tonics, stimulants often needed after 40—by bodies lacking iron, cal cium, phosphorus, iodine. Vitamin B,. A 73-year old doctor writes: "It did so much for patients, I took it myself. Results fine." Special introductory tlze Ostrox Tonic Tablets costs only 35c. Start feeling peppier and younger this very day. Asthma Mucus Loosened FlrstDav For Thousands of Sufferers Choking, gasping, wheezing spasms of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy. In gredients in the prescription Mendaco quick ly circulate through the blood and common ly help loosen the thick strangling mucus the first day, thus aiding nature In palliating the terrible recurring choking spasms, and in promoting freer breathing and restful sleep. Mendaco is not a smoke, dope, or in jection. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of suf ferers. Printed guarantee with each package —money back unless completely satisfactory. Ask your druggist for Mendaco today. Only 60c. FOR ELECTRIC APPLIANCES You Can’t Beat the Prices At THE— OMAHA OUTFITTING 2122 North 24th St. Phone AT. 5652 111 III HIM I i 1IIIIIHIIII****** M lllltllll I III 11 llllllllll 1*11111 IIIIIMIVIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIII III II li uABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands .if BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street - Always a place to park— INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped In the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress snmrt men and women depend on Bell-ans Tablets to set gas free. No laiatire but made of the fastest acting medicines known for acid indigestion. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back, 29c. GROSS JEWELRY AND LOAN COMPANY formerly at 24th and Erskine St. New location 514 N. 16th St. Phone Jackson 4635 When Poisons Slow KIDNEYS and Irritate Bladder Flush Them Out for 35 Cents Go to your druggist today and get this harmless diuretic and stimulant — ask for Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and start at once to flush kidneys of waste matter saturated with acids and poisons. That’s a prompt and effective way to help bring about more healthful kidney activity and relieve that blad der irritation with its scanty passage with smarting and burning as well as restless nights. Remember the kidneys often need flushing as well as the bowels, and some symptoms of kidney weakness may be: getting up eften during the night—puffy eyes—backache. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules — the original and genuine — the price is small (35 cents). Just see if your expectations aren’t fulfilled. Refuse a substitute. “A Thing of BEAUTY IS A JOY Forever”—Keats BIG PROFITS Selling Greeting Cards For Every Day in the Year Popular and Religious, Christmas Box Assortments WRITE FOR SAMPLES AMITY CARD CO. .321 West 125th St, Dept. 4. New York City . RITZ Shoe REPAIR SERVICE New location— Across the Street from Ritz Theatre “Prices Right to Fit Your Pocketbook” 2022 NORTH 24th ST. JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Roller, Mgr Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep Fael Year* Younger, Full of Vim Don’t blame exhausted, worn-out, run-down feeling $n your age. Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex will do. Contains general topics often needed after 40—by bodies lacking vna. calcium, phosphorus. Iodine, Vitamin B,. A U>rear-old doctor writes: ”1 took it myself. Re frlts fine. Special Introductory size Ostrex Tonis i Diets costs only 35c. Stop feeling pepless, old. L Art feeling peppier and younger this very day. FOR SALE AT ALL GOOD _DRUG STORES CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010|/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 837fi Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi American & Chinese Dishes jar* S3 **■ »■* re S'* “r"*' Partrs*’* LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Fot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St At Willis Avenue BEAD The (J(JID£ Read TV FQPDOOSE BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS ^BONDS I AND STAMPS Look Folks! (BRAND NEW) Bedroom Suites 3-piece walnut finish poster or panel bed, 41drawer chest, vanity or dresser. 3- piece modern walnut panel bed, vanity, large 4-drawer chest. 4- piece blond mahogany, large full view Waterfall banity, chest and bed. We Extend Convenient terms FIDELITY FURNITURE DEPARTMENT 1107 Howard St. JA- 0283 PQPpEFENSE BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS ^BONDS , AND STAMPS i Plum Treats For Winter By Frances Lee Barton - ACROSS the foam 'twixt me and you Bavarians may be taboo. A Red Bavarian! "Oh My!” T7e think of bombs dropped from the sky. But over here — God bless our land Red Plum Bava rian is grand. Why not prepare a batch today? This recipe explains the way: Red Plum Bavarian 8 red plums, cooked; 1% cups plum juice; 1 package strawberry flavored gelatin; dash of salt; 1 cup heavy cream. To cook plums, combine plums, % cup sugar, and 1 cup water, cover, and simmer until just tender. Drain, reserving juice; measure 1% cups. Cut plums in large pieces. Dissolve gelatin in hot plum juice; add salt. Chill until cold and syrupy. Fold in cream, whipped only until thick and shiny, but not stiff. Fold in cooked plums. ChilL When slightly thickened, pile in sherbet glasses or large bowl. Serves 6. PD TDU KNOW WHT — A House OweHer Will Pity A Flat Dweller? o™ in mis pm By usher coSKiFeeu*—— Soaft'i FoR- wr (oUX RO60iwS, r-; WHO HP»S TO \ luue. IN PS FlfrT J O.TO THfc” DEPOT . i ujoucom't u«e sll in such uncohfoct I uice he [herhI ? ) w»ce) \ home ro ^ v ffOMG ro „ ^ woo MomifX. -(toooj— i H#*je ooMFoers. rpite j THtNXi^ EA^N -J v—^— ---^ *wo gwjon ueej >jjHioe pool?-' '^V PO66IWS IS PGMNeoJ oP tN fs ct-ivr 5—y >(OU CUEAI^O Wt ^ sioe u/*u<- ? «jewe < rnr^ouJ #* tmut * L lEPwinc NOuR fti-MPi ft to <,o Fotyrn find Z- MFN no UR NftMES OftRvEO IN the niche 3E FPiME P&O NOuR. LwE.5 written ON l 'HE PPiOESOF HiSTORnJ <«ee iwfiS f eouv< HOv^e . V*lT« THE. < L B#Su»_ tftiaJS.TKE P»i2£ 60mE k&p,o of VHE Ci^iSi 1 * CETTl«< REfHu MO'tE'f ftS A STftft. PirCHEQ p^Tttis e>w 1= ^3 Blue wiu- £ee JUST MftTCw touR Complexion) B^RhE'* FsW>»-EC«TE The FOBnER Foot6^\i_\. vmft IS SElciwc. R.(bBQH amq - —I SNiFT>< SNIFT NE-X-pj «E-OOct rtuTMEJ rnt eiAVl C**1D# «0lps OOWM JMT Of.Ud O* A fj *tr PAYS TO ADVERTISE IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS FOR YOUR GARDENS PLANTS, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Cabbage Now Ready—Order Now? H. G. Davis & Sons, R. 4 South Omaha. Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage, Friendship, or Pleasure. Send Dime for member thip blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen iell, Chicago, 111. Kaplan Produce formerly locat ed on No. 24th St. is now located at 1804 No. 20th St. We have a large selection on Poultry and eggs. We deliver, Phone JA. 6537, Kap lan Produce Co. extend an invita tion to his old customers to pay him a visit at his new1 location. 2 or 3 furnished rooms, $2.50 and $3.00. 2406 No. 21st St. E. Williams. Nice Room, Good location, 2408 North 25th Street;. Nice room, good location. 2408 No 25th Street. FOR SALE IGOOD PIANO CHEAP All kinds of winter clothing for men and women and the children at the right prices. Call in—you might find what you need at the Price you can afford to pay. BENEFIT SHOP 711 South 16th St. Do You Want • • • • longer hair Vf this b i STEM. Retard the .r* briiLlc, !>iv*kLn*c-off hair that keep* b**r abort smd often Btnbby; b«n«l fa* <«>»•; J''aertptly JUELEHE tYSTEM Sartrentin* hair now. it » rnrr Th«nl>t your mirror prove f KtL result*. Sendtoduy—ante JUEL CO., 3716 N. Clark St., Dept A624, Chicago, II. Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St.WE. 1029 I NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE PAST DUE! Section 526 Postal Rules and Regulations, Para graph 4—“The right of a publisher to extend in good faith credit on subscriptions is recognized and will not be abridged, although subscriptions are regarded as expiring within the period for which they were obtained, nevertheless when the publisher makes the proper effort to obtain re newal within a reasonable period, copies of their publication shall be accepted for mailing as to subscribers at the usual second-class rate of postage for a period of one year from date of expiration.” So, Mr. and Mrs. Subscriber, if your sub scription is past due for one year, you are re quested to come into the office and sign a renew al card, or give us a call, WE. 1517 so we may send a card for you to sign, or we will be forced to drop you from our mailing list in accordance to the Rules and Regulations of the Postal De partment. Signed, C. C. Galloway, Publisher. EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 10^ MEN! WOMEN! USE YOCJB CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store. 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.” WANT TO BUY— Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WR 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 202a Lake St. WEbster 20L2 HARDWARE— DOLGOFF HARDWARE " Paint, Glass and Varnish. We de glazing and make window shades to order 1822 N. 24th St. WE- 1607 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6056 ARTHRITIS Don’t despair | I come relief in of relief from [jnn ■ Arthritis due terrible Arthri- 1 to Sulphur de tis aches or ficiency. Small pains. The daily cost. Mon NEW Colloidal ey back if no Iodized Sulphur UP relief after 30 capsules called . ■ days’ dosage. SULPHO-KAPS nOnP Begin taking often bring wel- llorc TODAY. YourDruggisthasSULPHOJCA^S USED- CLOHING Dresses — Shoes All Clothing for entire family READY TO WEAR VERY LOWEST PRICES Write for Free Catalogue Special Gift Offer Discounts. Bargain Mail Order House 202 Henry St—D«pt H New Y,:xrk City, N. Y. Getting Up Nights Makes Many Feel Old Do you feel older than you are or suffer from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Nervous ness, Leg Pains, Dizziness, Swollen Ankles, Rheumatic Pains, Burning, scanty or fre quent passages? If so, remember that your Kidneys are vital to your health and that these symptoms may be due to non-organlc and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder trou bles—in such cases CYSTEX (a physician's prescription) usually givesprompt and Joy ous relief by helping the Kidneys flush out poisonous excess acids and wastes. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose in trying Cystex. An iron-clad guarantee wrapped around each package assures a re fund of your money on return of empty package unless fully satisfied. Don’t take chances on any Kidney medicine that is not guaranteed. Don’t delay. Get Cystex (Siss-tex) from your druggist today. Only 35c. The guarantee protects you. SUBSCRIBE NOW! NORTH 24th SI. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES— YOU CANT TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF S0LEIN6 METHOD "Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. Did “Diamond Jim” Have Stomach or Ulcer Pains? It Is hardly likely that Diamond Jim Brady could have eaten so vora ciously if he suffered after-eating fiains. Sufferers who have to pay he penalty of stomach or ulcer Sains, indigestion, gas pains, heart urn, burning sensation, bloat and other conoltions caused by excess acid should try a 25c box of Udga Tablets. They must help or money refunded. lorYOU Make big money selling Lucky Heart s line of 300 guaranteed cosmetics, med i r. i n p s hmiao. hold necessities, jewelry. Folks buy on sight Big k repeat business sure. FTee samples sent at once. Free 58-page Ww Beauty Book. Get our offer FREE on $9.00 worth of I.liekv Heart products and a Bie Sample Case. Write LUCKY HEART LAB., Dept. CN 87-J, Memphis, Tenn. Bet Relief ThisFdstWitf -or Money B«h For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, coding, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme. C.i. Walker’s Preparations * “I use Mme. C. J. Walker’S preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late I Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the I hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company haS always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. * ^ Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker's Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. «