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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1941)
THE OMAHA GUIDE Omaha, Nebraska— =— - ■■ _ _ V I 0 ONE YEAR OF ACCIDENT FREE DRIVING RECENT RECORD MADE Yellow Cab drivers wi/th out standing safe driving records were honored at a luncheon at Hotel Rome. Wednesday. Approximate ly half of the 137 drivers with more than one year of accident-free driving received awards, and the others will attend a similar lunch eon Thursday. The honored drvers have oper ated Yellow Cabs in Omaha over 5,284.000 miles without an acci dent, and have driven mode than <1.300,000 miles in the past year alone. Top man in the group is Tony Leonardo, who has operated a Yellow Cab for ten years with only one accident. He received a nine year award after dolling Up 231, 863 miles without a mishap. Others who have driven more than 100.000 miles without accident are Frank Alberts and George Brisby. In addition to Leonaddo’s nine year award, there was one award for seven years, one for six years, one for five years, three for four years, sixteen for three years, twenty-six for two years and eigh ty-seven for one year. Richard W. Jepsen, commission er of police, presented the awards today, and assistant chief of po {- m i » j j i • i ( * BOTTLED LOCALLY BY:— PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CO. OF OMAHA * We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 SMART WOMEN me GOLDEN-GLO BEAUTY PREPARA- | TIONS. They lilt* the smooth texture and excellent quality, plus extraordinary value la these fin* cosmetics. THE PATH TO LOVELINESS A big Beauty Box weighing over twa pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to you with no additional charges. ALL FUU SIZE—$3.00 VALUE Ref. Prim Cleansing Cream .50e Vanishing Crenm .. 50e Foundation (OnMen Brawn, Ochre, Nwt Brown) 2Sc Poe* Powder (Oold Brown, Ochre, Nwt Brown) SOc IIpstilt (Pemeetto Red, Maple Red, Cordovan) Ut LUM Usdlea Oct* Heir Drettec . Mg Ointment. SOc -Check your shsdes below 11 - J / COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS, INC. I /l, 106 East 41st Street. New Yotk. N. Y. For the enclosed 61 JO bill Or money order, tend 1 J ▼ me your complete Beauty Box containing 7 full \ size COLDEN-CLO products, with no sdditionxl \ charge to mo. \ name: ;3 ADDRESS: ___________ CITY:_STATE: _ rmhiln-CdSn Brawn ( r Ochrs ( | Nut Brawn ( ) * i’Wjl Fe»dar—CoMeir Blown I 1 Ochr. < ) Nut Brown I I Lipstick—Pelfwtttt f 1 Mapta Rrd ( 1 Cordatur « I FOR ONLY 20c ** We will send you any 50c item listed above as an introductory offer. Send two dime* in an envelope and we will mail with* out any extra charge to you. GOLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS, INC. 10fl East 41 Street Ntw You, N. Y. CROSS! I-. 7 M in.-. Mfi It ku llrMl Pwm to bring Lack la Lam—Oa»aa Ban la Mg! Makn atahaa main Iran." ★ lice Robert Munch will make the presentation Thursday noon. Irv' ing R. Zerzan. National Safety Council official, presided. Mrs. Robert Cooper returns from Little Rock. Arkansas, where she went to be at the bed side of her sister. Mr. Herbert Waelton of 957 No. 25th St., received the sad news of the passing of his mother in St Louis, Mo. Mr. Othello Roundtree is home after a few days in the hospital. YOUNG MEN EMPLOYMENT Omaha. Nebraska. 2105 Ohio St., August 31, 1941. The Club met on Augcst 27, with the President in charge. The members discussed plans for the opening of a Ice and Coal business located at 26th and Burdette to the Public. The young men are putting their forces together in order to build a business that we can have something to look for ward too in the future. We are hoping to employ some unfortu nate person. We like to express our appreciation to the followng names who have been so knd in contributing to this organizaton that we mght be able to do some ing for our people. Falhtaff Brew ing Corporation. State Coal Yard and 20th Nickolas and other per sonal donations. We are asking if there is anyone who wish to do nate something? We need a roll of roofing and othed material to complete our building located at 2Gib and Burdette. For informa tion call JA 1978. Welton Hogan, President. John Hamilton. Sec. Better Prepare For "Seconds”! — By Frances Lee Barton IT is not necessary to labor long, or spend excessively to furnish a dessert dish with a five-point appeal — sight, ; WUUIV/lly LUO IVf U* gestibility and nourishment. You have [ whipped cream, ) gelatin and hot water available. A few sticks of p e ppermint candy may be secured easily. With these four in gredients and very little effort — you can prepare one of the most delightful little “surprise” desserts imaginable. But you had better make plenty, for the demands for “seconds” will be numerous. Peppermint Lime Mousse 1 package lime-flavored gelatin; ly3 cups hot water; 2 cups cream, whipped; % cup crushed pepper mint stick candy. Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Chill until cold and syrupy. Fold in whipped cream and candy. Turn into freezing tray of automatic refrigerator and let stand 3 to 4 hours, or until frozen. Serve in chilled sherbet glasses. Makes 1 quart. [JOHNSON DRUG CO. NEW LOCATION | 2306 North 24<h IYY e. 0998 Free Deliverv ■ouiuMRiradifflaBsaiiiiiiiRiiiiiJiiiiiUfeiiiiUiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiFiiiiiiiiiniiiii I THOMAS f 1 FUNERAL I | HOME [ 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022* |IITIII|Vni|l|l||||l|llM'lllllllllllllllll|l>||[il||||[|||||[|||||!ii|[|[t|||||]||||ijij|||||i|[|||||[|[|])])|||g ’ The second industdial committee will handle transportation, whole sale houses, manufacturers and the livestock industry. R. L. Buchan an, district manager of the Safe way stores in Omaha, will head this committee. Two women head the residential division which handles home, school and dub contributione. They are Mss Belle Ryan, assistant superin tendent of Omaha schiols, and Mds. Frank Conlin. Ben H. Cowdery, secretary-treas urer of ithe World Publishing Co. was named head of the business group. This division handles so licitation of all business firms and offices in the downtown area which have less than 10 employes. The two other division heads will not handle any active solicitation but will wodk to boost other com mittees. One of them is the speak er’s bureau which will be headed, for the second year, by the Rev. T. Raymond Allston, field represen tative of the Presbyterian church. The speaker’s bureau will be avail able for talks befode clubs, churches and employes groups and !vill have about 100 speakers. The other committee is the pub licity group headed by Walter Pfeiffer of Bozell and Jacobs, Inc., advertising agency. Pfeiffer takes over direction of publicity fdom William G. Murphy of the Union Pacific under whom he worked as associate chairman last year. Mr. Warren Philips, son of Mrs. Viva Philips, of 2874 Corby, left Saturday night, Sept. 6, 1941, to begin his Freshman year at Lin coln University, in Jefferson City, Mo. Mr. Philips is very active in sports and a graduate of Central High School. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of Des Moines, Iowa, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Blackburn, Sunday. Mrs. Marie Roberts is Branch Executive of the Blue Triangle Y W C A of Des Moines, Iowa. Miss Mariatta Hill of Lincoln, Nebraska, is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. Scarborough on 25th and Corby. CHURCH NEWS First Mission or the God-Sent Light, Prophet Hess, Officiator. We wish to announce that our services were opened in our fu ture home, 2010 North 23rd St., Sunday night, Sept. 7. News is spreading of the wonderful work Prophet Hess is doing in our city. Every service something new un folded of the Gospel. Many are beng healed and helped. AH Na tions wecome. Come hear the man of God services Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8 p. m. Private reading daiy, 2012 North 23rd St. PRIM PETTICOAT TRIM The necessary touch for youthful freshness — it's the petticoat trim. Delicate and lacy — makes a drab . dress look bright and new. I —__! You don’t have to pay *5?? and up for a lifetime serv- I ice Fountain Pen and we prove it with this amazing offer I TWO GENUINE S'*!2® ! HAMILTON FOUNTAIN PENS | | Guaranteed for Life Service The new streamlined model of the famous Hamilton Fountain Pen has ten of the most sought-after once-patented features of the very high priced pens—push button automatic filling— . visible ink gauge—velvet-smooth two-way pen point that writes either fine or bold as you choose, and is guaranteed forever against corrosion from acids in ink. Non-clog instant feed that insures even flow to the last drop of ink—non-leak inner cap. i The barrel and cap are built of sturdy, lustrous unbreakable Pyralin pearl in gorgeous colors, and 14-Karat gold plate clip complies fully with army and navy regulations, thus making the Hamilton an ideal pen for soldiers, sailors and aviators. And don’t forget that this great Hamilton Fountain Pen is backed by lifetime service. Until recently you would have paid $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 or even more for a pen with all these features—but now on this Direct-by-Mail Introduc k tory Offer you can get this Lifetime Service Guaranteed & Hamilton Fountain Pen for only 50c for one pen—two A pens for $1.00. ^ Matching Pencil GIVEN FREE And here is the sensational gift. To all of you who order two Hamilton Fountain Pens from thin ad- H vertisement we will send a genuine matching propel- U ■A repel Hamilton automatic pencil as a gift FREE of 1 IQT all extra charges. *■ jBL All you have to do is to send $1 to Hamilton Pen I 844 Rust St., Room 220, Chicago for two 1 Ira genuine guaranteed Hamilton Fountain Pens I Vl and you get the matching Hamilton Automatic f w Pencil free of all extra charges. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! If You’re Not 100% Satisfied And now, here’s the final clinching surprise. Use your Hamilton Fountain Pen tea days and then if yon aren’t entirely satisfied with your purchase, return it wed get double your money baekl Yea, that’s what we said—DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! On this offer you can't lose, so sand your name and address and one dollar today sore te Hamilton Pea Company, 844 Rush St., Room 224, Chicago, HI. U -*---— - ■■■' '■SSUJLi.uJ i Mr. Harvey Lewis, the Binney Street Grocer is on the sick list We hope for him a speedy recov ery. Rev. Eddie Robinson was arrest ed about 7 p- m. September 9 and held on suspicion of rape of a young woman of the community. Bonds of two hundred dollars was set for his appearance September 5 to plead to the charge of rape. WJENER ROAST Several young people went to Carter Lake Labor Day for a, wienQr roast. Those were: Charles More, Doris Wilbarn, Juanita 01i-< phant, Woodran Morgan, Lonnie Thomas, Lincoln, Nebraska, Jane Owen from Cleveland, Ohio, Eva Mae Stewart, Foster Giodlett, Al bert Johnson, Ora Lee Britt, Ju anita Alexander of Seattle, Wash., Bernice Grice, Olive WJillis, Jean Terrell, William Fopp, Charles Mason, James Hill, Huston Hill, all of Kansas City. Miss Alexander was en route to St. Louis to enter the Nursing School there. Mrs. Geraldine Craig, 2615 No. 24th St., had as a house guest Mr. Abdul Robim Surker, an East In dia merchant. Mr. Surker visited through the Omaha Guide and found it very satisfactory. Mr. Surker is plan ning on establishing an agency in Omaha selling fur coats, imported rugs and tapestry and silks from China, jewelry and novelties on credit and cash. Miss Helen Lewis of 1204 North 24th St., is in the local hospital and would be very glad if her friends would visit her. She is very sick. Her brother, Melvin Lewis, is in camp. A lovely reception, was given at the Northside branch of the YW CA in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lovejoy Crawford, who just re cently married Mrs. Crawford is tthe. former Julia Wililams and is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wil liams Rev. C. L. Carhee of Little Rock, Ark., stopped over for a visit from Chicago, 111., where he visited his mother. Mrs. Millaree Collins, 2414 Cald well St., has left Monday the 22nd, to attend the convention in Cleve land, Ohio. Mrs. Collins will visit in Pittsburgh also before her re thrn home. Here’s Happy Way ti Wake Lazy Insides . or CARDUI may help you in two Year in and year out spicy, aro matic BLACK - DRAUGHT has been a standby in thousands of American homes. Your drug dealer will verify that! The reason? If constipation has you logy, uncomfortable, take some BLACK-DRAUGHT tonight by the jpimple directions and see if it does j( n’t give you gentle, thorough, sat isfying relief. BLACK - DRAUGHT is made from purely vegetable ingredients. One of them is a tonic-laxative that helps to tone lazy intestinal muscles. You get 25 to 40 doses in the familiar yellow box for 25c. Look for it and get the genuine, time tested BLACK-DRAUGHT. [6© Floor w Deck Enamel ! (NOT A PAINT) I j4 Beautiful - Hiyh Gloss | Durable - Easy to Clean Enamel for Floors Jet us shew l/ou FREE Men and women, get Luc Heart's BIG, new 58-page Cata log and make BIG MONEY Tells new beauty secrets on J how to improve youi looks and shows you how to make money easy. Make up to $5 day spare time, $45 week full time Satisfaction guaranteed. For FREE CATALOG, FREE SAM PLES and FREE SAMPLE CASE offer write quick to Lucky Heart Co., Memphis, Tenn. TRY HARRIS’ GROCERY WE SPECIALIZE IN MEATS VEGETABLES, HARDINGS ICE CREAM —OPEN SUNDAYS— 6 A. M. TO 10:30 P. M. 5302 SO. 30th ST. MA-0741 WATTS NEW IN CLUBS IN . OMAHA . A very number of high school boys out of Omaha have been giv en a great opportunity by high union officials of local No 465. These men’s keen intelligence and long years of faithful service to the Union Pacific Railroad have undoubtedly proved a merit to them. These union officials per suaded the dinning car and hotel department officials to give these high school graduates a. chance at jobs in the dining car service. The Anniversary of this wonder ful occasion has been five years ago last May. Some of the most prominent railroad men that were instrumental in bringing about this fine chance, whose honesty, clean minds and sober judgments will always loom in mind are Mr. Solon Bell, Mr. Ruben Moore, Mr. Artus H- Reed, and the late Mr. Scott. These clean cut young men proved ercellent in their various jobs with the Union Pacific Rail road. One young man has contributed his appreciation by establishing in the Omaha Community the Rail road Men’s Benevolent Club, locat ed at 2211 Ohio Street. His thought in establishing this club is to have social functons and staggs each month. After the ex penses have been paid, the pro ceeds from the socials could be set aside in a fund to help members in time of need and to promote ath letic teams and worthwhile neces sary recreational facilities. Such as a swimming pool. The success of this venture de pends upon the cooperation of the members and their friends. At present there is one hun dred members in the club. So club members—continue to take an active interest in the rail road Men’s Benevolent Club, ture activities of your own Ral Benjamn H. Gilliland, President. Miss Celestine Lightner, daugh ter of Elder Lightner, left Mon day, Sept. 8, for School in Califor nia. Miss Lightner will attend the University of California. Miss Lightner is very good in Secretar ial work, and would make a vei / &ood secretary. COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 _ ae&K&KtoiSaitac -- Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S — BAR &BLLE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS iue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a.'m, Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to put in it—Call CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has got the works and knows what to do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. )CZ •■••1GZZZZT11 “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. ~~ —r _ ~i r _ -» I Year in and year out spicy, aro matic BLACVK-DRAUGHT has been a standby in thousans of American homes. Your rug dealer will verify that! The reason? If constipation has you logy, uncomfortable, take some BLACK-DRAUGHT tonight by the simple directions and see if it doesn’t gve you gentle, thorough, satisfying relief. | BLACK-ERA UGHT is made jfrom purely vegetable Ingredients. One of them is a tonic-laxative that helps to tone lazy intestinal muscles. You get 25 to 40 doses in the familiar yellow box for 25c. Look fo rit and get the genuine, time tested BLACK-DRAUGHT. BACKACHE? Try Flushing Excess Poisons And Acid Thru Kidneys And Stop Getting Up Nights 35 CENTS PROVES IT When your kidneys are overtaxed and your bladder is irritated and pas sage scanty and often smarts and burns, you may need Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, a fine harmless stimulant and diuretic that starts to work at once and costs but 35 cents at any modern drugstore. . It’s one good way to put more healthful activity into kidneys and bladder — you should sleep more soundly the whole night through. But be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s a genuine medicine for weak kidneys, Don’t accept a substitute. —- -.svja v; Beautifully Fit For Wherever You Go.. MARLENE: Elasticiied pump with V cut vamp. In black kid and black suede. •AULA: Trim tie with moderate heel. In black kid and black suede. AK < e SLARICE: Smart pump in black and brown sutdc. Kilpatrick's Shot Box—Main Floor , TORPID KIDNEYS [MADE ME LOOK AND FEEL', ) LIKE 50—THOUGH ONLY 30" v_«— says WUIlam fasts , Waskhgtaa. O.C. I JUST DRAGGED — MY DOCTOR SAID “YOUR KIDNEYS MAY NEED A — DIURETIC^ A FRIEND ADVISED GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES — THEY COST ONLY 35c. BOY! I FEEL LIKE A DIFFERENT MAN AND FOLKS SAY I LOOK SO MUCH BETTER SINCE TAKING THE CAPSULES. 1/ you are troubled with getting up frequently at night, the misery, backache, puffy eyes, shifting pains, difficult or burning passage due to this cause, try Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, the original formula of Dr. Boerhane that has helped millions of folks with sldw-acting kidneys and irritated bladder which so often follows. Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules start to work imme* diately — no long waiting for results. Be spre and get Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, a physician's great formula — costs but 35tf at druggists everywhere. Don’t accept a substitute. Money refunded should Gold Medal fail to help you BOLD MEDAL a BE OUR AGENT /i?/-SPARE TIME *r FULL Tl ME Lots of Lucky Heart agents are ^Ja|j making big money. You can, too. V Just show friends and neighbors our line of beauty preparations, ■ household necessities, medicines. See how easy it is to make up to J2 $4.00 day in spare time, up to jH $35.00 week full time. No experi- H ence needed. We show you how. JR*! Act fast! Write for Free samples of Face Powder and Hair Dress ing, Free Agents Money Making Proposition, Free > Sample Case offer. Sent at “ once. Lucky Heart Co., Dept. CN-109-J) Mem- -( phis, Tennessee. BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 NEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC’’ FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor among women... Many doctors recommend regular use of douches as a precautionary meas ure for women who want to be clean, dainty—for women troubled by offend ing odor or discharge. Some products may be harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Pinkham’s Sanative Wash is gaining great favor because it’s NOT a harmful germicide. Instead-it’s a mighty effective “bac teriostatic” (the modern trend). It not only discourages bacterial growth and infection but thoroughly cleanses, deo dorizes. Very soothing-relleves minor irritations and discharge and has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! All druggists, c A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme. C.i. [ Walker’s Preparations i I _ I I - 111 * “J use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation.” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late . Madam C. J. Walker to reach t certain definite conditions of the * hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing * increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. p * Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every y jman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building. Indian apolis, Indiana. ^ ^___