The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 13, 1941, City Edition, Page 4, Image 4
I fir GIRLS i I Ml ON THE STREETS.....1 Now that summer is about over what season will stare us in th« face and push summer aside' Nothing my dears but that fin< season in reference to fall. Trees will begin to shed their leaves: birds will fly southward; the grash [group day* BEAUTIFUL MODERN LIVING ROOM SUITES Bargain hunters should visit the “State” 2-piece modern Living Room Group in beau t i f u 1 coverings. While not sold separately, daven port and chair are priced, each for only . I BEAUTIFUL i BEDROOM GROUP f aoh group, which include, A a n i t y and bench, or bed M ith chest, in beautiful V r matched walnut finish, f /hile none sold separately, 4 i priced at only 28. You’ll be a 44 44 m mazed at this 1 nusual bargain. S lach group . fcV 1 * jui DINING ROOM GROUP Dining Boom Suite . . . two groups . . . one includes ex tension table and chairs . . . the other a buffet. While not 1 o 1 d separately, )ach group is 04444 priced at $28 It’s a world beater HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family And Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —SERVICE— Subway Service and Surface Cars at Door Rates Reasonable Ed. H. Wilson, Prop. Tel AU 3-7920 'mi ■■ > will turn from green to brown ■ housewives will can and once agaii the goldenrod will be yellow. Oi course, as you know, this is tht finest time of the season for bug ging and goin’ on. Well as it is the dummies as well as bookworms cares less for bugging and frol icking around, and so they spend their time schooling themselves at home- The good old fashion moth ers put a limit to teir childrens leisure hours and demands them to be home at certain times in or der to retain their proper amount of shut eye. So giving less for fall lets review this weeks gossip. MASTER ROOSEVELT LAYTON wa flaming like a torch the other night in the Weiner shop. What was it all about? Well, we don’t exactly know, but they said it was over a feemail. SIMON HUGHES AND HERMAN WASHINGTON can afford to pick up the slack and eturn to good ole’ school days again. How do we know? Why they were spotted on the 4th floor for Payton Studds and Company, tween 11 and 12 o’clock. Is there a necessity for education or -... ? CAN YOU FEATURE Three parties being given in one week. One was given in honor of Mary Harris; the other at the home of Louise W. and last but not least at the home of some of the G. 0. T. S. Need we say more? WHISH! WHASH! AND PLENTY OF CASH! Yes, folks, Sunday night Stanley Edmison, the great Lockinvar set up a party at a certain Hash Joint on the main Drag. He also fur | nished plenty of music by the goo la-box. Now listen, he put at least six bits in the box, you may think that we are exaggerating, but we can’t tell you nothing bout’ it, should have seen it for yourself. COMING ATTRACTIONS: Sweetheart Dance, Friday night I at the Center. j Picnic, Sunday, September 14, fo rPayton Studds and Company. MARCUS THE GREAT Is leader of them all. He is head of the Bus boys at the Paxton hotel. Climb higher Marcus ole’ boy, te mountain is still before you. May success be yours. HURRAY OR LUY Yes, Wade Gray and Elizabeth Hicks seems to be madly in luv and that ain’t hay, he escourte< her to the dance in full form am fashion. i MEANT FOR EACH OTHER Beatrice Berkley & Earl Browr i can’t escape from each other—ii •ther words they were made fo ' each other—What about this B< and Earl ? I - ' ■ I Plum Treats For I Winter I *— By Frances Lee Barton ’ , A CROSS the foam ’twixt m< k and you ’ Bavarians may be taboo. | A Red Bavarian "Uh My!" We think of >, bombs dropped 1 from the slqr. But over here — God bless our land Red Plum Bava rian is fcrand. ! Why not prepare a batch today? j This recipe explains the way: Red Plum Bavarian 8 red plums, cooked; 1% cups plum juice; 1 package strawberry flavored gelatin; dash of salt; 1 cup heavy cream. To cook plums, combine plums, % cup sugar, and 1 cup water, cover, and simmer until just tender, j Drain, reserving juice; measure j 1% cups. Cut plums in large pieces. Dissolve gelatin in hot plum juice; add salt. Chill until cold and syrupy. Fold in cream, whipped only until thick and shiny, but not stiff. Fold in cooked plums. Chill. When slightly thickened, pile in sherbet glasses or large bowl. Serves 6. 500 AGENTS AND BEAUTICIANS WANTED TO QVT I “RED” Sulphur Salve A scalp cream for dandruff, Inching scalp, falling hair, Write for information and Make 100% Profit All Material Guaranteed 4-tn-l PRODUCTS CO. 205 West 116th St. | BUSY AS A BEE Is Dora Nelson. It seems as tough she has a date every night with certain studds. What have you in mind Dora? THE WASHLINE It looks like fate has played her serenade once more, Julia Key and Richard Rice’s love, sure don’t look like its washed up. Hang this on the news.... that studd that Was at the Dreamland Monday nite • • • • really did look cute fallin in with the female of the other race. Harry Rutledge really has got Evelyn S. worried about G- T. You should seen Gerald Kellogg lifting his “ground grippers” when his wife called him. We spotted Ned Moore on thei Avenue Sunday, draped down to a solid fine. He looked kinda lost without his ‘‘Uncle Sam” on. We “Seay” that Enie Bodie can wear them Wiggs. We “Seay” a certain chic, whose hair weigh’s 8 oz. s wearing one. Maxne Nicholson seems to be j seen with another girl friend— Helen King Roy Kellogg and Jack Hoard seems to be lonesome since their chic’s are out of the City.Noth ing seems to interest them. They don’t even bother t° bei schooled. FRED ASTAIRES? Wendell Chambers and Frank Brown spends their time practicing new dance steps in front of Holly wood. We are knowng that they are almost experts but why wear out the leather on your shoes boys, when you can save that leather in the dance hall. Remember the new defense plan is now in session, and shoes are higher. Isn’t Calvin Hobbs an ideal boy friend; why he actually let Gloria Jean drive his roadster; and you can bet the tank was filled. Joe Wright really looked fine ia his draped suit and white felt hat. Joe, she’s got a crooked eye casted on you; no—it’s not the (Duchess) this time, guess again. Edith was really swingng on Joe at the dance. She still carries that old torch. Can’t hide love, Edith, your ways and actions give you away. It seems that Soup Lawson is comin on with the new chic from) out of town. The “Q” Laura’s Cousin. Can ou feature Shirley Anderson comin way from South Omaha to go to Tech? Jackie and Altha were in the grove Monday night. They looked as if they didn’t care what was go in on in the other part of the hall. Wonder wat’s the other party is going to do ? ammy Taylor is here for a while [ to see what the beef is in Omaha. So Sam a to the wise is sufficient, make hay while the sun shines. TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION “I can’t remember to forget.” ‘‘Those most romantic nights that we spent.” These few words are true words, spoken by. need we say? Well, anyway, it happened recently. A very heart breaking and soul-stirring jiver shot his line to a certain chic. He declared that he and his old love had no use for each other & event ually he was with her Sunday at the show. It’s a lie somewere. Lawrence B. must like ice cream for the simple reason that he can always be found at Hollywood and not California amohg the stars. There’s a missing link in Juan ita Agee’s life and he’s in Calif. Course it needn’t be mentioned be cause lonesome for James is writ ten on Juanita’s face. Richard Gray must have been talking love with Josephine Mit chell on the Avenue, cause she was all in smiles. Some bodies gotta go, in the two Luck sisters Luv Affair. Now it is so strange that two boys (Reuben Green and Curtis Jackson) can share the same girl friend and still remain friends. My, My! Charlie Jackson was seen stroll ing te Avenue a couple of times alone. Come on Charlie, play Gable’s part with the chicks. We know that you are eligible. IN DIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped in the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress smart men and nomen depend on Bell-tns Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest ic,tonr?—nl?iicines ktxurn for acid Indigestion. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOl'BLE Money Back. 25c. Labr Day Message by A. Philip Randolph, International Pfesident Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por ters. . This Labor Day finds the work ers at the cross-roads. Today it is war and destruction they face. To morrow when peace comes, it may be famine, pestilence and revolu tion. In both the workers suffer. Theirs is perennial struggle, suf fering and sacrifice With war, wages, through strikes make rise, but prices through greed or profits rise too, and the evil days of inflation may come. During the post-war days of de flation, prices will fall and so will wages, and another awfu depres sion with widespread uriempoy ment will beset the workers. But while the lot of the white workers is terrifying, that of the black workers is even worse. Black workers are the first fired and the last hired. They are denied jobs if they don’t have a union card and they are denied union cards if they don’t have jobs. They are damned if they do, and damned if they don’t. Though America has set herself up and rightfully so, as the arse nal of democracy, black workers, citizens of the country, whose blood has wet every battle ground, from Bunker’s Hill to Flanders Field, these Negro workers must fight for the right to fight and work to preserve democracy for which our country claims to be fighting. | But out of the travail troubles, sweat, tears and blood of people have come the lofty and majestic currents of inspiration and unsel fish devotion to great human and social ideals, faiths and principles. It may be that the oppressed and outraged Negro people will serve as the supreme test and measure of the quality and characted of the democricy, freedom an justice of the new worlu order, men now seek and aspire to attain. This Labor Day finds the Negro workers with their backs against the wall fighting a life and death struggle. Racial discrimination in industry and organized labor chal lenges them with the dictum, “No further beyond.” But sleeping car porters, train porters chair car porters under the banner of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters are marching forward. Redcaps, organized by the Unit ed Transport and Service Emr ployes of America, dining car em ployes in the ranks of the Joint Council of Dining Car Employes of the International Hotel Alliance Colored Locomotive Firemen, freight handlers of National Coun cil of Freight Handlerh, Express & Station employes, and Negro work ers i nthe A. F. of L. and CIO are advancing. More and more the Negro workers everywhere, in var ious endeavors and callings, are beginning to see the light and realizing that organization is their only salvation, and that they must fight, if need be, organized busi ness and orginized labor for their rights. These are days of world-wide storm and stress, chaos and confu sion, doubt and uncertainty. The forces of darkness and barbarism under the totalitarian flags of Hit ler and Hitlerism, Fasciscm and Communism, arie assaulting the citadel of civilzation and human decency. Negro w'orkers, like white workers, must choose the camp they will fight in. They are the lamps of totalitarism or democra cy. Which shall it be? The answer is dear. It is the camp of democ racy—'the brotherhood of man in which there shall be no lines of race, color, religion or national origin. America On Guard! Above is a reproduction of the Treasury Department’s Defense Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original “Minute Man” statue by famed sculptor Daniel Chester French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your bank or post office, are a vital part of. America’s defense preparations. Men, Women Over 40 Don’t Be Weak, Old Feel Peppy, New, Years Younger Take Ostrex. Contains general tonics, stimulants often needed after 40—by bodies lacking Iron, cal cium, phosphorus. Iodine. Vitamin B,. A 73-year old doctor writes: "It did so much for patients. I took it myself. Results tine.” Special Introductory else Oetrex Tonic Tablets costs only 35c. Start feeling peppier and younger tills very day. GROSS JEWELRY AND LOAN COMPANY formerly at 24th and Erskine St. New location 514 N. 16th St. Phone Jackson 4635 UltDH LEE SEES NEVIEII E-TYf.' NEWS SYNDICAT^; WARM AND LIGHT TOPCOAT OF KNIT TWEED Pictured, a smart model topcoat of knit tweed fabric, reproducing the color and qualities of English band-loomed tweeds — good re sistance to wind and rain. ftmMMtS S"jT* SU££*^ THEIR FIGHT AIDS U.S. DEFENSE I -< - All-out aid is recognition that Britain and the Soviet Union fight for national in terests of U. S. Here is a Red Army tank crew. (■••Courtesy American People'* M°bfll*atloil DARING! SENSATIONAL! DIFFERENT! GREATER NEED BELOW' (by O’Wendell Shaw) Complete uncensored facts behind the scenes in Negro colleges “Below the Mason4Dixon Line.” -DARING!—Because it has the temerity to present clearly the sordid details behind our present educa tional set-up in the outh. Written fearlessly by O’ Wendel Shaw, brilliant Negro journalist, who has served for four years on the faculty of an outstand ing Negro college and who has visited sixteen others. SENSATIONAL!—Because some of the revelations contained in this book will shock your sensibilities. DIFFERENT!—Because it is perhaps the first nov el of its kind to appear. PRICE: $1.25 Postpaid Send all orders to: NEGRO NEWS SYNDICATE 2286 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. GENTLEMEN: Enclosed please find $1.25 in money order for which please send me the sensational expose novel of Negro college lif.— “GREATER NEED BELOW” by O’Wendell Shaw. NAME... ADDRESS .. CITY . STATE . ^ Just Fill In Your Name and Address NO CASH DOWN SALE! TRY IT FIRST! PAY LATER After You Have Read Our IMPROVED, EIGHT PaGE PAPER and Look Over These Fine Girls Who Have Signified Their Willingness To Serve You. —And their desire to finish their education, so they may have a place in this world’s affairs. Just Clip out the Coupon and fill in the same. Write your name and ad dress plainly and the name of the girl you want to get your Popularity Votes 10.000 Popularity Votes for One Year’s Subscription to the OMAHA. GUIDE 4.000 Popularity Votes for a Six Month’s Subscription to The OMAH A. GUIDE 2,500 Popularity Votes for a Three Month’s Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE— Subscription Rates as fololws: 30 DAYS TO PAY One Year in the City —-$2.00 (Out of Town-$2.50) Six Months in the City-$1.25 (Out of Town-$1.50) Three Months in the City-75c (Out of Town-$1.00) • Yes! You Can Help Some Worthy High School Girl Win Her Tuition Fee To A College or University. The Omaha Guide is Giving $300.00 Cash Scholarships To The Winning Contestant at the Close of This Cam paign. -SUBSCRIPTION COUPON To The Omaha Guide, 2420 Grant St., Omaha, Nebraska. You may enter my name on your subscription lists for— Mark an X in the square you want One Year □ Six Months □ Three Months □ Name Address Phone City State POPULARITY CONTEST VOTES I am casting my 10,000 votes I am casting my 4,000 votes I am casting my 2,500 for Miss Just fill in the girl’s name on the blank line above, that you want to receive your popularity votes. You may call for collection for my subscription to The Omaha Guide on Month Date