The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 06, 1941, City Edition, Page Eight, Image 8

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- —- . g^g—■■ - ■ ■■■■ ■■ ■. . .——
Cmaha, Nebraska -
Mrs. Bassett, 2801 Ohio died
Monday the 25th at her home. She
is survived by a huhband and four
Mr. Clel] Bates is ill in the Coun
ty HQspital and would like all his
friends to come and visit him. Mr.
Bates is the grandson of Mrs.
Mary Abrams, and has been ill
for some time.
Mrs. Ella Mae Haynes enter
tained at the Y. W. C. A. Monday
afternoon, August 251th, for Mrs.
Dillard Crawford ahd niece. It was
a beauftiful affair. The Y .W. C. A
was beautifully decorated. Covers
was laid fQr sixteen.
The winner of (the portable radio
raffle of St. Benedict, 2423 Grant
St., was WQn by Mrs. George Bry
Mrs. Anna Hamm and family, of
Omaha, have left for an extensive
trip through the South. They will
s'op over at Little Rock, Arkansas.
Mrs. Hamm, Annie, Jessie Mae and
William Henry ^ will visit many
friends and relatives while there.
Mrs Alyce Robbins, a member
of Pilgrim Baptist Church is re
cuperating at her home after a
slow illness. Mrs. Robbins whQ
has been ill for the past month,
has shown a lot of improvement.
I «*.
( J
Pick up a six bottle
carton of Pepsi-Cola
today. Fine flavor,
better taste... more
in every bottle.
repsi-cola Is made only by Pepsi-Cola Co., Long Island City, N.Y.
We Offer for Your Approval
Complete Curtain Service
and Another thing,—
Have Your
Dry Cleaning Done Now!
—Cash and Carry Discounts—
2401 North 24th Street
WE. 6055
Mrs. Lola David J. Smith, 2510
Lake, and daughters, Nadine ,Dor
thea and Sylvia left Thursday,
August 21, 1941, for Kansas City.
They are attending their annual
Seven Day Adventislt camp meet
ing. We hope them a mose enjoy
able trip.
The postal Alliance men and wo
men’s club had their Eighth annual
picnic Saturday, August 23. The
picnic was to be held at Elmwood
but the weather was bad and it
was held alt the Masonic Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lightner
and Altha and Warner are leaving
for Kansas City, Thursday for
their annual Seven Day Adventist
Camp meeting. Miss Althea
Lightner will be leaving soon to
continue her teachihg in Okla
homa. Miss Celestine Lightner
another daughter Qf Mrs. Lightner,
will be leaving soon for school in
Regular Mid-West Spiritual
Services held weekly at *2617 Cald
wrell every Wednesday night were
well attended. Rev. Brow-n ad
dressed the group Wednesday
night, Prophet Hesh of Chicago
gave Remarks at 8 P. M. Mother
Buffkins led the Prayer Service
at 9:00 P. M. Rev. Emmett Allen
conducted the Healing Service fol
lowed by silence. Public is invited
and welcome to attend these meet
ings. Come and bding some one
with you, 2617 Caldwell, Mother
“The New Era” board meeting
held it s regular meeting Thurs
day and Friday, August 28 and
29 at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church.
Miss Ruth Furgehon, niece of
Mrs. Martha Taylor was stricken
with appendicitis. Miss Ruth is
now recovering at her home.
St. Benedict Church held a two
day rummage sale, Wednehday and
Thursday, August 27 and 28, at St.
Benedict. There were many nice
Mr. and Mrs. William Harpers
home at 2830 Burdette, caught on
fire, while they wfere at the show
cause is unknown. The garage
caught on fire first.
Mr. Clyde B. Gullat, from Los
Angeles, California, was in our
fair city and his (travels ariund the*
country. Mr. Gullat is employed
in the Dining car waiters service.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Branch of
2866 Binney Street had visiting
her mother Mrs. Emma Levells
and Aunt Mrs. Maggie Watts of
Marianna, Aakansas. They are
here for the wedding gf Mr. Henry
Lebells and Miss Mary Alice
Willis. Their stay will be indef
Mr. and Mrs. Author Bly, of 2856
Binney, has as their house guest,
Mrs. Christine Watts of Los An
geleh, California. Mrs. Christine
Watts is the niece of Mr. Bly. She
spent sir days in the city. While
in the city, Mrs. Seals and Mrs.
Roberts Baily had a breakfast for
her. She reported having a nice,
enjoyable trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jefferhgn of
2864 Benny had house guest, Mrs.
Lena Katter of Pittsberg Penn.
She came here from Denvr en
route home. Mrs. Lena Katiter
is the sister of Mr. J. S. Jeffer
Mrs. C.A. Murrell and daugh
ter, Marjorie Murdell of 2851 Ben
ny Street accompanied by Mr.
Tenola Fort left Saturday to spend
the week end in Kansas City Mo.
Mrs. Murrell was visiting her
sister Mrs. G. B. White. Mr.
Fort was visiting his mother, Mrs.
J. Fort. They motored to Leaven
worth, Kansas. All reported hav
ing a very enjoyable trip.
May Besset, of 2801 Ohio Street?
passed away Monday 25th. The
funeral will be Thurday at St..
John after which her body will be
shipped to Chicago for burreal
Mrs Basset wah the mother af
five girls and one son. Leftto
hurviye Mr. Oscer 'Besset, hus
tfcnd Ml's Florin^ Collio^ay of
Chicago, Mrh. Bejrnjce Reynolds
of Kansof Kansas City, and son
Gecle Johnson of Chicago.
Ijohnson DRUG CO. '
I 2306 North 241 h
I We. 0998 Free Delivery
f§ p
2022 Lake St. WE. 2022
Miss Ruby Smith of 2736 Par
ker Street is visiting in Chicago.
She ih stopping at her Auflt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs William Smith.
Miss Smith ih enjoying her trip
to the higest lajid she will ba
back before school starts.
__-A_ -
Mr. and Mrs L D. Robinson and
family and motherin law of 2724
Ohio Street willreturn Sunday
Aug 24th from their vacation trip
in Texas. They are touring all
parts of Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Leona Farral will
sponhor a family reusion Picnic
Labor Day at the Carter Lake.
The Picnic is a annual affair and
they will invite many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William and Geor
gia Smith, brother of Mr. Walter
Smith, visited Mr. E. Smith and
family of 2736 Parker Street.
The Hillside Presbyterian Church
at 30th and Ohio Stleet is present
ing a Biblical Ddama intitled
“The Old Ship of Zion.” it will
be presented August 28th.
Mr. Billie Smith of 2736 Parker
Stredt is in Oakland, California,
boxing. Mr. Billie is the firmer
Eurise Smith and he has planned
to htay in California.
Mr. Eleanod Hale and Mrs. El
verta Smith of North Littlerock,
Ark., is visiting her sister, Mrs. E.
Smith, of 2736 Parker Street.
Miss Louise Young of 2717 Ohio
Street will deturn from Oklahomi.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Manel and
'family of 2715 Ohio Street, will
return Monday. September 1st,
from Topeka, Kansas.
Mrs. Anna Harris has visiting
with her, Mrs. Ernest Walker of
St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Watker mo
tored to Omaha Saturdy, August
18th. She will leave Saturday,
August 30th. She said that she i3
having a wonderful time. Mrs.
Walker also visited the home of
Mrs. Madock of 2218 No. 22nd St.
Mr. Joseph Strowed, brother of
Mrs. Anna Harrih and Mr. Louis
Strower, married in Washington.
D. C.
Mrs. I. Harvey of 2404 No. 27th
Avenue had guest visiting fdom
Kansas City Mo., Miss Marie Rob
inson. Mish Robinson left Sunday,
Auguht 24th and she reported hav
ing a nice time while in the city.
Ralph Adams and Family visited
the Omaha Guide Plant, and ex
pressed admiration of the Guide
and Staff for the great develop
ment that was apparent. Adamh
felt that the manner in which the
phyhical plant was arranged was
decidedly efficient and systematic.
He remax-ked that each time he re
turned to visit the Guid6 .he no
ticed additional improvements, and
complimented the editorial and
make-up departments for the neat
and attractive appearance of the
paper, as well as thew ell selected
subject matter published.
Lake Minnevaska afforded much
pleasure and relaxation for a
group of Omaha’s jolly citizens.
Fishing, picnicing and other
camping sports furnihhed unlimi
ed entertainment during their stay
in Minnesota.
Thise who enjoyed such wede
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Myers, Mrs.
, Lydia Rogers, Mr. and Mrh Dail
Riddle; Mr and Mrs. George Alt
! house.
Mr. Geodge King of Lawrence
Kansas came to Omaha to have na
operation. While here he stopped
with his sister and m0ther, Mrh.
C. C. Simmons, 1820 N. 27th St.
Mr. King left Thursday the 28th
for his home at Lawrence, Kans.
Mi s. Katie Moode, 2826 Parker
St., died Monday the 25th at her
heme. Mrs. Moore ih survived by
her husband, Mr. MoQre and one
granddaughter and one nephew of
Saint Louis, Mo. Funeral was
held at Myeds Funeral Home,
Thursday, August 28th.
Miss Juanita Smart hah just re
turned from an extensive trip
through Minnesota. Miss Smart
had an enjoyable time fishing and
Mr. Gaines Partridge has left
fgr Hunthville, Alabama, to con
tinue his schooling at Oakwood
Junior College. Mr. Partridge is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Partridge
residing at 2863 Miami. Faines
Is a graduate of Technical High
■3ull90UI dujBD jBnu
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-IB IIJM. iSaqi aJoqr *^1jO
SBSUB51 oi dui pu© qa0M b joJ
‘*{163 mnSny ‘topuj ija{ ‘Xjiuibj
puB aSpuiJBj -sjj^ puB
Mrs. J. W. Dacus, 2519 Wirt has
left for the National Baptist Cin
•gJDpi 'Olqo ‘PUBj9A9lO Ul UOlluOA
Dacus attended the convention in
Texas. Mrs Dacus will also visit
in Detroit- Mrs. Dacus is very
prominent in religious work and
sicial work.
Mrs. Charles Wright, 2408 N.
25th St. has just returned from an
extensive trip through Missouri.
While there Mrs. Wright stopped
over for a weeks stay in St. LquIs
to visit with her sister and
Mrs. Carl King is ill in a local
hospital. Mrs. is expecting a
blessel event. She is confined.
Corporal Covel Scott from Om
aha now at Fort Leonard Wood,
Missouri, is now on Naneuvers in
Louisianna. Corporal Scott will
be home on leave soon to visit with
friends and relatives.
Mrs. Mary Dobard Kenny is
now convaleSing at her home
after a serious appendicitis oper
Mrs. Milleree Collins, 2414
Caldwell, has left for Pittsburg,
Penn., where she will visit with a
sister she has not seen for a long
Shortly the North Side branch
Qf the Y. W. C. A. will open. It
will open around September 1,
Mrs. Roberta McCloud had an
appendicitis operation. She is
now in a local hospital.
The New Era Board Association
met with Mt. Moriah Baptist
Church Thursday evening, August
28th, 1941. After Devotions, short
reports of the Congress were
feivn by Mr. Henderson of Betherl.
Mr. Howard Swain of Zion, Mr.
Wm. Cooper of Salem and Mr.
Garner of Bethel Baptist. These
short reports were enjoyed by all.
The main program consisted of a,
one hour program conducted by
the College Girls of the University
of Omaha. This program was
conducted by Miss Eva Mae Stew
art and Miss Ora Lee Britt. Miss
Bertha Young played an instru
mental solo and Miss Britt con
ducted a panel on the problems
that are confronting youth. Rem
edies and solutions were suggest
d by all. Miss Bernice Grice dis
cussed the Political Problms, Miss
Thomas th Religious, Miss Stew
art the Economical and Miss Britt
the Social.
Miss Juanita Cole, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole left Sunday
evening, August 24th, for Deni
son, Texas, where she will visit
her sister, Mrs. Helen Cole Perry.
Mihs Cole will stay two months.
She will be accompanied by her
niece, Miss Helen Perry who is re
: turning home and her liittle ne
^ phew, John Phillips, Junior.
Mr. J. W. Daeus who is employ
| ed in Civil service, position rail
way mail clerk at present at the
Burlingtin postal (terminal was
awarded by the Civil Service in
spection authorities, fifty Gold
seal merit marks for one year of
perfect services. For the past
year Mr. DacUs did not make one
error in his services with the pos
tal department and as results, he
heads the entire force Qf workmen
at this station in his work. He
now stands at th head of the class
for promotion. Will his color bar
him from what he has earned for
this year’s perfect service ? The
Omaha Guide and (this entire com
munity hopes it will not. Mr. Da
cus is rated among his associates
in our city in all of his public ac
tivities in religious, social and pa
ternal organizations in the same
class the government has rated
him he is an outstanding Christian;
gentleman in every respect. We
wish for him the promotion which
he has earned.
Mr. J. J. Greer of Des Moines,
■ Iowa, surprised his brother, Mr.
James C. Greer, 2331 Emmett by
dropping in on him for a few days
visit Saturday, August 30.
Mrs. Ruth McGregor of Des
Moines, also was a visitor in our
city for a few days. Mrs. Mc
Gregor is a popular member of
Shiloh Baptist Church. Mr. J. J.
Greer and Mrs. McGregor were
visitors and accompanied by Mr.
James C. Greer through the Omaha
Guide Plant.
6 A. M. TO l(f:30 P. M.
5302 SO. 30th ST. MA-0741
Mrs. VirginiaWynn. 2626 Sew
ard St., died at her home early Fri
day morning, August 22, 1941, af
ter an illness of five weeks. Mrs.
Wynn has been a resident of Om
aha for many years. She was a
member of Pilgrim Baptist Church
where the funeral services were
held Monday at 2:00 P. M., con
ducted by Rev. F. S. Goodlett as
sisted by Rev. John Thomas. Sur
vivors are husband, W. S- Wynn,
four daughters, Mrs. Clara Robin
son; Oscebli Wright of Minneap
olis; Mrs. Dorothy Cullus, Virginia
Hailing and three sons Lawrence
Wynn, Robert Wynn and Walter
Wynn; eleven grand children, one
brother and one sister,Rev. Roul
hac of Los Angeles, and five nieces
and nephew, one William Roulhac
of the city. List of cousins and
Grand children: Willa M. Jen
kins of Detroit, Mich.; Dorothy
Key, Osceola Key, Phillip Robinson
Jr., Lawrence Wynn Jr., William)
Wynn Jr., Melvin Key, Leroy
Wynn of hhhhhhhhh, Fla., Virginia
Key, Juaniita Wynn, Robert Wynn.
Jr.. Nephews; William Roulhac,
Mary Watts Qf Los Angeles, Mary
Parker, nephew George Long and
Robert Long; daughter-in-laws Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Wynn, Mr. and
Mrs- Lassie Wynn, Mrs. Ella Wynn
J. B. drove Beatrice Wright and
Doris Marten to Topeka ,Kansas,
to visit some old friends. They
had a very good time. Seems as
though Beatrice Wright met an old
flame and didn’t want to leave. J.
B. had to almost tie a chain around
her neck to bring her back.
Mrs. Maria G. Chandler, 2804
No. 25£h Street announces the
marriage of her daughter, Vera
Adrienne to Mr. Luther H. Fos
ter, Jr. of Petersburg, Virginia,
j The ceremony wets quietly sol
emnized in Chicago. .Illinois on
Wednesday, August 27. Mr. and
Mrs. Foster will be at home at1
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama.
The former Miss Chandler, a
member of D(elta Sigma Theta,
sorority, ih a graduate of Cen
tral High School. Fisk and Nebr
aska Universities, ond spent the
past year studing at Minnesota.
Mr. Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs
Luther H. Foster of Peterburg,
Virginia, is a member of Alpha
Phi Alpha fraternity and holds
degrees from Virginia Staite. Har
vard, and Chicago Universities.
He was formerly Budget Officer
at Howard University.
Mr. H. J. Johnson, 2503 1-2 No.
34 St and Mr. Golan Micklyn of
2402 Lake St. spent Saturday eve
ning, Sunday and Monday with
relatives and friends. Both are
reported having a swell time. Both
beisg entertained by the Macklyn
brothers of Chicago. They made
the trip by motoring.
Try Flushing Excess Poisons
And Acid Thru Kidneys
And Stop Getting Up Nights
When your kidneys are overtaxed
and your bladder is irritated and pas
sage scanty and often smarts and
burns, you may need Gold Medal
Haarlem Oil Capsules, a fine harmless
stimulant and diuretic that starts to
work at once and costs but 35 cents
at any modern drugstore.
It’s one good way to put more
healthful activity into kidneys and
bladder — you should sleep more
soundly the whole night through. But
be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s a
genuine medicine for weak kidneya
Don't accept a substitute.
i _jet-.rJEi
Ladies and Children’s Work
A Specialty
2422 LAKE ST.
t_- Hi .L-gr- l
Make Your Own
Tea Rings
-By Frances Lee Barton —- *
IF you make a filled tea ring
from the following recipe you
will have something to be proud of.
Yes! It takes a
little time, but
it settles the
“what to serve”
problem and
thus takes a
real load oh
your mind as
I well.
Pineapple Filled Tea Ring
2 cups sifted cake flour; 2 tea
spoons double-acting baking pow
der; % teaspoon salt; 4 tablespoons
butter or other shortening; 1 egg,
slightly beaten; 10 tablespoons
heavy cream; pineapple filling.
Sift flour once, measure, add bak
ing powder and salt, and sift again.
Cut in shortening. Combine egg
and cream; add all at once to flour
mixture and stir until all flour is
dampened. Then stir vigorously
until mixture forms a soft dough
and follows spoon around bowl.
Turn out on slightly floured board
and knead 30 seconds. Roll into
oblong sheet, 7 x 10 inches. Spread
evenly with pineapple filling. Roll
as for jelly roll, wetting edges to
seal. Cut in ten 1-inch slices.
Pinch each slice at sealed edge into
rounding point. Place a 3-inch
. cooky cutter in center of greased
I baking sheet. Arrange slices in
circle around cutter, having points
touch cutter. Pat lightly to shape.
Bake in hot oven (425° F.) 25 min
utes, or until done. Remove to
cake rack and while hot spread
with glaze made by combining %
cup sifted confectioners’ sugar, 4
teaspoons pineapple juice and
teaspoon lemon juice. Serve warm
or cold.
To make pineapple filling, com
bine 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 table
spoons cake flour, and dash of salt
in top of double boiler. Add grad
ually y3 cup canned pineapple
juice, mixing thoroughly. Add y3
cup well drained canned crushed
pineapple. Place over boiling water
and cook 8 minutes, stirring con
stantly. Combine 1 egg yolk, slight
ly beaten, and 2 teaspoons lemon
juice. Add to pineapple mixture and
continue cooking 2 minutes, stir
ring constantly. Chill.
This ring may be stored in'refri
gerator for 2 hours before baking.
Cover closely with waxed paper
and damp cheesecloth.
Mrs Katie Moore of 26th and
Parker Died Monday August 251th.
Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to
1 a. m.
JA. 9411
E. McGill, Prop.
2423-25 NORTH 24th St.
Ine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m
Open for Private Parties from
2 to 7 p. m.
—No Charges—
DRINKS—In case you don’t
know what to put in it—Call
CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has
got the works and knows what
to do with it. He’s North
Omaha’s Famous drink mixer.
Quality Material & Guaranteed
Quality Work
Call AT. 7060
Lowest Coal Prices
2408 Lake St. AT. 7225
Hike so—though only ao"
v — soys William looks, Wosfclogfoo. D.C.
- — """• —
ONLY 35c.
1 — —*—1
If you are troubled with getting up frequently at
night, the misery, backache, puffy eyes, shifting
plains, difficult or burning passage due to this
cause, try Cold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, the
original formula of Dr. Boerhane that has helped
millions of folks with slow-acting kidneys and
irritated bladder which so often follows. Gold
Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules start to work imme
diately — no long waiting for results. Be spire
and get Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, a
physician's great formula — costs but 35tf at
druggists everywhere. Don’t accept a substitute.
Money refunded should Gold Medal fail to help you
— ... .- /.a
Better Prepare For
“1,1 By Frances Lee Barton —
1*' aot necessary to labor long,
w.' r<pend excessively to furnish
& iteaBert dish with a five-point
appeal — sight.
> smell, taste, di
gestibility and
j nourishment.
You have
7 whipped cream,
) gelatin and hot
water available.
A few sticks of
-cunuy may De
c--.c.uretl bMiiy, With these four in
Cr»dietu« and very little effort —
?oa can prepare one of the most
dai^cLtfu! little “surprise” desserts
3wt you iwd better make plentv,
Car tiia twanauds for “seconds” will
be nunaetous.
Lime TnttuMe
1 package lime fla; ort*i geiathr;
cni* ***■ '*w*w; t e*»pe w“*iru,
wnippea, % cu$) wusht-d pepper
mint mkem. caddy. \
bitmoiTe geiao-v in he* watwr.
Shill until c»Kt :-*}d ayre^y. Fold
mw!ug.j»ed tYOfiar a*d candy. Yum
***, tray o< automatic
adtigaiatar n»i lei stand 3 tc i
until Lozen. Serve jn .
dMwWt Siasses. Makes I
Lots of Lucky Heart agents are \mM
making big money. You can, too.
Just show friends and neighbors V
our line of beauty preparations, M
household necessities, medicines. M
See how easy it is to make up to
$4.00 day in spare time, up to M
$35.00 week full time. No expcri- M
ence needed. We show you how. M
Act fast! Write for Free samples
of Face Powder and Hair Dress- 0F$ff
ing. Free Agents Money fcac«r'i
Making Proposition. Free 5*1 Dir.
Sample Case offer. Sent at
once. Lucky Heart Co., C* //
Dept. CN-109-J) Mem- —
phis, Tennessee.
but TOUR
2204-6 NORTH 24th ST.
Get the Best in Quality at the
Lowest Price
PHONE WE. 4137
now finding great favor
among women...
Many doctors recommend regular use
of douches as a precautionary meas
ure for women who want to be clean,
dainty-for women troubled by offend
ing odor or discharge.
Some products may be harmful to
delicate tissues. But not Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Pinkham’s
Sanative Wash is gaining great favor
because it’s NOT a harmful germicide.
Instead—it’s a mighty effective “bac
teriostatic" (the modern trend). It not
only discourages bacterial growth and
infection but thoroughly cleanses, deo
dorizes. Very soothing—relieves minor
irritations and discharge and has a
tonic effect on delicate membranes.
Inexpensive! All druggists.
[7 ---|
A Prominent Business * !
Woman Praises Mme.C.J. |
Walker’s Preparations [
I . t
"I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s
preparations exclusively be
cause I get results from them
that I am unable to get from any
other preparation,” stated a well
known business woman the
other day.
The secret of the remarkable
success of Mme. C. J. Walker's
preparations is in the fact that
they were blended by the late ,
Madam C. J. Walker to reach
certain definite conditions of the l
hair, skin and scalp, and today, .
after over thirty-five years on t
the market, they are growing *
increasingly popular, and not- .
withstanding the fact that the 1
Company has always refused to
reduce the price on these goods,
they are still in demand every
where. / ^
* Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossint.
although more than thirty-five
years on the market, is still the
leader in its field. The reason
for this is because it not only
serves as a scalp oil, but it gives
the hair that silky sheen and
natural gloss that is the delight
of every woman.
Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown
Face Powder is not just another
Face Powder, but is the result of
years of experimenting to pro
duce the perfect blend to impart
a velvetlike softness and at the
same time cooling and refresh
ing. Just the thing for these hot
The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won
derful preparations are sold by
Walker Beauticians and Drug
Stores everywhere, or you can
write The Mme. C. J. Walker
Mfg. Company, direct. Address:
The Walker Building, Indian
apolis, Indiana. ^