opinions March of Events comments » ■■■■! —- . — ——__ — I ——————— II —■Ill'll " ■■■■■ — —I THE OMAHA GUIDE Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, September 6,1941 rage 5 THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Maxfc 15. 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. X. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Flurna Cooper — — Vice Pres. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and'Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’y and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — S2X0 Six Months — _ _ $1.25 Three Months — — _ One Month — — — _ .25 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — $2 50 Six Months — — — — $1.50 Three Months — — _ $1.00 One Month — — _ .40 All Newfe Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pro ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. THAT ALL MIGHT SURVIVE By Ryland Eugene Melford Never in the modern history of the American Negro has the need for leadership been so apparent as it now is. Lincoln wisely said that “a house divided among itself must fall.” The bone of contention among the Negro leaders of our race must be buried, or we as a race of people, already im poverished because of lack of econom ic nourishment, will find ourselves plunged deeper into the muck of in ternational banditry. To whom can we as a race of people rely upon in these dark and try ing times of international unrest? To whom can we turn to prevent the ephemeral shadows of economic se curity from loosing themselves from us? And what of the many divergent problems that daily confront the Negro in his pursuits, whether they be acts of pleasure or travail. Is it not true that the pigment of our skins all too often results in the degeneration of years of academic preparation to ap pease some uncouth gentlemen of in dustrial or business advantages within our local confines. The writer would mildly suggest that those who direct our policies whether they be interna tional, national, or local in scope look not with disfavor upon men because their skin is tinted brown or black, but rather, majestically seek those who can best produce on the job, whether it be in the field, at the office, in our finest technical laboratories, at the fac tory, or some menial task. Of the millions appropriated and now spent by our able Congress, little of these silver ducats have found their way into the pockets of the Negro people. Yet, we represent both con sumer and purchaser. I ask, must we shoulder the burden of higher taxes and suffer under the yoke of poverty. In these perilous times the black man is still excluded from holding positions of command and trust in the Navy; the Marine Corps must laugh when the inception of Negro youths within its ranks is mentioned, our army, slowly but surely, rising to meet the armed might of European dictators, still pur sues its lily white policies despite the elevation of Brigadier General Davis by Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the sev eral other Negro officers of the reg ular army recently commissioned. True it is, that our air force may soon be acclaimed the finest in the world and reach a parity with the forces of Adolph Hitler, and yet pitifully weak is the numerical strength of Negro military aviators. When will the doors of West Point, and Annapolis swing open to the hundreds of Negro youths who can match physical, mental and gentlemanly qualities with the cream of any American youth when the bars of racial discrimination are lifted. No separate unit of aviators at Tuskegee, nor a few select Negro sailors of petty rank, or a Negro Gen eral, as well as we might think of him, will appease one-tenth of the na tion’s loyal citizens. Then too, remem ber that many, yes very many white brethren who see eye to eye with us are frowning with disfavor at the con ditions imposed upon a free black people. The Negro should heartily endorse and wax eloquently in behalf of any arrangement whereby the editorial policies of our leading journals and the scopes of Negro leaders would develop a homogenous attitude. The Negro’s policy must call for national unity and solidarity. Personal gains must be sacrificed. Mass power and power tactics must be employed with ever-increasing successes. A tacit un derstanding of racial relations would better serve all people that democratic ideals upon which our country is founded might survive. And lastly, let us, a free and loyal people, rise above the situation, and like a conqueror, champion all causes in our behalf with in our own ranks. MILLIKIN AND COMPTON ~ Millikin and Compton, propon ents respectively of the mysteries of the atom and the electron, are seek ing to analyse and utilize their power. We hope that when they shall have solved their mysteries, their gifts will not be turned into engines of destruc tion. LABOR DAY Monday was “LABOR DAY” on which workers meet together and play and hear orators. But it has a deeper significance than that. It is set aside and dedicated to the workers of Amer ica, without whose contribution in these critical days for mankind, all that we have gained in the long struggle up ward will be lost. A new day is coming for LABOR. It is going to share in the problems of FREE ENTERPRISE and help, along with management, in the solution of the things which trouble our economy and the whole social organization un der which we live. Henry Ford has led the way. He has called upon the leaders of labor in the automobile industry to help work out a plan to prevent unemployment as a result of the curtailment of auto mobile production during the defense effort. At last they are learning that la boi, capital and management together constitute FREE ENTERPRISE. Hen ry Ford has gone all the way with or ganized labor. And labor is very like ly to go all the way with him. OSWALD GARRISON VILLARD CALLS FOR A POST-WAR PEACE FOR ALL MEN Elsewhere in this issue Oswald Garrison Villard, Grandson of William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator, lays down certain rules for a just peace after the holocaust of war is done. He wants that peace to include all races and creeds and colors, under con ditions which will enable all of them to share in the good things of earth and have the opportunity to fight and win rewards in human society as per sons. His splendid thesis should evoke a response in the breasts of all who love the right everywhere. the education number Watch for our education number, soon to appear, just as the boys and girls are returning to school in their quest for knowledge. It will seek to help a little as the children go their way from grade to grade. Among them will be found genius, and some of them will one day rise to place and power. MR. HERBERT GLEED PAYS US A VISIT Mr. Herbert J. Gleed of Lawrence, Kansas, spent several days in Omaha last week. He took advantage of the short stay here to make a brief round of business conducted by Negroes. He made several suggestions about co operative effort in business. Mr. Gleed has been in the Commis sion business in Kansas for many years and his suggestions are based upon experience. We were glad to have you, Mr. Gleed. Come again. IRAN IS CAPTURED BY BRITAIN AND RUSSIA Great Britain and Russia have captured Iran and her oil, and if they can hold it, Germany will be the loser in the end. Germany must have oil and more oil, hence the race for the oil fields of Iran. Iran was formerly named Persia. And Persia in the ancient world had her hour of glory and ruled nearly all the world. She gave Cyrus, The Great, to the ancient world and Cam bysees, his son. The latter conquered Egypt in the fifth century B. C., five thousand years after Egypt had at tained her greatest glory and was de clining. What caused the decline of Persia, history does not clearly record. But her oil may be the means of Hitler’s undoing. If so, she did not rise and reign and fall in vain. Both Great Britain and Russia are to be commended for the swift conquest of Iran and her oil. Once, they beat Hitler to the punch. THE FRENCH TERRORISTS RIDE AGAIN The “REIGN OF TERROR” is beginning once again in France and traitors’ heads will soon begin to fall. I n 1770 TERRORISTS ruled France and revolution came and for a time, at least, washed away a cruel and ancient caste with its blood. But they rose from that crucible, purged and glorified and chose for the national motto, LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRA TERNITY. Under Hitler’s orders these guar antees have been swept away, and therefore, “TERROR” once more reigns. Its tide will rise, until the Seine shall once more run red with blood; the blood of Frenchmen who have betrayed the people and made the fruits of the Revolution a mockery. A STUDY IN COLOR Not very long since we met a white Colored woman; that is, one who is identified with Colored People by exclusion, who has spent many years in the deep South. Often when riding on jim crow street cars, white women beckon her to leave the Negro section and sit with the whites. The Colored passengers glare at her. Her method of escape from these embar rassments is to take her place in the white section. All of which indicates how silly color prejudice is. It is a phase of ig norance, and we hope a rapidly pass ing phase. GOLFERS The golfers held the spotlight in Omaha during August. First came the Negro Golfers from the middle west, and later the National Open Golf meet. Golfers play golf for exercise. Thank you, we get plenty without it, getting this newspaper out each week and trying to make of our plant the best one of its kind in the Middle West. Henry Armstrong is about to at tempt a “comeback.” Good luck, Henry. TWO TEACHERS VISIT OMAHA Mrs. Carrie J. Gleed, for the past twelve years, has taught in the De. partment of Home Economics at Tus kegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama, and Mrs. Mozella Smith, Dean of Wom en in Dillard University, New Orleans, La., have for the past week been vis iting Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahammit, 2116 North 25th Street. They assure us that a new South is in the making; that betted race re lations are being developed and that a wider fiel(J is opening up for Negro workers throughout the whole economy of the Southland. We sincerely hope these good things are coming even more rapidly than the most optimistic dreamed a few years ago. Joe and Marva have “made up.” Congratulations! “There shall be wars and rumors of wars before the end of time” saith the Good Book. € “No man or nation may with jus tice indict a whole race of People.” A poor man went in to see a law yer and asked his services in a theft case. He could not pay, but the law yer agreed to represent him and said: “Alright, John, I will appear for you and see that you get justice.” The client replied, “Hold on there, Mr. But ler, that’s what I don’t want.” —Courtesy American People's Mobilisation rrepEFTNSE BUY) UNITED I STATES fi SAVINGS j/bonds j jfll AND STAMPS I .Jr~ Mttia 'w "Currant” Events — By Frances Lee Barton KEEP up with your “currant events” as well as with current events. As the various meml'crs of tho currant fam lly appear on the marmot or ripen on your own grounds, t roll out the jars, turn the fruit Into jelly or jam, and later on ■ you’ll have a I 1_1 _ XI jo_ uauci ui uui. A combination of red currants and ripe apricots makes a very de licious jam. Here is a recipe that will take care of about eleven glasses — but when you taste this jam you will see to it that at least another batch is prepared. Apricot and Currant Jam 4 cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit; 7% cups (3*4 lbs.) sugar; *£ bottle fruit pectin. To prepare fruit, pit (do not peel) about 1% pounds fully ripe apri cots. Cut in small pieces and crush thoroughly or grind. Crush thor oughly or grind about 1 pound fully ripe red currants. Combine fruits. Measure sugar and prepared fruit into large kettle, mix well, and bring to a full rolling boil over hottest fire. Stir constantly before and while boiling. Boil hard 1 minute. Remove from fire and stir in bottled fruit pectin. Skim; pour quickly. Paraffin hot jam at once. Makes about 11 glasses (6 fluid ounces each).^^ :u Dark Laughter .... CY 0L harrington i J. I J -1 _ 1 . J K. "S. -'»>■ «% > 1 . / A \l 1. I I ■» xj -" _:_ Don't Forget ta duck back there Tcctsie, scire of thoso branches arokin/a low