PAYS TO ADVERTISE— 1 IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS FOR YOUR GARDENS PLANTS, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Cabbage Now Ready—Order Nowl H. G. Davis & Sons, R. 4 South Cknaha. Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage, Friendship, ot Pleasure. Send Dime for member ship blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen ieU, Chicago, 111. AUTOS FOR SALE Buick A-l condition $75 takes it. 2306 Grant St. WEbster 1366. Mrs. Emil Jensen. ROOMS FOR RENT 5 NEAT' FURNISHED ROOMS,— Telephone and water bills paid.— $4.50 A Week. 2706 Maple St. WE. 6402. For rent front room cheap for right parity. A fine front room for man and wife with use of kitchen $3.50 per week or for a single man cheaper call WE. 0162. 2115 North 30th 3 Room Apt, Furnished, Bills Paid, Ground Floor $4.50—JA. 0986. Room For Rent, WEbster 2365. HOUSE FOR RENT HA. 1992. 7 Room House for Rent—All mod ern furnished, Call WE. 4249. Room for Rent at 2807 N. 24th St We 2217. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 20£2 HARDWARE— DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We da glazing and make window shades to order 1822 N. 24th St. WE. 1607 LA UN DRIES & CLEAN ERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6065 i EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 10» MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUB CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.” WANT TO BUY— Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Roller, Mgr lfllllllllllilll!ll!Bl!ll!!l!ll>!l^n!llL'!!!ll!!II!!il!!i!ll!lil!!!lllll!llllllllliii'l)i!llill!l!llllIII!lltl RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands j of BEER and LIQUORS | 2229 Lake Street j _ Always a place to park— | .WnWMViV.V^VWW DUFFY Pharmacy 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 ASV.V.W/.'.VJ'.V.VA’.W Kaplan Produce formerly locat ed on No. 24th St. is now located at 1804 No. 20th St. We have a large selection on Poultry and eggs. I We deliver, Phone JA. 6537, Kap lan Produce Co. extend an invita tion to his old customers to pay him a visit at his new^ location. 2 or 3 furnished rooms, $2.50 and $3.00. 2406 No. 21st St. E. Williams. FOR COLORED For Sale or Rent all modern 7 room house, also store with liv ing rooms, fixtures encluded. cheap. Call Ha. 0678 Apt. for Rent. WE 2365 WANTED Licensed Janitor wanted for small apartment building. Age above 30. Please inquire at Omaha Guide im mediately. Fall Suggests NEW OFFICE |3 FURNITURE \ Whether for newly equipping or refurnishing, see the modern wood and steel office furniture displayed In model show rooms. The Largest Office Furniture Stock in the Midwest Generous trade-in allowance on your present furniture; estimates on complete office layouts sub mitted without obligation. Omaha d • • m JAcksoit rrmting • r 7123 Company Thirteenth and Faraam Streets READ The GUJJ)£ Join up with my sands of men and women agents everywhere. Many mak- i ing up to $45.00 week full' time, $5.00 day spare time. Write for my guarantee offer of $15.00 a week. No experience needed. Just follow my plan. Write me for FREE SAM PLES, FREE SAMPLE CASE offer of $9.00 worth , of cosmetics, flavorings, — medicines, curios, Victor Williams Dept. CN-64-H JkVlWK P-O. Bx 2565, Memphis, ‘'vX IflMMMMIkMMMMBUI- « NORTH24“ SI. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES — YOU CANT TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD “Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. ROTHERY CLEANING SPECIAL CONE PIECE PLAIN DRESSES MEN’S SUITS LADIES PLAIN JACKET SUITS LIGHT TOPCOATS LADIES PLAIN SPRING COATS Except White or Fur Trimmed j 0% Less For Cash and Carry FDFF 0NE PLAIN SKIRT OR TROUSERS CLEANED FREE I KLL WITH EACH $1.00 ORDER FREE—“Moth-Seal” Bags •>«' Free Storage for Cloth Winter Coate Cleaned Now uc Oui Regular Prices (Not Special Price?.) Fur Coats, values to $100. Cleaned and Cold Stored, $4.50 ROTHERY CLEANERS 2515-17-19 CUMING ST. JA. 7383 Mrs. Emma Parker. 2206 No 26th St.., age 70 died at the Local Hospital Monday, Sept., 1st. She was a resident in Omaha for 27 years. She is survived by a dau ghter, Miss Hazel Johnson, son Mr. Walter Byers, three grand daughters, Miss Hattie Stevenson. Miss Helen Byers of Omaha and Miss Marie Byers of Des Moines, Iowa. Two grand sons, Mr. John Bryant of Omaha, with whom the deceased had made her home, and Mr. Rudolph Spears o Des Moines, two nieces, Miss Ethel Marie Price of Omaha and Miss Delia Blackwell Shelton of Minnapolis, Minn, and a host of friends. Fun eral services were held Friday af ternoon at 2:30 P.M. from Clair Chapel Church with Rev. C. C. Reynolds officiating. Burial at Foresit Lawn Cemetery. Arran gements Thomas Funeral Home. Clair Chapel Methodiht Church 22nd and Miami St. Rev. C. C. Reynolds, pastor M*rs. Ellis Kirtley, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Mornign Worship 11:00 A. M. Evening Wirship 8:00 P. M. Women Socety of Christian Ser vice Wed. Evening 7:00 P. M. Leadership Training Wed. Eve. 8:00 P. M. Iter Hubbard, Instructor Choir Rehearsal, Friday Eve. Sunday School was opened at the usual hour wjth a very good attendfhnce. Morning services was well attended. The pastor Subject. “Christian D istinction” Every Christian present was made to feel the importance of distin guishing themself. More than 150 person attended Binquet Thurday Evening, given by the Improvement Mens Club. This Club has been organized 3 months and is doing a fine work under the leadership of Mr. Cor nells Bennett. Sept. 7 and 8-Rev. G. D Han cock District Seept. of The Top eka Dist. will hold his 2nd quar terly. Rev. L A Storey will pre ach the Comunion Sermon 3 P.M. Cleaves Temple Chior will fur nish the music. All are Welcome. OMAHA PUBLIC LIBRARY According |to Miss Bertha Bau mer, City Librarian, a departments of the Public Library will be closed Monday, September 1, in obser vance of Labor Day. Miss Baumer also announces the following schedule of winter hours for the Main Library, South and North Branches, effective Tuseday, September 2: MAIN LIBRARY, Nineteenth and Harney. Ja. 5426 Circulation Department - Daily, 9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Reference Rooms - Daily, 9 A.M. to 9P.M. Sunday, 2P.M. to 6 P.M Children’s Room - Daily, 9 A M. to 6 P.M. SOUTH BRANCH, Twenty-ninth and Ames. Ke. 6540 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, IP -M. to 9 P.M. Tuseday, Thurday, Saturday, 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. QUESTIONS OF TODAY: Doeh Raymond Mbore only love one girl or does he love them all. Why is AHene Hall so worried lately, is it because Robert Payton was seen with hs Missohpi grls or is it because he is going to Des Moines. Iowa. WTiy s it Raymond Miore is go ing over to Dorothy Ribinson’s lately. Is it because he is trying to accept her love. Lawrence Watson, Omaha’3 Golden Glove Champion won a three riund decision over Herely Collins in Des Moines, Iowa, Labor Day. Is rther Russell tryng to love again or is it true about Helen Moore ? i' Who is this fine chick seen at the Hollowood with Ribert Payton, could it be his old lady, the answer is yes. Men, Women Over 40 Don’t Be Weak, Old Feel Peppy, New, Years Younger 1»ke Ostrex. Contains general tonics, stimulants, often needed after 40—by bodies lacking Iron, cal cium, phosphorus. Iodine, Vitamin B,. A 73-year ohl doctor writes: "It did so much for patients. I took It myself. Results nnc.” Special Introductory cue Ostrt-x Tonic Tablets costs only 35c. start fcch.ig peppier and younger this very day. DO YOU KNOW WHY — Pages From Biographies Read Like This ? JtomHffflMML ft. tr IfS Dm* for to pjtf' By FTsh^r _... . _ . ... ————— - „ — jin ai -lni ni—ii——— MWL, —— H6 BURNED THE M*>NtfMT WHO **M_KED u1 "KZS (MCI WHS * COUNT** PfcHCTtCEO 6EFOOB - Vm* IN THE BHTTueOP fsNO TOO** |3 OnH Of Ov* > 2£y>Tc-OIL WAS y^Tl^a- TO the MTrtC REP rtC SCKOOl TE^HEft.*MO ^ATEg- THE BHO. COW ' I NORTHSIDE TRANSFER : ’ —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR— i ’ 2414 Grant Street WEbster 5656 ! . ' - —— II— Flush Poisons From Kidneys and Stop Getting Up Nights Be Healthier, Happier—Sleep Better When you can get for 36 cent* an efficient and harmless stimulant and diuretic that should flush from your kidneys the waste matter, poisons and acid that are now doing you harm, why continue to break your restful sleep by getting up thru the night? Don’t be an EASY MARK and ac cept a substitute—Get Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules — the original and genuine. Look for the Gold Medal on the box — 35 cents. Other symptoms of weak kidneys and irritated bladder may be back* i ache, puffy eyes, shifting pains, burn ing or scanty passage. BlQ MuNtYmYuU , Make big money selling Lucky Heart's line of 300 guaranteed cosmetics, med icines, house hold necessities, Jewelry. Folks buy on sight Big repeat business sure. Free samples sent at once. Free 58-page Beauty Book. Ge< our offer FREE on |9.00 „ worth of Lucky Heart nroducts and a Big Sample Case. Write LUCKY HEART LAB., Depit. CN 87-J, Memphis, Tenn. Getting Up Nights Hakes Many Feel Old Do you feel older than yea are or suffer from Getting Up Nights. Backache, Nervous ness, Leg Pains, Dlzslness, Swollen Ankles, Rheumatic Pains, Burning, scanty or fre quent passages? If so, remember that your Kidneys are vital to your health and that these symptoms may be due to non-organie and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder trou bles—In such cases CYSTEX (a physician's prescription) usually gives prompt and Joy ous relief by helping the Kidneys flush out poisonous excess acids and wastes. You bavs everything to gain and nothing to lose In trying Cystex. An Iron-clad guarantee wrapped around each package assures a re fund of your money on return of empty package unless fully satisfied Don’t take chances on any Kidney medicine that Is not guaranteed. Don’t delay. Oet Cystex &% — . (Siss-tex) from your ■ e VC1 druggist today. Only ▼ «Vt>VA SSe. The guarantee wsalsa fink iiimii protects you. • ' •' * - *• * ?n'.£ #I i ®Scratchinf:S Foe quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly 6tops intense itching. 35c trial bottle provds it, or your money back. Ask your *wggist today for D. D. D. Prescription. f. C. C. ex. for N. S. _____• - - - 1 My Idea of Heaven is an Automatic lectric Roaster! ; If you've been dreaming about haing one too, stop dreaming a’- pick yours out now! Auto mate electric roasters give you hours of leisure, bushels of food value, and the grandest tasting foods your family's ever enjoyed. And you can have yours deliv ered for only a small down pay ment. See them, now! t - a 4 i ; YOUR ELECTRIC SERVICE IS GOOD .. and Cheap! SEE YOUR DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY ^ * ,