The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 30, 1941, City Edition, Page Eight, Image 8
THE OMAHA GUIDE Omaha, Nebraska— Mrs. Irene Johnson from Minn eapolis, St. Paul is here in the city visiting with her cousins, Mr. Merrell Red, cousin of Mrs. John son is sick in the Douglas County hospital. Mrs. Johpson came to Omaha by car with Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Black of 2923 North, 25th St. August 10th and will be leaving August 27, 1941. Mrs. Johnson said sRe had a lovely vis it with her friends. Mrs. John son has lived in Omaha for* 16 years. Her address is 6613 Rail road Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Black of 2923 Nort 25th St., motored to Minnesota on a fishjing trip. After bringing Mrs. Irene Johnson to 0 maha, Mr. Henry W. Black return ed to Minnesota on his fishing trip. Patton hotel, 1014 South 11th street, had the following guest to register and stop with them dur ing the United Spanish War Vet eran’s Convention. Gussie Kirtley, of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Powell of Indiana polis; Mrs. Pauline Barnett of In dianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. F. Bo hannon of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. G. Uley of Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hale of Indianapolis, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wortley of Los Angeles. Calif.; HI Pick up a six bottle carton of Pepsi-Cola today. Fine flavor, better taste... more in every bottle. Pepsi-Cola is made only by Pepsi-Cola Co., Long Island City, N.Y; BOTTLED LOCALLY BY:— PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF OMAHA We Offer for Your Approval A - Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM &SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 Lurene Scott, of Los Angeles, Cal if.; Mr. and Mrs. K. Brown, of Chi cago, 111., Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson of Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. N. Patton, is proprietress of the Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cook of 2309 Seward Plaza were the proud host of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. George Ross of Lansing ,Mich\ cf whom they had not seen for 27 years. Mr. Ross who’s employed in the Olds Motor Works engin eering laboratories. Mr. Ross is a member of Capitol Lodge No. 8, AF&M pennisular consistory No. 44. Mrs. Ross is employed in the state building of her city and is Post Matron of Queen Esther chap ter and present treasurer illustri ous commandress of Elkhorn court. Mr. and Mrs. Ross were accompanied by their sister, Mrs. Robert Miller of Atchinson, Kan sas, w'ho formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevenson of Chickashaw, Okla, have return ed to their home after spending a pleasant .week visiting theid sister and brother in law Mr. and Mrs Russell Cook, 2309 Seward Plaza. Mrs. Bertyle Payton arrived in Omaha, August 18, to visit her mother in law Mrs. Cladence Pay ton of 3117 Burdette St. Mrs. Payton is from Casper, Wyoming After a weeks stay in Omaha Mrs Payton will go on to Sioux City, owa and from there to Casper, Wyoming. Clinton Simmons of Boys Town will leave for the Robinson Fly ing school, August 27, 1941 to be come an aviator. ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 FROM 2 PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! Miss Mary Louise Dixon of Pensacola, Fla., is here visiting her two aunts Mrs. Wm. Huggins of 1421 North 23rd St. and Mrs. Erma Coleman. 1 —. f LUNCHEON Miss Bertha Davis served a luncheon in honor of visitors from other cities, the hinired guests were Miss Ruth Blanton from St Louis, Missouri. The liher guests were Miss Gwendolyn Davis, Miss Le'r.a Edwards. Miss Rozeila Thomas, Miss C!i"ic? Washington, Miss Bertha Davis entertained her guests with musical selections. Then lunch was served. Mrs. Luc inda Davis the mother of Bertha, Davis, sponsored the luncheon, Mrs. Mable Blantin assisted Mrs. Davis in serving. Miss Gwendolyn Davis also assisted Bertha Davis. A PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blanton gave a very fine party for their neice, Miss Ruth Blanton. Those present were Miss Bertha Davis, Miss Kathryn Taylor, Miss Maggie Jihnson, Miss Nina Feagin, Miss Bettie Davs, the Wrghlt sisters, Mrs. Juanita Moire, Miss Letta mal Double, Miss Jane Owens, from Cleveland, Ohii. A few of the gentlemen present were Dr. Pitman, Mr. Julian McPherson, Mr. Charles Davis, Mr. Voyal Watson. Mrs. C. Cane of Chicago, 111. is here visiting her relatives and friends her brothers, Mr. W. H. Booker 2622 Grant St., Mr. Dave Booker 3006 Ohio st. Other relativ es are Mrs. J. Crouch 2524 Wirt St., Mrs. Edna Booker and Miss Erma Booker 2524 Wrrjt St. and many friends. Miss Mardis Booker of Jackson Mich., sister of Mrs. C. Cane of Chicago is here visiting also. The two sisters are having a lovely time On their stay here. Mr. Edward Brown of Irontown Mo., is here visiting his son Ray mond Brown and his sister in law Mrs. Crouch 2524 Wirt St. CHICAGOANS VISITS FRIENDS Mrs. C. M. Anders of 2847 Wirt street rad guest from Chicago, all day Monday August 18th. They were enroute to Kansas City. They reported having a grand time. (JOHNSON DRUG CO.l NEW LOCATION j 2306 North 24th 1 |VVe. 0998 Free Delivery! I THOMAS I I FUNERAL I j HOME I 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 FAREWELL PARTY FOR NIECE Mr. and Mrs. Blanton of 2807 Wirt Street, entertained their niece, of St. Louis, Mo., Saturday night August 23rd with a farewell party. There were about twenty five guests present. A lovely ev ening was spent dancing after which refreshments were served Mrs. Blanton’s niece will leave Fri day August 31 to atend Stowe’s Teachers College. GUEST FROM CLEVELAND Miss Jane Owens of Cleveland, Ohio is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ru fus Long of 2638 Binney St. Mrs. John Anderson of 2522 Wirt Street lost control of her car on 27|th and Grant street and her car crashed into the sunroom of Mrs. 'Givens home which loosened it from its foundation. Mrs. An derson’s car Was slightly damag ed. WEDDING SHOWER Mr. and Mrs. Loma Smith gave a wedding shower August 23rd in honor of Mrs. R Bath. Many ac quaintances and relatives were pre sent and tthere were loads of ex quisite gifts. Mrs. Gladys Alexander and Mr. Leon Wallace are in Oklahoma vis iting their aun<t and sister. Mrs. Gladys is the former Gladys Brown. Mrs. Hutchings of 1421 North 23rd next Week will entertain her neice from Pensacola, Florida. Mr. Lucious McClenton of 6509 South 30th left for a vacation in Louisiana. Enroute he will stop at Houston, Texas. Lucious is tha brother of Mr. Jesse McClenton. Miss Florence Murrell is spend ing the last part of the summer at Lake Okoboji. Mrs. Hanger and Miss Florence James motored to Louisville to visit May Philips. There, they joined May in camp life. Mr. Joseph Lamberth and Mr. Calvin Frazier, former Omahan, left for California. They are now in Victorville, California. Miss Lutisha Neely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neeley is visiting relatives in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Sonoval Johnson and little J. C. Jr., are visiiting her aunt in Kansas City, They have been vis iting for two weeks and will re turn soon. Mr. and Mrs. George Drennan returned August 20th after mot oring through California and some of the Southern States. Mr. Hesicia Nichilson and son of Detroit, Michigan were here this week visiting Mr. Bradshaw. Mr. Nicholson is the future fath er in law of Miss Helen Bradshaw. SMITHS TAKE TRIP TO KANSAS CITY Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith of 2715 North 28th avenue, left Sat. August 23rd for Kansas City to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are parents of Miss Doro thy and Mr. Lawrence Smith. VACATION TRIP ENDED After a trip to Kansas City, Miss Rozella Thomas returned home. She reports having a swell time. Mrs. Belzira Collins entertained at breakfast Thursday morning, honoring Mrs. Asilee Plalms of Dallas. Texas. Other out of town guests were Mrs. Revart Avant Banks and daughter, Dorothy of Ennis, Texas. Bidding the party goodbye was Miss Eloise Jones of Dallas, who left for school which will start next week. She will be there un til Xmas. Mrs.# Irene Johnson was guest from Minneapolis. Mrs. Dorothy BeU of 2514 Bin ney and Mrs. Edith Johnson of 2603 Seward Plaza, have just re turned to the city after having spent two weeks in Minneopolis, St. Paul, and Duluth, Minn. They also report a lovely trip to Wiscon sin spending a day fishing. Mrs. Johnson is employed at the Nebraska Power Co. M^s Lawrence Noble of Det roit Mich, is the house guest of her Aunt Mrs J.D. Crawford Mrs. Noble is accompanied by Delores and Richard. Mrs. Robert Cooper of 927 No. 25th st. was called to Little Rock Arkansas on account of the ser*i ious illness of his sister. WINNEBEGO JUVENILE 227 GIVE DANCE , Winnebego Juvenile 227, Cher okee Temple gave a dance this Thursday night, August 28, 1941, at 2420 Elks Hall. This dance was sponsored by the Senior spon sor, Mrs. W. M. Battles and her daughter, Miss Willa Mae Battl es, Juvenile Daughter Ruler. FAREWELL PARTY FOR NEICE Mr. and Mrs. Carnett Lafalll of 2508 Binney St., is giving a form al farewell party Thursday Aug ust 281th on honor of their neice, Miss Myra Lee LafaU. Miss Myra Lee arrived in Omaha July 6th from Dallas, Texas. She is a sen iir at Lincoln High school and was selected as Miss American, last fall. Next fall Myra plans to enter Wiley college in Marshall, Texas. She is leaving Sunday, August 31st and she wants to thank her many friends for show ing her such a nice time while in Omaha, Nebraska. Mrs. Lucille Hamilton of 2622 Erskine Street left Monday Aug. 25th for Sioux city Iowa in a short business trip. Mrs. Hamilton will return ti Omaha in a few wteeks* HONORED Mr. John Frances Taylor was promtied August 14th as Corporal at the Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Mr .Quency Taylor is the son of Mrs. Gussie Taylor. TEXAS VISITORS AT ELLISON HOME Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds of 2717 Lake Street had visitors from Marshall, Texas last week. They were highly entertained by the Reynolds, Mrs. P. Ellison and many friends. VAUGHN’S HAVE GUEST Mrs. Lawrence Dysort and dau ghter from Atchinson, Kansas is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn of 2612 Wirt Street. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner of 2521 Caldwell Street are procd j parents of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard are the proud parents of a sin. Mrs. Howard is the firmer Alice Green. Mr. and David Key of 1424 No. 26th Street are parents of a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Seay are proud parents of a 9 lb. baby girl. The funeral services of Mrs. Virginia Wynn, who died August 21st at six A. M. were held Mon day August 25th at Pilgrim Bap tist Church. The funeral services of Mr. OHn Speese was Monday August 25. NOTICE The Annual Convocation of the Church of God in Christ at 26th and Erskine St. opened Monday, August 25th and will last until September 4th. Many out of town delegates will arrive this wfeek for the meeting. Miss Juanita Uning from Chi cago, 111., paid a Itwo day visit to her relatives in Omaha. Her aunt Mrs. L. Owens 2403 Ohio St. She i3 enroute to DesMoines, la , to visit her aunt and uncle. WILLING WORKERS CLUB The Willing Workers Club of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church held its regular meeting on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Flor ence Moore 2210 North 26th St. With a large attendance. The Willing Workers club and all other auxiliaries of the church sponsored a 2 day lawn social last week which was very successful. The church will sponsor a Bir thday Breakfast on Sunday morn ing Sept. 7th, 1941 at the church. A very inspiring sermon was delivered by the visiting pastor, Rev. L. A. Story of Cleaves Tem ple on Sunday August 24th. The Pastor Rev. F. P. Jones preached a Soul stirring sermon on last Sunday. The church seemed to enjoy hav ing a visiting pastor, which prob able we need ever so often. Mrs- J. E. Lindsay, vice pres., Mrs. M. L. White, secy and repor ter. TOWNSEND CLUB The Townsend Club gave a grand old fashioned dinner, Sun day at Carters lake. Tables 3 half block long were set and fill ed and refilled with the best of foods of aU kinds. Hundreds of People were fed at the Welcome table there was so much food after hundreds were served. Many boxes and baskets were left. After dinner ^ou were en tertained with grand addresses by the President of the Townsend TRY j HARRIS’ I GROCERY | WE SPECIALIZE IN MEATS I VEGETABLES, HARDING’S ICE CREAM —OPEN SUNDAYS— 6 A. M. TO 10:30 P. M. 5302 SO. 30th ST. MA-0741 Club and ohers also. Lovel music and singing it sure was a grand day at Carter lake, being entertained by the Town send Club. Everything was free. ST. John’s A. M. E. Church “The Friendly Church” Rev. T. A. Sears, Pasitor A step forward toward a closer fellowship amont the ministers and better .Christian relationship a mong the membership of the sev eral parishes in Omaha was taken las/t Sunday in the exchange of pulpits by the ministers. St. John’s was fortunate inhav ing for our guest pastor, the Rev. C. Hickerson, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, South Omaha. A very nice audience was on hand to greet him and went home well pleased with the splendid semton, which he delivered. Our pastor filled (the pulpit at Bethel church and was on head for the choirs all request program at the evening services. He and Mrs. Sears looked rested and re polished after their vacation im Minnesota. Our Sunday, beginning at 9:30 A.M. was will attended. The parents and adult friends are ex tended a special invitationt o at tend each fourth unday, but are welcome every Sunday. The fourth quarterly Confer ence will be held Tuseday night September 2, and the quarterly meeting Sunday August 31. Our annual conference in just around the corner, October 15, coming. The many visitors who came to ^t. Johi^s can know that they are welcome and are invited back again Everyone is always wel-1 dfme, where friencfc aneett ffri ends. M. E. Webb | CHURCH OF GOD '202 Noilth 24th St. Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor Alice Britt, Reporter. Sunday school .9:30 a. m Morning worship ........ 11 a. m. YPM.6 o’clock Evening worship.8 p. m 1ST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess Offidator We wish to call to your atten tion that “The Prophet Hess God Sent Light and Divine Healer, is still in our midst and doing a won derful work for the Lord. No bet ter proof, God has senlt him. The blind has began to see. Blind Jake Miller White, blind 15 years ' after 9 days is beginning to get natural views of things that once was blank to him. Prophet Hess was August 24th speaker at First Church of Deliv erance Spiritual Church, Rev. Thomas pastor. His text, I have got the. devil running- St. Luke 4th chapter. Monday P. M. He will also be the speaker to address women. Prophet Hess has been speaker in a number of churches and missions of the white race on his short stay in our city. Stronger and better each time in The Lord God- Hear him Tuesday— Bible Class Thurs day message and healing 8:30 p. m. in the church mission of Mad am Roxy Morris 2624 Caldwell St. Private services in his home daily 2316 North 28th Ave. For appoint ment call Jackson 2410. You must see him by appointment—no information given over phone. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD CWFF. Rev. S. K. Nichols. Pastor Ann Oliver, Reporter Sunday School .9:30 a. m. Morning Service .11 o’clock Evening Service . 8 o’clock rZZZ . I EE -=Jf=T.-Z==) “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. r—. hf - -ii= i Bible Band .6 o’clock | Wednesday night Prayer Meeting .8 o’clock Friday night Women’s Work night . 8 o’clock We had a lovely service through out Sunday. Our pastor preached a soul stirring sermon Sunday (morning- Everyone enjoyed it very much. Our little Evang. L. T. Fulce dosed her revival Sunday night. She really did preach from her heart. She preachd at Bethel A. ME. two nights Tuesday and Fri day. Our pastors text for Sunday morning August 31st wil lbe “— And his mother said unto them, Servants whatever he say unto you do it.” Sunday nights’ text: “If ye con tinue in my word then are you my disciples indeed.” “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”. Everyone is invited to come out and hear him. Our pastor preached ait Morning Star Baptist Church Sunday at 3 p. m. His subj'ect was “The Pow er of Prayer.” We are inviting everyone to be with us Sunday at 3 p. m. Rev Robinson the acting pastor of the Morning Star Baptist Church will be the speaker of the evening. ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 FROM 2 PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! he Gospelteers went to Sioux City. Sunday 24th. They were the guest of the Kans.. City Gospel Singers at Mr. Olivet Baptist Church. They had an enjoyable time at the home of Mr. Kitchen. Birthday Dinner Mrs. Lillian Jones Huston for merly of Houston. Texas, now liv ing in Detroit, was honored at a birthday dinner party at the home of Mrs. Jennie (Battles) Lewis, formerly of Houston Texas now living in Omaha, Nebraska. r rt ii 'HiAr'ii r VrfWi t* r -Ti mfi -ir i~* mIVii ir*t irfl Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS lue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to put in it—Call CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has got the works and knows what to do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. ^4--'*>--.*'** I V l TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE BUILT. Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE J. L .TAYLOR, PROP. COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 BACKACHE Caused by my torpid kidneys ALMOST DROVE ME Wl LD Soy* kev. J. Ridley ■■ * m Mt. Olivt Baptist Church Nashvilla. Ttu. MY DOCTOR SAID “YOUR KIDNEYS MAY NEEO A DIURETIC’’ I BOUGHT GENUINE GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES FOB ONLY 3Sc. PROMPTLY I SECURED WELCOME RELIEF FROM BACKACHE MISERY — NOW MISS NO DAYS FROM THE CHURCH —THANKS TO THIS GREAT MEDICINE. PRAISE THEE! If you are troubled with getting up frequently at night, the misery, backache, puffy eyes, shifting pains, difficult or burning passage due to this cause, try Cold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, the original formula of Dr. Boerhane that has helped millions of folks with slow-acting kidneys and irri tated bladder which so'often follows. Gold Medal .Haarlem Oil Capsules start to work immediately 1— no long waiting for results. Be sure and get Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, a physician’s formula — costs but 35<* at druggists everywhere. Look for the gold medals on the ^package. Money refunded should Gold Medal fail to help you. GOLD MEDAL ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 FROM 2 PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! Mrs. Houston was also honored with a lovely gift. The home was beautifully decorated with glad ioulas and other beautiful summer flowers. The guest were Bishop J.W. Manor of Kansas City, Kansas. Evangalist I C. Fulce of Chicago 111, Rev. F. it. Nichols,, pastor of Zion Baptist Church of Omfaha, Nebf. Mrs., Ethel, Jonefc, music teacher of Omaha. Mrs Neola Conbs, Omaha Nebr. Mrs Ada Jones, of Detroit Mich. Mrs Mamie Warrick, of Detroit Mich. Miss Estelle wisson and Mis$ Claudia Green, of Detroit Mich. The party also enjoyed lovely evening aot the beautiful home of Mrs. Malson Aufctin of Council Bluff Iowa. We wish to express our appre ciation for the hospitality shown to our friends. Vistor from Lawerence Kans Mr Hulbert J. Gleed from Law rence Kans was shown through the Omaha Guide Printing plant, by Mr. T.P. McHammit. Mr Gleed has been Whole sale Produce and Poultry business In Lawrence, Kansas for a number of years. Mr. andMrs. Hulbert J. Gleed stoped over for a short visit with friends in Omaha while en route from Minnesota on their way home Mr. and Mrs. Gleed is the House guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. McHam mit. _ - r ..—— BUT YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get tbe Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 NEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor among women... Many doctors recommend regular use of douches as a precautionary meas ure for women who want to be clean, dainty-for women troubled by offend ing odor or discharge. Some products may be harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Pinkham’s Sanative Wash is gaining great favor because it’s NOT a harmful germicide. Instead-it’s a mighty effective “bac teriostatic” (the modern trend). It not only discourages bacterial growth and infection but thoroughly cleanses, deo dorizes. Very soothing—relieves minor irritations and discharge and has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! All druggists. % m. $ A Prominent Business * Woman Praises Mme.CJ. Walker’s Preparations I * “I use Mme. C. J. Walker's preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation.” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late , Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the I hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. ^ • Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine. although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J.'Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. ——————— ,M