The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 30, 1941, City Edition, Page 4, Image 4
I GIRLS i _ ON THE STREETS..... Soon, very soon, the cats, gat ers and so on will pack up their troubles in an old kit bag, return from vacations and once again re turn back to their schooling. I’m knowing those Coed studds will fall in line with (their fine draped rags, and those who have their last years wardrobe are tossing those styles back and getting their ’41 wardrobe in session. Then my dears, those most fortunate cats and chicks will aunltro on to colleges, and ufriiwe-rtsities and they shall endeavor to engage their minds to a mos’ higher knowledge, for a better education. ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 FROM 2,PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! WANTED: All listeners aboard while we tune in on our dial to station G0 TS. FLORENCE BOULEVARD: Charles Washington is a genius alt last! After being a woman * hater every since the day of his birth, he finally has a girl friend. He was w,ith her and her little sis at the weiner shop. Must have been Charlie? 24th ST. PLAYBOY Mac Franklin seemed so all a lone Sunday night. What’s up the line Mac ole boy, ain’t Lola pleasing you lately? Don’t wor ry. . juSt wondering. AT HOLLYWOOD We spotted Bennie Gray with his old time usta be. He says you can’t hide love, no matter what you do. His words were few, but oh so true! ON THE AVENUE We glanced at Snook Jordan Mitchell and Harold Boggus who have created the habit of wearing FOR SALE A GOOD PIANO CHEAP All kinds of winter clothing for men a&d women and the children at the right prices. Call in—you might find what you need at the Price you can afford to pay. BENEFIT SHOP 711 South 16th St. Did “Diamond Jim” Have Stomach or Ulcer Pains? It is hardly likely that Diamond Jim Brady could have eaten so vora ciously if he suffered after-eating pains. Sufferers who have to pay Che penalty of stomach or ulcer pains, indigestion, gas pains, heart burn, burning sensation, bloat and other conditions caused by excess acid should try a 25c box of Udga Tablets. They must help or money refunded. HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago **1»imi***3*1****<yr7T*mp9j* INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped in the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress smart men and nomen depend on Bell-ans Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest acting medicines known for acid indigestion. If the FIRST DOSE doesn’t prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back, 25c. ARTHRITIS Don’t despair of relief from terrible Arthri tis aches or pains. The NEW Colloidal Iodized Sulphur capsules called SULPHO-KAPS often bring wel Don’t give up hope come relief in Arthritis due to Sulphur de ficiency. Small daily cost Mon ey back if no relief after 30 days’ dosage. Begin taking TODAY. YourDruggist^ia^SULPHOMKABS HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family And Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —SERVICE— Subway Service and Surface Cars at Door Rates Reasonable Ed. H. Wilson, Prop. Tel AU 3-7920_ sun glasses alt night. Maybe the moon gets in their eyes. THE FRANKLIN ST. CHIC Elva Avant keeps an eye on her heart Fred F. he dassan’t get one block out of her sight these days. Hold him Elva—may your reward be great. ALL EXCITED Spencer Jacobs was on the look out for a certain chic, who has been admiring him for sometime. Spencer related and I quote, “If she wamts to be with me, tell her to get in touch with me before Sunday.”—unquote. 25 th ST. WhaUa think about a feller by the name of master James Hall who actually wen£ over to his hearts house and took her 2 qts of ice cream? Now if you don’t believe us ask Margaret McClarty better known as Red.... for it was she. ART DAVIS AND HIS CREW pulled quite a boner the other night. The chic said that she was fed up on his jive and that regard less of what happened Mr. Russel was the precious memory in her life now. ON THE AVENUE We couldn’t help but see Philip Love and Eloise Frampton pro monading along side by side nothing to it-what about it Freda? You ought to know. MIAMI ST. CHIC THE SOLID LICK They tell me a guy came to 0 maha from Lincoln, Nebraska just to escort Marian Gray to the dance. “Marian,” you must have that thing called “charm”. A RARE HAPPENING A fine buffet luncheon was giv en for those 2 couples Sunday af ternoon at the home of Peter Lor rie. Tell me it was on, and also very rare, cause that meal was doggone square. Then after wards they took in a movie. What ta life! Whatta life! TRY TO FEATURE Calhoun being serious for once in lifetime. Loose eye was talk ing about his use to be and he said she was the one and only in his life. 27th ST. CAT “Pin head”, better known as Clarince Morris is, going around crooning, ‘‘Babe Won’t You Pleaz Come Home to Your Daddy.” But Violett Springs, who is visiting in California has wrote him 3 inter esting letters.. um •. Morris — • must be romance. MEMORY LANE If your remembrance is good, “Moon”, better known as Leroy Wright was in happy wedlock to Lillian White on August 25th. This week he celebrated his 1st anniversary and his birthday. Wjatch it moon ole man and luck be with you. A SAD AFFAIR E. W. should be singing “Every thing happens to me.. ” for the simple reason that her fiancee made a getaway to another town and hasn’t wrote to her the 1st WANTED BURNT, WRECKED & DELAPIDATED CARS and TRUCKS Parts For All Cars ' CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. —2501 Cuming St.— AT. 5656 500 AGENTS AND BEAUTICIANS WANTED Trt WI I “RED” Sulphur Salv« A scalp cream for dandruff, Inching scalp, falling hair, Write for information and Make 100% Profit All Material Guaranteed 4-in-l PRODUCTS CO. 205 West 116th St. letter; and that ain’t hay, cause he says he ain’t gonna write her. IT’S A BLUE WORLD To Maxwell B. since Lutisha Neely went on her trip to Calif. Spike up Maxwell, we know how love is; but you known, they can't stay in one spot all the time. SPECIAL MESSAGE Delores Jackson has joined her brother, Leroy, who is in Calif., “I’m knowing Delores will be the lick.” WIRT ST.. CHIC Doris Pitman actually sits at home and admires Kenneth Love’s graduation photo. Good thing he’s just going to the Omaha U. eh Doris ? WHATTA WORLD Can you imagine M. J. and the “C” sisters pacing breathlessly up and down the avenue; after hav ing paid their way to the show; then at 11:00 Ithe studds came and picked them up; took them home, and wasn’t out one cent. 22ND ST. Wonder what Johnice W. story whs Sunday. She was seen riding side by side in Dog Mack’s yel low roadster. Where was Sonny? 1941 VIRGIN OF LOVE This cat went to his love’s house untidy la/te in the night and that an’t all, he fell asleep in her pres ence. You mean to tell a lady that’s love? But leave it to the GOTS to ease your mind, about Saturday night. The party on Wiflt Street was really on.... ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 FROM 2 PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! Who is that little short cute girl seen with Robert Payton >th(e oth er night? Question of today? Will Kellog m NEWS SYNDICATE ~ Apn Charles Moore, veteran Negro artist, is shown here in a comedy scene from the new Republic Picture, “Desert Bandit," which stars the popular cowboy favorite, Don “Red" Barry. In addition to Moore and Barry, the film includes such well-known cinema favorites as Lynn Merrick, a lovely blonde appearing opposite the star, Dick Wessel, Tom Ewell, and Tom Chatterton. e I PQ&pEFENSE | BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS Ij/bonds AND STAMPS Love again ? What is Robert Payton seeing Addie Hall so much for lately? Who was that girl sitting on Kellogg's lap the other night? Lawrence Watson w’as seen with three or four chicks on 24th st. P. S. To “lick” No. 1 “Unforseen circumiStances’' is your line--so we have named you Lick No. 1 (to be continued). PB. Your Week to Week, Girls On The Street. The All Seeing EYES.” RETURNS We are glad to have our fine and hep friend Miss Rozella Tho mas, back to our city. DANCE... Be in the watch for the Sub Debutantes dance soon. TO SIX LICKS AND A DRAG Last week in “Six Licks and A Drag” an untrue statement was, made concerning the Cyclops. I will quote what this columnist wrote—“They said last but not forgoten. Lost but nit found, saw but not seen her majesty, the Grand Duchess, Cyclops was seen strolling thriugh lovers lane with a number of lowly characters. Be cause it is a practice of ours not to reveal names for a personal reason, mainly liable suits. We' will not reveal our lucky boys but in order to be a true columnist a pure-soul of the type and honest to goodness Copywrite, we hardly thinking it is fiting and proper to be seen in a dryable position.” The above statement which I have just quoted evidently was supposed to be a lick to me. I question the above quotation very much. First I wisa to thank the columnist for the new title that has been bestowed upon me, I would like to ask this columnist when I was seen in lover’s lane? However I have rn ver been seen with lowly characters. I confine myself to the best Class of peo ple. And tto this fact I have nev er been in a dragable position.— And since you claim to be a true columnist and a pure soul of type and honest to goodness copywrite I think it would be fitting and proper for you who claim to be honest, to print Ithe truth. I hope you learn in writing your column to print the best things about peo ple. Do not try to drag other col umnists. It will make you ap pear ridiculous in (the site of the public FASHION PARADE Miss Rozella Thomas who is ^ strictly on the draped side. Wore a lovely new dark blue coat dress with stripes of many colors on the cillar and pockets. She carried a dark blue purse and white gloves and she wore a white hat and dark shoes. Miss Delores Williams was seen wearing a complete blue outfit. GLAMOUR GIRL OF WEEK Ruth Blanton. I am so sorry that I didn’t have YOU CAN BE ATTRACTIVE This week we are going to dis cuss yiur skin. Your skin is your autobiography. It is the tell-tale of your physical and emotional staminja. It is exceedingly res pinsive to initemal changes, func tioning somewhat like the kidney* and throws off 70 percent of the body's waste. Your skin depends largely for its beauty on internal regularity, but it must be kept ex ternally clean, softened and pro tected. Keeping externally skin clean is the most impirtant of the three rules- Soap and water can do a good cleansing job, but it cannot remove very well your lip stick, rouge and eye shadow. A cleansing cream is absolutely es sential. The ideal arrangie-meut, is to use soap only once a day and preced it with a cleansing cream. People with oily skin should use the liquidfying type of cream. Those who have dry skin should use the heavier type of cream. a longer column for this week but six licks and a drag: gave me a new name. I believe they called me the “Grand Duchess”. This was suppsed to be a lick, but it was quite a surprise. I was so elated and amaped. I was sur prised to write much this week. I’ll be watching you til’ next week.—“The Cyclops” or shall I say “The Grand Duchess” GROSS JEWELRY AND LOAN COMPANY formerly at 24th and Erskine St. New location 514 N. 16th St. Phone Jackson 4635 Birthplace of Japan According to the oldest historical chronicle, the Nihon Shoki, the earthly history of Japan began near the picturesque place shown above. It was known in ancient times as the Land of Hyuga, on the Pacific shores of the present Miyazaki Prefecture. H.I.M. Jimmu Tenno, Japan’s First Emperor, started from this point to unify all Japan. Shinto priests are shown on the stone steps leading to Udo Shrine, sacred to the memory of the first Emperor. Superfaltted soaps are best for any kind of a skin. You should use an emollient. Something a cream or a lotion which will return to your skin the oil which steam heat, cosmetics and modern diet remove. Remember your body chemistry changes, and the same cream you used last year probably won’t be the kind you should use this year. Please wash and cleanse your face before you bathe; the hath essence that steams so deliciously from your tub was not intended for your face and may I add neither was the bath soap. You should have a face soap an da nice bath soap un less you have a gentle bath soap then it may be used for your face. Next important thing is skin pro tection. Too many women consid er protection as essential only for the very old. Very young or those sad-eyed hypochondriacs who as sure you their skin is like tissue paper. The simplest way to blast this fallacy is to look at your skin of your body, (the areas which are protected such as your torso and compare it with unprotected, ex posed areas. The answer is ob vious protected skpn flourishes. If you have a young skin use a cream lotion which forms a prot ective film. If lines are beginn ing to insinuate themselves, use a heavier lotion or a thin foundation cream. Do not use (powder sus pended into lotions daily) Stimul ation too is essential for the skin the best method is exercise which not only flushes your skin with fresh blood, but induces sweat, which brings the oils in sebaceius glands Ito the surface and forces out accumulated waste matter. Massage if the back, neck and scalp is marvelous for the face, and also soothing to the nerves. DARING! SENSATIONAL! DIFFERENT! GREATER NEED BELOW (by O’Wendell Shaw) Complete uncensored facts behind the scenes in Negro colleges “Below the Mason4Dixon Line.” i DARING!—Because it has the temerity to present clearly the sordid details behind our present educa tional set-up in the outh. Written fearlessly by O’ Wendel Shaw, brilliant Negro journalist, who has served for four years on the faculty of an outstand ing Negro college and who has visited sixteen others. SENSATIONAL!—Because some of the revelations contained in this book will shock your sensibilities. DIFFERENT!—Because it is perhaps the first nov el of its kind to appear. PRICE: $1.25 Postpaid Send all orders to: NEGRO NEWS SYNDICATE 2286 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. GENTLEMEN: / Enclosed please find $1.25 in money order for which please send me the sensational expose novel of Negro college lif_ ‘ GREATER NEED BELOW” by O’Wendell Shaw. NAME . ADDRESS . CITY . STATE . Just Fill In Your Name and Address NO CASH DOWN SALE! TRY IT FIRST! AND PAY LATER After You Have Read Our IMPROVED, EIGHT PAGE PAPER and Look Over These Fine Girls Who Have Signified Their Willingness To Serve You. —And their desire to finish their education, so they may have a place in this world’s affairs. Just Clip out the Coupon and fill in the same. Write your name and ad dress plainly and the name of the girl you want to get your Popularity Votes 10,000 Popularity Votes for One Year’s Subscription to the OMAHA GUIDE 4,000 Popularity Votes for a Six Month's Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE 2,500 Popularity Votes for a Three Month's Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE— Subscription Rates as fololws: 30 DAYS TO PAY One Year in the City —-$2.00 (Out of Town-$2.50) Six Months in the City-—-— 9k (Out of Town-- $1.50) * Three Months in the City-75c (Out of Town-$1.00) Yes! You Can Help Some Worthy High School Girl Win Her Tuition Fee To A College or University. The Omaha Guide is Giving $300.00 Cash Scholarships To The Winning Contestant at the Close of This Cam paign. —SUBSCRIPTION COUPON— To The Omaha Guide, 2420 Grant St., Omaha, Nebraska. You may enter my name on your subscription lists for— Mark an X in the square you want One Year □ Six Months □ Three Months □ Name Address Phone City _State POPULARITY CONTEST VOTES I am casting my 10,000 votes I am casting my 4,000 votes I am casting my 2,500 for Miss Just fill in the girl’s name on the blank line above, that you want to receive your popularity votes. You may call for collection for my subscription to The Omaha Guide on Month Date