The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 30, 1941, City Edition, Page 3, Image 3
IN THESE COLUMNS FOR YOUR GARDENS PLANTS, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Cabbage Now Ready—Order Now! H. G. Davis & Sons, R. 4 South Oknaha. Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage, Friendship, or Pleasure. Send Dime for member 'hip blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen 4ell, Chicago, 111. AUTOS FOR SALE Buick A-l condition $75 takes it 2306 Grant St. WEbster 1366. Mrs. Emil Jensen. ROOMS FOR RENT 5 NEAT FURNISHED ROOMS,— Telephone and water bills paid.— $4.50 A Week. 2706 Maple St. WE. 6402. For rent front room cheap for right party. A fine front room for man and wife with use of kitchen $3.50 per week or for a single man cheaper call WE. 0162. 2115 North 30th 3 Room Apt, Furnished, Bills Paid, Ground Floor $4 50—JA. 0986. Room For Rent, WEbster 2365. HOUSE FOR RENT HA. 1992. 7 Room House for Rent—All mod ern furnished, Call WE. 4249. Room for Rent at 2807 N. 24th St We 2217. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 20£2 HARDWARE— DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We de glazing and make window shade* to order 1822 N. 24th St. WE. 1607 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6065 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.” WANT TO BUY— Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Roller, Mgr. MnBMBUiiiffiiuiiinnnniauiin^iuiimriuiQinttmiiifntHiiuiuniiainiRERfftmt | KABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS § 2229 Lake Street §g _ Always a place to park— || ■V.'.'.'.V.V.V.'.V/A'.WWV. DUFFY Pharmacy 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 Declares Religion Faces Test East St. Louis, 111., Aug. 19 (A NP)—Declaring that the trend of religion today will determine the destinies of the world tomorrow and that the fate of humanity will not be determined by marching armies but rather by what relig ion does to the human heart, the Rev. J. C- Austin of Chicago, closed an address to the Illinois State Baptists in executive session here Tuesday, in which he form ally announced his espousal of the candidacy for the presidency of the National Baptist Convention which meets in Cleveland in Sep tember. “For some years”, declared Rey. Austin, “I have concerned myself very studiously with the trends of the religions of the world. I have given attention to the great lead ers and even to the leaders of cults so as to know thir attitudes and objectives and programs, and so seek that something which at tracts and holds the soul interest of so many earnest, conscientious seekers after God. ‘‘I have sat for an hour in the throne room of Pope Pius with a Coptic priest as my guide, and through them have (tried to see the great objective of the Catholic church. I have conversed with Kagawa ,the great mystic of the East, and with outstanding men1 such as F. W. Brown, ex-president of the southern Baptists and George W. Truitt, ex president of the world’s alliance. “I have even gone,” Rev. Aus tin continued, “into the kingdom of the Rev. M. J. Divine, styled as ‘Father’ and have corresponded TOILET ARTICLES, SPICES Try Veltex Toilet Articles . pickling spices-••-and flavoring Extracts; Sold by Mrs. Martha Lawson.... Call WE. 4436. WANTED Licensed Janitor wanted for small apartment building. Age above 30. Please inquire at Omaha Guide im mediately^ Wanted! m Man and wife between 40 and 50. Woman to do general house work. Man to take care of yard, keep up cars must be able to milk and take care of cow. No children. References required. $75.00 per month with board and room. Good job for right parties. See G. E, Carpen ter, 9th and Harney Sts. NORTH 24“ SI. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES— YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARB REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD “Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THB NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. -- ROTHERY CLEANING SPECIAL Cone-piece plain dresses MEN’S suits LADIES PLAIN JACKET SUITS LIGHT TOPCOATS LADIES PLAIN SPRING COATS Except White or Fur Trimmed j0% Less For Cash and Carry FDFF 0NE PLAIN SKIRT OR TROUSERS CLEANED FREE I KLL WITH EACH $1.00 ORDER FREE—“Moth-Seal” Bags s* Free Storage for Cloth Winter Coate Cleaned Now at Our Regular Prices (Not Special Price?.) Fur Coats, values to $100 Cleaned and Cold Stored, $4.50 ROTHERY CLEANERS 2515-17-19 CUMING ST. JA. 7383 ■ I with him such great wealth and the confidence of tens of thous ands. Cults, arising on ever hand, I have had the courage to investigate, even those abouft my door, for I know and you know that religion is facing a tremend ous test. “I am convinced after research, mediation and prayer that the re-j ligion which holds the key of hope for the world is the Baptist denomination which bases its life I and discipline upon tthe new testa ment. “We Negro Baptists ore a part of the great World Baptist alli ance where we are thrown in touch with world movements and our leaders are expected to match the intellectual prowess of the Baptist leadership of the rest of the world —and may I digress a moment to pay this tribute of respect to our fallen chieftain, Dr- L. K. Will iams. No matter what charges his enemies may have lodged a gainst him, there is no man in A merica that will not agree he moved at perfect ease among whatever company of the world he found himself placed. He was a Roman among Romans. ‘‘Surely we must have a leader ship that will win the respect and challenge the admirat-on and pro voke the thought of Baptist prea ct r< and laymen -f r.’l denominat 3. “Baptists, wake up”, he conclud ed. “Let not lethargy, or careless ness or ties of personal friendship nor conideration of political fealty blind us to our responsibility and duty in this day which is at once the blackest in the world’s his tory and the most critical in the affairs of our denomination. I offer myself, body, mind and spirit to be your servant and is not de sired or accepted, there will be no tears shed and neither will it break my heart. I will go right on as I have done in the years gone by serving to the glory of God-” OMAHA PUBLIC LIBRARY According to Miss Bertha Bau mer, City Librarian, a departments of the Public Library will be closed Monday, September 1, in obser vance of Labor Day. Miss Baumer also announces the following schedule of winter hours for the Main Library, South and North Branches, effective Tuseday, September 2: MAIN LIBRARY, Nineteenth and Harney. Ja. 5426 Circulation Department - Daily, 9 A.M. to 8:30 P-M Reference Rooms - Daily, 9 A.M. to 9P.M. Sunday, 2P.M. to 6 P.M. Children’s Room - Daily, 9 A-M to 6 P.M. SOUTH BRANCH, Twenty-ninth and Ames. Ke. 6540 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, IP .M. to 9 P.M. Tuseday, Thurday, Saturday, 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. GIVEN RENEWED FAITH “This country’s 10,000.000 Neg roes .along with the great major ity of all Americans of every race and creed, were given renewed faith in the democratic cause by the historic eight point pronounce ment last week before last of Pres ident Roosevelt" and Winston Churchill,” Edward W. White, ex ecutive secretary of the Harlem Division, Fight for Freedom, Inc., declared today. ‘Although ultimate peace was the object of the meeting, both men realized, as do all free men, that there can be no lasting peace until the scourge of Nazism is de feated,” White said. “Negroes in ithe United States have pledged themselves to fight side by side with every other A me"ican group to beat Hitler and make a world wide democratic peace a reality,” White asserted. White declared that several thousand signatures have been ob tained for the petition to Presi dent Roosevelt supporting the Ex ecutive order against discrimina tion jn defense industries, and sup porting the Administration foreign 1 tirTi: Knowttt%h« whole damage worrygmount to mors than >230 00’ .- . .1-By Tnqrnwnflpnq ^WTONATOWAJ- CARTOON CO. M. Y.^ > ! ■ ■ I T jm*. '' \W eu**<«< 'T"^ bry.®£) 8Ck. aL ' -- y US' DO YOU KNOW WHY — Something Straroous Bust Be Done to Get Ail the Voters to Vote? _ft*« twite up ft Fra* leal_ I "me* mic*ht iudm** —7SNO • CM T» VO~rR — LET PRETTY GiRLS ^QLincAu MAcmrdSJ -rug Pou_«~j _/a r* ^ osj \ — i w nr> ' DR- WALKER, BUSINESS LEAGUE HEAD, HAS EN VIABLE AND BUSY CAREER Mempnis, Aug. 23 (by Marion Simpkins for A NP)—Within the span of 40 years only four men have served as president of the National Negro Business League. The first two, Booker T. Wash Dr. Walker ington, sage of Tuskegee and his distinguished successor, Robert R. Moton, imparted to the league the lustre and prestige of their pre eminent career in the field of ed ucation. The later two, Clinton C Spaulding and Dr. Joseph E. Walk er, have given realism to the ob jectives of the league through their outstanding successes in the field of business. Few1 Negro organizations have been more discriminating in its selection of leaders as the Nation-, al Negro Business league. From Washington, founder of the or ganization, to the present admin istration under Dr. Walker, the league’s leadership has represent ed a fine combination of educat ional and business saga-city, which undoubtedly will this month be re flected in the general theme of the 1941 convention, “Education and Negro Business.” The 1941 session will be held in Memphis, August 27-30. During the past two years Pres ident Walker has been a positive influence in building up and ex panding the program of the lea gue. While holding with vener ation to fundomental principles of his predecessors, he has not hesi tated to explore new fields of bus iness techniques in keeping with the trends of the day. Since hig election to the presid ency of the league at Oklahoma City, 1939, the National Negro Business league has made unpre cedented strides. Dr. Walker was reelected for a second term in 1940. Further honor came to the insurance magnate, who is also founder-president of Universal Life, 17th largest insurance com pany in America, when the league accepted his invitation to hold its 1941 session in the Bluff City, his home. The President has organized and visited Chambers of Commerce in ever section of America. Last year he made two visits to Detroit prior to the session in the motor city; helped business leaders form leagues in New Orleans and Kan sas City; addressed groups in St. Louis, Richmond, New York City, and Little Rock and attended the important meeting held for Negro leaders by officials of the United States Chamber of Commerce. Results of this meeting brought about closer relationship between white and colored chambers thru out the country. One of the guest speakers in Memphis will be L P. Dickie, maanger of the South ern Division of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, during the league convention in this city. Like his predecessors, Dr. Walk er, has given unsparingly of time and money in advancing the lea gue’s program. Proud of the hon or accorded him by this disting uished body, he has endeavored to meet every responsibility that go es with it. His administration, a policy. “W’th'n the next week ,the Har lem Division of Fight for Freedom, Inc., expects tto have more than 100,000 signatures of Negroes giv ing their full support to the Roose velt policy against the Axis pow ers,” White said mong other achievements, has add ed 75 new affiliated organizations to the league, and general activ ities are at higher pitch than at any time in its history. Last year the Natonal Housewives league was formed. Serving as a stimul us to the Negro market, the house wives league places emphasis up on purchasing power through Ne gro women as consumers. President Walker has continued the policy of his predecessors as it relates to colleges and educat ional institutions. He has spoken at a number of schools, including commencement address at his alma mater, Alcorn, Alcorn, Miss.; and Lane. Education in relation to business has been stressed re peatedly as he appears before col lege and high school groups. A native of Mississippi, Presi dent Walker has achieved an en viable career in the heart of his native delta. He has been almost most without error in business in vestments. His leadership of Un iversal Life during the worst perj iod of the depression has attested to the soundness of his business judgement under trying condit ions. A fortnight ago, President, Walker purchased on behalf of his insurance company $0,000 worth of National Defense bonds....the maximum that can be bought in a single year ‘ because of the comp any’s patriotism and soundness of investment.V Moreover, he sent out numerous letters urging other' Negro organizations to ‘‘invest in democracy. “We are ready to give the lea gue delegates and visitors the best convention they’ve ever had,” President Walker told this corres pondent after a checkup on comm ittee activities.” “A^d you cjui add that the mayor and all other officials will do all possible to extend courtesy to our delegat ion.” . AVIATION STUDENTS TRAIN AS OFFICERS; WILL COM MAND SECTIONS OF GROUND CREWS Chanute Field, IU., Aug. 24 (by Sgt. J. Sindt for ANP)—Six color ed cadelts. attached to the 99th Pursuit squadron, are well along the way toward becoming commis sioned officers. Cadet William D. Townes, Pet ersburgh, are now attending the armament course and upon receiv ing their commissions, these men will be the officers in charge of armament for the 99th. Nelson Brooks, Springfield, 111., and Warded W. Stevenson, Wash ington, D. C., are attending the radio repairers and operators course, which will qualify them as communication officers. Elmer D. Jones and James L. Johnson, both from Washington, I I REGRET -TH AT " \ I HAVE ONLY ONE WIPE j to give for my Country f I JALOPIES INTO JEEPS < Thousands of old jalopies, aban dcned in fields and city junk yards ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 FROM 2 PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! have been enrolled in the aircraft mechanics course since the early part of June. These men are pre paring to be the engineering offi cers. In addition to the above men tioned courses, these six cadets are receiving a thorough and in tensive training in military cour tesy, drill practice and military law. Four days a week they drill ■the enlisted members of the 99th. wsfim KSaiii^S The shapely head of a python, modeled with painstaking detail even to the flashing eyes, make* an ideal and interesting motif for the snake key chain. If you like the unusual this will please you. LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Fot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St. At Wilis Avenne BEAT, Th, GUIDE 5 Our Business Is Picking Up FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR MOVING JOBS LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE, AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM PETENT, TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JOB. —ALSO AUTO STORAGE NORTHSIDE TRANSFER —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR 2414 Grant Street WEbster 5656 faro going to play their part in national defense. In a short time many of them will be used in con struction of Army planes, tanks, guns and warships. ! The scrapping of a single car provides enough metal for a light cannon, the 0PM has pointed out. Scrap from 20 cars will build a tank. The 2,500,000 old cars junked each year are the chief source of the 30,000,000 tons of scarp metal which will be converted int> steel for defense production this year. But with more guns, planes, tanks and warships needed, scrap t-teel (Ollection must increase 25 per cent if our 80,000,000 ton an nual rate of steep consumption is to h° maintained, according to the OPM’s Iron and Steel Branch. Prompted by the OPM, auto wreckirg concerns are scouring fields and junkyards for all the ild ’‘heaps” and employing addi tional labor (to strip them of every bit of metal which can be used in defense production Make biff money selling Lucky Heart’s line of 300 guaranteed cosmetics, med icines, house hold necessities. Jewelry. Folks buy on sight Big repeat business sure. Free samples sent at once. Free 58-page Beauty Boek. Get our offer FREE on $9.00 worth of Lucky Heart nroducts and a Big Sample Case. Write LUCKY HEART LAB., De^. CN 87-J, Memphis, Term. Gelling Up Nighls Makes Many Feel Old Do you feel older than you are or suffer from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Nervous ness, Leg Pains, Dizziness, 8wollen Ankles, Rheumatic Pains, Burning, scanty or fre quent passages? If so, remember that your Kidneys are vital to your health and that these symptoms may be due to non-organla and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder trou bles—In such cases CYSTEX (a physician’s prescription) usually glvesprompt and joy ous relief by helping the Kidneys flush out poisonous excess acids and wastes. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose In trying Cystex. An Iron-clad guarantea wrapped around each package assures a re fund of your money on return of empty package unless fully satisfied. Don’t taka chances on any Kidney medicine that Is not guaranteed. Don’t delay. Get Cystex ^_A __(Slss-tex) from your ■ c VTCkV’A'V druggist today. Only W 35c. The guarantea «r«»i»i fink iiihii protecta you. Get Relief This Fast Wav -or For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, coding, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. f. C. C. ex. for N. S. This is the Way to Cook Three Meals a Day... AND LIKE IT! No modern homemaker would think oi using coal-oil lamps in this age of clean, carefree elec tric lighting. For the same reason, homemakers by the thousands are switching to clean, care free, fast electric cookery. It gives them better results with unbelievable ease. It's time to switch—time to switch to electric switches for your cooking, too—time to enjoy extra leisure hours. See the new electric ranges at your dealer's, now/ Your Electric Semce Is Good ^ I I and Cheap! SEE YOUR DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY