GIRLS i _ ON THE STREETS..... •i MIAMI STREET “Goose”, better known as Spen cer Jacobs is diggin’ that jive once more to “Nina”. And it does looks like “the solid jive.” 28th AVE. “Snasal” better known as Wil j, liam Wattson, has quieted down much too much. But we guess married men should. MAPLE ST. CHIC “Raggedy” better known as Thomas W. voice has an engagin’ ring to it... • What about dis Daisie! Richard Gaskin seems to bo making a head way. ...we wonder. SOUP LAWSON THE 3rd Soup LaWson the Illrd was seen in a yellow roadster. (And it was noit in his dreams!) ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 FROM 2 PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! MAPLE ST. CHIC David Hughes, you’d better start explaining before she hears about it; cause you know it is the truth. We are all glad to see Roa ella T. back from Kansas City. HERE’S ANOTHER FLASH!! We would like to make known to our public Readers that “Walter ine Wright (and her assistants) has been helping us by adding a few items to our column every week. We do not object but we do want you whose names are menshuned, to know who is also responsible for such articles, To “B. L. Taylor” THE DEFINITION OF BILLIKEN Grotesque image; symbol of good cheer; also a club for the smarter sdt of Readers in tlje Chicago Defender. BACK AGAIN Is Ruth Reynolds, jolly as ever. We spotted her striding up the stroll ,with Jasper Cole. ‘‘You think you ain’t on, Ruthie?” PHILIP LOVE— must be trying to make a rec ord —he has been going steady with Freda Robinson for more than a month. Whatjta record!— (for Phillip). CHARLOTTE HAYES must be a column w-riter. we’ve never seen one person’s Did “Diamond Jim” Have Stomach or Ulcer Pains? It is hardly likely that Diamond Jim Brady could have eaten so vora ciously if he suffered after-eating pains. Sufferers who have to pay the penalty of stomach or ulcer pains, indigestion, gas pains, heart burn, burning sensation, bloat and other conditions caused by excess acid should try a 25c box of Udga Tablets. They must help or money refunded. HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped In the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart At the Brat sign of distress smart men and nomen depend on Bell-ans Tablets to set gai free. No laxatlTe but made of the faitest acting medicines known for acid indlgertlon. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 25c. ARTHRITIS Don’t despair come relief In of relief from Arthritis due terrible Arthri- to Sulphur de tis aches or ficiency. Small pains. The daily cost. Mon NEW Colloidal ey back if no Iodized Sulphur relief after 30 capsules called days’ dosage. SULPHO-KAPS Begin taking often bring wel- TODAY. YourDruggisthas^ULPHCMtggS HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family And Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room * * All Rooms Outside Exposure —SERVICE— Subway Service and Surface Cars at Door Rates Reasonable Ed. H. Wilson, Prop. Tel AU 3-7926 name menshunned so much in one column. Whatta Awful Drag. GOOD WHILE IT LASTS Jean Terrel, Betty Davis, Lois Turner and live Willis really for got there was any other Cats liv ing when those golfers (out of town) pinned the scene. It was a sensational knockout, the whole set up (while it lasted’. SAY I DO IN NUPTIAL RITES t Lyndell Patridge and Richard Bath Clare Mae McCHnton and Horace Crawford, GOTS wish them much success and complete happiness. James Crawford and Red Wom ack seems to take a great interest in Noilh Omaha lately. Could it be Edna Taylor and Mary Sessions. FEELING GAY Wonder why Foster Goodlett was so anxious to throw a party the night of the Sunday school picnic ? What did you have to make you feel so good, Foster? MARITAL RIFE Between Fred Martin and Jac qualyn seems to be lasting longer (than was anticipated. Maybe somebody means business. WAITING ON THE CORNER for Stanley— What girl was stood up by Stanley Murrell the night of Harlan Leonard’s dance. She was really shooting the fire works. “PLAYBOY” JOHNNY BURDEN Seems to give all the girls a break. He’s seen escorting Amel ia Jackson to Harlan Leonard's dance, with Juanita King and Vin eta Swancey at the Sunday school picnic, w'ith Brycie Dorris Sunday night. All of them are pretty good friends too. SOPHISTICATION PLUS Brycie Dorris seems to have put on a very sophisticated act lately. Maybe she’s growing up. STILL A SPARK LEFT Charles Washington was seen Sunday night with his old flame, Nino Faegin. ALL ALONE Gene Harrison was in the show Sunday night while Auvirna Kin caid strolled down the street with Perry Harris. TOO MANY BEAUS It seems as if Katie Beasley has a lot of boy friends to be so crazy about Maken. Her ex-Tony Stokes is now in town. Sunday night she was riding with Jesse McClinton. LOST HEARTS AROUND TOWN Uncle Sam has caused a lot of grief among most of the young ladies around towfa. It seems as if school is going to cause a lot more. Wonder what Estelle Me Craty will do when Kenneth My ers leaves for Howard. Well there’s still Hobert Ray left. Perhaps Warren Agee can run from Om£.ha to Tennessee in or der to see Kathryn Taylor. I I imagine Doris Pittman will be left alone to cry when Kenneth Love leaves. BURNT, WRECKED A DELAPIDATED CARS and TRUCKS Parts For All Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. —2501 Cuming SE AT. 5656 —--‘-"-rurur_j 500 AGENTS AND BEAUTICIANS WANTED Tft WI I “RED” Sulphur Salve A scalp cream for dandruff, Inching scalp, falling hair, Write for information and Make 100* Profit AH Material Guaranteed 4-in-l PRODUCTS CO. 205 West 116th St. | ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH ! SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. 1, 2. 3 FROM 2, PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! TAKING A STROLL Where were Joyce MKtchell and Snook Mitchell Tuesday afternoon ... .Wonder why? Last Week at the Creighton) stadium, we witnessed a sensat ional knockout-The plumb mean Lem Franklin of Cleveland knocked Eddie Simms out in the seventh round. There were ap proximately 4,000 fans and mil lions of bugs. CORBY STREET Mr. Perry Harris, you know, (one of the Harris boys) was seen entroing up Oo-rby street with a package in his hands.... It looked to be flowers or candy or some .... What's the lick Perry; have you forgotten so soon that (KC. Chick?) MIAMI STREET It looks like Gene Harrison has not got a minute to lose these days. His car, (that can easily be distinguished in a fog) was parked between 30th and 29th on Miami Street -. • - The Chick sitting in the front seat looked like Al thea ....urn....we wonder. CUMING STREET Wesley Hudson seems to be in the hauling bizness.. ..If you don’t believe it go up to thirty - sixth and Cuming and see him pick up the hospital gang. He hauls them home. 25th ST. THREE MUSKET EERS Mr. Woodrow Allen, Willard 0 Neal and Wm. Taps pinned the scene Tuesday.. • - They had a biz ness run to make out of town.... when it’s done.. they’ll be back. 27th ST. STUDD BACK Yes! Thomas Dyson is back-. after half the winter-all of the spring and most of the summer out of town... .he is here to take up where he left off.... we’re all glad to see an old friend who lik es the life we leads...-back to join us. WORLD HERALD HEADLINES The two romantical Avant bro thers made- neither did any thing great.... only speeding .. and who can't speed.... But the worst of it was.... one of the brothers fell in a ditch and pull ed his innocent brother in with him-whatta Guy! 22ND AND LAKE ST. at the Johnson’s -residence is where the little 15 year old girl is stopping.... she is rather at tractive in her looks but rather young... .Maggie is leading her around - - urn 2724 LAKE ST. One third of the GOTS- had the pleasure of entertaining the box er “Lem Franklin”. He was es corted by Bennie B. and Pershing A. and W. A. THE ERSKINE ST. Othar Russell don’t keep his dates very well.... he pulled an awful boner sometime ago when he failed to show up;..could that mighty friend talked him out of it... .um•••• or.... ? WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW WONT HURT YOU— If Joe Lamberth only knew how his Queen is oflting for him; mabe he would hurry and write to some body. 23rd ST. BOYS Yes, those brothers were spottJ ed in the squad cars-wonder if they were going for a ride or was it some friends of the family’s.. We understand. ON THE AVENUE We glanced Lois Fatherin of Okla. back in Nebraska, walking on the Avenue. She was look ing fine as her brother •... The •well known Fred. ALONG THE STROLL We couldn’t help from bumping into Elwood Hick and his old flame. The saying yet lives: “Old Flames Never Die.” m ON THE BOULEVARD We noticed H. B’s ring off., imagine it was only off for a more secure place until time com es.... after all six months is a long time. J. C JOHNSON JR. is entroing for KC. and mabe further... .with his good looking Mother* Mrs S Johnson. We are knowing that he will be well thought of by the little girls that are here to count the days until he antroes back. JESSE FRANKLIN is being seen in North Omaha quite a bit lately....I do mean quite a bit-Could there be any Home of the World’s Green Tea Japanese girls shown above are picking tea leaves among the well Crdered rows of bushes on a plantation near Shizuoka. Shizuoka in Central Japan is one of the world’s greatest tea producing districts* connections.... LOOKIN’ AT MARY SESSION NOW— You would not guess that about five months ago she had to close her beautiufl eyes and choose the boy she wanted to be with-She looks boy friendless now-Or.. must we say; since Joe isn’t here. NSEPARABLE COUPLES OF THE WEEK Lyndell P. and Richard Bathe. Dorothy S .and Avlin McClarty. Marion W. and Robeirt Jones, Bertha D, and Joseph Wright. CHILDHOOD DAYS ARE DAYS again for Taps is trying to go back to childhood -.. - he was look ing up young 0. L. bfeore he left .... Whatta man!!! 24th & OHIO CHIC Bernice Murdock is back to tre.d the score on the avenue.... she must be pretty hip because she has been to Chicago.... and hy the way, that's where Meyer S. has pinned the scene. JAMES MOSELY left for California to attend col lege. .. .So Juanita Agee will look either lonesome or glad - • • - she has her choice....! YES! M, G a,nd W, MORGAN •we went to Bennington Sunday August 10th....and let us tell you one thing....we had a solid time. That ball game was on The Four C’s and the Woodson Centers really di dplay a rough game. Those onlookers wer« “skinned like a banana” when the Four C’s won. “My sister and I” Willa and Susie really did look fine in their slacks. Marion Gray and Phercy Roundtree was the center of attraction when it came to dancing. Olive Whitley really did look fine. She and Murrell Johnson jitterbuged up a breeze. .... and the best part of the even ing was the contest. Of course there was a big crap game on the side but never before had we wit nessed SUCH A GANG. • • And what’s more my studds ....we went to Council Bluffs to th eDog races at Dodge -Park., of course minors weren’t allowed so let us tell you two about it.. we won and lost-gdt excited and bored-..-there were loud roars and low ones.... Good look ing people and ugly ones.... ev erything was so fine at the Dog Races. 2004 N. 28th ST’S PARTY There was a great big party at Clara’s the other night, Was we there? You bet! We never seen such a sight: There was Johnny Fontaine and his studd, Ross was trying his jive one more time; Marcus Douglas was GROSS JEWELRY AND LOAN COMPANY formerly at 24th and Erskine St. New location 514 N. 16th St. Phone Jackson 4635 drapped in his fine new blue suit; and a Chic prancing from dore to door looking for the black dis patch!” • ••• after several hours it finally showed up, and Was she glad;Joe Milton was occupying his time with a hepped hen. Besse Taylor and Robert F. was doing OK. The hostess, Clara Alford, really did her share to make things comfortable for the house guests. Your Week to Week, Girls On The Street, G’by now— CLEAVES TEMPLE NEW AUDITORIUM OPENED LAST SUNDAY Cleaves Temple’s newly decorat ed auditorium was opened to the public and members last Sunday. The church has been newly paint ed. roof repaired and carpeted at a cost of $550.00. It will be re membered that Cleaves Temple paid its last dime on bonded in debtness last June 1940 Now the church is newly dec orated and in readiness to serve the community of which it is great part. All are invited to come and look Cleaves over. Sunday, which was Men’s Day, opened Sunday morning with the Park Commissioner, Roy N. Towl as principal speaker. The music was furnished by an all men’s chorus. Rev. Williams and the men’s chorus of Zion Baptist Church aided in the music Sunday afternoon. Rev. Williams was the principal speaker at this time. The service beginning at 8 p. m Sunday night was a splendid pro gram given by the men of Cleav es Temple and of the city. Mr. D- W. Smart, General Chr., H, L, Cribbs, Elmore Littlejohn, and Vernon Stamps made up the program committee. ALL JUNE GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE IN VITED TO THE OMAHA GUIDE INSPECTION PARTY, SEPT. I, 2, 3 FROM 2 PM. TO 6 PM. RE FRESHMENTS SERVED FREE! OPTICAL ILLUSIONS Correcting windows that are badly proportioned is easily done with clever drapery. When too long cut down height with a deep val ance. For exceedingly long win dows, double or triple tier curtains help break up height The vertical line of the over-drapes — may be broken by looping them over orna mental tie-backs. i John Adams, Jr. Atty. Notice by publication on petition, for Settlement of Final Adminis tration Account In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Charles Essex, deceased. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 8th day of August 1941 Jess Hutten filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as Administrator and that a hearing will be had on said peti tion before said Court on the 8th day of September 1941, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 8th day of Sept ember 1941 at 9 o’clock A. M, and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said pet ition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertain ing to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Charles J. Southard, County Judge. begin 8—16—41 end 8—30—41 3 times John Adams, Jr., Atty. 400 Karbach Bldg. Notice of Administration In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: In the matter of the estate of Kathryn Preston, deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and pray ing for administration upon his estate and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 30th day of August 1941, and that if they fail to ap pear at said Court on the said 30th day of August 1941 at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Ernest Mackey or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. Charles J. Southard, County Judge begin 8—9—41 end 8—23—41 ri:ao Th, (;( H)|; _i DARING! SENSATIONAL! DIFFERENT! "GREATER NEED BELOW (by O’Wendell Shaw) Complete uncensored facts behind the scenes in Negro colleges “Below the Mason-^Dixon Line.” DARING!—Because it has the temerity to present clearly the sordid details behind our present educa tional set-up in the outh. Written fearlessly by O’ Wendel Shaw, brilliant Negro journalist, who has served for four years on the faculty of an outstand ing Negro college and who has visited sixteen others. SENSATIONAL!—Because some of the revelations contained in this book will shock your sensibilities. DIFFERENT!—Because it is perhaps the first nov el of its kind to appear. PRICE: $1.25 Postpaid Send all orders to: NEGRO NFWS SYNDICATE 2286 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YOPK. N. Y. GENTLEMEN: Enclosed please find $1.25 in money order for which please send rne the sensational expose novel of Negro college Iff.— “GREATER NEED BELOW” by O’Wendell Shaw. NAME . ADDRESS . CITY . STATE . Just Fill In Your Name and Address NO CASH DOWN SALE! TRY IT FIRST! « AND PAY LATER After You Have Read Our IMPROVED, EIGHT PAGE PAPER and Look Over These Fine Girls Who Have Signified Their Willingness To Serve You. —And their desire to finish their education, so they may have a place in this world’s affairs. Just Clip out the Coupon and fill in the same. Write your name and ad dress plainly and the name of the girl you want to get your Popularity Votes 10.000 Popularity Votes for One Year’s Subscription to the OMAHA GUIDE 4.000 Popularity Votes for a Six Month’s Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE 2,500 Popularity Votes for a Three Month’s Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE— Subscription Rates as fololws: 30 DAYS TO PAY— One Year in the City —--$2.00 (Out of Town-$2.50) Six Months in the City —-$125 (Out of Town-$1.50) Three Months in the City -_ 75c (Out of Town-$1.00) t Yes! You Can Help Some Worthy High School Girl Win Her Tuition Fee To A College or University. The Omaha Guide is Giving $300.00 Cash Scholarships To The Winning Contestant at the Close of This Cam paign. —SUBSCRIPTION COUPON— To The Omaha Guide, 2420 Grant St., Omaha, Nebraska. ^ ou may enter my name on your subscription lists for— Mark an X in the square you want One Year □ Six Months □ Three Months □ Name Address Phone City _State POPULARITY CONTEST VOTES I am casting my 10,000 votes I am casting my 4,000 votes I am casting my 2,500 for Miss Just fill in the girl’s name on the blank line above, that you want to receive your popularity votes. You may call for collection for my subscription to The Omaha Guide on Month Date