opinions March of Events comments THE OMAHA GUIDE Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, August 16, 1941 rage 5 THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418 20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WBbster 1617 Entered as Secoiid Class Matter Manch 16. 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of ^ Congress of March 3, 1879. M. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Flurna Cooper — — Vice Pies. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway, —■ Sec’v and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — $2X0 Six Months — — — $1.26 Three Months — — — .r,o One Month — — — — .25 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — $2 50 Six Months — — — — $1.50 Three Months — — — $1.00 One Month — — -- — .40 All News Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pro ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. YOU ARE IN THE ARMY NOW Many young men and their par ents thought that the recent draft law was put into effect merely to train young men. They were mistaken men were drafted for military service a gainst the Axis Powers. War is war. It requires suffer ing and sacrifice and death. It may require death on our soil or ten thous and miles from home. If we are fighting Hitlerism, we should combat it everywhere; at home, in the Dutch East Indies; in China; in Africa; eveitywhere beneath the shining sun, until Hitlerism is done to death; no matter what the price, we should pay it gladly. We can join heartily in the thrill ing challenge of Winston Churchill, “WE WILLC ONQUER OR DIE”. We know what it means, if Eng land is beaten; we shall be next to feel the steel legions of Hitler. We do not care to live under such a master. That is why we have fought through the years against little dictators here in our own land. We are as dead set a gainst big dictators. And we shall meet and crush them, if we can. At least “WE CONQUER OR DIE”. Boys, you’re in the army now. —^ THE HERMAN LEWIS CASE Last week the two cases which Mr Herman Lewis appealed from the sen tences imposed by Judge Battin were continued until October 6th for Jury trials. These were the sentences im posed by Judge Battin after the police officers entered Mr. Lewis home with out a warrant and brutally assaulted him. Mr. Lewis, as a result of being beaten by the officers, was dismissed from the Fire Department by the Pres ent City Council, which is composed of Mayor Dan B. Butler, Harry Knudsen Richard W. Jepsen, Walter Korisko, Roy N. Towl, John Kresl, and Harry Trustin. They voted unianimously to fire Herman Lewis. In this instance, we know Mr Lewis was in the right. Butfeven if he had been wrong, the dismissal was a punishment so severe as to show on its face that something more than the charge entered into the verdict. The case is now in the courts where it will probably be for the next two years, And other cases will be brought into court as a result of this one, and the end is not yet in sight. Mr. Lewis is right, in this instance and he should carry his cases through every court in the land until bis civil liberty is vindicated. It must be understood that “THIS IS A GOVERNMENT OF L\WS AND NOT OF MEN”, and that all public servants, of high and low de gree are bound by the law. It binds public servants inside and outside the council; it binds white and black pub lie servants alike. Lewis will win through, make no mistake about that. INDIA Mahondas Ganhi, Indian leader, expresses the hope that the British Empire may endure and overcome Hit ler. He w’shes this in face of the fact that England has for many generat ions opposed and exploited India and the Indians. He thinks a Hitler vict ory would be fatal to civilized life and all liberty and sacredness of human personality as we know them. India, he says, may wait for her liberation from the Crown. Such a generous attitude on Gandhi’s part in the present crisis will brng to his side in the coming post war years men of good conscience the world over. And he and India will be buttressed by the knowledge that what he did was right when the desire and the opportunity were great to seize power at Britain’s expense. We hopefully wait to see the land w hich produced Guatama-Buddha, at tain its rightful place in the family of Nations. JOHN L. LEWIS John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers, is a great Am erican, a GREAT MAN. He is doing for workers here what the present war is doing for workers in England, lift ing them to the higher levels of econo mic and social life. The problems in England, met and mastered by Ernest Bevins, had their roots deep in centur ies of caste, that status developed by class prejudice, sometimes misnamed class interest. Here in America ,John L Lewis has faced a more difficult problem than that faced by Bevins in England. For here in America, Lewis has faced the class and caste problem, and with it, always making solution difficult, the COLOR PROBLEM, created by the presence here of 15,000 000 Negroes, ninety per cent of whom are workers in the commonly accepted use of that term. WLen the history of our time is written in the clear perspective requir ed, John L. Lewis will be assigned a place beside Washington and Lincoln. Washngton gave some Amercans free dom, leaving some in slavery. Lincoln moved the principle a little farther forward to embrace physical freedom for the Negro, at the cost of a MIL LION LIVES AND A BILLION IN TREASURE. And then only partial physical freedom became the posses sion of the blacks. They had been worked; now, they must learn to work as freemen, and they did. But they suffered from low wages and incomes and bad working conditions. John L. Lewis is moving successfully to alter this condition and make the Negro, a long with other workers economically free. And such a service, rendered without shock to our social order, is the most important single contribut ion made by an American since the Re public was founded. We say thes£ things now, be cause we wish John L. Lewis to know that his work is being evaluated and appreciated during his lifetime. And we but express the thought of 15,000, 000 Negroes of the United States. OUR YARDS Frequently Colored People com plain that they cannot buy and rent pretty homes. Often that is too true in this land of ours. But there is no rea son why our yards may not be well kept. Green grass will be green grass in the yards of Colored People, and flowers will be flowers. Roses and pansies and lilies and honeysuckles wil grow in your yard just as well as in other yards owned by the white Mr. X. We suggest, therefore, that in the Colored District, garden clubs and yard clubs be organized in each block and that every one be urged to plant grass and flowers and keep them in proper condition. And this whether you be an owner or a renter. It may be necessary to help your neighbor in this respect. Alright, do it. Lend him your sickle, your lawn mower, your hoe and rake, and if need be, teach him how to use the tools on his yard. It might be well to offer two or three prizes, not too expensive, to en courage effort and create rivalry. The Omaha Guide would like to hear from its readers on this subject. ECONOMIC HI-LIGHTS National and International Problems Inseparable from Local Welfare The government’s present tax pol icy has two distinct phases. First and most obvious phase is the necessity of raising more revenue. Second phase is to reduce consumer purchasing pow er. as one means of fighting inflation. War priorities will result in a consid erable reduction in the amount of goods available for consumers. War spending, on the other hand, will re sult in a great increase in payroll Is and income. That situation, unless corrected, must almost inevitably re sult in price inflation. And one means of correcting it is heavy taxation. Few authorities oppose these purposes. But a good many authorit ies are extremely dubious of the wis dom and justice of the new tax bill as tentatively approved by the House of Representatives committee. Their op osition is based on varied grounds. The new tax bill places its heav iest burdens on the middle income groups—present rates of taxation on big income groups make it impossible to substantially increase revenue from them. Persons and families earning from $4,000 to $12,000 per year will be forced to pay the bulk of the increas es in taxes. Writing in the New York Times, Godfrey N. Nelson says that, if the proposed bill passes in its cur rent form, less than 4 percent of the population will have to make returns, and nearly one half of these will not be required to pay a tax because of their exemption credits. In other words, the tax does not reach down in to the smaller bracket incomes. Mr. Nelson, like other economists, suggests that it is advisable to reach these low er incomes either by reducing amounts of exemptions, or by levying a flat tax payable at the source, on all incomes. . “It seems reasonable to assume,” he says, that it the national debt is ever to be paid, all earnings should be made to contribute to the liquidation.” Furthermore, it is clear that the middle-income groups—which are com posed largely of salaried people— wiH share the least in war spending. Wag es for workers are going up far faster than salaries for white collar helm On these grounds alone, the new bill seems defnitely inequitable. Some are convinced that the bur den the new bill will place on industry is dangerously high. No one wants “war profiteering.” But it is clearly necessary for industry to earn suffic ient profits for expansion and to at tract new capital, if it is to continue as a healthy, progressive factor in our national life. For this reason the soundness of the excess profits tax provisions of the bill is gravely doubt ed in many quarters. Still another provision of the bill is now coming in for severe criticism. That is the provision which would force husbands and wives to lump their income in one return, even though each earned separate incomes which were in no way connected. Govern ment experts estimate that provision would provide some $340,000,000 of ad ditional revenue. Commenting on this F. L. Lipman, outstanding Western banker, said: “Such an important am ount as $340,000,000 must not be sup erficially dealt with, but one would scarcely argue that the size of the am ount determines the justice or propri ety of the tax.” Bishop William T. Manning assailed the provision on other grounds when he said: “If Con gress retains this provision, those who have been divorced—or who live in im moral sexual relationship—- will be called on to pay far less to the govern ment than the married couples.” And David Lawrence points out that *dhe Supreme Court has even gone so far as to hold that, even where a husband au:l wife receive a joint income ft*on a single source, they hav 3 the leg:! rght to file separate returns for tax purposes.” Still another general criticism of government fiscal policy is that almost nothing has yet been done to reduce non-defense Federal spending. Vari ous authorities, including Treasury experts, have estimated that $1,000, 000,000 to $2,000,000,000 could be sav ed by pruning unnecessary and avoid able items from the budget. Summing up, the feeling is almost universal that all of us, without except ion, must pay greatly increased taxes, and make all necessary sacrifices for defense. But many economists regard the next tax bill as a helter-skelter af fair, unsound, and in some cases con fiscatory, which needs a thorough ov erhauling. We have barely begun to feel the pinch that the defense effort will pro duce. Next year, many a consumer, who goes shopping for items that have been produced in abundance in the past will come home empty handed. Evidence of the way the wind blows is found in the fact that motor car, electric refrigerator, and washing machine production will be cut about 50 percent in 1942. Anything which requires aluminum, rubber, or basic metals will be harder to get. HAVE PATIENCE! (by Ruth Taylor) “Wait on the Lord and He will save thee.” Patience is one of the most dif ficult of virtues to acquire, but once its lesson has been learned* it is the most soul satisfying. To be patient is to have self control plus faith—to know that in the last analysis, “all things work to good for them that love God.” Think of those whom you ad mire most, and you will see how this quality stands out. It was patience and the ability to wait that enabled Washington to hold out long after the more zealous and daring of his col leagues felt the game was up. It was patience and the ability to wait that carried Lincoln through the darkest hours of the Civil War. And so has it been from time immemorial—with lit tle people as well as great—with un sung heroes as well as with those re nowned in sons; and story. But patience does not mean just sitting down to wait. To wait patient y requires constructive action. It means careful consideration of the end you wish, and the taking of every step to bring that end about with due re gard for others. It means doing your duty day in and day out, working hon estly and sincerely at your daily tasks, and' fitting yourself bodily and mental ly for the day when your ship comes in. When that has been done, it means waiting patiently and cheerfully and working while you wait. And this applies not only to the individual but to all groups within the nation and to the nation itself. The changes, the reforms we all want to see made require patience and waiting while we are actively trying to bring them about. There are many sincere reform ers who are vociferously advocating all sorts of panaceas. “Destroy the old,” they cry. “Anything is better than what we have.” But this is not the American wav. Reform means to remake, to reshape-^ not to break. In our impatience we too often feel that to reform a situation we must change it completely over night. We can wipe out all abuses in America. We can reform our country into the Utopia of which we dream, if we will work together and utilize the thought and brains and abilities we al ready possess. We can do this if we work together—possessing our souls in patience. Neither Utopia nor Rome was built in a day. y y ;Dark Laughter . x . ,, «r ot hamiwtoh “Oh brother dear, I want you to meet Mr. Bootsie, the gent I was telling you about, who said he could get me a job singing with any of the big bands.”