The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 16, 1941, City Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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New York, August 11 (ANP)—
Indicative of the large attendance
that will turn out for the annual
convention of the National Assoc
iation of Colored Graduate Nurses
in Los Angeles, this year is the
announcement that no less than
75 delegates from the east, 45 of
which are from New York alone,
have expressed their intntion to
be on hand. Ms. Mabel Keaton
1822 North 24th St.
B(S) Floor w Deck
L-*5' Enamel
I Beautiful-Hicjh Gloss
he, [ Durable - East/ to Clean
Enamel for Floors
Jkt us shew l/vu
Paint Up! Clean Up!
Varnish Up!
We carry a full line of paint,
glass, and varnish, also screen
ing of all kinds. We have a
full line of chicken and fence
wire, plumbing, and electrical
supplies at downtown prices
Our stock of roofing and gut
tering is complete. Everything
*t a low price. Open evenings.
CALL WE. 1607 or Call at
Omaha's Largest Neighborhood
Completely Stocked Hardware
Store at—
1822 North 24th Street
Staupers, executive secretary of
the association, also said that
Washington with 15 delegates,
Philadelphia with 10, and other
large metropolitan centers along
the seaboard and through New
England with impressive and ac
tive memberships are going to
participate in the discussions and
clinics on nursing subjects.
Of outstanding importance this
year. Mrs. Staupers said, will be j
the role of Negro nurses in the
present defense preparations of
the country. ‘Tremendous emph
asis will be put on the necessity
of not only full participation,” she
declared, “but also for full inte
gration- We feel that this battle
is not only of any one segment of
the many peoples who make up A
merico, but rather the battle of all
who make America their homes.
We, therefore, feel it our duty to
demand and receive the opportun
ity to show our loyalty to the prin
ciples we are all girding to de
While the program for the con
vention is now being shaped up,
Mrs. Staupers did say that many
well known persons identified with
public health and nursing in gen
eral will speak before the gather
ing schedule for Aug. 17-22. The
local committee is pitching in. it
was said to make for the greatest
hospitality and comfort far those
Cincinnati, Aug. 12 (ANP> Prof
W. E, Newsome of the Banneck
er High School of Cythiana, Ky,
was awarded the degree of bach
elor of science at the University
of Cincinnati recently. Prof New
some, who is 79 years old, has
studied summers for a number of
years. He is widely known in
Kentucky and one of the active
members of the Kentucky Negro
Education association.
Thrifty Service
7c For Each Additional lb. 00
This includes the Ironing of all FLAT
WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just
Damp Enough for Ironing.
2324 North 24th St.WE. 1029
I to women who suffer
Few women today are free from some sign 5
•^functional trouble. Maybe you’ve noticed
YOURSELF getting restless, moody, ner- |
vous, depressed lately—your work too much £
for you—■
.. Then why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s \
Vegetable Compound to help quiet weary,
hysterical nerves, relieve monthly pain !
(cramps, backache, headache) and weak i
dizzy fainting spells due to functional ir
For over 60 years Pinkham’s Compound ]
has helped hundreds of thousands of weak I
run-down, nervous “ailing” women to go
smiling thru “difficult days.” Why not give
this wonderful “woman’s friend” a chance
to help YOU ? Try it l
In ex. lor i__
TIONS, Thay lit* th* smooth toxturo end
•xcotlom quality, plus •xtroordinary volua
In these fine cosmetics.
A big Beauty Box weighing over two
pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to
you with no additional charges.
Rat. trie*
Oaoarlng Cream .. SOe
Vonlrhing Omm. S0«
Favndattofl (Ooldoo Brawn, Ochra, Nat Brown) 15«
toco Powder (Geld Brawn, Ochre, Net Brawn) 50c
Dpttick (Pobitotto Bed, Maple led. Cordovan) 25c
Li cm tuiiiia Due
Mob Dreceer .. BOc
OmtMMHt ...oneoeeeeo eon e an ftOf
""■“■■'Check row shades below——*—
I OS East Slw Street. New York. N. T.
For the enclosed 11.00 bill or money order, send
me you' complete Beauty Box containing T full
■tee GOLDEN-GLO product*, with do additional
charge to me.
CITYi --STATE:_—Gol.lm Bryan I I Ochre » I Sul Breve < I
Paaa.r—OolJm Krcaa I I Ochre ( ) Nat Broaa < | | | Menu Krd | | t orj.via I )
FOR ONLY 20c "
We will send you any 50c item listed
above as an introductory offer. Send two i
dime* in «n envelope and we will mail with- |
Out any cstra charge to you.
106 East 41 Street
New Vote, N. Y.
v — — — ■■ '■ 1 7*_*■
CROSS l Knctlr u Man. Unad ran: "ll braVrang.
rnrn i* bring Lott la Lara—Cninra— Brat nan'
Mill nwhri reran Iran."
★ .
I - ...
Dr. Joseph E. Walker, president
of the National Negro Business
League, and Mrs, Walker, in an
informal pose in front of their
palatial residence, Memphis where
the 40th annual session of the
league will convene August 27th.
Mrs. Walker is chairman of La
dies Bridge committee which with
the cooperation of the Memphis
--- . ~ » j
Federation of Colored Woman’s
clubs has planned a series <f
lovely affairs for visiting women
to the league convention. The
Walkers are outstanding in
church, civic and social life of t’ne
delta. The couple attended an
international convetion of the
Christian churches in Leicester.
England, in 1935. (ANP photo)
This is every Americans emer
gency. It is no more particular
than a hurricane or a blizzard.
There is nothing exclusive about
it. There is nothing exclusive a
bout the war that is flaming in
three continents. Let me remind
you that an aerial bomb draws no
color line.
On June 25th President Roose
velt issued an executive order de
claring (and I quote) “it is the
policy of the United States to en
courage full participation in the
national defense program by all
citizens of the United States, re
gardless of race, creed, color or
national origin ”
Let us look for a moment at the
Negro’s contribution to the def
ense effort. There are 70,000 Ne
groes in the Army .including
more than 400 commissioned offic
ers. Fifty six nurses are now be
ing selected for the Army Nurse
Corps. The Army’s Chief of staff
General Marshall, enjoys the con
fidence of these soldiers as he does
of all our soldiers, and I can as
sure you that he reciprocates that
I confidence. For the first time in
American history there is a Ne
rr-n brigadier general, General
Benjamin O. Davis, Negro offic
You Can’t Beat the Prices At
2122 North 24th St.
Phone AT. 5652
ers are being assigned to the 99th
Pursuit Squadron of the Air Corps
That squadron, comprising 45 of
ficers and 390 enlisted men, now
in training at Chaute Field. Ill
inois, will have an air base near
Tuskegee, Alabama, which has
been designed by a Negro archi
tect and is being constructed by a
Negro contractor- The Tuskegee
base, 1,700 acres in extent, will
be the home field of the only tact
ical Air corps unit stationed in
Alabama. We also have a Negro
unit with the tanks. And we have
Negro units in every branch of the
service, units which are making a
fine record and of which every A
merican, white or colored, may
well be proud.
This is a national crisis. Amer
ica needs every element of her
[ population, and every element of
| her population needs Amrica. This
is a moment when our common
danger is so much more import
ance than any differences among
us that all of our thoughts and all
of our actions must be concentrat
ed on the National necessity.
I want to emphasize the great
opportunity—yes, the duty, which
the emergency affords the aver
age citizen, white or colored, of
getting acquainted with our new
Army. The army itself is made
up largely of average citizens.
Everyone can help to make b|e
more pleasant for the men who
constitute it, particularly when
they are on leave in or passing
through the larger cities. The
civilian population of the South
and the Southwest can be espec
ially helpful in such a collabor
ation, since the preponderance of
our military population is in that
No one dare question the Negro
citizen’s loyalty, and none dare
question his courage—such cour
age as in 1918 took rivate John
Baker, with two fingers of his
More Planes —More Speed —
The telephone is helping speed up the pro
duction of planes, tanks, guns—all the many
weapons and materials of defense.
Never before have such heavy demands
been put upon the telephone, particularly in
the larger cities and over the principal long
distance lines.
The vast national defense demands for telephone
service are being met promptly and fully but doing
th is and, at the same time, minimizing the restric
tive effect of defense needs upon telephone service
generally, is a tremendous undertaking.
northwestern bell telephone company
right hand shot off, through three
hundred yds of heavy machinegun
Eire to deliver an urgent message
to his commanding officer; such
courage as impelled Private Arth
ur Johnson, struck by a shell frag
ment, to carry a more grievously
wonded comrade a mile on his
back to a first aid station; such
courage as led Private Bruce
Stoney two hundred yards out in
to No Man’s Land under heavy
fire to rescue a wounded officer
lying there; such courage as drew
Corporal Sandy Jones, company
clerk up to the front line when he
learned that all his officers had
become casualties, where he took
command of the scattered elements
of his unit and reorganized them.
Each of these is an authentic in
stance of officially recorded valor
by a Negro soldier. They have
been chosen at random from the
list of awards of the Distinguished
Service Cross during the World
War, and there are many more.
There are less spectacular, but
as genuine, examples of courage
today. Sergeant Samuel F. Bak
er, stationed at Fort Huachuca,
Arizona, kept a fire hose playing
on drums bulging with hot oil
anj ready to explode, during a re
cent fire at that post. He ap
proached within fifteen feet oi
the death laden containers and
stood his ground despite the dang
er and the raging heat until he
brought the fire under control
For this gallant exploit he receiv’d
the Soldiers’ Medal. Private Rcb
ert Mobley, stationed at Fort
Leonard Wood, Missouri, swarr
out into deep water of Big Piney
River to rescue a comrade from
drowning, and for this feat his
commanding officer has recomm
ended him for the Soldiers’ Medal,
Negro soldiers are making fine
record in efficiency and safety in
the handling of live shells in our
ordnance depots.
It is my privilege this evening
to bring you a message from Gen
eral Pershing, who will celebrate
his eighty first birthday next
month, but who still puts the safe
ty and securit of his country be
fore everything else and who may
well be called the father of Nat
ional defense.
General Pershing writes:
nI am pleased to state that my
own experience with Negro troops
has left me a favorable impression
of their soldierly qualities and ef
ficiency. The old 10th Calvaiy,
a colored regiment with which I
served in Cuba, acquitted itself
with distinction, and our colored
troops in France during the World
War gave a good account of them
selves and contributed to the suc
cess of the AEF- The following
extract from a cablegram I sent
the War Department in June, 1918
testifies to the splendid spirit
found prevalent among them:
‘‘ ‘Exploit of two colored infan
trymen some weeks ago in repell
ing much larger German patrol,
killing and wounding several Ger
mans and winning Croix de Guerre
by their gallantry, has roused fine
spirit of emulation among the col
ored troops, all of whom are look
ing forward to more active serv
ice. Only regret expressed by
colored troops Is that they are not
given more dangeous work to do.”
There speaks an American sold
ier who knows American soldiers
And tonight all America salutes
the colored American, and the part
which he is so effectively and so
loyally playing to protect our
common country.
Apache, Okla-, (CP—Another
large group of Oklahoma Indians
have suddenly become wealthy
with oil money. The discovery of
a new oil field in this southwes
tern Oklahoma town has found
many plains Indian’s families in.
the money. Most of them are
members of the Apache, Kiowa
and Comanche tribes. A major
ity are considered restricted In
dians. This means that they are
prohibited from disposing of their
land without permission from the
Federal government.
The frst flow of money into the
Indian communities has been lease
money. Royalties on oil produc
tion will follow if the field does
not disappoint oil company offic
1301 N. 24th St. WE. 4737
Metropolitan Produce
A. A. Rosschaert, Prop.
New location—
Across the Street from
Ritz Theatre
“Prices Right to Fit Your
2022 NORTH 24th ST.
Seventeen thousand veterans of
the Spanish American war will be
in Omaha August 17 to 21 for the
43rd annual convention of the
United Spanish War Veterans
Bringing delegates to the con
vention—the second largest in O
maha’s history—will be special
trains from all parts of the coun
try, according to John Gillin Jr.,
chairman of the Omaha Chamber
of Commerce Convention commit
tee. Twenty five hundred are ex
pected from California, and about
the same number from New York
and Massachusetts.
The local Convention committee
has been working nearly a year on
arrangements. The program op
es with a traditional memorial
service Sunday evening, Aug. 17,
in the city auditodium. On Mon
day evening the veterans will be
entertained with a special Ak
Sar Ben Coliseum. On Wednes
day will come the big parade in
the afetmoon with 5,000 veterans
taking part. Many bands and
bugle corps will be in the line of
Organizations meeting witd the
parent body will be the National
Ladies’ Auxiliary, the Naval and
Military Order of the Spanish A
merican War, the U. S. Infantry
Association, the Military Order of
the Serpent, the Military Order of
the Lizard ,the Sons of the Span
ish American War Nurses. Over
50 calvary, infantry and officers’
reunions will be held
Cornhusker Golf News column and
active on Golfgram Committee.
Lewis has given valuable assist
ance in all golf activities this year.
In a few days the members of
the Cornhusker Golf club will
know if they have accomplished
that which they have been work
ing for. We have worked very
hard and the stretch drive may
show its effects on our golf game
but like a good horse, we hope we
may continue In the stretch to
come out the winner.
Jesse Hutten, this reporters
choice as Cornhusker golfer num
ber one, has been rounding his
game into shape. He must be at
his peak form to stand up against
his outstate rivals. “Gabby”
Watson, “Penny” Murray, John
Mickens, John Simms, Boyd Gal
loway, and Jay Murrell are my
choice to be right on his heels.
Many believe Lonnie Thomas will
be in there cose, but I have never
been so fortunate to see him play,
so I cannot place him among the
leaders. I hope they are right be
cause we will need every good
golfer we can get.
Probably the most talked about
golfer in the Cornhusker Golf
Club is your reporter. At one
time he was considered as one of
the most dangerous golfers in the
club, but during the past year his
game has went completely to piec
es. Being the most uncertain
golfer in the club I leave him com
pletely out at the running. He
must prove his worth to me if he
wishes to be placed among the
Many social events are planned
for our visiting guests. Two
dances and picnics head the list.
There will also be a tour of the
city. Many other social clubs
have volunteered their services to
us. House parties are being plan
ned—swimming parties will be
imade up, it is almost certain that
3veryone will have a grand time.
The Cornhusker Golf Club wish
o thank all of the persons giving
them advertising for their “golf
gram”. We wish to thank all of
he clubs who are giving their
services. We deeply appreciate
the time and work given by those
social organizations.
Everything is ready for the
most colorful and exciting event
if this season- Socially promin
ent persons from six states will
be our guests. AH we know is a
iew good golf rounds to complete
his event. We are depending on
you Jesse Hutten, “Gabby” Wat
Chicago, Aug. 12 (ANP) Wiila
P„ Drown, queen of the airlanes,
is scheduled to take to the ether
waves Sunday, Aug. 17, when she
will appear as principal speaker
on the “Wings over Jordan” pro
gram. Her subject will be the
“Negro in Aviation”.
?,Iiss Brown, in her early thirt
ies. is well qualified to discuss this
subject. She is the highest rank
ing colcred woman in the field of
aviation and part owner of the
iargest privately owned Negro av
iation school in the country, the
Coffey School of Aviation.
In addition she conducts several
classes at Wendell Phillips High
school ar,d is CAA coordinator for
the civilian pilot training program
in Chicago.
She, eiong with Cornelius R.
Coffey, president of the Coffey
School of Aviation, and Enoc p.
Waters, Jr., Chicago newspaper
man, were prime movers in the
founding of the National Airmen's
Association of America- Miss
Brown is president of the Chicago
chapter of the organization.
In her talk August 17. she will
trace the history of the Negro in
Aviation from the time of Bessie
Coleman to today. The program
is scheduled to go on the air at
9:30 a. m- cdt. over the Columbia
Br« adcasting System from Cleve
land, to which point she and her
other Chicago pilots will fly their
cwu planes, according to present
rNcw lvieaica* director ui jrruvi
dent hospital, shown in his office
at the noted Chicago Institution.
Dr. West, who took office July
1, is the first Negro to get a de
gree in public health, obtaining
that award from Harvard univer
sity in 1931 after being commis
sioner of health for Addis Ababa
unaer emperor naiie semssie in
1930. Despite his youth—he is on
ly 35—he Was chosen to organize
and direct the new Provident
health center which will combine
the facilities of the hospital with
the city’s health program.
(ANP photo)
Chicago, August (by U. S. Keys
for ANP) The selection of “Miss
Pan Hellenic” will be the feature
of the annual Chicago Pan Hell
enic outing to be held at the Sun
set Hills country club Aug 17
when the delegates to the Nation
al Medical association convention
will be the guests of honor of the
“Miss Pan Hellenic” will repre
sent the quintessence of personal
ity of sorority members. The Al
pha Kappa Alpha. Delta Sigma
Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho and
the Zeta Phi Beta sororities have
nominated members to compete
for the coveted title. Members of
the four sororities and the four
fraternities wjhich are affiliated
with the Chicago Pan Hellenic
council voted on the person of
their choice last week. The con
testant receiving the highest num
ber of votes in each of the organi s
ations will be named for Miss Pan
Hellenic and will automatically
enter the finals. The finals will
be run off in the outing when all
fraternity and sorority members
will cast individual ballots for
their favorite candidates.
The annual convention of the
Pan Hellenic council will convene
in Chicago with the local council
as host Aug. 30 and 31.
All 23 walk with a purposeful
stride, not a swagger.
(Each promises to be better
than average machinist.
They look like A-l future Sagi
naw citizen.
They are 23 former residents of
Rev. Fr. Edward J- Flanagan’s
far-famed Boys Town, Neb., em
ployed at the Saginaw Steering
Gear machinegun plant.
Why was it necessary for the
Steering Gear GM division to
reach outside Saginaw for desir
able young workers ?
Here is General Manager Alva
W. Phelp’s explanation: “Ail of
the boys have had machine shop
experience- They get a form of
son. “Penny” Murray. John Simms,
“Red” Collins, John Mickens, Say
bert Hanger, Dr. Morris, Dr. Solo
unon. John Adams, Art McCaw,
Bill Davis, Chester Hodges, John
Pegg, Jay Murrell, Buster” King.
Burl Caldwell. Herbert Toole,
Boyd Galloway, Gene Murray,
Lawrence Martin, Harold Biddieux
and Joe Owens. Omaha will be
behind every stroke you play.
As our most beloved President
of the United States would say,
“With high hopes for the future,
we must look forward to a great
2r life, a greater security and fin
ally a great victory. With him I
repeat again, again, and again to
yrou, all we need now is A GREAT
fundamental machineshop train
ing at Boys Town which is very
valuable. They make good men.
Those we hired recently look very
very promising.”
The Steering Gear executive for
many years has known of the re
sults produced by the unusual
youth training program effected
by “Father" Flanagan, as the en
terprising priest is internationally
knowm. Phelps and the Boys
Town founder met several years
ago. All 23 of the gun plant s
unusual new employees were in
terviewed in Boys Town by Mar
shall E Beaman. Steering Gear
personnel director.
Most iof them, as citizens of
the “City of Little Men,” had
some particular claim to fame.
Gardner, West, Pline and Adams
were city commissioners. Young
Gardner served as such for four
years, pline, a good baseball
player, was given a trial this
spring with the St. Louis Card
inals. Adams, once voted the
most populad youth in Boys Town
is a former leading high school
basketball scorer of Nebraska and
Iowa. Czerney was an announcer
for the Boys Town radio station.
White was an intramural sports
leader. While West and Sheehan
were top ranking musicians, the
former chairman of the choir and
bandleader. West also was on the
editorial staff of the Boys Town
Times, a bi-monthly magazine.
Ortez was a deft workman in his
community’s recently developed
metal shop.
WEEK, SEPT. 8-10
With business an ever brighten
ing picture and farm prospects
exceptionally good, plans are un
der way for Merchants Fall Mar
ket Week, Sept. 8-10. according to
J. D. Alexander, chairman.
More than 50 wholesale, jobbing
and distributing houses will hold
a giant open house program dur
ing the entide week of September
8, Alexander said.
Three nights of entertainment
are now being planned by the
committee. A gala style revue
will be held on Monday evening.
September 8, in Peony Park’s out
door Royal Grove. A “Pot o’
Gold” feature is scheduled as the
entertainment highlight for Tues
day night at Hotel FontenelK
Hundreds of dollars’ worth of
merrhandise prizes will go to vis
iting merchants at a “Fun and
Gift Night” program Wednesday
evening in Hotel Paxton. Danc
ing bo nationally known bands
will be held all three evenings
Circulars are now being prepar
ed for distdibution to merchants
in the Omaha area. Alexander
said that this year’s Market Week
has all the earmarks of an out
standing event. He pointed out
that business and crop conditions
are the best in years, giving
promise of a prosperous year a