NURSES ASSN, EXPECTED TO DRAW BIG ATTENDANCE AT LOS ANGELES CONVENTION New York, August 11 (ANP)— Indicative of the large attendance that will turn out for the annual convention of the National Assoc iation of Colored Graduate Nurses in Los Angeles, this year is the announcement that no less than 75 delegates from the east, 45 of which are from New York alone, have expressed their intntion to be on hand. Ms. Mabel Keaton H. DOI GOFF HARDWARE CO. 1822 North 24th St. B(S) Floor w Deck L-*5' Enamel III _ (NOT A PAINT! I Beautiful-Hicjh Gloss he, [ Durable - East/ to Clean Enamel for Floors Jkt us shew l/vu SPRING IS HERE! Paint Up! Clean Up! Varnish Up! We carry a full line of paint, glass, and varnish, also screen ing of all kinds. We have a full line of chicken and fence wire, plumbing, and electrical supplies at downtown prices Our stock of roofing and gut tering is complete. Everything *t a low price. Open evenings. —FREE DELIVERY CALL WE. 1607 or Call at Omaha's Largest Neighborhood Completely Stocked Hardware Store at— 1822 North 24th Street Staupers, executive secretary of the association, also said that Washington with 15 delegates, Philadelphia with 10, and other large metropolitan centers along the seaboard and through New England with impressive and ac tive memberships are going to participate in the discussions and clinics on nursing subjects. Of outstanding importance this year. Mrs. Staupers said, will be j the role of Negro nurses in the present defense preparations of the country. ‘Tremendous emph asis will be put on the necessity of not only full participation,” she declared, “but also for full inte gration- We feel that this battle is not only of any one segment of the many peoples who make up A merico, but rather the battle of all who make America their homes. We, therefore, feel it our duty to demand and receive the opportun ity to show our loyalty to the prin ciples we are all girding to de fend.” While the program for the con vention is now being shaped up, Mrs. Staupers did say that many well known persons identified with public health and nursing in gen eral will speak before the gather ing schedule for Aug. 17-22. The local committee is pitching in. it was said to make for the greatest hospitality and comfort far those attending. GETS COLLEGE DEGREE AT 79 Cincinnati, Aug. 12 (ANP> Prof W. E, Newsome of the Banneck er High School of Cythiana, Ky, was awarded the degree of bach elor of science at the University of Cincinnati recently. Prof New some, who is 79 years old, has studied summers for a number of years. He is widely known in Kentucky and one of the active members of the Kentucky Negro Education association. READ The GUIDE Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY C Oc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. 00 This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON " SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St.WE. 1029 AN URGENT MESSAGE I to women who suffer FEMALE WEAKNESS Few women today are free from some sign 5 •^functional trouble. Maybe you’ve noticed YOURSELF getting restless, moody, ner- | vous, depressed lately—your work too much £ for you—■ .. Then why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s \ Vegetable Compound to help quiet weary, hysterical nerves, relieve monthly pain ! (cramps, backache, headache) and weak i dizzy fainting spells due to functional ir regularities. For over 60 years Pinkham’s Compound ] has helped hundreds of thousands of weak I run-down, nervous “ailing” women to go smiling thru “difficult days.” Why not give this wonderful “woman’s friend” a chance to help YOU ? Try it l V—_1_ In ex. lor i__ SMART WOMEN mm GOLDEN-GLO BEAUTY PREPARA. TIONS, Thay lit* th* smooth toxturo end •xcotlom quality, plus •xtroordinary volua In these fine cosmetics. Sr 7 BEAUTY AIDS V / THE PATH TO LOVELINESS / A big Beauty Box weighing over two pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to you with no additional charges. All FUU SIZE—$3.00 VALUE Rat. trie* Oaoarlng Cream .. SOe Vonlrhing Omm. S0« Favndattofl (Ooldoo Brawn, Ochra, Nat Brown) 15« toco Powder (Geld Brawn, Ochre, Net Brawn) 50c Dpttick (Pobitotto Bed, Maple led. Cordovan) 25c Li cm tuiiiia Due Mob Dreceer .. BOc OmtMMHt ...oneoeeeeo eon e an ftOf ""■“■■'Check row shades below——*— COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC. I OS East Slw Street. New York. N. T. For the enclosed 11.00 bill or money order, send me you' complete Beauty Box containing T full ■tee GOLDEN-GLO product*, with do additional charge to me. NAMEi _ ADDRESS: - CITYi --STATE:_—Gol.lm Bryan I I Ochre » I Sul Breve < I Paaa.r—OolJm Krcaa I I Ochre ( ) Nat Broaa < | | | Menu Krd | | t orj.via I ) -.-I -Tfl FOR ONLY 20c " We will send you any 50c item listed above as an introductory offer. Send two i dime* in «n envelope and we will mail with- | Out any cstra charge to you. GOLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC j 106 East 41 Street New Vote, N. Y. v — — — ■■ '■ 1 7*_*■ AMAZING CROSS l Knctlr u Man. Unad ran: "ll braVrang. rnrn i* bring Lott la Lara—Cninra— Brat nan' Mill nwhri reran Iran." ★ . PRESIDENT AND WIFE I - ... Dr. Joseph E. Walker, president of the National Negro Business League, and Mrs, Walker, in an informal pose in front of their palatial residence, Memphis where the 40th annual session of the league will convene August 27th. Mrs. Walker is chairman of La dies Bridge committee which with the cooperation of the Memphis --- . ~ » j Federation of Colored Woman’s clubs has planned a series