/JUSTICE/EQUAIITT LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITT —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS Nebraskl‘ Ottiaha^Npl»raska,jaturday, August 16,1941 OUR 14th YEAR-No. 22 City Edition, ITcTpy'' « ' Our1 Town Visiting C.S.G. A. Golfers Omaha, Nebr., August 15—1The CSGA. associa tion is holding its 1941 tournament in Omaha. The Cornhuskers who are hosts this year for this gala annual event are expecting a record breaking crowd. Sports of all kinds have always interested peo ple, and the outstanding achievement of the Negro in the field of sports has dot only contributed to the development of fine physiques but has gone far in openinlg the door of opportunity both for the indiv idual participant and for the ir i >ent of racial understanding. As we know from the past record of the CSGA. association, it has been their desire to serve well and please all of the golf enthusiasts so as to build up a organization second to none. To achieve in any line of endeavor, is meritorious and to carry on we ap peal to all Omaha, to join in with our group and en large its scope for golf enthusiasts. The history of this organization speaks for it self and we are proud to say Negro golf is at its zenith, with players who can play better glolf than those of the so called world’s greatest. With the co operation of all organizations, and peoples, joining | with the CSGA., the gates will be open to lead in golf as we have in all other sports. Come out Omaha for the tournament of golfdom and help make this a gala occasion. TELL STIMSON ABOUT OFFIC ERS WIIO TELL DRAFTEES ‘DON’T SHAKE A NIGGERS HAND’ New York, N. Y.—Quoting from1 an editorial in PM, New York dai ly newspaper, which told how ar my officers at Camp Upton, New York, in speaking to draftees a bout to be sent to Camp Croft, So Carolina, warned them ‘ not to drink with niggers’, and that “down there you don’t shake a Negro’s hand when he says good by,” the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple protested to Secretary of War Henry D. Stimson that the action on the part of ‘‘responsible office ers of the United States Arm/ is viciously anti-democratic.” The PM. editorial was based on a letter written by a white sold ier -who was among the group warned against fraternizing with colored soldiers. The men were also told that if they got into trouble while with Negroes “it’s you men who’re going to locked up, not the nigger.” The NAACP called for an in vestigation at Camp Upton to de termine which officers were guilty and asked that prompt action be taken. It was also suggested that the WTar Department issue a mem orandum to all officers of the ar witr nn finKinnf REBUILT --- REV. JOSEPT H. BRANHAM who led the hosts of OHvet Bap tist church in Chicago as they completely rehabiliated that fam ous shrine. The congregation will meet in the rebuilt edifice Sunday August 16th for the first time since the funeral of the late Dr. T . IT TXflllinfVlO if O *\nnf A1* \T AIT. REV. JAMES S. ANDERSON INJURED IN ACCIDENT The Rev. James S. Anderson of Omaha, Nebraska, nationall known Envangelist, writer and the Gen eral Secretary and Treasurer of the National Baptist Evangelical Board Inc., was serious injured from a fall in the Tulsa Depot in Tulsa, Okla. , After closing a great revival meeting in Texas, he came to Ok lahoma to conduct meetings of a similar nature. On his arrival in Tulsa from Dennison. Texas, he entered the Colored waiting room at the depot and spent sometime there. On leaving the room he rushed out to take a taxi cab and on his way out, he stepped on a decayed peach or poach peeling— slipped and fell down on his right side, striking hard on the handle lock and rim of his suitcase anc then onto his back against the marble floor. As a result of th« accident, he is now and may be for several weeks, confined in i bed at 614 Nor. Frankfort Street, Tulsa. Oklahoma in a serious con dition of fractured ribs, internal injuries and a sprained back. The Rev. having never been sick before during his life—the con finement and the pains have caus ed him a good deal o fmental an guish. However, he seems to be more worried about the revival meetings he had to cancel because of the accident and the thought that he might be deprived by vir tue of the casualty, to attend the National Baptist Convention Inc., which meets this year in Cleve land, Ohio. Lawyers have been calling upon him for the case to sue the com pany for several thousand dollars. He requested the prayers of all ■ Christians for a speedy recovery, ' as stated by his cousin Mrs. Alice 1 D. Lewis, PRESIDENT BOYD VERNON GALLOWAY President of the Central States Golf Association representing nearly 400 players in Missouri. Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and Kansas. The CSGA, will hold its 11th An nual Championship Tournament at Elmwood Saturday and Sunday. August 16 and 17. Hundreds of Omahans and out of town visitors rre expected to witness the com petition. There will also be two other tournaments of 18 holes on Friday and Monday and a Ladies Tournament Friday morning at Miller Park. I SUMMARY OF CSGA. GOLFGRAM Friday, August 15, 8 a. m, Ladies Tournament at Miller Park. Men’s Invitational at Fontenelle at 12:45 p. m, Picnic and Dance at Fontenelle from 6 p. m, ***** Saturday, August 16th—Qualify ing at Elmwood 10:30. General meeting at Urban Lea gue 8:00 p, m. ***** Sunday, August 17th,—Finals at Elmwood. 1st round 6:30 a, m,— 2nd round 1:00 p. m,—Dance at the Dreamland 0;00 p. m. ***** Monday, August 18—Consolation Tournament. ember 6 when fire destroyed the church just before the services. Rev. Branham, for 23 years asso ciate pastor and National Baptist Convention official, praises the loyalty, vigor and Christian spirit of the church group. He announ ces that an outstanding young Baptist leader will shortly be call ed to the pastorate. tANP) ICC- REOPENS MITCHELL S CASE ON JIM CROW LAWS; TO REVIEW POLICY AS RE SULT OF SUPREME COURT RULING Washington, D. C. August 11— The Interstate Commerce Comm ission announced today that it is going to review the complaint by Representative Arthur W. Mitchell Chicago Democrat against the Chi cago-Rock Island Railway Co., even though the Supreme Court has decided in Mitchell’s case that Negroes are entitled to Pullman accomodations an^ other first class services on railroad trains. In November, 1938, the commis sion decided against Congress man Mitchell’s contention that jim crow practices were illegal. Mitch ell was removed by the railroad from a Pullman to a second class colored car as he neared the Ark ansas border, in April, 1937. The | Negro car. he complained, was ! “filthy and foul smelling”. The ICC. dismissed the case on the grounds that “because there was comparatively little colored travel’ the lack of equal accomodations was not unjust or undue. Mitchell then took the case to1 the Supreme Court. Even the 10 Southern states protested against; any review of the constitutionality of State Jim Crow laws as applied against travelers in interstate com merce, Chief Justice Hughes de clared that the issue was not a question of segregation but one of equality of treatment and that therefore it was unnecessary to consider the protest of the 10 states. The ICC. is now ordering the complaint reinstated, ‘‘to the end that such other and further pro |hegro Composer dominated For ASCAP Board ASK PROMPT PROBE OF SHOOT ING OF SOLDIERS AT FT. BRAGG ♦♦ 3 SENDS OWN LEGAL STAFF MEMBER TO SCENE OF MLITARY FRACAS New York, N. Y.—Asking for an investigation of the double shooting of a Negro soldier and a white military policeman‘on a bus carrying soldiers to Fort Bragg, N. C., last week, the National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People wrote Secretary of War, Heny L- Stimson that “white military police constitute the great est source of friction and trouble between the races in uniform, and that sooner or later the Negro soldiers, becoming tired of the ar rogance and brutality of the white military police, would be certain to take matters in their own hands.” Curtiss Todd, member cf the NAACP legal staff of Ral eigh, N. C-, was sent to Fort Bragg to begin immediate investigation. The NAACP, declared that the 'manner in which the shooting took place makes it appear that Serg eant Russell Owens ‘‘merely shot the first Negro who happened to emerge from the bus”. The NAACP. letter called the attention of the Secretary of War to the Pittsburgh Courier series on and other reports from military camps in which the writer of the series describes the situation cre ated by white military police as “unbearable”, and predicted that it would not be long before the poin would be reached where Ne gro soldiers would not submit to such treatment. Intervention of city police in the Fort Bragg and similar incidents was also cited as a source of fric tion, and the brutal treatment of Negro soldiers in Houston, Tex as, during the last World War re called. The letter closed with the state ment that, “This Association sub mits that when the treatment of Negro troops in southern comm unities led by arrogant, ill trained and prejudiced white military po lice reaches the point where Ne gro soldiers are willing to fight and die on the spot instead of training themselves to fight the declared enemy of the United States, then the situation is one which requires the most careful attention of the War department, and prompt, remedial action.” ceedings may be had and such other and further orders may be entered in conformity with the op inion of the Supreme Court of the United States rendered April 28, 1941, on the appeal decided therein and according to right, justice and law of the United States-” $70,000 WPA GRANT TO LNCOLN UNIVERSITY Jefferson City, Mo., Aug. 11— Lincoln University officials ann ounced the approval of a $70,000 WPA grant to the school to be us ed in the improvement and devel opment of the twenty-acre camp us. Included in the extensive pro gram which has been dtfawn up is the biulding and rehabilitation of roads and sidewalks, seeding, sod ding. the planting of trees and shrubbery and general landscap ing. Mr. George R. Cotton, head of the University’s Mechanic Arts Department, will supervise the road work, and Mr, C. E. Dicker son, landscape architect, also a member of the Mechanic Arts staff wil ldirect the landscaping project. Work on the campus im provement program is scheduled to begin early in September. WHITE GIRL CAPTURES THIEF | New York (C)—Emmett Free man. 20 year old colored youth made a heroine of Frances Wing ett, white, when he snatched $4.00 from the ticket cage of Beverly Theatre, 3rd Ave.. between bOth and 51st Streets where she is ; cashier. Frances, 19, was inside the booth when Emmett reached in and scooped up the change and bills Without the thought of whe < THOMAS FARMER FATALLY STABS WIFE In an altercation occurring in front of the Hotel Neville, 107 N. 16th Streets, Thomas Farmer, 39, of 3005 R Street, a butcher in the packing plant, fatally stabbed his wife, Emma, to death. Farmer said that his wife drew a knife on him after he had en countered her in front of the hotel and asked her for $5 which she had promised to him earlier in the day. According to a witness of the stabbing, Mrs. Farmer ran into the street, and Farmer overtook her when her flight was halted by a passing street car and then Far mer stabbed her in the chest ‘ at least three times.” Mrs, Farmer managed to get back to the side walk where she died immediately. In a statement to Deputy Coun ty Attorney A1 Fiedler, Farmer said he married his wife, Emma Parker Farmer, in Council Bluffs in April 1936, and that they had lived together until a quarrel 3 days before the killing. Mrs. Farmer early Monday morning had sworn out a warrant for her husband’s arrest at the Southside police station. She charged him with having beat her the night previous. ' JOB PLACEMENT DISCRIMIN ATION BEING BROKEN DOWN New York, N. Y,—After receiv ing notice from the National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People of two cases in which employment qualifications discriminated against Negroes, Mrs. Lillian L. Poses, regional at torney for the New York State Employment Service, informed the New York office of the NAACP. that the state Division of Place ment and Unemployment Insur ance is holding a series of meet ings and cotinually training their interviewers on the question of discrimination. Mrs. Poses stated that a fuller report on the matter is forthcom ing. The NAACP, recently called up on Richard Brockway, director of the NYSES, to act upon a notice in the Yonkers office of the Ser vice asking for laborers but “no Germans, Italians or Negroes,” and upon application blanks for a defense industry which carried a racial distinction in the personal description of the applicant. ter he had a gun she ran out slam med the door fast and followed, screaming, as he dashed up 19th St. Patrolman John Cox, heard her cries and saw Emmett run in to the Waldorf-Astoria where he nabbed him. Emmett is being held on $100 bail for Special Ses sions. A NEGRO P R. OFFICER APPOINTED AT CAMP BLANDING Camp Blanding, Florida (C) — One of the most important appoint ments for Negro troups was made this week when Thomas Davis was appointed in charge of Public Relations for Negro units at Camp Blanding. Davis, a Philadelphian has attended Temple University and has done post graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania. He has had 4 years of public rela tions work in civilian life and is a former member of the Air ard Medical Corps. There has long been a need at Camp Blanding for a Negro P.R. man and Davis’ appointment is very welcome He is well fitted for the job and is an excellent speaker. Davis is 22 and single. Said he after his appointment, ‘‘I only want the continued cooper ation of our newspapers and the fine folks of Jacksonville and oth er communities surrounding Camp Blanding. 9 ♦♦ New York (NNS)—For the first time in its twenty five years ASCAP has nominated a Negro for its board of directors, a dis tinction not even “St. Louis Blu es” gained for W. C, Handy. The nominee is Harry Thacker Bur leigh, 75 year old composer, best known for his arrangement of ‘‘Deep River”. In ASCAP circles, Mr. Burleigh is known not as a “pop writer ’, but as a “standard composer”, whose works run in the semi-clas sical vein. He has written more than 50 spirituals, innumerable pieces for choral groups of all sizes, and sacred anthems. One of his better known works is his arrangement of ‘‘Little Old Moth er of Mine,” which John McCorm ack included in his repertory for many years. Mr. McCormack, in cidentally, was one of Mr. Bur leigh’s closest friends and once quit his rooms at the Ritz Carl ton, swanky New York hotel be cause a Ritzy clerk forced Mr. Burleigh to use the freight eleva tor. Another close friend of Mr. Bur leigh’s was J. P, Morgan, the eld er, who invited him to many Christmas parties at the Morgan home and who left, when he died, a written request that Mr. Bur leigh sing “Calvary” at his funer al. Mr. Burleigh has been baritone soloist at St. George’s Protestant Episcopal Church in New York for forty five years, during which time he also sangs, for twenty five years, in the choir at Temple Em anu-El. He has a traditional A merican style success story. His musical career began with a scholarship at the National Con servatory in New York, where he met Anton Dvorak, for whom he sang many Southern folk songs. One was “Goin’ Home,” which Dvorak incorporated in his New World Symphony. For many years now, Mr. Bur leigh has been a music editor for G. Ricordi and Sons in New York, once a staunch ASCAP firm, but now a BMI affiliate. GEORGIA GOVERNOR TO ASK LEGISLATURE TO BURN IN TERRACIAL BOOKS Atlanta. Ga., (C)—Governor Gene Talmadge of Georgia, cul minating his attack on people who advocate racial co-education is recommending to the 1943 Legis-> lature that they burn all books jn, Georgia schools and libraries which defend education of Negro and white together. Anticipating that he will be re elected next year, the Governor read several excerpts from the book entitled, “We Sing America” which tells of white and colored children attending school togeth er, becoming friends and sharing a sandwich. “We are going to get rid of that book and all books of that kind”, he said. “I’m going to turn them over to the Legislature and ask them to pass a resolution to burn them” SOUTH CAROLINA ACTS TO AVERT TEACHERS’ SALARY COURT ACTION Columbia, S. C.—The board of education here adopted a plan de signed “to reduce the inequality between comparably trained Negro and white teachers” on August 5. The plan was included in a re port of a special committee nam ed by the governor and proposes salary increases of from $40 a year for Negro and white feach ers with two years of college train ing. $80 a year for teachers of both races with three years of col lege training; $80 a year to white teachers holding college degrees, and $120 a year to colored teach ers holding college degrees. The increase would amount to $694,960 for white teachers as a gainst $326,680 for colored. The plan was admittedly adopted to a vert court action for equal pay. South Carolina is on the NAACP BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED Miss Asilee Dotson Mr. and Mrs. John Dotson, 2213 Miami St., ann ounce the engagement of their daughter, Asilee, to Mr. Erntest L. Turner. Miss Dotson is a member of the Tau Alpha chap iter of the Zeta Beta Sonority; The Young Women's 'Christian Association. Limosna Club of the Urban League. Mr. Turner is a member of the Past Exalted Poll er Council, Iroqujois Lodge No. 92 of the IBPOE. of W. 1 The couple will be married September 7th. _ (photo by Bliven) STOVE POLISHED STOCKED BY A & P INSULT TO RACE New York, N. Y.—Asking for immediate discontinuation of sal es of a stove polish carried by A, and P. stores which displays the head of a grinning Negro and is called “Nigger Head Stove Pol ish”, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple made a formal protest to J. E. xlndrews, regional director of the Atlantic and Pacific stores. The NAACP. got wind of the insulting can top several weeks a go when a purchase was made at an A, and P, store at 171-11 Lin den Boulevard, Jamaica, N, Y, The purchasing agent for the stores was immediately called and pro test was made but the agent den ied that the stove polish was stock ed by the stores. Following further complaints, the NAACP sent a representative to the Jamaica store where anoth er can of the polish was purchas ed on August 2. The NAACP. declared that the legend and illustration on the can are not only repulsive to all Ne groes, including the many Negro customers of A, and P, stores, but that it seems to be purposely drawn up to ridicule the Negro race. “We are confident,” the state ment concludes, ‘‘that the Atlantic and Pacific stores will not continue to use this method of holding up the Negro race to ridicule, and to insult the many Negri customers of their stores.” DEPUTY TREASURER OF COUNTY 50 YEARS Topeka, Kans., Aug. 12 (AMP) John M, Wright of this city, first deputy treasurer of Shawnee county and the oldest employe in point of service in the court house here, was tendered a surprise party in his office. Mr. Wright has served since July 1891, The staffs of the various offices in the building gathered to honor Mr, Wright while Judge George A. Kline read a resolution voted by the county commission praising Mr. Wright’s services. Active in fraternal affairs and for many years a stalwart of the National Negro Business league, Mr Wright; remains on duty. list for the institution of an equal pay suit. BECOMES SERGEANT AT 18 Camp Wheeler. Ga., Aug. 12 (A NP) Serving in the United States army or less than one year, 18 yr. old Thomas Henry, Jr, of Comp any “E” the 16th Training battal ion, is one of the youngest Negro es ever to have earned sergeant’s stripes before reaching his major ity. Henry, whose service record since his entry into the army in October of 1940, has been excell ent throughout, was made a ser geant at Camp Wheeler in May of this year.. A native of Albany, Ga, he re gards himself as particularly fortu SALE PROTESTED Top of can of stove polish pur chased from an A. and P. store in Jamaica, N. Y., sales of which are being protested by the NAAOP., SEEK SUPPORT OF 15,000 NEGRO DELEGATES FOR USO Support for the USO. by more than 15,000 Negro delegates and visitors to the annual convention of the Improved Benevolent and Protective Association of the Elks of the Whole Wide World will be sought August 25 to 30 at Atlan tic City. This announcement was made last Thursday by Perry S. Howard, grand legal advisor of the fraternal order. “The Elks will be more than glad to do their part in providing recreational facilities for our boys who are serving in the armed forces of the nation, as we are assured that the funds raised will be distributed fairly in providing recreation facilities for all races, colors, and creeds,” Mr. Howard said. The order, one of the leading colored organizations in the Uni ted States, annually attracts thous ands of Negro leaders from all parts of the country to its conven tion. A record attendance is ex pected this year, and officials are urging that each delegate and visitor make a contribution to U. S. O. nate in having been assigned to duty at a camp in his own home stfete. NEGROES MUST REDOUBLE EFFORTS Its Harlem branch today moved into expanded headquarters in the national office of Fight for Free dom, Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue. Edward White, extjcutive sec retary of the Harlem Division, was officially welcomed into the central office of Fight for Free dom by Ulric Bell, chairman of the executive committee. “Fight for Freedom has given further evidence of the oppo<*+ ln ities for Negroes in a democracy by the voluntary unity in our or ganization,” Mr. White declared. ‘If we want to preserve that unity, we must fight for it. All Americans, particularly Negroes, now must r double their efforts on behalf of freedom at home and a broad.”