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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1941)
THE OMAHA GUIDE Omaha, Nebraska— FORMER OMAHAN VISITS HERE Dr. A- A. Foster, of Los Angeles California, formerly of Omaha, stopped over here Wednesday, July 29. enroute to Chicago, Ill inois. While in Chicago he will do HOUSE FOR RENT— HOUSE FOR RENT HA. 1992. JjOHNSON DRUG CO. J N / LOCATION 2306 North 24fh | |We. 0998 Free Delivery® BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4337 Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS lue Room Open 8 p. m. to l a. a. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to put in it—Call CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has got the works and knows what tp do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. ome special study in connection dth the City Health Department f Los Angeles of which he is a lember.. Dr. Foster Will be one 'f the Staff Physicians at the new rea clinic which will be opened :n Los Angeles. His former office was at 2420 North 24th Street with Drs. Price Terrell and Aaron McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor and son Billy of 2226 Ohio St., ac companied by Mrs. Catherine Gib son and two daughters of 2426 Caldwell St., returned Tuesday July 22. from a ten day motor trip to Seguin, Texas .where they vis ited the parents and relatives of Mr. Taylor. This being Mr. Tay lor’s first trip home in seventeen years, there was an endless suc cession of varied entertainment accorded them during their stay in Seguin, by the former school friends and acquaintances of Mr. Taylor. Returning home the party stop ped in Dallas, Texas and visited Mrs- A. Louis and Miss Christine Dickerson the sisters of Mrs. Panky of Omaha. There was also a brief stop in Tulsa. Okla., and Independence. Kansas. ENTERTAINS AT BREAKFAST Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cloud, 1916 North 25th Street .were host and hostess to a group of their friends CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 20101/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until S a. mi American ft Chinese Dishes t --~lt - =11- =\ “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. [== 11=-- H -1 : I GOT UP NIGHTS I —AWOKE TIRED, NERVOUS!" / Soys Nano Evelya \ Davit, Harlem, A New York City £ MY SLEEP WAS BROKEN 3 OR 4 TIMES A NIGHT. _ MY DOCTOR SAID THAT I HAD TORPID KIDNEYS. YOUR GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES HELPED ME — I SLEEP AND FEEL BETTER — AM A BETTER NURSE. If you get up often at night to go to the bath room — if passage is burning and scant — watch I °ut — these* may be nature's warning signs that your kidneys need a diuretic. Help nature remove excess poisons and acids from the blood with Dr Boerhane's original for mula — Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules. It starts to work immediately — no long waiting for results. But be sure and get the genuine and original / win ivieaai naariem Capsules — only 35* at your druggist. Other symptoms of slow-acting kid neys may be shifting pains, the misery, backache, burning and difficult passage—for relief try Gold Medal, a physician s formula — refuse a substitute. Money refunded should Gold Medal fail to help you. GOLD MEDAL_ We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! (1 —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDhOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 at a 10 o’clock breakfast on Mon diy. July 28th 1941. Mrs. Melna Sanford, who plans to leave Om aha soon for Detroit, Michigan was the guest of honor. Covers w'ere laid for 25, other guests in cluding members of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Sleeping Car Por ters of which both Mrs. Sanford, and Mrs. Cloud are members. The table was beautifully set with tinted crystal, and sparkling sil ver. and adorned with a bouquet of garden flowers. The breakfast was served in’three courses. Mrs. Helen Ward left for Okla. City to visit her neices. While there she will attend the National Convention of Colored Women. On her return she will visit her sisters in Kansas and Kansas City Missouri. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD CWFF Rev. S. K. Nichols, Castor Ann Oliver, Reporter Sunday School .9:30 a. m Morning Service .11 o’clock I Evening Service . 8 o’clock Wednesday night Service 8 o’clock Women’s Work Friday Night .. ••• - 8 o’clock Bible Band Sunday.6 o’clock Services throughout the day were very inspirational. Every one enjoyed them very much— very much. Our pastor’s subject for Sunday August 3rd will be in the morr. ing. “Upon ttys rock I will build My church and the gates of Hell snail not prevail against it.” Sunday night Text will be “What Shall I do When God rises up?—and what shall I answer Him?” Sub ject. “Face to Face with God." Everyone should make it their business to hear our pastor out line these subjects which he out lines so beautifully. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Triplett of 1208 North 26th St. announces the engagement of their daughter Miss Grace Virginia Triplett to Mr. John Beasley of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Thje wedding will be held at the home of the bride parents Saturday August 2. ANNOUNCES MARRIAGE. Mrs. Frances Cloud, 1916 North 25th St., announces the marriage of her son. William Richardson. Jr., formerly of Omaha, to Miss Hyles Sampler of Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday. July 22nd at the home of the bride’s parents. A reception honoring the couple was given by the parents of the bride on Sunday afternoon July 27. Mr and Mrs. William Richardson •Jr., will reside at 4239 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. CHURCH’S GOSPEL CHORUS The Church’s Gospel Chorus will meet Tuesday evening. August 5, .at the Bethel AME chjurch 2428 Franklin Street at 8 p. m. All singers are welcome to attend this meeting Mrs. M. Young. Pres., Rev. B E Jones, Pastor VISITS GUIDE PLANT Misses Dorothy Bryant and Grace Turner made an inspection tour of the Omaha Guide office and plant last Saturday afternoon and were marvelled at the many intricate machines used by the Guide for type composition Miss Bryant is a musical instructor at Mrs. Pinkston’s School of Music and Miss Turner is a Junior at; Technical High school. Mrs. Pearl Robbison of 652 ’West Madison St., of Bastrop, La are the house guest of Rev. and Mrs. James D. Lewis at 2122 N 21st St. She will spend two weeks here and then she will leave for Chicago to Review at the Poro College for ten days then to In diana. Mrs- Elizabeth Bradford of Oak Ridge. La., is making her home with her daughter Mrs. James Lewis 2122 North 21st St. VISITS WITH BROTHER Dr John A. Singleton of Jam aica, N. Y-, arrived in Omaha re cently and spent a few days with his brother, Dr. Clarence Single ton of Omaha. It was July Fourth, Venice, Ne barska the place. Again through generosity of the Jolly Twenty One of Omaha’s most popular clubs, spared no time or expense to entertain their many friends and visitors from all sections of the country. Among out of town visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Nich olson, Mrs. Verdia Foreman guest of Detectives and Mrs. P. H. Jen kins, Mrs- Laura Rhodes guest of | THOMAS I ! FUNERAL ! j HOME j 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart and many others. It was an ideal day for the five hundred or more peo ple including the fifty or more out of town visitors- As usual Law rence “Doc” Myers was on hand with his little broadcasting system doing more than his share as me. to make every one happy. He brought the guests the President’s July Fourth* address and provided many other features cf interest. In fact folks just a gala day. More power to the Jolly Twenty. Joseph Cole. MRS. MORRISON, LAID TO REST Mrs. Esther McKinney Morrison resident of Omaha seven years, died July 17 at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Mainor Ellison 2821 Seward Street. She is sur vived by two daughters, Mrs. Georgia Spicer. Berkley, Caiiforn nia, Mrs. Mainor Ellison, Omaha, four Giand daughters, Mrs- Gussie Palmer, Merces, Calif., Mrs. Billie Forney. Berkley, Calif., Mrs. Ora Lee Thomas. Omaha. Mrs. Fay Russell. Berkley, Calif., two grand sons Mr. Edwin Gibson, Omaha and Mr. Lester Gibson. Stockton Galif.. and five great grand child ren. Funeral service were held Thursday afternoon from Zion Baptist Church with Rev. J. C. « Carter officiating with burial at Prospect Hill Cemetery. Funeral arrangements by Thomas Funeral Home Peggy Anderson, 3501 Blondo Street, was injured in a fall at Camp Brewster on Sat., June 19. The doctor reports that she will be alright in a couple of weeks. She is recuperating at her home and would ■welcome vjsitjp (from her friends MR. J. C. WHITE LAID TO REST Mr. J. C. White. 2201 Grant St age 59. died at his home on Thuvs day July 24tht ,1941 He had been confined to his bed for about three > weeks before his death. He was bom in Drew County. Ark- near Dermott, on Septemb er 23. 1881 and lived th)ere for 43 years. He became a Christian when he wras 16 years of age. joined the New Hope Baptist Church and was baptized during the pastorage of Rev. A. Bell. He was married to Miss Mary Arm strong and to this union were born six children. His wife and four children preceded him in death. Mr. White came to Omaha in 1924, and the following year be came affiliated with the Mt. Mor iah Baptist Church. In 1926 h“ was married to Sally Tabor. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow Mrs- Sally White, two sons, Geo rge and Alonzo White, two grand children, one niece Hazel Reagan, one nephew Mr. W. M- Warren, a stepson, Willie McBride and a hosi of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held on, Tuesday afternoon, July 29, from Mount Moriah Baptist Church with Rev. F. P. Jones officiating. Burial was at the Mt. Hope cem etery. ^GIRLS OH THE 1 STREETS..... j HOW THE TIME DOES FLY BY • ••• It stems that it was just yes terday instead of last week when we packed up our troubles in the old kit bag and went on a long restful fishing trip-Unable to get back in time-...we didn’t get the weekly “mess-up” in.... but we didn’t spare a person this Week .... So. . Let’s scan the column and see what the ‘‘Beef” is. WHEN PASSING -a group of prominent “cats” we overheard them bragging and boasting about all of the “chicks” they had falling for them Do you think a man or woman like a man who boasts of his .success with women? The well known psychologist, Albert E. Wiggam says the answer is no, they despise him Also they think he is a liar and he usually is he is up set with inferiority feelings .and fears that he is not popular with the ladies The man who really has a lot of women .friends ..and admirers is usually the last one to boast about it.. .He knows he is popular, takes it as a matter of course, and does not .give .much thought to boasting about it.. .Na turally he feels some pride in his ability to win the .admiration of the fair sex, but he does not go about bragging of hs feminine con quest Need we say more PETER LORRIE pulled another blit.ztrick thie other night when he failed to show up again on a date with S. L. N. THOMAS SCOTT who stayed a way from Galdys so long that he made his love go. .. - has got Jack H worried-“Long absents oft en makes love grow” Jack WILLARD O’NEAL -a solid cat from K. C- is here to stay-Let’s watch this lad get popular-He has all of the fine qualifications of a hep cat. BUDDY SUGGS, .... is being seen driving a dupli cate of the “black bullet”.. And worst of all-he says its his. Whatta man. whatta car! TRELLAS YANCY -of Sioux City, Iowa was one of the distinguished guests at the ‘ Hughes Family Reunion Party” the otb(er Sunday night. She is really a beauty. HARLEM’S ERROL FLYNN • •••has rolled up his shirt sleev es and it at the “Boomer Plant” actually working. THE COMRADE X’s -are disappearing, one at a time and others are taking their place-...We wonder wh/ere their hideouts are located! MAGGIE JOHNSON -went up the road a bit (to Iowa) and got a boy friend on four wheels-There might be a chance of his coming here for us to look him over.... (“4 wheels") THE LUSHIN ROMANCE • • • - between Lutisha and Maxwell is progressing rapidly. CLYDE POWELL • ...seems to really enjoy Betty' Jones company. -Friendship is a lovely! MARJORIE JOHNSON, . . . - after three or four years, is not sure of her position with ‘‘BHck”. • • -we could tell, the way she^“eyed” her ex-rival. MARCUS DUGLAS -finally drug h£mself complete ly when he started jiving a friend of his ex-grl f rend.... Whatta aw ful drag. REQUESTED: It seems that after a decent per son takes enough interest to go way way out to the Fort • • • • He would be admitted to get in the dance. Some people must show their leadership tho-... Whatta world! THE MOST PEPPIEST GIRL Omaha, Odessa Ware is back from Okla..... and you should blear her speel. •• -she’s more “on” than ever before in the history of man — JOE CROSSLEY .... has cut out to the navy to be a coast guard. .. .he'll be an expert if he guards there as he guarded his chicks here. CHARLES BUCKLEY, •. ■ who was listed to leave on the first draft is now a lieutenant • Gettin’ ahead! GROVAL AND GWENDOLYN MARSHALL— .. -are as busy as bees....They are entertaining their visiting cousin- •• and she’s an ideal. MYER STANDBURY • ■ • ■ made an unusual run Friday night-must we menshun this to Lois Turner. I believe it was on 27th St. FREDA ROBINSON • • • • \tfas seen observing.... we wonder ? ? ? wham!!! KATHRYN TAYLOR .... has taken an interest to Chlancy Barnett-we spotted them on the avenue hand in hand JESSE KING • • • and Harry Best are seen quite a bit “STROLLING” now. BERNARD MAROONEY • •••and Willard Sullivan left this fair city for Milwaukee--- we found their tracks after they had left - • • • knowing they will be schooled on the*jive when they get back. ALTHA ROBINSON .... is leaving to visit hjer Home town. .. .‘‘Texas”.. mabe a cert ain chick can get a little peace now. DISCOVERY -It might interest M. B that the late Don. Peoples have found a new love, L. W. LOSING THEIR FAME AND POPULARITY • • • - are the 3 “Fontane Boys” • • • Last year they weie every girl’s conversation-••-but now slowly and Purely thiey. j F . ^ |,j| -F ~~$K£L aAK^V \vaAAJ^ (yAldtlfOMA ^ OT ^UA^^iyisL^ AMOjkW*Mi ^ fivodt* JL**4&. ^^ULGkir~lyZ^ (Lcudt1*aukS^jliiS^ <i^ ^Wvvftfjh fUu^M^. ^AOuT luxXJud ^/vajlrMJcai WHAT WAS L. L.’s POINT -•••trying to get R. Latin up in the air---- didn’t she know that it was IMPOSSIBLE. Thursday night there was an other fine party at the “Reds” home given by Miss was the lick - • • - The high lights of th? evening was Charley Stewart better known as “Chuck”. The spotlight came on that fine couple dancing-..-yes sir, Lucille S. and Mack F. danced from the Jitter bug to the Boog-it and then tap ped it with the La Conga----The fine smooth slow dancing couple Mary H. and her partner stole thp scene when they danced a waltz - - can’t mention every character but you can bet it was really ‘‘on”. There was another party Fri day night at Luther Taylor’s house They all had what you would call it, “A high time”. And don’t stop reading until we tell you about Saturday night ... The former Vera C- Booth -was one of thje guest of honor at the Wedd ing shower. .. .The other guest of honor was “Kingfish”. - - • Th" shower given by Mrs- Martha Law son for Vera was a real success. And we want to wish Mr. and Mrs. “Kingfish” (Cornelius Hend erson) much success and happin ess Until then— This is your week to week. Girls On The Street • NAACP. ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS At their regular meeting on Sunday. July 20. the Omaha Branch of the NAACP- adopted resolutions commending the CIO. Joh,n L. Lewis and the United Mine Workers Union for winning | the fight for wage parity for the | southern miners. A vast major- j ity of these southern miners are Negroes, and it is highly apprec iable that these workers will now receive the same basis of pay as 1 all the southern miners. CAPTAIN WELCH TO TUSKEGEF. Fort Dev* ns. Miass. July 2i: (A \P)—John A. Welch, common Company C W ‘Uh infantry, has been assigned t*> cutv at Tust-»«.cc institute, effec.i Aug. 1. Capt. W'elch is originally from Tuskegee and before he entered upon active duty with the army March 3, he was head of depart ment of architecture and mechan ical drawing at Tuskegee- He will be on duty with the Reserve Officers Training corps (ROTC). He will leave in the 366th two bro thers: major Ernest R. Welch and 1st Lieut- George F. Welch. WEDNESDAY ONLY MEN’S HALF r QC soles .. — D y We Have the Three Grade Plan You Get What You Pay For.— The LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake St. FREE DELIVERY .1. L .TAYLOR, PROP - COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 August Sale of FURNITURE i STARTS FRIDAY AUGUST 1st The August Sale of furniture at Orchard & ' Wilhelm Company is important to everyone ’ needing furniture, whether it be a single piece • or a house full. ! , By preparing ahead, an excellent selection , in all sections has been made available with * I prices that cannot be met today. Looking to the future you’ll find it profit- | able and wise to attend this sale. ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. ¥ 1 Mrs. Lafayette Mitchell Sr-, and j daughter Mrs. Thomas Stamps. ! left the city July 17th for an ex | tended trip to Chicago, Detroit, and Pensacola, Florida. Mrs. Mit chell’s stay will be indefinite, while Mrs. Stamps will return to thie city in about two weeks » GET RELIEF This Fast We y -or Mcr< .y Bi:.i For quick relief from itching of eczema, i.implc--. athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other e tcmally caused skin troubles, tise wcrld-tumous. cooling, antiseptic. liquid D.L*.D Prescript, n. Greaseless, stamlrrs. Soothes i.ritati;«: an i quickly stops itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. A k your cPuggist today for D. D. D. Prescription. t. C. C. ex. for N. S. NEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC" FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor among women ... Many doctors recommend regular use of douches as a precautionary meas ure for women who want to be clean, dainty-for women troubled by offend ing odor or discharge. Some products may be harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Plnkham's Sanative Wash is gaining great favor because it’s NOT a harmful germicide. Instead-it's a mighty effective “bac teriostatic” (the modern trend). It not only discourages bacterial growth and infection but thoroughly cleanses, deo dorizes. Very soothing—relieves minor irritations and discharge and has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! All druggists. A Prominent Business * I Woman Praises Mme. C. J. Walker’s Preparations [ \ i * “I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation.” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late , Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the i hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on f the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. a * Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five ! years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building. Indian apolis, Indiana. ^ """ —- . m*