The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 02, 1941, City Edition, Page Seven, Image 7

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Scotland—Bren gun earners and
motorcyclists land from a British
invasion barge. Winston Church'
hill witnesses these maneuvers
With the Nazis fighting the reds
in the East, “experts” opine that
Britain has a golden opportunity
for an invasion of the continent,
Washington, D. C.,—Norman
Thomas, Socialist leader, testified
before the Senate Military Affairs
Committee in opposition to the
proposal to extend the service of
selectees beyond one year. Left
to right: Senator Robert P. Rey
nolds, Chairman of the Committee
and Mr. Thomas.
Germany—Then the elegant
Field Marshal, Hermann Wilhelm
Goering. man of many medals and
the No. 2 Nazi, may look today as
he does above, right, in this old
photogitaph. which has come to
light. When this photo was taken
Washington, D. C-—The second
peacetime national lottery was
held last week in Interdepartment
al Auditorium. Secretary of the
Navy Knox stepped aside for thp
drawing of the first number and
permitted staff Sergeant Robert
W. Shackleton from Fort Dix, N
J., a selectee under the first lot
tery, have that honor. This pic
ture shows the drawing of the
first number which was ST9G- Lt
Colonel Chas. E. Morris of Eliz
abeth, N. J., who officiated in th(
1917 lottery, is at the right, sounc
Herr Goering was a visitor at a
(concentration camp. Uiteofnfirm
ed reports from Europe assert the
Heir-Designate of Fuehrer Hitler
is now a prisoner in a Nazi conceit
tration camp, having fallen into
disrepute with other heads of the
| National Socialist Party.
Chicago. 111.,—Spl. CFI photo to
The Omaha Guide—Beauty Queen,
Arlene Causey, makeg up to “King’
a magnificent “Corriedale” mem
ber of Walter E. Olson’s prize win
rung flock of sheep. This Cor
riedale Ram is tru’v rated a King
these days. whfaJt with imported
rug wools becoming scarcer day by
lay. Beautiful Olson Park, re
plete with gushing waterfalls,
ock gardens, pools dotted with
wild Mallards and other birds—
presents a restful, sylvan setting
alongside the Ols. n Rug factory
Every year thousands of out of
towneis visit this free attraction
in Chicago.
Ortonville, Minn. Spl CFI photo
to The OmEhja Guide by L. A.
Kaereher—At the window is Ron
ald Randall. 15 years old. parting
with 75 silver dollars, a rather
rare coin in the middle west, in
exchange for a Defense Bond.
Postmaster John C- Gowran is
handing over the bond. Every
time Ronald’s father took in one
of th(2 silver dollars as proprietor
of a large dance pavilion he kept
the coin and later turned it over
to his son in payment for work
The 75 silver dollars represent
the savings of the youth since he
was 6 years old.
* Tokyo, Japan—Vice Admiral ^
Teijiro Toyoda, who became the '
new Foreign Minister, succeeding ,
Yosuke Matsuoka, in the new Jap
anese Cabinet submitted to the
Empercr. It is believed the new
Cabinet is sti'ongly pro-militarist
and may mean thfe embarking of
a new War in the Far East. Ad
miral Toyoda will be 56 in Aug
ust. He was graduated from the
Naval Academy in 1905- Photo
taken this year.
Los Angeles, Colif .—Here are
the fifty fighting eaglets of the
RAF who arrived here for 20
weeks of battle training at Glen
dale. Calif. Swinging along with
a swift precision that matches the
best West Point drill, these young
stars, ranging in age from 16 to 25
years of age, were full of the stuff
that proves “there’ll always be an
Savtannahi. Ga., Aug. 1 (ANP)
Negroes, because of their back
ground in Africa and other coun
tries have much more appreciation
of certain colors than have other
race groups. At the same time,
they tyave not had sufficient edu
cation and training on how to sel*
I ect inexpensive fabrics and cloth
ing of the right color to make the
most of their personalities.
So says Miss EUa M. Washing
ton. professor of home economics
at Georgia State college, who did
... <
The Larieuse Beauty Bureau was established by the
Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods
of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make
the results of this research available to the public.
Women of today, volunteers of
the Army of Romance, go into the
battle for beauty and romance
equipped with all-important satchel
size handbags! And it is well that
the size of handbags has increased,
! because we find that we must carry
many ‘Weapons” with us, wherever
I we go, wherever we are.
What equipment for beauty . . .
and let us never overlook that
beauty means romance . . . have
you in your handbag? In mine, I
find that I have lip rouge, rouge,
powder, puff, eyebrow brush and
pencil, paper tissues for beauty aid,
nail file and stick, nail polish for
emergency repair of damaged ap
pearance, a small kit with needle
and thread, because I long ago
learned that nothing is so unsightly
as a leg-length run in my hosiery.
I also carry a small pair of nail
scissors, a mirror, a comb, and small
vials of foundation and vanishing
Doesn't leave much room for re
! serve hankies, identification papers
and, of course, a purse, does it?
So armed, I feel that I can main
j tain my appearance—and thus my
! poise—under almost any situation
in which I may chance to find my
self during a busy day.
Gay Knights of Our Dreams may
feel that is a terrifically large num
ber of items to carry with you. It
i is. But each is necessary, so there
| fore is essential. I also have an
other collection which I am glad I
don’t have to carry with me, but
which I feel is very important: my
brush collection! Brushes, large
and small, play an important role
in my personal efforts for attractive
Because of its health virtue, our
toothbrushes—yes, we should have
two so that one is always dry—are
most important. We should brush
our teeth after every meal, and be
sure that each nook and cranny
around each tooth is reached and
cleansed. Hand and nail brushes
also are important, and should be
used several times daily, followed
by application of a suitable lotion
so that the hands wTill be soft, fair
and smooth.
Brushing does not take the per
manent out of hair. Rather it gives
a wave added softness and natural
ness. Repeated brushings, scores
of strokes a day, polishes hair to
a luxurious sheen. Complexion
brushes regularly used remove dead
cuticle from the surface and allow
the fresh new skin underneath to
appear. They are splendid for oili
ness, sallowness, muddiness, large
pores, blackheads. Try one. Beau
tiful results can be obtained in just
a few days. A body brush can do
the same for body skin when used
as a bath brush.
Others use powder brushes to
good advantage, mostly to remove
excess powder which has been ap
plied with a puff.
With these thoughts in mind, we
easily can say that we “can brush
our way” to romance!
What are your beauty problems?
Write: Marie Downing, Larieuse
Beauty Bureau, 3509 Lindell
Blvd., St. Louis, Mo., and she will
be glad to answer them. Be
sure to enclose a self-addressed,
stamped envelope.
Felix DuBois, in his book “Timbuctoo, The
Mysterious” tells the story of a great civilization
in the Ancient African Soudan. The many mil
lions square miles of territory was conquered by
a military genius, Sonrti Ali. He was succeeded
by “Askia, The Great” who ruled the far flung
empire for thirty three years. Under his lead
ership commerce flourished, liberal laws were
enacted; agriculture reached its highest level;
the best internal revenue system in the history of
mankind up to that time, was established, and
education attained heights hitherto unknown in
the world.
A seat of learning was developed in Tim
buctoo to which savants came from all parts of
the earth seeking opportunities to teach, but
found learning so far advanced as to require
them to remain to learn.
Timbuctoo was the capitol of the Ancient
Between The
If a rose by another name smells
just as sweet, it is even so with a
research work on the subject
while studying for her master’s
degree at Iowa university. Her
study. “Clothing for Negro Wom
en”, is the only one of its kind on
record in this country.
In it she calls attention to the
fact that now while there is great
need of saving for national defense
much can be accomplished by
teaching Negroes how to conserve
their income and at the same time
dress more becomingly. In mak
ing up the color charts, 15 Negro
students, men and women, at the
university were used. All were of
different color, ranging from very
dark to very light.
It is proposed by Georgia State
to establish in the division of home
economics this course thus making
it possible for students in ail div
isions of the college to profit bv
the same. President B. F. Hubert
in speaking of this contribution in
the field of hpmemaking and home
industry for Negroes states that
this is a very fertile field but long
neglected field- Colored people in
order to do their best in any in
dustry should use their personal
ities to best advantage. They can
not do this unless they know how
to dress well at little cost.
The state supervisor of home
economics for Georgia, Miss Eliza
beth Mayes, is tremendously in
terested in this whole field. It
was at her suggestion as well as at
the suggestion of President Hub
ert that this study was made. It
is planned to put this study in
book form so that it will be avail
able to Negro boys and girls in all
the schools of Georgia.
Imess, which is just, as “messy” by
another scientific name. When all
as said and done, the situation in
which we find ourselves amounts
to a mess or supermess. Inter
national morality collapsed at
Munich and expediency became -
the motivating principle thereaf- ^
ter. Today the voice of right is
hushed or muffled, and only the s
voice of might can be hjeard in the 0
council of the nations. We call o
it social chjaos and economic un- e
certainty; we call it cultural lag 1
and biological maladjustment; we v
call it a conflict of cultures and 1
the evolution of ideologies. But t
it all, in fine, amounts to a great 1
big super-mess. c
Civilization like a runaway ^
horse is rushing mankind to some t
inevitable doom. We have built
great laboratories, mighty univer
sities and temples of worship have
topped our landed peaks; but like (
the house built upon the sands, we ,
are threatened with destruction- (
It seems to matter not that we ,
have tamed the streaking .lightn- i
ings, and muffled the grumblings j
thunder; the fact remains we are ^
face to face with circumstances
that are overwhelming. Our (
mightiest minds are baffled and
our confusion is becoming more
confounded. Like the weary dis- f
ciples on windswept Galilee, we
have “toiled all night and caught c
( The Russia that Germany spurn
I ed was later accepted as ally and ^
comrade; Germany has turned up-1
on that same Russia today with £
| the fury of ian avenging angel. .
The Russia that England and the
United States have maligned and 1
disparaged is not their faithful al- 3
ly in the serious cause of stemm- ,
ing the tide of Hitlerism. As
many lies have been told on the
Russians as have been told on the |
hfapless Negro race, and yet today, |
Russia is fighting on the side of \
those who have maligned her. I
AH kinds of lies have been told i
on Russia- Our miltary expel ts I
have disparaged her armies, and 1
yet these same armies are making 1
one of the most valient stands. '
Our social philosophers said the 1
Russians would fall apart under '
the first impact of the Hitler war 1
miachine; yet after three weeks
the Russian armies are rallying 1
gloriiusly. Although giving way
here and there, there is nothing to
prove that our army or Britain’s
could do better. Of the guinea
pig nations on which Hitler has
tested his blitzkreig. he is meeting
a sterner test in Russia than else
While Europe commits suicide,
we here in America are quarrel
ing ourselves to death. We are
wasting one of our greatest op
portunities to save civilization,
squabbling among ourselves.
Roosevelt our man of destiny is
handcuffed by a congress that is
looking as much to the ballot box
in 1944 as to the battlefront in
1941. If Hitler wins there will be
no ballot box in 1944. We talk a
bout bottle necks in this defense
effort, but congress is a super
bottleneck by itself. The great
est argument for a dictatorship
here in this country is the attitud
es and tactics of our present con
The question that begans to well
up in the minds of thoughtful men I
Real Shoe Man—
1410 North 24th St.
— _ I
Fred “Snowflake” Toomes, colored veteran of many western films, is
back in action in a new range thriller, “Two-Gun Sheriff.” Don "Red’’
Barry, the most popular straight-action cowboy star in pictures, heads
■n excellent cast in the Republic range hit.
5, does a country with a congress
uch as ours really deserve a dem
cracy? Would not the iron heel
f Hitlerism bring us to our sens
s ? So long as we refuse to learn
he easy way, would not the hard
way suit us bcfcter? Democracy
as bred a bunch of money grab
ers that are obsessed with a dol
ar mania that is about to prove
ur national damnation. Labor
nd capital are gambling while
he fate of the nation hangs in
he balan'e.
Fo'.iticians are likewise gambling
>n the outcome of bloody events.
5ome weeks ago we released an
irticle captioned “Fumbling and
I rumbling” as it applied to the
'Jegro dace; but it could in truth
>e applied to the USA- which is
umbling one of the finest oppor
.unities t-Hat elver presented it
e!f to a nation. Political pvef
rence and the ‘dollar-almighty”
re plainly too large a part of the
notivation of our so-called dem
cracy. In fact, this is one of the
weaknesses of the democratic ide
l°gy. *
The only hope is that at the door
f this world of overwhelming con
usion. this world of glamorus hy
crisies. this world of fari-faced
atreds. this wrorld of prostrate
deals and this w’Orld of super
iess, stands the Christ of the
ges speaking, scarcely .heard a
iid the din of battle saying “Be
old sitand at the door and knock”
h?s is but the beginning of super
mess unless mankind makes loom
for Jesus with his brotherhood
ideals of life. Our super-mess!
1 •
Quaint and lovely for our lady's
bower. And what’s more, any old
table of suitable proportions can
be done over into this charmer —
You need twice the all-around
measurements in material, shirr
and sew to top cover. Set a mirror
over it and your dressing table is
| You Too Can Have Beautiful
Si Can Grow Long, Healthy Hair j
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rows from the cells of the hair bulbs. If you do *
these hair bulbs, ,hair will become brittle and break off. JT
glands to each hair to produce oil that keeps it soft and J
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ou must help nature to Grow Hair by keeping your scalp J
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Ffering with head sores or scars do not delay taking our €
ment or you will lose your hair. To keep your hair cells f
:rly and guarantee yourself a healthy, beautiful head of »
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Fe Nu-Hair Scalp Treatment consists of: J ,
lir Besgro Formula f! 4
> Pressing Compound ALL FOR ONLT JF
ir Special Shampoo gfl jl I
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