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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1941)
THE OMAHA GUIDE THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418 20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Maxrh 35, 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. V. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mfs. Fluma Coopei, — — Vice Pies C. C. Gailoway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. -- Sec’v and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — S2 C0 Six Months — — — $1.25 Three Months — — — .75 One Month — — — — .15 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — $2 50 Six Months — — — — Si.50 Three Months — — — $1.00 One Month — — -- — .40 Ail News Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. THE NEGRO NEWSPAPER HAS A DUTY The Negro Newspaper has a duty to perform for its public. It must pub lish the news, good and bad, in the life of the people it chiefly serves; it must speak for the minority to the major ity; it must insist upon respect for and obedience to laW; not by the Negroes alone, but also by the majority groups toward Negroes; it must seek always to educate majority elements in the community about Negroes, their con tribution and Worth to America. They should do all these things without apology or subservience. They represent the largest minority group in the United States and they have giv en more and received less in proportion to their numbers of any racial group in it; and they are still giving of them selves. The Negro Newspaper has a func tion above and beyond that of an adver tising medium for the editor, gifted and worthy though he be. If we publish a good paper, full of news and sound opinion,, our “light" will not hid under a bushel”. We will not need our picture on the front page of every issue. And by and by the sore ly tried and Weary will see the light from the torch which we bear and find a better path than they otherwise had known. Fellow editors be of good cheer, your service is far greater and infinite ly better than many who stand in “The White Light” of false glory. THE NATIONAL BAR ASSN. The National Bar Association will hold its annual meeting in St. Lou is next month. Amorig the plans pro posed for discussion is establishment of a Journal of the Association which will give to the public in general a rec ord of the work, and accomplishments of the Negro lawyers of the country. Such a venture should prove worthwhile, if it is carefully edited and not used for the aggrandizement of a few “insiders” and cliques. Frequently, newspaper lawyers are not the best court lawyers, or coun sellors. Good luck, gentlemen of the National Bar Association. THOMAS E. DEWEY Thomas E. Dewey is doing a fine job raising funds for United Service Organizations. Wherever he goes a mong the soldiers in the various camps, he cheers them and heartens them for the tryir^g tasks which lie ahead. And after the ugly, ghastly business of war is done and the young men return to civilian life, they will remember Thom as E. Dewey and help him, perhaps, to the exalted post of President of the United States. The Post War problems will re quire a dauntless spirit like Dewey to * Omaha, Nebraska^aturdav, August 2, 1941 __i aSe 5 meet and solve them. For here will be a far greater task than any faced upon the battlefield. Next year, we hope New York State will elect Dewey Governor and in 1944, we hope the people of the United States will choose him for their Presi dent. Our shoulder is already to the wheel. CONGRATULATIONS Louis Carpentier, a High school Senior at Boys Town High school has received a certificate of “Honorable Mention0 from the American Magaz ine Youth Forum Art Division for 1941 More than seven thousand high schools were represented in the Art contest. Congratulations, Louis, Keep at it, you may g*o far in the Art world. THE HERMAN LEWIS CASE • For quite sometime we have been saying things about the Herman Lewis case. We have been saying them, be cause the question of the civil liberty involved in this case. And no matter what subterfuges *re advanced about the case by public of ficials, the fundamental question re mains. One thing is apparent throughout the case,—our public officials have a misconception of Civil Liberty in this land of ours. And in the Lewis case they applied an alien philosophy; that an a/ccused is guilty and must prove himself innocent. The council seems to believe a police officer may enter the home of a citizen an make searches and arrests without a warrant whenev er he chooses. And they seem to f eel, and one commissioner has been bold enough to say that when a city em ployee goes on the pay roll of the city he thereby surrenders his CIVIL LIB ERTY and must not protest the illegal invasion of his home by police officers. Of course, they do no such thing, and if the courpil tried to make such a con dition of employment, their action would be null and void. What they have said, in effect is, that every city employee must “CO OPERATE” with policemen; permit them to run through their homes illeg ally. Such is the doctrine which the City Council laid down in the Herman Lewis case. But one of these days, the various minority groups in the comm unity will be glad that Lewis did not let the case rest on that ruling. And we know the Council will one day re gret its shameful part in it. This wrong must be righted. THE AXIS POWERS When Germany first asserted her right to bring under her control all the Germanic races of Europe, many pers ons in America conceded that such a course Was reasonable, at least, from the standpoint of ethic loyalty. But when the German govern ment launched its attack against the Jewish race, because they were Jews, lovers of justic everywhere uttered their condemnation. Like every un checked evil, persecution did not stop with the Jews; it embraced all peoples classified, however erroneously as Non Aryan. And by decrees of the German Chiefs of State, all marriages between Jews and Germans and betweens Ne groes and Germans were declared to be null and void and the children of such unions were held to be unfit to be Ger mans and must henceforth be main tained in a slave status in the German Reich. Shortly afterward, persecut ions of the Catholics and Protestants began. And following this course of madness, Germany has set out to des troy the non-Germanic Peoples of the earth. How well she has succeeded is history. But a few free peopled are left; peoples who assert by their basic laws and philosophies of government, that LIBERTY IS THE NATURAL RIGHT OF MAN, and that civilized society to endure must rest upon foun dations of just laws which recognize and protect the sacredness of human personality and the spirit of individual liberty under the law. All these blessings Germany and the German rulers deny to mankind. Yet, they have been joined by Italy and Japan in the furtherance of their un worthy aims. Moreover, here we have so-called Aryans and Non-Aryans in an Alliance to destroy all the govern ments which claii i the right to indiv idual liberty for the citizen. The Axis Powers are wrong in all these repects. They ought to lose on this issue; they will lose on it, if the lovers of free dom everywhere will starid and fight together to remove this blight from the earth. WHAT IS THE REAL ISSUE? (by Ruth Taylor) “It isn’t our war.” “Why fight for an undemocratic democracy? “Get a square deal first—then talk of helping.” These phrases beat upon the heart and brain constantly. These en emy slogans are clever, for they sound logical—*—except for one all important thing. The all out struggle to maintain a democratic way of life is not a strug gle in which we are asked to help any one else get what he wants. If we face the facts squarely, we’ll have to admit that our generation may have to face sacrifice, privation and suffering. But it is not for ourselves alone that we are fighting— the next gener ation may well be the chief benefic iary. It is for our children, playing a way the golden hours of summer with joyous hearts. It is in order to keep the horrors of this brutal war from them, so that they may never know the hatreds and bitterness of life in a slave country; that they may grow strong and healthy minded in a free land, where though there may be handicaps they have the opportunity to rise above them and help to build a better democracy in which their child ren and their children’s children may climb still higher. Because of this overwhelming urge to keep our children safe to grow straight and strong, mentally as well as physically, we can put aside resent ment, bitterness and personal pride. We can lay aside our prejudices to struggle for one common goal—a pres ervation of democracy for the next generation. Whether we fight with men or munitions, whether we serve in armed forces or at home—we serve, whatever the job may be. It has been frankly admitted that the Negro is not being treated fairly in the matter of defertse jobs—but the way to change that is not by allowing enemy propaganda to drive a wedge between groups of our people and iso late them from the rest of the nation by arousing bitterness and resentment. Discrimination against minorities is wrong and it has to be changed— but, thank God, in a democracy it is recog nized and can be changed! The Nazis have gone on record as to the slave status to which they would reduce the Negro. The Fascist prov ed what they would do in their rape of Ethiopia. The Communists claim to give equal status to Negro and white —but how’ would the American Negro es—with their keen appreciation and abiding trust in religion, so beautiful ly expressed in the spirituals that are one of their greatest contributions to American life—Tare under a regime that denies the God in whose honor those songs are sung? Democracy remains the only way out and up—with freedom to progress and to worship according to the diet ates of one’s own conscience and for what it may bring to the next gener ation it is worth all the fight may cost. FACTS IN RHYME BY v MYRTLE M. GOODLOW Dear Reader of The Omaha Guide Anything you wish to see ir rhyme, Please drop me a line, Or call at my office, Or telephone, WE. 1517 My address is 1434 North 22r>ii The facts are all I need to know, Your own. Myrtle M. Goodlow. • • • THE BLACK MAN AND THE JEW (by Myrtle M- Goodlow > Dedicated to Mrs. Mable Glenn The cross of the lowly Nazai'e^e Was carried up Calvary’s Hill By Simon a Cyrenian— Who was dark of skin And today it is sad but true The Black Man and the Jew Are carrying crosses still Both have been crucified And in agony have cried OH! God how long Before we sing the triumph song*! The White man laughed When Haille Selassie left his throne But God still rules and watches o'er His own And Haille Selassie is again on his throne. Today when the whole of Europe faces disaster It is far from being a laughing matter For many a king has left his throne And now they too must roam Like a wandering Jew without a home. The mightiest drama this world has staged Is being played by England, Russia and Germany—Japan And other nations will soon takt a hand Those who read God’s word can see His Eternal Truth in fulfilled prophecy, And know the cries of war shall not be stilled Till God’s word has been fulfiled Only His Love can take From cruel hearts the bitter ha'e And make them loving and for giving Making life for all worth living. The persecution of the Black man and the Jew Has led this world into The same cruel state From which there is no escape The Divine words the first shall be last Is rapidly coming to pass Ethiopia has stretched forth her hands And Jews are returning to the Holy Lands The Black man and the Jew so greatly wronged Shall soon sing the triumph song! 0PM HOLDS FIRST MEETING Washngton, July 29 (ANP» The first meeting of President Roose velt’s committee to enforce his re-1 c°nt executive order in defence work was held Wednesday in the office of OPM. followed by a press conference presided over by Sid ney Hillman. At this meeting, the group meet ing each other for the first time, discussed their problems and at tempted to decide upon st program. Immediately afterwards, in the ‘ pent house” of the new Social Se curity building, the press confer ence got under way after Mr. Hill man had presented the members present. Philip Murray of the CIO being thie only absentee. The newsmen were then given a brief talk by Mark Etheridge, chairman of the Committee, who announced that the intent of the group was to meet every Monday until it was deemed no longer nec essary. The employment of a full time executive secretary for the com mittee, through which channel all reports and complaints were to be handled, was the one thing accom plished. This did not please the entire personnel of the committee as some members wished to have a separate setup, apart from the OPM staff, which would conduct investigations and make reports direct. In his address, Mr. Etheridge declared that the committee faced a three way job, first, to deal with cases of discrimination in indust ries. not only against Negroes, but all mnority groups; second to conduct an educational campaign of some sort, and third to place emphasis on training and such in the trade unions and similar op portunites. Questioned by members of the press, Mr. Etheridge repeated that this was th*e first meeting of the group and no definite plan could be decided upon as to what course was to be pursued since the mat ter had not been gone into thor oughly enough to acquaint the members with what was facing them. Discussion over contracts involv ed the question of what constitu ted a contract, and according to the chairman vflas a point for legal minds to settle. The same thing was said with reference to discrim ination in governmental agencies, someone had to help interpret the executive order to determine its limitations and decide just what ts scope would be. Enforcement of the terms of the order also passed brefly through the first session, and after spend ing a half hour with the group, the chairman called a halt to the proceedings. The members present incl ided Chairman Mark Etheridge. David Sarnoff of the Radio Corporation of America, Aid. Earl Dickerson, Milton Webster and William Green president of the American Feder ation of Labor- Mr. Hillman took no part in the proceedings after presenting the chairman Fom his own office of labor Sup ply were Dr. Robert C. Weaver, Dr. Will W. Alexander and Ted j Posten. . i ■ Touch or White at Neck Relief to Dark Shirt Don't allow the easy donning ol a soft collar attached shirt prevent your wearing of that smart varia tion — a neck band shirt with a starched separate collar. luBSCRmir0 NOW! Dark Laughter .... by ol harrington I “Oh—Er—Hullo Baby, Uh—I didn’t expect you out here at the camp today. The General jest asked me to kind’a instruct some of these rookies how to peel potatoes.”