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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1941)
t&xzzzn rjfrtzsrTrzrtyzzwKSomBi REVIEWING THE SPORTS BY JOHN BEAN Oo^^f ?rr** i Dear Readers: This column t is written for your interest and ( we hope that it will serve ysu ( with information and facts about the sports world. If you have any information or questions * for this column please mail it, 1 to John Bean. Reviewing The ] Sports, Omaha Guide. 2420 ( Grant St.. Omaha. Nebr. j Word comes in from the west that Fat Fisher’s Sioux City Ghost softball team, made up of Sioux City and Omaha boys, is without the services of three of thje four Sioux City boys. Somewhere in Colorado Benny Hamilton, star third baseman and a June gi'ad* * Z uate from Central high (S- C), gave up his ball uniform for a Red 1 Cap’s outfit and a steady stream £ of $$$$$$ each week. The other 1 deserters are Sam Davis, one of Iowa’s greatest short stops and 1 G©o. (Smoky* Murphy, veteran fielder - • • -LaWrence Freeman, Soo City’s Central high great athlete, will enroll at Morningside Col lege this fall- Fryman, a lines man. will be coached by Bernie Scherer former star at Nebraska U. and later with the Philadelphia Eagles pro tpam • • • • One writer let out that Joe Louis will not win hi*; bout with Marva. but Joe’s coun terattack may prove as effective as in the Louis-Conn affair. Washington’s right fans want a re turn Louis-Bud Baer go so badly that the commissioners has moved I YOUR DREAM I I 1 COME TRUE I ■ now you can OWN I THAT SPORTY U CONVERTIBLE SEDAN J? B YOU HAVE ALWAYS §| H LONGED FOR I See this beautiful wine col-1 ill ored. 6-wheel Lincoln Con ;1 vertibe Sedan now at Mur-■ HI phy's. One of the finest cars® II money can buy. Body by Le- Eg 9 Baron, radio, gas heater, 9 9 w hite sidew all tires. Cost ■ m new many thousands of do]-® !| Ian. NOW only a fraction of® S new car cost. S P COME IN OR CALL f| I MURPHY’S I 14th, Jackson AT 4411 Did “Diamond Jim” Have Stonuich or Ulcer Pains? It is ha dly likely that Diamond Jim Brady could have eaten so vora ciously if he suffered after-eating fiains. Sufferers who have to pay he penalty of stomach or ulcer pains, indigestion, gas pains, heart burn, I urning sensation, bloat and other conditions caused by excess acid s) ould try a 25c box of Udga Tablets. They must help or money refund :d. HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Ou tripped In the stomach or gullet may ict like • sir-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress nirt men and women depend on Bell-ana Tibleta to it gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest ■tlng medicines know.-, for acid Indigestion. If the IR8T DO SB doesn’t prove Bell-ins better, return >tUe to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 25c. ARTHRITIS >on’t despair f relief from ■rrible Arthri is aches or ains. The EW Colloidal >dized Sulphur tpsules called JLPHO-KAPS ten bring w el Don’t give up hope come relief In Arthritis due to Sulphur de ficiency. Small daily cost. Mon ey back if no relief after 30 days’ dosage. Begin taking TODAY. oururaggist na» sulpho-mbs kidneys Must ! lean Out Adds :xcess acids, poisons and wastes in your od are removed chiefly by your kidneys, ting up Nights, Burning Passages. Back ke. Swollen Ankles, Nervousness. Rheu tic Pains, Dizziness, Circles Under Eyes, 1 feeling worn out, often are caused by k-organic and non-systemic Kidney and dder troubles. Usually in such cases, the v first dose of Cystex goes right to work jing the Kidneys flush out excess acids l wastes. And this cleansing, purifying ney action, in just a day or so, may eas make you feel younger, stronger and er than in years. A printed guarantee pped around each package of Cystex In is an immediate refund of the full cost •ss you are completely satisfied. You have •ything to gain and nothing to lose under positive money back guarantee so get tex from your druggist today for only 35c. f " IOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family And i Tourist Hotel unning Hot and Cold Water in Each Room 11 Rooms Outside Exposure —SERVICE— Subway Service and Surface Cars at Door Rates Reasonable Ed. H. Wilson, Prop. Tel AU 3-7920 I 7-^7Ljr'-T^"T£\-7??'7f>nZ ’Tgtt o change the local fistic liw so hat Uncle Mike, an out of i own r, can promote in Washington Baseball fans of the Wichita vi rinity will be the first to see a dackout ball game according to lay Dumont, president of the ra ional Semi pro Baseball Congress, iumont is planning a blackout fame to help bring out the crowds o his National tournament at Yichita, August 15 to the 28. The fame will be played in total dark less. The bats, balls, bases, base ines, players caps and all gloves ind the umpire’s hands will be il uminated with phosphorous paint. Jumont said it will cost about $200 or the first game. About, six rallons of phosphorous to illutnin te the park.... Billy Conn referring to Joe Lou s as “the big fellow” said: ‘ Sure can beat him- I am more eon inced of it than ever. I had him icked all the way in our first ight. but got careless in the thir ;eenth round when he hit me. ‘‘The big fellow will be nry next >pptonent. And he’ll still be cham pion when T lick him- Nobody ilse is going to turn this trick.” Speaking of Lou Nova as Joe’s Opponent he said: “The big fellow will stiffen him. Nova is a lead pipe cinch for a fighter like Louis. The only way to beat Louis is to move with him or faster than him and Nova can’t do that.” Conn said that every time Louis hit him it hurt and Johnny Ray, Conn’s manager said: “I got all the fight I wanted in that Louis battle and I have no plans for ac tion for some time.” NINE CHAMPIONSHIPS TO FEATURE NATIONAL BRIDGE TOURNAMENT New’ York, Aug. 1 <ANP) Nine championships will be the feature of the ninth annual contract cham pionships of the American Bridge association to be held this year in Detroit from August 17 r.o 2’i Executive secretary Arthur R. Curiel, in making the announce ment this week, spoke with high craise of this year’s hosts, the GJogginettes club, wjio report every thing will be in readiness for wbat Is expected to be the best tourna ment of the association’s history. Of outstanding importance and calculated to be a big attraction is the novice open pair champion ship. sponsored this year for the first time for the benefit of bridge players who do not feel themsel ves sufficiently capable of compet ing against the more expert play ers. The “Gogginette Trophy for Novice Open Pairs” will be award ?d to the winner in the form of a replica. The cream oi the crop, however, will be locked in competition for :he masters individual champion ship. Only top ranking players according to total master point, lolding are eligible for this event Dr. A- M. Curtis of Paterson. N. 1. is last year’s winner and will be 3nitered again in Detroit. Perhaps by far the largest num ber of entries will be in the two open pair championships for mas ters and for non-masters. This expectation is based upon the cen tral location of the host city and reports of probable attendance from areas not heretofore repres ented in the nationals such as New Orleans. St. Louis, Montgomery, and Los Angeles. The 1940 win ner in the open pair were Miss Hazel Facey and L- A. Fields of New York City. Considered one of the favorite events, is the mixed pair champ ionships. In previous years this has been a strong puller of entr ies. The current champions are Mrs. Cassie Davis ind G- F. Benoit of New York City. Of course, tremendous interest will probably be shown by the weaker sex for the woman’s pair championships won in 1940 by Mrs Rosanna Johns and Mrs. Eloise Morris of New York. Because of the large female membership of the Gogginettes besides their role as receptionists, this event is des tined to draw a considerable local turn out. In the team of four play ‘here is expected to be strong “stop Chicago” movement in view of the past successes of the Windy City’s team- They won in 1937 in Chi cago, in 1938 at Washington and in 1940 at Atlanta where they took the Dr- Jose N. Cesteros trophy out of competition. O. A. Mcore, Lawrence Buser. James P. Holt and Oliver Landry, last years winners, will be there battling to the end. The othier events will be the men’s pair, non-masters; and the men’s pair masters. Two legs on the trophy for the latter event are held by Leon A- Jones. Washing ton; Joseph Niles, New York City; and Charles Shipley of Baltimore. Last year’s winner were Dr. J. A. Pierce of Atlanta and Tom M Griffin of New York City. CSGA GOLF PREREVIEW (A Weekly Feature) by DUB SLICER EPISODE NO. 9— grass Greens have sand but Sand Greens don’t have grass and they ain’t even green, but they are green just the same even if they are sand Well folks the ole Coo-Coo clock sittin’ on th»e mantle keeps tickin’ away fast and faster and the starting time to the Central Stat es Tourney keeps getting short and shorter and us dubbers and slicers and hookers keep working hard and harder. Yass the way that minute hand keeps chasing the hour hand around this old time piece is something terrifc. But we shall be ready for the visitors when the time comes. Anne Howe! This is the 10th of August 1941 B. T. (Before Tournament) In two short weeks the skies over the Johnny Goodman links will be dimmed with the swooping, whizz ing and whirring little white pel lets. In this the greatest of all Sepia golfing wars of the Central States Area, all goffing guys and gals in their vari-colored goffmo biles from various villages and golflets of our goffing golfdom will be here togged out in the very latest sport attire. There will be shiny silver trophies emblematic of victory and golfing perfection. There will be dainty and refresh ing food stuff to appease those ap petites of the great open space. Then we shall dance in the beauti ful setting of the Fontenelle Pav ilion and sing “Let’s Go Out to the Golf Links” (wihile we are already there) Then after golfing hours we shall dance some more at the Silver Trophy Dance to be given at the Dreamland and later on and before we shall partake of Pepsi Cola. Root Beer and other cola and soda and play games. Those Fellers from the Peepuis Store down town sure did get a kick out of their goff game. Com ing up to No- 3 at Elmwood Sun day one of them wanted to know “What kind of a ball game is this anyway, when you can’t win wit “per”?” Another asked “Per” what?” and he says “Per 4”. The per 4 guy kept watching herb <as a lot of players will be doing be fore the tournament is over.) So j after “Per 4” dubbed his drive in to the bushes off of No. 6. He persuaded Herb through the use of some store talk, to shoot his (per 4’s) second shot. And Herb being the good golfer that he is. laid the ball dead at the pin, an’ Per 4 got a birdie 3. Naturally the other 4 players in his group were suspicious at per 4’s sudden from 10’s to birdies. But while Herb was helping his friend in dL tress, the Dubber, dubbed in three birdies in a row for both sendy cakes and girdie cakes- So one of the fellows from Peepuis Store says to Herb: “See. that’s what you get trying to play two games at once ” The Dubber wishes to individ ually and collectively thank thp naborhood business men for their wholehearted cooperation and al most 100 percent backing of our golfgram. It is indeed encourag ing to know that they are cooper ating with such a fine group of outdoor sportsmen as is represent | ed by the Central States group. _ John Simms says he’s Going to prove that he is the outstanding Competative flight player in Sepia amaha by winning his flight in the World Herald tournament. So ths week he enters the quarter finals. We are rooting for you Simsy ole boy. Winning golfers are something we can’t get enough of—if I ain’t on the other end of the sendy cake ” A number of requests for Tour nament reservations have already been received from St. Louis, To peka. Des Moines and Minneapolis. Photos of the Central States players and their affiliates are al so in great demand this week by the National News Press Lonnie wanted to know when I found time to write this column, so I seys I didn’t have to find time because I write it in my' sleep and he said that accounted for a lot of things. What does LL mean by the 4Dubber \flashing his face all the way to the back of his neck ’ I ain’t that “ball”, or am I? Remember that new lumberman In was telling you about a few weeks ago? About him measur ing the LONG HOLES the SHORT | and MEDIUM sized ones.... Well | we encountered him again last Sunday, out at Fontenelle Park THE CHAMPION ————————1.—.■^r^^Tw-»jgv-.-.-.-.-?^vv5^i!u«r!Swr£SS^Sfi5S£ .. Cortez W. Peters, shown hold ing World’s Championship Port able Typewriter Trophy won rec ently in Chicago. After this per formance he proceeded to break the existing world’s record on a standard typewriter. Peters op erates business colleges in ^Vash ington, D. C-, Baltimore, Md., and Chicago, Illinois. (ANP) I The All Seeing EYES. ” I HELLO FOLKS! I am here a gain with the licks of the week. I have seen quite a bit the past week. Friendliest boy of the week: — John Hamilton. Announces Scholarshif Courtesy ASF The Rev. Glenn T. Settle ol Cleveland, Ohio, announced in a recent broadcast of Columbia network’s “Wings over Jordan” that this program will award $10,000 in scholarships to deserv ing students of the race. En tries are restricted to persons enrolled in senior high schools located anywhere in the United States. Full details concerning this contest will be mailed to persons addressing “Wings Over Jordan” in care of CBS station to which they listen to this pro gram. Many prominent educat ors have consented to serve on the educational commission of this contest and their decisions will be final in all cases. while he was carting a CanO'1— (that’s a boat) around looking for the two WATER HOLES which he had heard the fellows discuss so much-.-.He said he had found ONE Lagoon but nary other WA TER HOLE and he also said that he was going out to Elmwood next Sunday to investigate those DOG LEG HOLES (which Lawrence Lewis is always complaining a bout'... .1 can hardly Wait to see what kind of instruments he will use to find the DOGLEGS. This is getting interesting, yes indeedy. Wonder if he’ll get ‘THERE’ be fore I do.... ? It was a 104 in the shade, or ev eryone seemed to think so, and there was only 4 present at the Ladies’ meeting Monday nitc. Even Mama Dubber wasn’t there. But the 4 present were the kind who get things done—Even if it’s 104 in the shade. So they decided th|at their main event would be held out at the Rosemary Lodge • • And it will be—and it will be clas sy as they always make their af fairs classy. Thier group. The Lady Golfers, will meet every Monday night until the Tourna-' ment. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Bobbie Turner Davis’ res idence at 7 p. m. All lady golf ers are invited. The DUB. DRAPED: I hope you Chicks and Cats fo cused your glad gleamers on Mr Richard Rice. Rice the lick man. with hfis draped suit and fine drap ed hat. Gee he was looking good. VISITOR: A very attractive girl who is visiting Omaha from St -Louis— She is none other than Miss Ruth Blanton, age 19. She is residing with her aunt and unde Mr. and Mrs. Blanton on Wirt Street. FASHION PARADE Two fine playsuits that I notic ed were worn by Jean and Arlene Gordon Jean Gordon is wearing a white sharkskin playsuit with a. detachable skirt displaying white sharkskin shorts. Arlene Gordon is wearing a fine seersucker red white and blue stripes. This play suit also has a detachable skirt displaying seersucker shtorts. I also noticed the New Pompadour snoods worn by RozeUa Thomas and Bertha Davis. RozeUa wore a pink snood and Bertha wore a lea snood. DEPARTING FROM CITY We ai’e sorry to see so many Cats leaving the City but we are glad to know you are going to have a fine vacation. Miss Shawn Edmondson left for Chicago, Ill inois Monday. She is to be gone until school opens this fall. CLUBS— Be on the lookout for the Sub Deb Club dance to be given the first part of September. One of the members told me they were planning a fine dance. It will be strictly invitational. For this week we have an added attraction- After studying differ ent girls in Omaha, we came to the conclusion that a few of our girls resemble Hollywood actresses I hope you appreciate this column because we tried very hard and it took a lot of comparing actresses with girls in Omaha. Beverly Stams. resembles June Duprez with her hair. Gwendolyn Davis, resembles An drea Leeds, about the eyes. Delores Williams, resembles Hedy Lamarr with hair styles. Maxine Nichols, resembles Martha Raye—Talk. Shawn * Edmondson, resembles Anna Mae Wong,—eyes. Audrey Forrest, resembles Vivien Leigh, with hair style. Marcellane Ragland, resembles Kay Francis,—Walk. Naomi Downs, resembles Ann Sothern in her actions. Ianez Upcher, resembles LU Greene, in singing Lutisha Neely, resembles Judy Gurland—Talk. Delores Jackson resembles Betty Davis, about her face. Estelle McCraty, resembles Doro thy Lamour, wi'h her Hair. Elnea Bradley, resembles Claud ette Colbert—Hair. Je ?sena Brooks, resembles Id a Lui I pino,—Figure. Amelia Jackson, resembles Joa’i Bennett—Face and hair. Lydia McCraty. Marlene Diet’d h Legs. i Charlotte Ellis resembles Ann Sheridan,—shape. Rozella Thomas, resembles Niua Mae McKinney—Face. Geraldine Hill, resembles Theresa Harris,—Face. Marjorie Marshall, resembles Del ores Del Rio,—Hair. Be Seeing You next week.— ‘CYCLOPS” FOURTEEN YEARSlF PUBLICATION Omaha, Nebraska July 31st, 941 EDITOR OMAHA GUIDE: You paper is now in the first quarter of its fourteenth year of publication and you deserve sin cerest congratulations from your community; not alone from the Negroes, but from the white pop ulation as well. Not many weeks ago it was my privilege to visit your Guide Pub lishing Company Building. Al though I have lived here for many years, I confess I was astounded to find a printing plant equipped with costly linotype machines, large and small powered printing presses and an investment of a round Fifty Thousand ($50,000) Dollars. During your fourteen years of public service, you need not tell me you have sacificed to come this far: I know it well. But what 1 wish to say now is, you have wroughlt an economic miracle by surviving during the “depression years” and publishing a weekly paper every week during those years and at the same time im-. proving your building and plant and equipping it along modern lines. I do not know of a publisher of a weekly paper anywhere in the country whose record equals yours. I know you have been “kicked in the pants”; everyone is who tries to do anything, but your accomp lishment is extraordinary and I sincerely applaud your invaluable contribution to your race, your community and your country. Mroe power to your paper in its fight for full liberty and opport unity for all. Sincerely your.s W. B. Bryant. CHILTON AND THOMAS OPEN RESORT Idlewild, Mich. July 27 (ANP) Carol Chilton and Maceo Thomas the popular dance duo, opened a delightful new pleasure spot at Idlewild last week. Erecting a large log cabin, with all sorts of innovations and niceties, and with a large barbeque pit adjacent, the place, named “Carol's and Maceo’s’ is winning high favor with vacat ionists HOMER BROWN TO SEEK JUDGESHIP Pttsburgh, July 29 (ANP) Atty Homer S. Brown, prominent mem ber of the Pennsylvania legislat ure, is circulating petitions for a place on the democratic ticket as judge of the common pleas court here. Mr- Brown in pioneering for this elective office has the ad vantage of great personal popul arity in racial and political circles regard'ess of race. GROSS JEWELRY AND LOAN COMPANY I formerly at 24th and Erskine St. New location 514 N. 16th | St. Phone Jackson 4635 Just Fill In | Y our Name I and Address I NO CASH DOWN SALE! TRY IT I FIRST! I AND PAY LATER After You Have Read Our IMPROVED, EIGHT PAGE PAPER and Look Over These Fine Girls Who Have Signified Their Willingness To Serve You. —And their desire to finish their education, so they may have a place in this world’s affairs. Just Clip out the Coupon and fill in the same. Write your name and ad dress plainly and the name of the girl } ou want to get your Popularity Votes 10.000 Popularity Votes for One Year’s Subscription to the OMAHA GUIDE 4.000 Popularity Votes for a Six Month’s Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE 2,500 Popularity Votes for a Three Month’s Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE— Subscription Rates as fololws: » 30 DAYS TO PAY One Year in the City-$2.00 (Out of Town-$2.50) Six Months in the City --$1.25 (Out of Town-- $1.50) Three Months in the City-75c (Out of Town-$1.00) les! \ ou Can Help Some Worthy High School Girl Win Her Tuition Fee To A College or University. ' The Omaha Guide is Giving $300.00 Cash Scholarships To The Winning Contestant at the Close of This Cam paign. -SUBSCRIPTION COUPON To The Omaha Guide, 2420 Grant St., * Omaha, Nebraska. You may enter my name on your subscription lists for— Mark an X in the square you want One Year □ Six Months □ Three Months □ Name Address Phone CityState POPULARITY CONTEST VOTES I am casting my 10,000 votes I am casting my 4,000 votes I am casting my 2,500 for Miss Just fill in the girl’s name on the blank line above, that you want to receive your popularity votes. You may call for collection for my subscription to The Omaha Guide on