The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 26, 1941, City Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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Omaha, Nebraska—
«• *•
On Saturday, July 19. 1941 Miss
Vera Booth, the charming daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Booth,
of 3002 Grant St-, and Mr. Corn
elius H. Henderson were united in
After the wedding a lovley 7
course dinner was served in hon
or of the couple by Mrs. Gerald
ine Craig, of 2615 North 24th St.
The bride and groom welcome
their many friends at the above
Evanston, 111—A lovely dinner
party given at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Fisiher, 1911 Ash
bury avenue, July 6, was the oc
casion for the annonncement of
the engagement of their daughter;
Cecilia Ann to John Benjamin
Horton, Jr., popular business man
of Louisville, Ky- The wedding
will take place in the latter part
of August.
Miss (Fisher, popular socialite
Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to
1 a. m.
JA. 9411
\ E. McGill, Prop.
2423-25 NORTH 24th St.
Jue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m.
Open for Private Parties from
2 to 7 p. m.
—No Charges—
DRINKS—In case you don't
know what to put in it—Call
CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has
got the works and knows what
to do with it. He’s North
Omaha’s Famous drink mixer.
Did “Diamond Jim” Have
Stomach or Ulcer Pains?
It is hardly likely that Diamond Jim
Brady could have eaten so vora
ciously if he suffered after-eating
pains. Sufferers who have to pay
the penalty of stomach or ulcer
pains, indigestion, gas pains, heart
burn, burning sensation, bloat and
other conditions caused by excess
acid should try a 25c box of Udga
Tablets. They must help or money
JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago
^ may affect the Heart
Gas trapped in the stomach or gullet may act like a
hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress
smart men and women depend on Bell-ans Tablets to
set gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest
acting medicines known for acid indigestion. If the
FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return
bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 25c.
Don’t despair i come relief in
of relief from nAn’t Arthritis due
terrible Arthri- 1 to Sulphur de
tis aches or ficiency. Small
pains. The daily cost. Mon
NEW Colloidal ey back if no
Iodized Sulphur UD relief after 30
capsules called . * days’ dosage.
SULPHO-KAPS h/tno Begin taking
often bring web * Ur” TODAY.
and member of the Alpha Kappa
Alpha sorority is administrative
secretary and registrar at Louis
ville Muncipal college, from which
she was graduated.
Mr. Horton, founder, owner and
publisher of the Omaha Chronicle,
from 1933-37, is recognized as one
of the leading journalists, and is
at present in the promotion and
advertising department of the
Louisville Defender publishing
company- He -has considerable
business interests in Wyoming and
New Jersey and plans to enter in
to private business in Louisville
soon. He is a former teacher in
the public schools of Georgia, and
a member of the Republican Negro
National Planning Board, 1936-41.
The prospective bridegroom at
tended the University of Omaha
school of liberal arts, and the 0
maha law school.
Miss Darlene Craig 2615 North
24th Street, aws recently announc
ed as instructor of the NYA. Sew
ing Project. In her new position,
Miss CPaig acts as instructor to
approximately 40 or 50 girls- She
is the only Negro instuctor on tnc
Project and is demonstrating her
ability to go forward. This rec
ent advance is most commendable
Mr .and Mrs- C. Lycurgus Kiah
of Cambridge, Mass., and Mrs.
Lilly Jackson of Baltomore, Md.,
motored to Omaha and spent a few
days in the city as house guests of
Mrs- J. S. LaCour of 2421 Maple
St- Mr. Kiah is the principal of
the High ScShooi at Cambridge,
while Mrs. Kiah’s mother. Mrs.
Jackson, is the President of the
Baltimore Branch of the NAACP.
the second largest branch in the
country having a membership of
The trio left their home five
| 2306 North 24th J
We. 0998 Free Delivery^
King Yuen Cafe
2010Vi N. 24th St. JAckson 8576
Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi
American A Chinese Dishes
I - , 1C.--L1 IF'--— )
Ladies and Children’s Work
A Specialty
2422 LAKE ST.
E=. HE=-" H====)
2204-6 NORTH 24th ST.
Get the Best in Quality at the
Lowest Price
PHONE WE. 4137
~ - '
We Offer for Y«ur Approval
A , j
Complete Curtain Service
and Another thing,—
Have Your
Dry Cleaning Done Now!
—Cash and Carry Discounts—
2401 North 24th Street
WE. 6055
weeks ago and motored to Houston
Texas to attend the Annual Con
ference of the NAACP- Fromj
there they went to Pasadena. Cal
ifornia to visit with Mrs. Jackson’s
daughter, Mrs. Marian Jackson
Downs, wife of Reverend Carl
Down. After a two weeks’ stay
there they motored to St. Paul,
Minnesota. Wfyile there they were
the guests of Mrs. William Mor
After a visit in Denver, Color
ado with Mrs. Ida Payne, the trav
ellers visited Omaha
Upon leaving Omaha they will
visit in Des Moines, Iowfa with Mrs
George E. Morris and will continue
to Chicago, Illinois to visit with
relatives for a few days, and will
then return to their homes.
The Sub Deb Club will meet at
the home of Venita Hall- All
members please be present to wel
come many newr mmbers. Rozella
Thomas, Pres.. Bertha Davis, Sec
Misses Sara and Beatrice
Thompson of Coffeyville, Kansas,
who arrived in Omaha on July 3.
left on the 24th of July for their
While in Omaha they visited
with Mrs. Goldie Herbert, and Mr.
and Mrs. S. Yancey, 2871 Maple
Street, their aunt and uncle, and
x'eport having had a very wonder
ful time while in Omaha
Miss Sara Thompson visited the
Omaha Guide’s new office and
sibop and expressed her surprise
at the completeness of the equip
ment therein.
Mr. Roy Wh5te, 1708 North 27th
Street, Oil Inspector for the State
of Nebraska, left Saturday July
19th for a vacation trip to Minne
sita, where he will spend some
time in Minneapolis.
The Interdenominational Minis
ters’ Alliance and the Pastor’s
Wives Council closed jointly with
a breakfast at Elmwood Park
Wednesday July 16. Forty six
persons enjoyed the breakfast, af
ter which various games were
played. The following persons
were inattendance: Rev. and Mrs.
C- Adams and guest, Mrs. Clara
Dacus, Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Fort,
Rev. and Mrs. C. Q. Hickei'son and
sons, Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Hubb
ard. Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson.
Rev. and Mrs. F. P. Jones and dau
ghter. Mrs. Thomas Jones, Rev.
and Mrs. W. S. Metcalf, Rev. and
Mrs. J. P. Mosely, Rev. and Mrs.
L.. M. Relf, Rev. and Mrs. J, I.,
Reynolds, Rev. and Mrs. T. A.
Sears. Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Story
and niece. Miss Ophelia Story,
Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Williams and
daughters, Rev. and Mrs. J. W.
Williams. Reverends A. W. T.
Chism, and P. M. Har’ris.
The following out of town vis
itors were guests at the breakfast:
Mrs. Lewis and daughter of Hut
chinson, Kansas, guests of the Hie
kei'sons; Mrs. Pearl Ewing and
grand daughter. Clarice Mason of
Kansas City, Missouri and Mrs.
Corrie Sherrill of Bessemer. Ala
bama, guests of the Storys and
Mrs. Piggue and children, guests
of her parents the Rev. and Mrs.
J- W. Williams.
Youth Day Services will be held
on Sunday, July 27. 1941, at Cleav
es Temple Church
Music will be furnished by the
childen and the Junior Choir.
At 7 p. m. the Unified Service
will be held and the three choirs
will furnish the music. Dr. Craig
Morris will be the principal speak
Mr. Clinton Craig of Detroit.
Michigan is visiting his grandmb
t her Mrs. L. T. Craig of 2511 Mi
ami Street, a citizen of Omaha lor
3 years. He is now attending at
the Fontenelle Hotel in the Bom
bay and Black Mirror Rooms. Mr.
Craig a resident of Omaha 25 yrs.
ago, opened at the Fontenelle Ho
tel when it was opened in 1915, as
a singer in the Crystal Ballroom.
Rev. S, K. Nichols, Pastor
Ann Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School .9:30 a- m.
Morning Service .11 o’clock
Evening Service .8 o’clock
Wednesday Night Service at-..
.8 o’clock
Women Meeting Every Friday
Night at .8 o’clock
We are inviting the public at
large to come out and hear our
Pastor’s sermon Sunday morning
July 27, at 11 o’clock. His subject
will be “You Need a Blood Trans
fusion and Any Kind of Blood
Won’t Do”. Sunday nights serm
on “Satan Kidnapped the World,
but Jesus Paid the Ransom-”
The Choir is giving an cutting
at Riverview Park. Tickets fcr
adults will be 20c, Children 10c
Cars leave the Church at 8 oclock
p. rr- Refreshments free. So
come one and all and go on this
ride. When? Saturday night July
26. Time? 8 o’clock.
Remember the Work
man’s Club Picnic, Benn
ington, Nebr., August 10.
Earlene and Marilyn Gillett of
2822 South 15th Street, had as
guests for 10 days, the Misses
Gretchen Ann and Dallas Jean
Turner of 2510 Third Avenue, Co
uncil Bluffs, Jowa., A good time
was had by all.
Earlene and Marilyn Gillett of
| 2822 South 15th Street are visit
ing for two weeks in Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
Rev. J. E- Blackmore, Pastor
9.30 a. m. Sunday School. Miss
Rudd, Supt.
11 a- m- “The Ministry of En
, couragement.”
Wednesday evening. Prayer and
P-aise Service.
Beginning next Sunday morning
and evei'y service thereafter, the
Rev. Mr. Robert Moody will oc
cupy the pulpit at Hillside for the
month of August.
The Rev. J. E. Blackmore leav
es Monday morning for the East
on a months’ vacation. He will
occupy his pulpit Sept. 7th. Dur
ing his stay in the East he will be
guest speaker at New York and
New Jersey.
Mrs. Robert Thomas and Mrs.
Florence Payton entertained for
Miss Elizabeth Ross of Tulsa, Ok
lahoma, Sunday afternoon at the
residence of Mrs. Robert Thomas
3115 Burdette St. Covers were
laid for seven, after which every
one enjoyed a pleasant afternoon
touring the city.
Miss Elizabeth Ross of Tulsa,
Oklahoma has been the house
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hill
of 3119 Burdette St., for the past
ten days. She left Monday morn
ing reporting an enjoyable visit
in our city.
Mrs Florence McQuarter, 38, of
2915 Erskine Street, died on July
14, 1941 at a local hospital.
Don’t forget Sunday July 27 at
Carter Lake the Old Fashioned,
Camp Meeting. Sunday school at
9:30 a- m. Morning service at 10
45 a. m. by pastor Rev. F. S,
Goodlett and at 1:30 p. m* every
body will spread their baskets and
all eat together. At 3:30 p. m.
speaking by Rev. Richardson of
Kansas City, Missouri. A chorus
of 75 voices will sing all old spir
itual songs that will make you re
joice in your soul. Come bring
your baskets and spend the day
with us. We have invited the sol
diers from Fort Crook and Foit
Omaha to be with us. Everybody
I wish to thank the parents for
letting their children enroll in the
baton class and I wish to thank
the children for coming. If there
are any more boys and girls who
wdsh to enroll in the classes please
meet or call the home of Bertha
Davis, 2530 Grant St. WE. 2420.
The classes are taught by Shawn
Edmondson and Bertha Davis.
There is no charge at tall. There
will be two classes from two oclock
til three and from three o’clock
til four. You may enter which
ever class is convenient for you. |
These classes are held each Mon- i
day. Thank you.
Mrs- Coi’a Haynes, Mis- Fved
onia Hill, accompanied by a group
of neighborhood children attended
a picnic. The children were Tik
ey Allen. Richard Kerns, Marvine
Alford, Lester and Raymond Cor
bin and Carl Robinson. They ie
ported having an enjoyable time.
Mrs. Sara Battles of Omaha,
Nebraska recently returned to her
home in Omaha, after spending
several months in Washington, D.
C. visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Inez Doby, and her son in law
Attorney Lewis Doby.
Little Johnny Lee Anderson and
Frank Brown, for the last nast
week have been,dancing nitely in
the Black Mirror and the Bombay
rooms of the Hotel Fontenelle.
Their engagement is indefinite.
They also danced in Louisville, la.
last week and will dance a one
night engagement in Lincoln, Ne
braska at the Crystal ballroom on
the 31st.
Omaha United Gospel Singers,
Group No. 1 sang in Lincoln, last
Friday evening 8 p. m-, July 18th.
at Newman Methodist Church,
which Rev. Shaw is the pastor of.
This program was sponsored by
the Memorial Club Mrs. Jean Stev
crson is the president. Willie Barn
^5, Chairman, Mrs. Lillian Harris
on, President
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The All
HI FOLKS! The AH Seeing
Eye is here again this week to foc
us your attention on a few incid
ents that have occurred during
the past week. These are no op
tical illusions. I hope you are en
joying this column. It isn’t to
drag anyone, but it is to create a
musement and enjoyment. I have
received several compliments about
this column although the people
that complimented the column did
not know the ‘‘Cyclops” was in
thgir midst. Well Hep Cats.
Chicks, Jacks and Janes. Sheiks
and Shebas—here is What Cyclops
saw during the week—
All is quiet now since the Carn
ival is gone, but there will be an
other Carnival soon, and in the
meantime, why not enjoy the mu
sic on the Corby Street playground
each Monday. I hope to be seeing
you at each of these entertain
Who was the girl that called
the Tuxedo Thursday night and
asked to talk to anybody. How
ever she jived several boys down
th(ere that she didn’t even know.
I won’t divulge her name in this
column, but girls let’s not call the
Tuxedo unless we have a definite
reason or a certain person to talk
to. Let the boys have some peace
once in a wdiile. Do you mind
boys if we girls call there?
As I sat in the Drug store Sun
day —A certain Chick stepped :n
as she stepped in some girls who
were sitting in a booth began to
make fun of this Chick. Girls
please don’t be such critics be
cause very few girls can afford to
make fun of someone else. I am
sure not any of you would like to
have someone make fun of you,—
so please be considerate of others
and just offer constructive critic
ism if necessary. If you don't I
will be forced to write your nam
es in this column and let every
one know Who Omaha’s critics are.
Chauncey Barnette was all drap
ed to a fine. He is on like a maz
ada lighjt with all the chicks. De
lores Williams is fine also.
Next week there will be a gnand
and glorious new attraction in this
column. I am sure everyone will
be interested. Did you know that
among Omaha’s Negroes we have
some boys and girls who resemble
actors and actresses in Hollywood
Be sure and read this column to
find out who these people are and
who they resemble and also the
point of resemblance.
Be Seeing you til next week.—
Remember the Work
man’s Club Picnic, Benn
ington, Nebr., August 10.
f uaunjniiaiiiiiiiiJiiu'iiiiiiiininiiiniiiiiiuitiiKitiiiiiaiiiTiuiuiiiiindi.
Omaha, our Omaha, we thank
our dear Maker for the opportune
ity He has given us to live in this
fine city. We thank you good cit
izens for your cooperation and kind
ness shown we of the minority.
We only hope that we may repay
you with deeds as well as words, j
Looking forward to the next lew
weeks the Cornhusker Golf club
will be buzzing with activity. We
i all are working and working hard
It sure is going to be a great day
when we entertain our guests who
will be here very soon- I know
they are eager to come.
If I could but just say some
magic word to make this tourna
ment a great success. I would have
uttered it a hundred times al
ready. We all realize that only
through a lot of hard work this
can be accomplished- You may
be sure our efforts will not be
wasted. You the public will soon
see for yourselves.
I want the people to know the
men responsible for this tourna
ment being a success. Boyd Gal
loway, our outstanding leader,
! must be given a thanks of deep
appi-eciation- I thank him per
sonally myself because I am fam
This Week In Religion
and Thought
Christianity’s Foundation
Every institution or system of
knowledge and experience has
some source of authority. Each
branch of science has its found
ation. It is naive to think that
theology would not have reliable
authority. But there are those to
' day who doubt this fact without
careful study and open minds.
The Sunday school lesson for
the week deals with the Holy Spir
it’s guidance in the writing of the
New Testament. Anyone ■who
will consider the writings of the
Bible, especially the New Testa
ment, can see that man, unaided,
would not have written the Bible.
The gospel Is not man’s inven
tion. The very character of
gospel is wholly opposed to the
drift of human pendencies. Its
supreme aim is the tranformatiun
of human nature. It runs con
trary to the whole course of hu
man life and surpasses all the ef
forts of human ingenuity. It
reveals God’s plan of salvation and
His way of life men. We may be
very positive that “all scripture is 1
given by the inspiration of God.”
Just as we accept the Constitution
of the United States as the foun
dation lawf of our land, so the Bible
is the foundation and authority
for all that is truly Christian.
ilar with his work in our club.
Saybert Hanger our president,
is another great leader. His
knowledge and understanding mak
es it very easy to work with him.
We have enjoyed it. and I am sure
he has.
Thank you, “Penny” Murray,
John Simms, Bill Davis, B. Cald
well, Thomas Chandler, ‘‘Buster”
King, Dr. Solomon. Jesse Hutten,
F.nd Joe Owens; thank you again
gentlemen, without your help we
would have been lost. Honor
these men Omaha, they are your
sons, encourage thpm on to great
er heights.
Golf, as I have said before, I
believe is the greatest sport on
earth. Out in the beautiful sun
shine, the green grass, the fresh
air and many other advantages
thpt sends the persons playing on
to greater health. Many of us
can only enjoy golf a few hours
a week, but when we finish, we
realize we have 'lived a beautiful
day. The more the merrier, so
come on out and enjoy it with us.
We cordially ask you to attend the
Central States Tournament and
help us along with) your support.
Thank God. yes thank Gad, that
we can still enjoy a few hours of
real life. We are so fortunate
that we will be able to entertain
our friends and associates from
outstate. The Cornhuskers are
ready, Omaha is ready, we have
planned and prepared for your
coming and I am sure you will
have a very enjoyable time..We
are waiting to welcome you, yet
so eager to send you back in de
We Have the Three Grade Plan
You Get What You Pay For-—
2407 Lake St.
= F
■ t
2022 Lake St. WE. 2022
In The District Court Douglas
Cc'Jnty, Nebraska:
Addie J. Allen, Plaintiff,
John H. Allen, Defendant
TO JOHN H- ALLEN, who is a
non-resident of the State of Ne
braska and whose whereabouts are
unknow-n raid service of summons
cannot be made upon him outside
the state of Nebraska- DEFEND
You are hereby notified that on
the 31st day of March 1941 Addie
J. Allen as plaintiff, filed her pet
ition against you in the District
Court, Douglas county, Nebraska,
Docket 358 Page 187. the object
and prayer of which are to obtain
a divorce from you on the ground,
of non-support.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 25th day
of August, 1941, or the allegations
thereof will be taken as true.
Addie J- Allen, Plaintiff.
4times begin July 19 end 9th Aug.
For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples
athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex
ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous,
cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D.Prescription.
Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and
quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle
proves it, or your money back. Ask your
druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription.
1. C. C. ex. for N. S.
now finding groat favor
among women...
Many doctors recommend regular use
of douches as a precautionary meas
ure for women who want to be clean,
dainty-for women troubled by offend
ing odor or discharge.
Some products may be harmful to
delicate tissues. But not Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Pinkham’s
Sanative Wash is gaining great favor
because it’s NOT a harmful germicide.
Instead-it’s a mighty effective “bac
teriostatic” (the modern trend). It not
only discourages bacterial growth and
infection but thoroughly cleanses, deo
dorizes. Very soothing-relieves minor
irritations and discharge and has a
tonic effect on delicate membranes.
Inexpensive! All druggists.
P " n
A Prominent Business
Woman Praises Mme.C.J. [
Walker’s Preparations [
1 L
* “I use Mme. C. J. Walker's
preparations exclusively be
cause I get results from them
that I am unable to get from any
other preparation,” stated a well
known business woman the
other day.
The secret of the remarkable
success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s
preparations is in the fact that
they were blended by the late ,
Madam C. J. Walker to reach
certain definite conditions of the I
hair, skin and scalp, and today, 1
after over thirty-five years on
the market, they are growing
increasingly popular, and not
withstanding the fact that the
Company has always refused to
reduce the price on these goods,
they are still in demand every
where. ^
* Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine.
although more than thirty-five
years on the market, is still the
leader in its field. The reason
for this is because it not only
serves as a scalp oil, but it gives
the hair that silky sheen and
natural gloss that is the delight
of every woman.
Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brou n
Face Powder is not just anoth^ r
Face Powder, but is the result of
years of experimenting to pro
duce the perfect blend to impart
: a velvetlike softness and at the
same time cooling and refresh
ing. Just the thing for these hot
the Mme. C. J. Walker’s won
derful preparations are sold by
Walker Beauticians and Drug
Stores everywhere, or you can
write The Mme. C. J. Walker
Mfg. Company, direct. Address:
The WalkdV Building, Indicn
| apolis, Indiana.
^-----~ .
Authorized Bottlers:
1423 N. 18th St.