THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA STOP MISTREATMENT OF NEGRO SOLDIERS Reports are reaching this news paper that Negro soldiers are not re ceiving the fair treatment they de serve. The Commander -in Chief, should put a stop to this at once. With it you cannot have an army, let alone National Uriity. You cannot save “DEMOCRACY” that way. And you cannot lie out of it. Hitler’s agents are reporting on your activities. Make no mistake about it. And aside from that, we cannot win by these methods indeed, if we pursue them, we do not deserve to win against Nazism or Com munism. Mr. President, please stop these injustices. GEORGIA AGAIN Several weeks ago eight of fif teen regents of the University of Geor gia voted to reemploy Walter D. Cock ing as Dean of the School of Educat ion of the University of Georgia, after the Deart had urged extending educ ation to Negroes of Georgia as well as white people. Governor Talmage of Georgia, hearkening to the cries of the “hoe to ters” and “hill billies” of that back ward state, dismissed enlightened members of the board of regents and appointed members with “hill billy” minds, and they “did their duty as they seen it.” One “hill billy” regent said Dean Cocking was a “Yankee” from Iowa, “ferrinur” who was putting “dangerous notions in the heads of “our Negroes”. Down there they ?till think they own members of the Color ed Race who must be kept in “their place”. We can think of no better way of aiding Hitler than this, because it con firms what Hitler has often said about the United States, namely that here the Negro is treated as he and his par ty treat Jews in Germany. This is a fact which none can deny. Down there, too, they want to go to war against Germany to “save DE MOCRACY”. What Democracy? For whom? Here is a job for J. Edgar Hoov er and his F. B. I. Go down Georgia way and jail the FIFTH COLUMN ISTS who are doing more to destroy democracy than Hitler will ever be able to do in our land. Alright Dr. Goebels, Georgia has given you a fine subject for your next release. THE BATTLE OF RUSSIA The German invasion of Russia in all important respects is following the Napoleonic strategy. Where Napol eon used cavalry as scouts Hitler uses planes; where it took Napoleon a week it now takes Hitler’s luftwaffe but an hour. There is this difference, howev er; the Russian resistance is greater than it was during the Napoleonic in vasion. But Russian strategy is much the same now as then. Our wish is that Russia may suc cessfully defend her soil, not because of her present IDEOLOGY of society, but in spite of it. It is evident that Russians love the land of the Slavs, whether the ruler be Stalin or Nichol as. And it is our hope that in that vast land where all men are equal under its Ideology, Nazis will ultimately meet disaster. For, if Russia should fall, the Nazi spiked boot will trample Af rica and make the blacks there the slav es of slaves. And then will come Brit ain, followed by the United States. THE PASSING OF THE OLD TIMER Those of us who have known the “old timers” who survived the rigors and tragedies of chattel slavery, deep ly regret their passing to the long dreamt of land of peace. We remem ber them for their goodness of heart; their courtly manners and gracious ness. Often have we seen the elderly men and women of those other years walking with grace and dignity and bidding every passerby a cheery good day. How proud they were in their sincere desire to be polite. You have heard their “Good morn ing, Sir; Good evening Ma’am” ac companied by a bow which would do justice to a Prince. And life surely has been a little better for all of us who Knew 1 hose good and gracious souls. Perhaps, they were your mothers and fathers whom you have heard to say, many times and oft, “always be polite” "Go out of your way to be kind to the aged and inform”. They had mucli to b.? desired. These were God’s Noblemen. May we look upon their like again. •—<--— THE TALEBEARER in what we call “Biole Times” there existed men and women wiio were known as “tale bearers”, a polite name for the mischievous liars of the times. Now, we dignify this species by calling them propagandists. The little fe Hows and there are many of them in our time, who have not reach ed the dignity of the propagandists, who are just plain, unadulterated liars. Every race has them, but they thrive most among races which labor under social and economic disadvantages. A mong such races are to be found many of this type who, as human beings, have not developed above the plane of envy. These bear tales, and tall tales at that, about members of their group who have risen above the com mon level. By every stratagem and sometimes by inspired ones, they seek to pull down to the lower levels all those who seek to rise. Keep a sharp lookout for this evil genius and scotch him whenever and wherever you can. WE, THE NEGRO by Wm. L. Sherrill (from The Louisville Defender and We Think Every Negro Should Read It.) Banker and Old Lady Educated and Uneducated—Same Lack of Faith Too Much Faith— THE OLD LADY listened with keen interest as the speaker told oi the fine record being made by the local Negro bank. She was thrilled to learn that her people were “doing business like the white folks.” The following day she visited this Negro bank to op en an account. Approaching the tell er’s window she said, “Honey, I want to put $10 in your bank ’cause I always likes to help my race. I have $800 downtown in the white folks bank,” she continued, “which I could put here, but you see, son, I is old and can’t af ford to take chances.” “But my dear madam,” explain ed the banker, “you take no greater chance when you deposit your money with us than you do when you deposit it with the white bank. We are under the same state and government super vision. Your money will be as safe with our bank as it is with the white bank-why not give us your entire account, for here your dollars, aside from being safe, will help to carry on an institution which gives employment to Negro men and women.” Almost persuaded, the old lady pondered a moment-'then replied, “Yes, honey, what you say may be all right but to tell the truth somehowr I jes’ naturally feels better wid my mon ey in de white folks bank.” DOES NOT THE ATTITUDE and feeling of this old lady represent the attitude and feeling of a large ma jority of Negroes? Is it not true that we, the Negro, “somehow jes’ natural ly feels better'’ doing business with and being served by the white folks? Is not this “feeling” responsible for the fact that anjy white man, though he speaks little English, can set up busi ness in a Negro neighborhood and prosper, while Negro business men in the same neighborhood barely eke out existence? Though she was born in slavery, is unlettered and unlearned, there is no difference between this old soul and the young Negro teacher who while visiting New York City called the Bel start Laundry company (a large well equipped Negro laundry) but refused to send her clothes when she discover ed it to be a Negro laundry, because as she explained, “these garments are of a very delicate fabric and must be done properly.” There is no difference be tween this old lady and those Negroes who give all of their unimportant legal business to the Negro lawyer, but seek a white lawyer whenever they think they have an important case; or those Negroes who prefer having a white doctor look down their throats rather than a Negro doctor; or those Negro es who would rather have a white man collect their insurance than a Negro insurance man; or those Negroes who prefer being supplied and serviced by white folks rather than their own. No not the slightest difference. I HIS ‘FEELING”—this slave psychology is not confined to the old slave mother. It determines to a large degree the attitude and action of far too many of our college and univer sity men and women. Our lack of faith in ourselves and what is ours is a great obstacle in the path of race progress. We, the Negro are sadly in need of faith in ourselves as a people—we have an abundance of faith, but not in our own. Our major weakness is that of believing in white folks. Three hundred years of slavery did its work well. If a black man says it is red- we question it. If a white man says it is red—it is red. MOST OF US believe implicitly in what white folks say or do. We are so plastic in the hands of the white man that he boasts of being able to handle Negroes better than Negroes themselves. White people are so sure about this fact that we ofttimes have a most difficult task trying to convince white authorities, social service agenc ies and industries, that Negro work ers can be as effective among Negroes as white workers. But it is so true - that we seem to think more of anv •* thing said by a white man than we do of the truth spoken by the most reli able Negro in the community. Let us have confidence in our own people as well as white people. Yes, believe in them—believe also in your selves. Don’t attach undue import ance to a thing simply because it is done or said by a white man. Don’t discredit a thing simply because it is done or said by a Negro. Have faith in all men according to their worth, efficiencv and character. Remember the Work man’s Club Picnic, Benn ington, Nebr., August 10. I NATIONAL BEAUTY CULT URISTS LEAGUE TO MEET IN ATLANTA AUGUST 11 Atlanta, Gia.,—The more than They Learn Early. Teach Them NOW to Protect Precious Eyesight! There isn't a parent in Omaha who would wilfully neglect his children's eyes. But too often, parents don't realize how seriously poor lighting may affect the future eye-health and comfort of their youngsters. Call your dealer now, or the Ne braska Power Company, Extension % i 317, and arrange for a free home lighting survey — available to you without obligation. Your Electric Service Is Good . . . and Cheap! SEE YOUR DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY m ■—————i— ■ ■ ——————J l I ' 8,000 delegates expected to invad the South’s Gate city on Augus 11 for the five day Twenty-Secon annual session of the Nations Beauty Culturists’ League wi] find a warm welcome and a roun of social festivities have been plar ned for them. Boasting the highest altitude o any of the nation's major cities Atlanta’s year round mild climatt its myriad historical sights, it scores of schools, its many nation ally known Negro business enter prises and its varied recreationa sites, makes it an ideal conventioi and vacation spot. Atlanta leads the nation in ed ucational opportunities for Ne' groes. There are twelve college: and professional schools with a* enrollment totalling more than 12 000. Four of these institution: are devoted to the rapidly grow H. DOI GOFF HARDWARE CO. 1822 North 24th St. RfS) Floors Deck wr Enamel pi _ ^ (NOT A PAINT) I Beautiful - Hiqh Gloss Durable - fast/ to Clean Enamel for Floors Jet us show l/cu SPRING IS HERE! Paint Up! Clean Up! Varnish Up! We carry a full line of paint, glass, and varnish, also screen ing of all kinds. We have a full line of chicken and fence wire, plumbing, and electrical supplies at downtown prices Our stock of roofing and gut tering is complete. Everything at a low price. Open evenings. —FREE DELIVERY CALL WE. 1607 or Call at Omaha’s Largest Neighborhood Completely Stocked Hardware Store at— 1822 North 24th Street B ing profession of beauty culture, t Students are enrolled from thirty 3 two states and three foreign coun 1 tries in the Apex Poro, Dermis 1 Cura and Cannolene beauty col 3 leges. Atlanta also leads the nation in Negro business enterprises. Here f you will find Negroes owning and , operating a chain of drugstores, , a chain of barber and beauty shops 3 two chains of filling stations, a ■ bottling concern, one of the na ■ tion’s strongest banks, one of the l city’s largest dairies, optical and i jewelry stores, the nation’s larg est Negro insurance company, the nation’s only Negro daily newspa per, in addition to scores of indiv ; idublly owned barber and beauty i shops, funeral homes, hotels and , cafes. A call has already been sent out to the nation’s 22,000 Negro beau ticians by Mrs. Cordelia Green I __ Ask for METZ QUALITY BEER Since 1864 Johnson of Jersey City, national president of the league In the proclamation, Mrs. John son disclosed that one of the chief topics of discussion will be the es tablishment of a national home for those members of the profes sion who have retired from active duty. Tihje idea of the nome was pro posed at the last convention held in Atlantic City, but no definite action was taken at that time. Delegates in the forthcoming meeting will have an opportunity too, to get a glimpse of Atlanta’s night spots. Two of the big ev ents of the session are to be held at the Top Hat, the South’s half million dollar club beautiful. The annual bathing beauty revue and the Ai tists’ Bureau program of which Mrs. Roberta Aiken is chair man is to be held Wednesday night August 13 On Friday night, the annual Coiffure Sh|ow. in which some of the nation’s leading hair stylists will have lovely models fo display their original artistry will be held. The show is to be held in connect ion with the annual ball. Chairman W. E. Driskell of the local committee, has been working feverishly to complete arrange ments for the hosts of “appear ance queens” expected. Many delegates planning to at tend the meeting have indicated that they will visit Tuskegee In stitute and Fort Banning, both lo cated but a short distance from Atlanta- THe largest contingent of Negro soldiers in the world is located iat Fort Banning. Beauticians and others planning to attend are urged to write Miss Ella Ramsey, chairman of The housing committee at 250 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. Remember the Work man’s Club Picnic, Benn ington, Nebr., August 10. SUBSCRIBE NOW! COMING TO THE RITZ THEATRE, JULY 27-28 TYP NEWS SYNDICATE Irving Smith, popular Negro character actor, as he appears in the new Republic Picture, “Lady From Louisiana," which features a grand array of colored talent including Dorothy Dandridge, petite beauty, and Jesse Graves. John Wayne and Ona Munson play the leading roles In the film which finds Ray Middleton, Henry Stephenson, and Hefen Westley in prominent roles. j j — l 555S55555S5p555p55555S5P55S5S^ FOR ELECTRIC APPLIANCES You Can’t Beat the Prices At THE— OMAHA OUTFITTING 2122 North 24th St. Phone AT. 5656 RITZ Shoe REPAIR SERVICE New location— Across the Street from Ritz Theatre “Prices Right to Fit Your Pocketbook” 2202 North 24th St 1301 N. 24th St. WE 4737 Metropolitan Produce Co. HOME OF LIVE CARP * BUFFALO A. A. Rosschaert, Prop. Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE J SHOE REPAIR CASH AND CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. } CART. fTRTVRIRA i flei, Women! Old at m, 5", 60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim Don't blame exhausted, worn-out, ruD-down feeling ■m your age. Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex will do. Contains general Ionics often needed after 40— by bodies lacking ,r n. calcium. phosphorus. Iodine, Vitamin h. A •year-old doctor writes- "I took It myself 1 Re - Ota fine." Special Introductory size Ostrex Tonic blets costs onhi 3.5e Stop feeling peplcs.1. old. ■ Art feeling peppier and younger this very day. FOR SALE AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORES COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 ———_ Thrifty Service I 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY" I LJlUNDERED FOR ONLY" COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. I This includes the Ironing of all FLAT- I WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just I Tamp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE 1CU9 J