opinions March of Events comments THE OMAHA GUIDE Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, July 19,1941 Page Seven THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Manch 15, 1027, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. M. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Fluma Coope^, — — Vice Pies. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’v and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — $2X0 Six Months — — _ $1.25 Three Months — — — .15 One Month — — — _ .£5 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — $2 50 Six Months — — — — $1.50 Three Months — — _ $1.00 One Month — — - - — .40 All Neate Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pro ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. THE MARCH ON WASHINGTON Last week we expressed our opin ion about the proposed “MARCH ON WASHINGTON”, and the result thus far obtained in the employment field. Of course, many things are yet to be done before we have the right to claim that we have democratic government in The United States of America. The GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES must set the ex ample for the whole people in its treat ment of the citizens; it must provide equal opportunity for the Negro as well as for either racial groups in this country, for the Negro is still the yard stick by which our democracy must be measured. Whether or not “A MARCH ON WASHINGTON” will bring to pass this salutary result is a matter of op inion. We may well imagine that if the threat of “A MARCH ON WASH INGTON”, caused the issuance of a SECOND EM AN CIPATIAN PROC LAMATION by The President, the MARCH itself may result in giving to the Negro, in so far as government is concerned, full and equal opportunity for the Negro. Here’s hoping. - — -^— NEGRO MOTORMEN IN BROOKLYN Recently the Borough of Brook lyn acquired the traction lines. Short ly after they were acquired, nearly a score of Negroes were employed as motormen. It would have been better all round, if the traction company had done so while privately owned. BOY SCOUTS ~ Recently a release came to us from Louisville, Kentucky, containing a story of work there among the Col ored Boy Scouts and the fine work be ing done by their leaders and spons ors. Among other things, according to Mr. Stanley Harris, Director of In terracial Scouting, a splendid camp is provided for week end vacations for the scouts. And recently, he announc ed that as a result of the awakened in terest in Scouting in the South, a “friend” has recently given $17,500.00 to be used in helping 35 area souncils to employ Negro Field Directors to su pervise the work of scouting among Negro boys. Mr. Harris also states that many southern communities have already raised funds to pay Negro su pervisors without assistance from the outside. We mention this fine work at Lou isville, Ky, not only because we should know about it and appreciate it, but also because here in our own commun ity we have three boy scout troops a mong Negroes which have for years done fine work, Indeed, one of them has won National distinction for hav ing had in it at one time six eagle scouts, the then highest point of any troop in the United States, white or colored. That troop Master, Thomas P. Mahammitt, has led the scout move ment here for nearly a quarter century among Colored boys. , We called his attention to what is being done in Louisville and the south among Colored boys which pleased him greatly. And he, along with us, con gratulates all the fine workers there and in other parts of the country for their matchless contributions to the future security of America. “MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING” The Pittsburgh Courier has been lashing Walter White because he con sented to the postponement of an in vestigation of Government Discrimin ation by a committee of the United States Senate headed by Senator Tru man of Missouri. White was of the opinion the investigation would be a bortive, because it could not give the proper time to it for a thorough in vestigation of the far flung evil of dis crimination against Negroes in govern mental agencies. The Courier Editors thought otherwise. Both Walter White and The Pitts burgh Courier have fought and are fighting the same valiant battle for the Negro. And we hope that neither will permit the difference of opinion on such a matter to cause harm to the best interests of the fight for civil lib erty of the Negro which each has wag ed for the past quarter century. It seems to us it is “Much Ado A bout Nothing”. i NEGRO MIGRANTS Negroes are beginning a new mi gration and too many of them are set tling in the large cities of the country. They are thus creating economic and social problems which would be avoid ed were they to settle in less congest ed areas. Migrants, do not be lured into areas by “tall tales” of defense employ ment where various defense industr ies have sprung up. JOE AND MARYA LOUIS Rumors are rife that Joe and Marva Louis are about to become rec onciled. Being a good fighter, Joe, is a small thing compared with being a good and successful husband. This also applies to the wife. The responsibility of both Joe and Marva should be appreciated and they should govern themselves accord ingly. THE HUMAN MIND Scientists assert that the normal human brain contains Twelve Billion Cells; that if all of them could be put to work in a single brain at one time all the intricacies of finite existence could immediately be solved. But we know little about its power and uses. The little we do know- teaches us that the human mind is marvelous, almost infinite in its grasp and possibilities. Only the other day we were lis tening to the radio in wonderment, and then we thought of the mind of man; how through the long years it has accumulated and stored knowledge; recorded it and transmitted it to suc ceeeding generations. And how, now, a single brain may acquire that accum ulated knowledge and give it out to others a million times over and have it still; how it has served for the creat ion of those things which have so far advanced human comforts, cultures and the fine things of life; only now, the world over, through the collective use of minds, to prostrate the noblest gifts of this rare possession into a sea of blood and tears. Must we admit that the mind, without the spirit, is not enough. Shall we say, “as was said two thousand years ago “The Judgements of the * Lord are True and Righteous ALTO GETHER.” Are all the inventions of Airplane, radio, telephone and elec tricity, and thousands of other useful gifts, vain without “A TOUCH OF THE DIVINE?” Otherwise, why the world-trag edy of this hour? Is THE HUMAN MIND WHAT WE HAVE HOPED IT WOULD BE? PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, GOVERNOR GRISWOLD Governor Dwight Griswrold w ould do well to read President Roosevelt’s Order to defense industries to desist Irom denying Negroes employment solely on account of color. Although it w^as induced by pressure, which we regret had to be applied, salutary re sults have been obtained. How would it do to stage a march on our Nebraska Capital of ten thous and Negroes to induce Governor Gris wold to employ Negroes in the State government, who, apparently, are bar red by reason of color alone. Thus far his promises have been unfulfilled, without justice or reason. We are waiting and watching to see what he intends to do .about his pledg es and his promises. Maybe he has not read the motto of his state “EQUAL ITY BEFORE THE LAW”. Please read it governor and apply it to the twenty thousand Negroes in this state, legally, economically and politically. BETWEEN THE LINES (by Dean Gordon B. Hancock for ANP A TWO EDGED SWORD It is with pardonable pride that we reflect on the fact that the doctrine of the Double-Duty Dollar was first expounded in this column many years ago. As was to be expected, there were those who attempted to gainsay the principle in question; but the lapse of only a few years and the stirring e vents rapidly transpiring have about convinced the most incredulous that we had something. Everywhere Negroes are subscrib ing to the doctrine that Negroes who spend their money with Negroes make their dollars do double duty. The doc trine went further than holding up the mere advantage of trading with Ne groes ; but also set forth that the same objectives could be attained by trading with those whites who employ Negroes This made it broad and less likely to antagonize the fundamental principles of inter-racial cooperation. It is obv ious that the Negro cannot live mere ly by doing business with Negroes, but he must include within the scope of his patronage those whites who employ Negroes. This doctrine was never propos ed and propounded as a solution to all, the porblems confronting Negroes; it was merely positied as a measure of relief to a serious situation. Some of the more “learned” Negroes began to decry the doctrine on the score that the Negro could not have a separate economy for the race. Nobody ever said that he could; but it is becoming increasingly apparent that intra-rac ial cooperation such as is set forth in the doctrine of the Double Duty Dol lar has become one of the bulwarks of Negro advance. Thd,se Nejgroes who are enjoying most of the blessings of life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness find their security in the applic ation of the doctrine of the Double Duty Dollar. Taging this same doctrine, Dr. Luther Jackson of Virginia State Col lege coined the phrase “share your trade” with Negroes. This was a worthwhile amendment to the doctrine and was designed to thwart the at tempt to use the doctrine in a way that might be detrimental to Negro ad vance. Just the other day I saw a pla card posted by someone who had seen the value of the double-duty dollar principle, but who did not fully appre ciate the dangers that lurk in the un chastened enthusiasm which might take hold on unsuspecting devotees. The placard read in essence “Trade only with Negroes” and the context of the placard showed unmistakably that an attempt was made to create preju dice against the Negro who traded with anybody else. This was a danger ous position to take with regard to the double duty dollar doctrine. If Ne groes are going to confine all of their trade to. Negroes, then the whites must be expected to do the same! When whites admonish all whites to business only with whites, it is go ing to be a sad time for Negroes in this country. If Negroes wrant whites to share their economic opportunities with Negroes then Negroes must share their business with whites. To do otherwise is economic suicide. The doctrine of the double duty dollar is a two edged sword or may be come such w7hen promulgated by the most thought less. If Negro leaders wrould give more attention to the matter and indoctrin ate the masses it w ould reassure the situation. ? What is more, the employment of the doctrine should be inspired as a measure of self defense rather than as a wreapon against the wiiite man. In ether words, the motives behind the double duty doctrine should not be vin dictive but cooperative. As a self help proposition the double duty doctrine has limitless possibilities; but as a fight weapon it has greater possibilit ies for harm. Negro leadership should therefore see to it that the doc trine is not prostituted by designing or simple persons who wrnuld gain immed iately for themselves and cause ultim ate loss to the race. Negroes cannot lift themselves by their boot straps neither can the Negro rise economic ally on the race alone. Let us remember that the double duty dollar doctrine may be a two edged sword in the hands of those who do not fully understand. What was designed to be a stepping stone must not be made a stumbling block. Neg roes must never forget that whites can read placards as well as Negroes and that these whites have as much racial pride and loyalty as Negroes. While the principle behind the double duty dollar is fine, the application of this principle may be detrimental. The Double Duty Dollar doctrine may be come a two edged swrd. Then let us beware of caresslessness in its appli cation. CIVILIZATION OR SAVARGERY? (by Dr. Charle Stelzle) It is one of the shocking things in this topsy turvy world to awake to the fact that there is a mere crust between civilization and savagery. Thi: has been demonstrated in the action of the Nazis in their treatment of helpless people of other nations, and which threatens to many other countries. Their brutality has transcended acts of pre-civilization pagans. The amaz ing thing is that this has been done by those who regard themselves as “sup er men,” at a time when the pity of the civilized world has been increasingly stirred in behalf of all oppressed and depressed peoples. We thought we were getting some where in our progress toward human kindness and tender mercy. Then suddenly we discover that th£ best has torn loose, tearing and devouring, and wallowing in the blood of human be ings. And now the brutal war is on, on all fronts, rtothing barred. Anything* goes, while the rest of the world stands aghast. The victims haven’t even the chance that was given to men during the World War, for then the contest ants on both sides had weapons w hich they might use in self-defense. Meanwhile the rest of the world seems to stand helpless. Even the De mocracies are like sheep in the pres ence of a “Dictator Wolf.” It is a question as to how long this situation can continue. It seems inevitable that somewhere something must break out which will destroy this monstrous cre ation of a disordered mind. If there is still justice in the world, if there is a Force powerful enough to subdue even this incarnation of the Beast, then there is hope for civilization. Of this we may be sure—it will require the united protests of men and women of every race, creed and color, and the rising wrath of all right thinking peo everywhere. , DarWLaughter * * ® . byol harrington X * * * O M X X X > '-** — < “Every time Bootsie an’ Stewmeat comes to get a gallon of gas for their new Cadillac they disagrees about who bought the gallon the last time/’ -*—. *