The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 19, 1941, City Edition, Page 5, Image 5

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OMAHA GUIDE?” Can ou Pick A winner?
Girls In Omaha Guide’s Scholarship Subscription Contest
Off In A Jump
Dorothy Lawson Dorothy Wat
son off in a jump on their way to
win the first prize in the Omaha
Guide's Scholarship Contest. The
Miss Dorris is the daughter of
Mrs. M. Nivens, 2511 Corby St
She has been a Girl Reserve since
the age of 10. She is a member
of and a messenger of the Saint
John AME. Church. Miss Dorris’
ambition is to become a Nurse.
Miss Almira King is also a
member of Saint Benedict’s church
and a former Girl Reserve, and
was president of the Junior-Senior
Girl Reserves Club she was the
Treasurer of the Inter-Club Coun
cil of the Central YWCA- and is
a former member of the Junior
Auxiliary of the Urban League.
Miss King is the daughter of Mrs.
Gertrude Giles, 1814 North ‘loth
St- She is a member of the Eatre
Nous Club. Miss King is a grad
uate of Technical High school.
During her senior year at High
school, she appeared in the Senior
Play, “Stage Door”. In June of
1940, she was a Duchess in the
Coronation Ball. At present Miss
King is Girl Scout Instructor at
the Urban League.
two Dorothys are sponsored by
Mrs. Marie Parker and assisted by
their friend, Mattie Station.
This young woman is one of the
most typical American Girls in the
U. S- She is quite ‘‘Air-minded’’.
Her chief ambition is to pilot her
cwn airplane. Miss Johnson is a
sophomore at Technical high
school. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson,
2306 Seward Plaza. Her nterest
are also dramatic. Her hobby is
reading. Miss Johnson is the
grand-daughter of Mrs. Edna Me
Caw who was a graduate of Wil
berforce University. The desire
of Mrs. Edna McCaw to send Mrs.
Andrew Johnson to that same uni
versity will be realized in the fu
ture attendance of Margery Join
son at Wilberforce university.
Miss Johnson is the grand-daugh
ter of the late S. T. R. Melvin Me
Miss Trulove is a graduating
Senior of Cental High school. She
i< the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Trulove, 2864 Lake St. She
i- a former Girl Reserve. Mis?
Trulove’s ambition is to become
a teacher of Foreign Languages.
She is a member of St. John A ME
Miss Alice Simmons, daughter
of Mr- and Mrs. Allen Simmons.
Mr. Simmons is shipping clerk a*
Super-Craft Garment Co., at 13th
and Farnam.
Miss Simmons lives with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gol
die Davis at 2402 1-2 Patrick ave.
She is 17 years of age and stai’ts
her Junior year at Central high
school in September. She is also
a member of the Optimist Club at
the YW( A. Her ambition is to
become a stenographer.
A Girl Reserve of the Gross
Kicks club. Miss W light is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A
Lewis, 2229 Ohio St. She is a
member of the Red Cross and Mo
tor Clubs during her school car
eer. While a member of the Cress
Eieks Club she served in the cap
acities as treasurer and reporter.
She is a member of Zion Baptist
Church. Miss Wright s ambition
is to become a Costume Designer.
She is planning to attend the Voc
ational YWCA. School in New
York. This School is an institu
tion that is owned and operated 1 y
Negro women.
while attending South high school.
Miss King is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence King 283 6 Mi
atrti St. At the age of 13, she en
tered South High school. While
;*c that school, Miss King was a
warded a musical scolarship to
Piney Woods School in Mississip
p:. During her attendance at that
school, she became a member of
the ‘"International Sweethearts of
Rhythm”, an all-girl band which
originated from that school. As
a member of this band she travel
ed quite extensively. Miss King
graduated from Technical High
school on March 2, 1941. During
her school career, Miss King serv
ed in the capacities as Represent
ative for the Library ant the Red
Cross. She was also chairman of
the Scholarship committee ami
Home Room reporter. m;s<5 T;rir>r.
is a member of to r'~ ♦’
Church and a former member of
4 ^ ° Gir1 T' C!l ’ r 1 v* '
Miss Lawson is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawson, 22JA
North 29th St- She will soon be
a sophomore at Technical High
school. Her interest is Vocational
Miss Lawson is a member of the
Church of God in Christ.
Was the first young woman of
color to have charge of a gill
scout troop in Omaha, Nebr. Miss
Washington is a graduate of North
High school. She is the daughter
of Mrs. Julia Washington, 2037
Florence Blvd. For two years she
sang with the Syrnphonette Trio.
She is a member of the Seventh
Day Adventist Church and a mem
ber of the King’s Daughters a
Church club. At present she is
working on The Worker’s Service
Miss Helen Normal King, daugh
t er of Mrs. Eddie King, 2502 Lake
Street. Miss King attends C‘liiS ■
10 LI at St- Benedict High school
Miss King is 16 years of age ar.d
■vi 1 graduate in two years. Miss
King’s ambition is to become com
tx tent stenographer and engraver
in the service of the government
Miss King also sings in the choir
■it St. Benedict’s church.
* * * * *
A recent convert and member oi
'*’'"im Baptist Church- Mis
Williams is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James H. Williams, 2t’16
Blondo St. She is a graduating
Senior of Technical High school
During her school career, she was
a member of the Red Cross and
Motor Clubs. Miss Williams is al
so a member cf the YWCA. Gross
Eicks Club. Her chief ambition is
to become a Social Worker.
An HONOR ROLL Student of
Central. Miss Edwards is a grad
uating Senior of Central. She is
the daughter of Mrs. Bobbie Car
ter 2919 Erskine St. At the YW
CA. she is the president of the
Gross Eicks' club. Miss Edwards
is a member of the Inter-Club i
Council, Jr-, Chairman of the Car
eer Conference which is particip
ated in by many young women of
the city. She is a member of the
Zion Baptist Church. Her hobby
is music and she is an assistant
of Mrs. Flora Pinkston. Miss Ed
wards’ ambitinos is to become a
This young woman is one if
foui' Negro Baton twirlers in the
Junior Band at Central High
School. She is the daughter of
Mrs L. Davis, 2530 Grant St. Miss
Davis will soon be a Junior in
High school where she is also a
member of the Senior Glee club.
She is a member of the Optimist
Club of the YWCA. At the Zion
Baptist Church, Miss Davis is the
pianist for the Junior Church and
! serves in the capacity as a Secre
tary. She is also the pianis^ for
the BYPU. Miss Davis is the
Treasurer of the Red Circle Girls,
a Missionary Society. She i.^ also
Secretary of the Sub-Deb Club.
Her ambition is to become a Con
* cert Pianist. She is a pupil of
Mrs. Flora Pinkston
Miss Swancey is the daughter
• f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swancey,
709 South 30th St. She is a grad
uating Senior of Technical High
3t,’nool. During her school career.
Miss Swancey was a member of
t* Girls’ Senior Glee club for 15
* rs. She is a member of Zion
Baptist Church. She is active, in
Urban League clubs. Is Sergeant
of Arms of the Girl Reserve C*ub
of the YWCA of which she has
been a member for three years.
She is a member of the Inter Club
Council of the Central YWCA.
For two years she was a member
of the Girl Reserve’s Glee club.
At present she is an active mem
ber of the Briggs Choral Ensolu
ble. Miss Swancey’s interest is
An Honor Student of Tech High
school. Miss King is a junior at
Tech High. She has been on the
Honor Roll, Hall Patrol, Speakers’
Bureau, and is a member of the
Girl Reserve and the Terrible
Eight Clubs. Miss King is six
teen years of age, her birthday
coming on that of Abraham Lin
coln- Her hobbies are dancing
singing, reading, cooking and sew
ing. Miss King possesses a won
derful personality, and is the typ
ical American girl. Her ambit
ion is to become an expert cos
Rosella i s the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs- Simon McGill of 2724
Lake Street. She has been a Girl
Reserve since she was in the Up
To-Date club and is now a mem
ber of the Gross-Ekes. She is a
Senior of Technical High school
and her ambition is to become a
cometologist. While in Fort
Worth, Texas last fall she attend
ed one of the largest Colored
Beauty school and is planning to
complete that course in the near
Kidneys Musi
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Just Fill In
Your Name
f j "... ' \ Ji 'V- f i“ A y
and Address
AND PAY LATER After You Have
PaGE PAPER and Look Over These
Fine Girls Who Have Signilied Their
Willingness To Serve You.
—And their desire to finish their
education, so they may have a place in
this world’s affairs.
Just Clip out the Coupon and fill
in the same. Write your name and ad
dress plainly and the name of the girl
} <>u want to get your Popularity Votes •
10.000 Popularity Votes for One
Year’s Subscription to the OMAHA
4.000 Popularity Votes for a Six
Month’s Subscription to The OMAH A
2,500 Popularity Votes for a
Three Month’s Subscription to The
Subscription Rates as fololws:
One Year in the City —-$2.00
(Out of Town-$2.50)
Six Months in the City —-$1.25
(Out of Town-$1.50)
Three Months in the fity —-75c
(Out of Town-$1.00)
\csl \ou Can Help Some Worthy
High School Girl Win Her Tuition Fee
To A College or University.
The Omaha Guide is Giving $300.00
Cash Scholarships To The Winning
Contestant at the Close of This Cam
To The Omaha Guide,
2420 Grant St.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
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