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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1941)
t TT PAYS TO ADVERTISE— IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS FOR YOUR GARDENS PLANTS, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Cabbage Now Ready—Order New! H. G. Davis & Sons, R. 4 South Gt'iaha. _ Join—Reliable- Friendship Club — For Ma.-riage. Friendship, or Pleasure. Send Dime for member ?hip blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen leU, Chicago, 111. ROOMS FOR RENT Nicley furnished rooms for couple or railroad man, WE. 5161. New Ftrrnished Kitchenette Apt., WEbster 2582. Nicely furnished rooms WE. 5161 Room for Rent, WE. 0162. 3 Room Apartment For Rent— 2831 Decatur Street. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME * 202a Lake St. WEbster 20£2 HARDWARE— DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We de glazing and make window shadet to order 1822 N. 24th St. WE. 1G07 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 8065 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 10S* MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.” WANT TO BUY— Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 . v.V.v.*.V.VAVA%WWVh DUFFY Pharmacy 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 AVAVAWAV.WAV/WW Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thapks to a Doctor’s prescription called Mendaeo, thousands now palliate terrible re curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough ing, wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, no smokes, no injections. Just tasteless, fileasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal lative action commonly helps nature bring welcome sleep—a “God-send." A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Mend&co insures an immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely sat isfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Mendaco from your druggist today for only 60c. HIRES I IDEAL Bottling Company MAKERS OF SUPERB BEVERAGES 911 North 24th Street OMAHA, NEBRASK V fctiillJjjl JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Roller, Mgr. KABE’S BUFFET | fur Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS | 2229 Lake Street jj - Always a place to park— 1 ^uKiiWw^MasaijH LOANS''"' We Loan Money on Suits, Shoes Typewriters, Radios, Rifles, Trunks, Diamonds, Wrist Watch es Good Jewelry, Musical In struments, Anything Valuable. We sell unredeemable suits 4.95 & up. or anything not redeemed. BILL’S LOAN BANK 1804 N. 24th St. Phone JA. 9375 «*■*' /<—— • I ——————1^—„ LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Wot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St. At Willis Avenae NORTH 24th SI. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES — YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD “Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. ROTHERY CLEANING SPECIAL ONE PIECE PLAIN DRESSES MEN’S SUITS LADIES PLAIN JACKET SUITS LIGHT TOPCOATS LADIES PLAIN SPRING COATS Except White or Fur Trimmed 10% Less For Cash and Carry FI)FF 0NE PLAIN SKIRT OR TROUSERS CLEANED FREE I KLL WITH EACH $1.00 ORDER FREE—“Moth-Seal” Bags or Free Storage for Cloth Winter Coats Cleaned Now at Our Regular Prices (Not Special Price?.) Fur Coats, values to $100. Cleaned and Cold Stored, $4.50 ROTHERY CLEANERS 2515-17-19 CUMING ST. JA. 7383 _ __ _ FLUSH KIDNEYS OF POISONS AND STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS Live a Healthier, Happier, Life Thousands of men and women won der why backache bothers them — why they have to visit the bathroom often at night — why flow is scanty and sometimes smarts and burns. Any one of these symptoms r->ay mean that your kidneys and bladder need attention now before these minor symptoms may develop into serious trouble. To flush out excess waste poisons and acid from kidneys, soothe your irritated bladder and put more healthful activity into them, get a 35 cent package of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Capsules and take as directed. This tried and true medicine should make you feel better in a few days — it’s an effect ive diuretic and kidney stimulant that re lieves the pains caused by gouty phases of sciatica, neuritis and rheumatic joint agony when irritated by excess uric acid. Don’t be an EASY MARK and ac cept a substitute—Get Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules — the original and genuine. Look for the Gold Medal on the box — 35 cents. MYRTLE M. GOODLOW CRITICISM (by Myrtle M. Goodlow) Those who are quick to criticize Condemning what you try to do And never giving aid to you Are the ones you can surmise Have made a failure of their lives While those who share complete success, Will give a hand of helpfulness, To worthy efforts that are made To help another make the grade. GOSSIP (by Myrtle M. Goodlow) Before we say an unkind word Or whisper gossip we have heard Be sure whatever we have done Can stand the glare of noonday sun— Gossipers w*e should always doubt. And not the one that’s talks a bout, For those with records free from blame Try to protect another’s name While those with pasts of deepest night— Spread evil news with great de light. DISCOVERED HESS London, England,—David Mac Leon, the Scottish plowman who discovered the Nazi deputy Lead er Rudolf Hess lying injured in a field near his humble farmhouse ten miles from Glasgow and v/ho lent 'his assistance is shown wivh his mother—in this cablephoto transmitted from London to New York. Hess is reported to have been extremely courteous to Mr. McLean’s mother and wife. TEACHER WINS FIGHT FOR JOB Norfolk, Va.,—Successfully ter minating a two year court fight, Miss Aline Black, teacher, of this city, has been reappointed for the coming school year by the local WANTED BURNT, WRECKED & DELAPIDATED CARS & TRUCKS Parts For All Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St.— AT. 5656 Art of Flower Arrangement ■ - 1— . ^ - I Unique as an art medium and purely Japanese in origin, Flower Ar rangement, in which flowers are made to serve as symbols of many meanings, is rapidly becoming popular in America. Madame Kimi Ishihara, who has been teaching flower arrangement in Tokyo for more than thirty years, is shown in a demonstration in America. school board. Miss Black was dis missed in 1939 as a result of an adverse decision in the teachers’ salary case filed in her behalf by NAACP. attorney1.. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Pearl Farmer, Reporter Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with the President, Bro ther P. Robinon in charge, with a large attendance of children pres ent. Eleven o’clock service was very I much enjoyed by all. Our pastor preached from 1st John 4:8 ‘He that loveth not knoweth not God” for God is Love”. It was a very instructive sermon. The choir sang beautifully. Everyone en joyed the songs of Zion rendered by the choir. Night service was well attend ed The pastor’s text wras Isaiah 38: 1, 2, subject “Prayer will change things. It was an inspiring sermon. Sister Dollie Mae Brown, the president of the Pastor Aid club is sponsoring thp Birth Annivers ary for the week, will hjave Rev. R. W. Johnson and Rev. Moss of Chicago and choir of Mt. Cavalry Community Church on Sunday, June 29, at 3 o’clock, Monday nght, June 30, Rev. Reynolds and Choir will be with us from Pleas ant Green Baptist Church. Tues day night, July 1st, ending our an niversary, Rev. A. J- Thomas of First Deliverance Church will be in charge with its Gospel choir with Rev. F. K. Johnson, direct ing. So come and hear these dif ferent ministers and choirs. Be ing a new pastor of this city we would like to make him feel he is needed here in Omaha. So come out and help us make it what it should be. The Women Workers will meet on Friday night at 8 p. m. STATEMENT OF VERNON BROWN TRUST FUND Gross receipts of donations and entertainments.—$848.19. Cash expenditures: Central Club Balance due on dance hall $10; Roncka Bros- Dance tickets, $12; Omaha Art Studios, Posters for dance $3; Cash advanced to Mrs. Robinson for purchases $1.77 Collector internal revenue, dance tax $42.46; Seiler Surgical Co., $10.40; W. T- Grant Co., $14.21; J. L. Brandeis $10.57; Johnson Drug Co. $64.14; Automatic Gas Heater installed $47 69—Total ex pense $216.24. $848.19 216.24 Cash on hand.631-05 Submitted by J. C. Jewell, Trustee. RANDOLPH, WHITE CONFER WITH FDR ON MARCH FOR JOBS Washington, D. C.—As a result of the enthusiastic and mass sup port of the March on Washington for Jobs in National Defense, A Phlilip Randolph, director of the March and Walter White,. NAACP Secretary were here Wednesday, June 18, to confer with President Roosevelt, Secretary of War Hen ry L. Stimson, Secretary »f the Navy, Frank Knox, William S. Knudsen and Sidney Hillman of the Office of Production Manage ment, Aubrey Williams, national administrator of the National Youth Administration, and Anna Rosenberg of the Social Security Board. The government officials, Mr. Randolph and Mr. White had a long discussion about the place of thie Negro in the entire national defense program, including ind ustries, army, navy air forces, vo cational training and job place ment. A second conference was held without the President in which Miss Layle Lane, a vice president of the American Federation of Teachers, and Frank R. Ci’03S waithe, labor union official, parti cipated. They are members of the steering committee of the March) on Washington. ft |Our Business Is Picking Up FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR MOVING JOBS ► « , LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE, < . AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM-' ' PETENT, TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JOB. . « ; -ALSO AUTO STORAGE- ! ► 1 ; NORTHSIDE TRANSFER —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR— ] > 12414 Grant Street WEbster 5656 - > < to Our Expected Subscribers My Dear Reader of The Omaha Guide: We are happy to anounce to you that we, the Omaha Guide are ready to give you a full newspaper service a gain. No doubt you remember we had a disastrous fire on December 23, 1939 which destroyed our building inside and put our machinery out of working order. We have remodelled our build ing and have put our machinery back in good condition. On May 31, 1941 we began serving you again with an 8 page paper, full of local and national up to the minute news, properly edited. We most certainly want to thank you for your kind consideration, given us during our remodeling period. We are indeed thankful to you for your patience. We do hereby now extend to you an invitation to stop by and see our new $60,000 newspaper plant. It is without a doubt the showplace of 0 maha. When you have visitors in our city, we will be glad for you to bring them in and show them through our plant. I am sure that they will leave Omaha with an expression of apprec iation to you. We are indeed anxious to give you the kind of service you want a newspaper to give. Therefore, we ask you to fill out the printed coupon herein at the end of this letter. We will be thankful to you indeed if you will fill out the same and deposit it in the mail. Remember, we want to give you the kind of a paper you want. Unless we know the service vou want, we cannot do this. So, please do us this small favor by filling out the print ed coupon herein, and mailing same, and thanks a million. In a few days a representative of our firm will call on you for a friendly chat and for some local news. We will appreciate it very much if you will give them a few moments of your val uable time. Maybe you would like to write us a letter and tell us more about the service you want your paper to give this community—more than you can get on the coupon. If so, please feel free to do so and we will appreciate the same. If you would like for someone to call on you to go over this matter with you, please give us a ring WE. 1517. We are now entering into our 15th year Scholarship Campaign for 6,000 new and renewed subscribers in this area. May we be favored by your fill ing out the printed Subscription cou pon and sending it to us by return mail. Let us get together on the past at some future date. Let us start to day on the new subscription account. The following few lines are some thing for you to give your serious con sideration. Your community newspa per is the ortly medium you have to call on when an error has been made or when you have been mistreated civical ly, economically, or criminally. No group of people or organization can correct these community evils as your community newspaper can. So, my friend, let us start today on the new subscription account, so you will be informed of the various activities of your community up-to-date. Remem her our representative will be perfect ly agreeable when he calls in adjust ing our past relationship. Again we wish to thank you for your loyal support in the efforts we are now putting forth for the benefit of the community as a whole and in dividually. Do you want new avenues of employment opened up to your family? We have the medium which you should be willing to support to do the job. Do you want justice in the law department of your city, county, and state governments? Again, we say, we have the medium by which to get justice. Do you want your civic organizations to function properly in the interest of the whole and not for the individual? If you do we have the medium to help get it through. Did you know you are entitled to $367,000 in new jobs in the city, county and state and from the various politic al positions that you are taxed to pay, and from the corporators which, bj right of their franchise, receive youi enforced support. We know how to promote an educational program to bring about the desired results to you and yours to get your share of this $367,000 that is now going into the poc kets of other groups, and which right fully belong to you. All we need is your loyal support as a subscriber, and your moral sup port in heping us to educate the rest of the above mentioned concerns— What you are entitled to and what you expect to do about it. The Omaha Guide’s Service Coupon What service do you want your paper to give? Please write in plainly. 4 —1 ■— «’ • Name Address City State Phone Number (Please fill matTclip and mail to The Omaha Guide Publishing Co., Inc., 2420 Grant St., Omaha, Nebraska SUBSCRIBE NOW!