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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1941)
Big Annual Fireworks Display At Creighton Stadium, July 4th,... BIG FIREWORKS DISPLAY ON3 THE EVENING OF JULY 4, 1941 The Fifth Annual Fireworks Exposition, sponsored each year by Omaha Post No. 1, The Amer V ican Legion, will be staged at the / Creighton University stadium, in } Omaha, the evening of July 4th. The Thearle Duffield Company of Chicago* largest producers of fireworks displays in the world, has again been engaged to pre pare the exhibition National Defense will be feat ured in the fireworks this year and as a finale a gigantic figure of Uncle Sam, flanked by field pieces, tanks and airplanes, will go into action with an array of color and noise that will prove most thrilling and exciting. An added amount is being ex pended by the Legion for the 1941. fireworks which means that the display wrill be more brilliant than ever before. All of the set pieces will be fired by electricity to a void possible “black-outs” and to assure safety to all. Preceding the mammoth display will be a colorful demonstration by some of the finest junior and senior drum and bugle corps in Nebraska. Corps from Kearney, Norfolk, Lincoln, Holdredge, Platts mouth and South Omaha will ap pear and Billy Meyers, well kpown community-sing leader, will be at the microphone to describe the affair and to lead the audience in singing some rousing patriotic songs . Tickets for the event are now on sale at the office of Omaha Post No. 1, 105 City Hall, Omaha. General admission tickets cost fifty cents and will admit either one adult or two children under twelve years of age. More than 10,000 seats will be available to general admission ticket holders. A limited number of reserved seats will be sold at 25c extra and mail orders will be promptly fill ed IT UKES"Y0U NATIONALLY KNOWN LEADERS IN NEW ORLEANS DR. HARRY H. PACE Nationally known business lead ers were in New Orleans last week to attend the commencement and business seminars of the YM- , CA- school of Commerce, directed by W. H. Mitchell, Jr., executive secretary of the YMCA. There | J. B. BLAYTON were 103 graduates. Dr- Harry H- Pace gave the commencement address. J. B. Blayton and A. L. Holsey were among those speak ing on seminars. Reading left to right: Dr- Harry H Pace, Chicago, president of the A. L. HOLSEY, Supreme Liberty Life Ins. Cp.; J. B. Blayton, C. P. A-, Atlanta, professor of accounting at Atlanta University and vice president Cit izens Trust Co., and A. L- Holsev, Tuskegee, secretary, National Ne gro Business League. Note:—You* Question Till Be Answered "Free” in This Column. For • ”Privete Reply” . . . Send only 2Jc for my new Astrology Reading It Lucet Day Chart and receive by return mail a confidential letter of Tree Advice analys ing three (3) Questions privately. Sign your full name, address, and birthdato aa all letters, and please include a self-addressed, itemped envelope for your reply. Send all letter** to ABBE’ WALLACE, P. O. Box, 11, Atlanta, Georgia G. M- W.—What makes my hus- ' band stay away from home at night? I feel just like getting up and leaving and I would if it wasn’t for our little boy. He claims he loves me and the baby and I can’t see it. If I need pti vate advice just let me know. Ans: Women don’t seem to be the cause of his staying out nights. I firmly believe that he just likes to hang around the drug store and beer joints With a bunch of the boys but that doesn’s excuse him for neglecting his home. Why don’t you try to talk things over with him peacefully and let him know th|at it is a married man’s duty to stay with his family at night. Selfishness seems to be his fault and you may be able to HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago Choice of 9 Out of 10 Omaha Families... ELECTRIC Refrigerators are •CLEANEST •CHEAPEST •HEATLESS •SAFE •QUIET Ask your neighbors—they'll gladly tell you why they decided on electric refrig erators. For BEAUTY? Partly. For ECON OMY? Partly. For CLEANLINESS. COOL NESS. SAFETY and QUIET? Yes. for all those reasons! We urge you to look at all types—then compare. See for yourself why nine out of ten families are choosing electric refrigerators! Your Electric Service Is Good . . . and Cheap! SEE YOUR DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY change him. Yes, you may write me privately if you lake. Read the footnote of this column ****** • J. D.—I was hurt on the job and was receiving compensation for awhile and it was stopped and I want to know what to do? Ans: Go to the Industrial Com mission and talk to the person in charge, giving them full inform ation about your case. Also con sult with your doctor again and try and to get him to help you contact the Commission- If you are worthy of further compensat ion, then I feel confident that it can be worked out with the help of your docor and the commission. ****** • C. D. N.—Does this boy mean me any good? He says he loves me and wants to marry me. Tell me how to write you so you will answer in a private letter to me? Ans: This friend of yours is sincere and is anxious to make you his wife at an early date. If you have the same feeling for him, then a marriage would be recom mended- If you will send 25c for my Astrology Reading, I will be glad to give you my free opinion on three questions privately. Be sure to send full name, birthdate, and address. ***** A. M. B.—The people I work for had a terrible fight and he left. He has asked her to go to New York with him and I wish to know if I should go along as they asked me to? If they separate should I continue working for one of them ? Ans: Working under those conditions can’t be at all pleasant for you but these folks pay a good salary as long as you want to work there it is alright with them In fact, if a separation should take place, both of them would want you • • • • make up your mind which one you prefer to continue working for. You will get your money regardless of which one you choose. ***** Mrs. L. M.—I am married and the party whom I love is marr ied also and has a family. Please tell me whether this is real love they has for me? They also say I will soon be theirs and we will be together. What will be the re sult of this matter? Ans: Several broken hearts if you don’t use your will power and discontinue your friendship with this man immediately. You aren’t' in are probably in fatuated but don’t you realize that you are doing wrong to be see ing this man when you know he is married and has a family. What about yoi^r husband. Stoop this silly affair at once and you can’t hope to gain anything from it. 3k 3k 3k 3k sk P. L.—I learned this house where I am living at the present time is going to be up for sale Should I buy it or move farther into the city? Which would be best for me? Ans: Buying a home is a Worthwhile investment, but don’t buy it just because it is for sale j • -consider the matter from a bus- j iness angle entirely. If you want it exceptionally bad, and the price is cheap, it might prove to your advantage to buy. Howev er, if it is your desire to have your DAUGHTER change her present company, it would prove to your advantage to get a place closer into the city. She will then make new friends which seems the most important thing in your mind right now. | WJWAWAV.V/.V.%V.V.V WAITERS’ COLUMN (by H. W. SMITH) yWWMVAVMV.VWA the waiters The summer clubs are all very active now as the ten days of bad weather is over and the good sun shine has appeared and we hope it will continue. We do hope the Fourth of July rain will not do any harm ***** Mr. Richardson of the Field club and Mr. Simon Harrold- of the Happy Hollow, and Mr- Johnny Fleming of the Country club and Mr. Watson of the Highland club are very busy looking after the dinner dances, bingo games and ladies’ day lunches helping the waiters give good service as all the Golfers lake quick service in hot weather. Keep the good work up boys as you are making it good for the Colored waiters in the fu ture. Mr- James Bell of the Ralston club is up after the bad accident he met with on May 30th and we truly hope he will continue to im prove and by all means be more cartful hereafter. Good luck to you, Mr. Bell, as you are always on the job We truly hope the waiters un ion will be a success and the mem bers will keep the organization VfAH/l HAVE YOUR LAUNDRY COM a" TT pleTELY FINISHED FOR ONLY -10c A POUND 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST EMERSON - SARATOGA LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th DENVER D. FERGUSON Prominent business man and financier of Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr. Ferguson is president of Ferguson Investment Co.; president of Ferguson Manufacturing Co.; director of United Afro Newspaper Publishing Co., a national syndicate of Negro newspapers, and ic also sole owner of the beautiful Sunset Terrace Ballroom. (Calvin NS) i together as it wall be a great help to the members. ****** Mr. Edgar Lee of the Omaha Athletic Club is always on the job taking /rood care of the good mod ern service and instructing the waiters in the right way and they all take pride in giving him good support in trying to please the members. ****** I Mr. John Evans of the Rome Hotel is the right man in the right place, and knows what to do and how and when to do about giving good modem service. He has worked in some of the leading hot els from coast to coast ***** Mr. Underwood of the Fonten elle is a party man right up to the minute and the boys should give him the very best support at all times as he is very congenial to every one. ***** Mr Dave Russ, of the White Horse Inn is a very good judge of horses, as he is a very frequtnt visitor at the Ak-Sar-Ben race track. He can very often pick the winners and some times tells what horses are going to lose, and we are going to ask him how many daily doubles he has cashed in on There are qpt many extra wait ers for the downtown hotels as the Defense Jobs and the Summer Clubs are using a large number, and it keeps the boys very busy stepping on the gas, and we all know what it takes to use the quick step. ****** The Paxton Hotel will take caie of a very large party on June 25, and M. rOverton will have all he can do to keep the boys in line as he will expect the large number of men to use a quick step and ptu out the very best service and attention ***** There are quite a number of rookie9 as our schools are out and the boys are trying to make good use of the spare time and we hope, for them good success. Keep on niiiiuiiuiiimiiimiuiiiniimiiiuiNuiiiiiiMiiiiimiimmiiiiunniiinniiiiHiiiHiniiiniini 1301 N. 24th St. WE. 4737 Metropolitan Produce Co. HOME OF LIVE CARP tic BUFFALO A. A. Rosschaert, Prop. COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped In the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart. At tbe first sign of distress smart men and women depend on Bell-ans Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of tbe fastest acting medicines known for acid indigestion. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 25c. going, boys! We have not talked | with Captain Langley about how many hot stunts he pulled off in the valley of vapors as we are quite sure he was the whole shew, and also being one of the officials at the Arlington Hotel, the serv - ice was very much improved as he is always tops in his line. ****** We truly htape all the Hotels and Clubs will have a First Aid Kit in all cloak rooms as well as in kitchens. Accidents so often are not taken care of as soon as they happen and more ofter in hot weather with First Aid given, it avoids very much suffering and pain. ****** Vacation time is here and we are quite sure tht boys are plann ng long trips to the east, north and west. Be very careful, boys, and don’t stay over your time as the boys at home are very quick to get peeved in hot weather and will have many blowouts at work and you know what that means to the crew. ***** We often wonder how long it will be before we will have serv ice inspectors of our group. We have many who are well qualified and we all would like to see them in acton. It would be quite a good common sense move if the Omaha Colored Waiters would create and form a stock company and build a first class hotel somewhere on North 24th Street, as there arc many overnight tourists through Omaha all the year through and it would be good for them to tell fellow travelers and friends of such a nice place to stop at in O maha. The Nelson Real Estate Company will be at their service to negotiate a good site and help get the true price. Think it over boys as you know property is very cheap in Omaha at this time. What about the waiters’ base ball club, Mr. Chester Hodges wfould make a good strike out pit cher and Mr- Bill Burns would make a good catcher, and would get all the fouls bock of home plate with Mr. Dave Morrison as umpire. ****** • Mr. Tweet Macklin is a very good waiter and service man, and Mr- Watson made a good select ion in having him at the Highland Club and he is tops at pleasing the members and we all hope to see him continue out in front. ***** Mr. James Griffin is on the job at the Country Club and with his many years in service, looks as thfouph he is one of the very best fixtures, as the members all like to see James around ****** Now, waiters, let’s all cateb step quick and subscribe for the Omaha Guide as we should all support such a well published ^a per as we all know our Colored papers are what we make them. , ***** The NAACP. should have a membership of one thousand in 0 maha, now let’s all pull together and give the very good president good support in getting the one thousand. GETS CASE WORK APPOINTMENT John R. Larkins, who was aw arded the Master of Socal Work Degree from the Atlanta Univers ity School of Social Work this month, is now employed as a case worker by the Warren County Department of Public Welfare, Warrentcn, N. C. Mr. Larkins is also a graduate of Shaw Univers ity and a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. THE ONE HORSE STORE W. L. PARSLEY, PROP Phone WEB. 0567 2851 GRANT When in NEW YORK For the Day, The Weekend or Permanently The HOTEL THERESA 7th Ave. at 125th St FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant «nri Bar. Every comfort arid facility. Large rooms with private bath •2.00 Single -•2.50 Double and ap •1.50 Single —*2.00 Double and ap Sfrcial Weekly & Monthly tUtee WALTER W. SCOTT. M*n*4* Motel THERESA V*Am. stl2S» ft, Urn fmk CBj -AN URGENT MESSAGE to women who suffer FEMALE WEAKNESS Few women today are free from some sign of functional trouble. Maybe you’ve noticed YOURSELF getting restless, moody, ner vous, depressed lately—your work too much for ou— en why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to help quiet weary, hysterical nerves, relieve monthly pain (cramps, backache, headache) and weak dizzy fainting spells due to functional ir regularities. For over 60 years Pinkham’s Compound has helped hundreds of thousands of weak run-down, nervous “ailing” women to go smiling thru “difficult days.” Why not give this wonderful “woman’s friend” a chance to help YOU? Try itl In ex. for INS. SMART WOMEN - osn GOLDEN-GIO BEAUTY PREPARA TIONS. They tho smooth toxtvro and aacaltont quality, plus axtraordinary valuo In thosn finn cosimtks. THE PATH TO LOVELINESS A big Beauty Box weighing over two pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to you with no additional charge*. ALL FUU SIZE—$3.00 VALUE «•*. trim Oraating baa ..w* VaaMOac baa... » Fanadarirn IOoMh In—. Odm, Nb* Bra—) U» fwm Pnwdar (Onld Brawn, Odua, Nat Bra—) SO* Upartcfc (Palawan Bad. MapU Bad. Cardavaa) BS« — - Check youe dudes below COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS, INC. lOt East 41.1 Street, New York. N. Y. For the enckxed $1 DO bill Or money order, tend me your complete Beauty Box containing 7 lull •ixe COLDEN-CLO products, with do additional charge to me. NAME: _ ADDRESS:_ CITY:_STATE:_ PherMaUoa—OeMm Breea t I Ochre | ) Nat Breea ( > Pee**'—OoMan Breea I I Ochre i ) Net Breea < I Uaanrh—Patuetla I > Maple Bed t I Cerda: an I ) _I FOR ONLY 20c ** We wiU send you any 50c item listed above as an introductory offer. Send two dime* in an envelope and we will mail with* out any estra charge to you. COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS, INC. 108 East 41 Street New Yore, N. Y. AMAZING NATURAL SYMBOLIC CROSS I a w* aa*a m aapmuml rlalau. mi mM mm m ^mm » im, awMilna tularal alaai araaa aarta. BaUafHOM Ow'iwwd aa Sana; kaat* laat iaaaaM aa co d II. 11. Uaa'i aaH. aaa aaa. J| a ajS LaMa' Uml. aOaaa w Trial* «■* aa. # UTT THE EXPOSE NOBODY DARED WRITE BEFORE! Sex and Race (Saga of Miscegenation from Dawn of History to Present) BY J. A. ROGERS Traveler, Historian, Ethnologist, Author of “As Nature Leads,” “From Superman to Man,” ‘100 Amazing Facts About the Negro” WHAT IT CONTAINS 1. Mixing of Negroes and Caucasians in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, Japan, Africa, Europe (especially France, Eng land and Germany!. 2. Love story of Baudelaire (white) and Jeanne Duval (Negro) 3. Negro Discoverers of America. 4. Black Gods and Goddesses throughout the World. 5. Napoleon’s sister and her love affairs with Negroes. 6. Strange sex power of Black Men. 7. Negro daughter of Queen Maria Theresa of France. 8. Negro father of Gustavus IV. King of Sweden. 9. Negro strain in British and other royal families. 10. Slavery of whites in Africa. AND— -Hundreds of Amazing Facts with Proof by Authorities (white)— PRICE: $3-00 - 306 Pages- 80 full page Illustrations CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON The Negro News Syndicate, 2286 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York Gentlemen: Enclose please find $3.00 in money order for which please send me the publication, Sex and Race by J. A. Rogers. NAME. STREET . CITY . STATE ..