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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1941)
Condemn Exploitation Of Nation's Soldiers W ives Overcharged r or i Accommodations Near Camps Fort Bragg, N- C.—May 25 (by H. A. Robinson for ANP) People Coronation Ball. Monday June 9, at Dreamland Crowning: at 10 p. m. Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH AND CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVERA ^ ^-■! il flrff i everywhere seem to be taking ad vantage of the National Defense Training Program in order to ad vance their selfish interests with out due regard to our great coun try at a personal socrifice to them selves. It seems to be a general tendency on the part of both in dividuals and groups to exploit their fellowmen who have been called to the services of the nat ion. During a recent trip further south, I visited Camp Blanding, Jacksonville, Fla., Fort Banning, Columbus, Ga., and Fort Jackson, Columbia, S. C., In my convers • ation with soldiers, I found in the cities named that persons who are in position to accommodate the NflWt HAVE your laundry com IaU yy PLETELY finished for only -10c A POUND Emerson-Saratoga’s CHALLENGER SERVICE 18LBS 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST EMERSON - SARATOGA LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th (otfers I EXCLUSIVE 1 I OPERATING I advantages \ BECAUSE ITS \ DIFFERENT from all |j\ °thersm GUARANTEED for 10YEARS As Little As $0^5 A Month . . on Your Gas Bill !-1 ii Depeat this Over and Over. ,r» I 1\ "forme from now on * 'J 1 WEM 1 -A CHAMPION OF FINES BTA CHAMPION OF CLASS AskYour Dealer for'HENRY AKMSTW w SOLf DISTRIBUTOR fOR TH€ U.£A. HNW ARMSTRONG - SKOURAS WINE CORP. . 271 WEST I25T.H ST., NEW VORK.N.Y. wives of soldiers with rooms, and other facilities, are taking advant age of their guests by charging unusual high prices for room?. I have no complaint against any person who seeks to better his fin ancial condition. Every citizen has been granted this one privil ege- However, I cannot endorse or approve the exploitation of our soldier’s wives. The congress of the United States included in the National Defense act a clause whereby no selectee should receive promotion during the first 123 days in the service. Even after -120 days *d ere is no provision made for the wives of soldiers ether than those of the first three highest grades— Master sergeant, first sergeai.'*., and technical sergeant, and staff sergeant. First sergeants an J technical sergeant are both of the same grade (2nd). Soldiers in general receive --'mail pay each month and they, many of them, have similar ersponsibilities for their families th**t other persons h^ve in civilian I fe. Men are human beings, and those with wives, would like to have them either come and live nearby, or visit them at frequent intervals. The high rents being charged by persons in position to house the wives of soldiers will discourage this happy experience cf having the wife either come and live or visit her husband at fre quent intervals. When the exp ense of transportation is consider ed, and all other essentials are taken into consideration, it ap pears that many of our people in the various elections of the coun try would not only charge low fees to the wives of soldiers, but many would even take them in for week ends without charge at all. This suggestion may well be considered by some who do not permit or ac cept roomers- I can think of no better Way our women of the na tion can contribtue to our nation al defense training program than be among those who would con sider the financial circumstances of our soldiers’ wives when they are away from their respective homes. The question may well be asked whether or not the wives of out soldiers can find work.,Many cf the wives of our enlisted men an selectees do find work. Howev er, there are problems involved that will require careful consid eration. The soldiers are ofter transferred from one location tc that of another. This involved transportation and time. If the wife loves her husband, she insist' that he send back for her at ar early date. It would add greatly to the efficiency of the soldier if this problem can be adjusted within his financial means- How ever, it is not possible. It must be remembered that wt have in the army of the United States men of character and inte grity just as we have in civilian life. We have soldiers who have demonstrated their interest and patriotism in the program of na tional defense. The men are un der “oath” to defend and protect the nation from foreign aggres sion even at the expense of their Ives. To demand of them extra ordinary high rents for their Hiv es would be contrary to the spirit of our defense training program. It would be synonymous with ac cepting “blood money” from inn ocent men. Men have hundreds of soldiers married who love their wives, and would not seek to des troy the virtues of our young lad ies in an effort to find substitut es. It is observed that more and more selectees now coming into the army are already married. Our leaders would do well to en courage the civilians everywhere not to take advantage of the wiv es of our soldiers when the pro ftiHniimiiiiiiimtuimiiiiiHU'ummmimmmiimimiiimtuminiimuiiHHiijmimtuminn mim i itiiiHHMi imiiiiiMiiimiiiimm iiimiiimiimiiiinii rmi'inii'imiii non 1301 N. 24th St. WE. 4737 Metropolitan Produce Co. HOME OF LIVE CARP & BUFFALO A. A. Rosschaert, Prop. COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped In the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distresa smart men and women depend on Bell-ans Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest acting medicines known for acid indigestion. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back, 25c. TEXAS MAN RECOVERS FOLLOWIN’ RATE OPERATION ON HIS HEART Houston, May 21 (ANP) With out blood pressure for more than two hours, with no discernible pulse, John Lawrence, 30, joins the almost exclusive society of those few persons who have been stabbed in the heart and lived to tell the tale. No more vivid tale of modem surgery and its miracles can be told than that of Lawrence who, stabbed in the right auricle of the heart three weeks ago, was dis charged over the weekend from Jefferson Davis hospital. Brought into the emergency op eiation room following a fight, doctors who examined him shook their heads in dismay when they detected no sign of a pulse and out little blood pressure. He was in a ‘marked shock”, a con dition under which most surgeons will not operate. Without an operation he would surely die. With one chance in a I million to survive, doctors tooK that chance—and today Lawrence is walking about his home, return ed miraculously from the land of the dead. The procedure of the operation was. teidous. Blood leaving the badly punctured auricle had flow ed into the pericidia cavity, so.uecz : '.g the auricle so it was barely able to bear. First the daring doctors had to remove the clotted, LY.-d end then sew up the near. Following a long drawn out per iod in the operating room he was wheeled away into a ward. T j.wrence rec' rTed the bjst car* dating the three weks he was in the hospital rfe»vrating. He was constantly visited by doctors, all n.iaviling that that this man should survive. Atough eons1:;-’! tior. helped materially. And vuien doctors pronounced him well, the vvLoh staff rejoiced with Law re-r e. Local doctors say that sicn'^ai opt’Etions have been performed before but patients rarely sur vive. In Ne^vo medical lore a Ch;f ago man, the first to survivt a lit art operation, done back in 1893 by Dr. Daniel H. Williams at old Provident hospital, celebrated his nearly half century new le *se on life this pest week. Hospital officials here refused to give the names of doctors who performed the miracle operation, civ.mrng it was done by internes. An attempt to learn the address if the patient aisc met with refus al. MARRIAGE AND SCIENCE MUST AGREE SAYSNMA. - <5 BUSINESS WOMAN Mrs. Annie L. Reed, progressiv business woman of Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Reed owns and operat ed the Reed Tailoring company, a modernly equipped establishment; employs a number of assistants and for 25 years has engaged suc cessfully in business. (ANP) blem of housing facilities are in volved. This is not a matter for federal government regulation un less amicably themselves. If, , however, those who accommodate the wives of soldiers with rooms should continue to abuse the priv ileges they have—the privilege of setting their own prices—then it will be necessary for the govern ment to come to the rescue of those who have pledged their liv es to defend and protect the na tion’s interests. 1 For Icebox Raiders ^ —— By Trances Lee BartonJ r T AVE you an icebox raider in IjL your home? Or do you like to lead your guests to the family icebox after a rubber of Bridge and do a little personal raid ing? Anyway, here’s a recipe for a coconut mousse this is mighty good plunder for any raider — male or female. The only trouble is that when it has been once tasted, the raids are too frequent — and it’s hard to protect the dessert !or that company dinner. Coconut Mousse 1 egg white; 1 cup heavy CTeam; Vi cup sugar; dash of salt; few drops almond extract; 14 teaspoon vanilla; 1 cup shredded coconut, toasted and cooled. Place egg white and cream in ! small bowl and beat with rotary i egg beater until stiff. Add sugar 1 gradually, beating well. Add salt, ! flavoring, and coconut. Place in j freezing tray of automatic refriger ator and let stand 3 to 4 hours, or until firm. Or turn into mold, filling it to overflowing; cover with waxed paper, press cover tightly down over paper, and pack in equal parts of ice and salt. Let stand 3 to 4 hours, or until firm. Makes 1% pints mousse. HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago ) The National Medical Associat ion says that you must mix love with science in these day if you wish to get married in most of the states of the Unon. In the old days lovers simply went to the clerk, got the license, were mar ried and began life together, reared a family, and took a place in society. But now ,the states are saying, “see your doctor” to see if you are physically fit for marriage and if your possible children will come into the world with an even break towards not being blind, infirmed in youth and a constant charge against some body’s pocketbook. Here is what the law says. Your doctor must give you a blood test to show you are disturbed by po tential venereal disease. After the test is certified, blanks filled out, and the State Department through your physician says you are all right for marriage, your doctor wil give you a certification to the Marriage Bureau, then comes the license and you may live happily “forever afterward”. w nat li you aeciae to go to an other state to marry so as to a void the law. Lovers may find it necessary to go some distance for twenty-two states says “SEE YOUR DOCTOR” first. These states stretching almost across the continent calls the law PRE MARITAL TEST. After this test the contracting parties have time, ranging from fifteen to forty days to get “married or find themsel ves under the compulsion to have to start the process all over ogain. The reason for this disturbance to the love affairs of the people of the land is the fearful spread of venereal disease taking its yearly toll of over 25,000 babies and in fecting over 60,000 which may be bom alive. The state of the world today as to nations, is more and more requiring physical fitness rf its citizens to prevent blindness, invalidism, and a “soft” youth life and a population fit for action in these days of “stress and strain”. Venereal diseases have so filled insane aylums and institutions that the NationalMe dical Assoc iation has found it necessary to put its resources behind the fam ily life of the people to protect the youth from destroying itself in its mad flight to the altar for purposes of wedlock. Committee: A. N. Vaughn, M. D., President, Dr. W. Byrd, M. D. Chairman, E. D. Burke, M. D., Sec retary. BEAUTIFUL Every Picft/rv oee yottr Po//4®£& lacladhf ^6/ Dova/opieg 21 years successful eeyer ieeee Is your guarantee el faultless work. Individual at* tentioe. 24 hour service. A trial order will make yea a steady customer. Note:—Your Question Will Bb Answered "Free” in This Column. For • **’Private Reply’ . . . Send only 2Jc for my new Astrology Reading Sc Lucey Day Chart and receive by return nail a confidential letter of Fret Advice analys ing three (3) Questions privately. Sign your full name, address, and birthdate an all letters, and please include a self-addressed, ttamped envelope for your reply. Send all letters to ABBE’ WALLACE, P. 0. Box, 11, Atlanta, Georgia M. X.—I’m a minister and I had this church before and the Bishop sent me back again for the people here claim I have done more for the church than anyone else has in 40 years before- Now the peo ple will not pay their conference claim this year and I want to know if I should stay? Ans: A change right now would not be advisable. Wait at least until after conference meets and then make up your mind. In the meantime—get the ladies to gether and have them sponsor various dinners at the church to be sold at a small sum and puc on some kind of rally to raise cash —this also will have a tendency to make people take more inter est in the church and I am sure you will benefit from it too ****** R. T. V.—I am in love with a boy that is in the CCC. He is very nice and mannerable to me. I believe he loves me because he has asked to marry me and I prom ised him I would. Do you think we should marry soon? Ans: Put it off for at least another year or more. You are now a junior in school and it will be well to wait until you are thru school to marry. I also feel that you owe your parents a little help. They are in bad circumstances right now, work awhile and con tribute a part of your income to them. With your help, they can get on their feet in another year. ****** C. S.—I am up north right now and I intend to to go to Camden the middle of next month and I want to know if I should make the change or not? What shoulc I do about my wife? Ans: Your chances for oettsr employment will be much greater iii Camden than they are where you are at present—make the change. You won’t find it hard tu get a job—you know the right way to find work to begin makmg you*1 search when you get there Send for your wife just as soon as you get regular work. She isn’t contented in the south alone but she would be happy to join you in Camden. ****** L. M.—My husband is always with a certain girl. He hasn't shown that he loves her but you see them m the same circle all the ture. Tell me if he cares f-u her Can I write to you privately ? I want to get my Astrology Read ing too. Ans: He has “sporting ideas” but hasn’t made the grade as >et. I am sure that if you verc tc a.-k hin in a nice way i > stay away from these young gir s, i* would do so- Go out more often ■ with him yourself and he won’t become so restless. Send 25c for your Astrology Reading- Be sure to send your birtbdate, full name, and correct address. You may ask three questions and I will be glad to analyze them. ****** V. D.—I’m looking for a job. I’m fat and the majority of peo ple do not like fat people. I have a good education and very quali fied. I registered for WPA. and waiting for assignment- Will I get work? Ams: Yes. Keep rpgisitering at the agencies, run ads in the pa per over the week ends and you will find something within the next few weeks. People don't ob ject too much to fat people. Fat people can be just as attractive as thin folks provided they are neat in their habits, Show less concern about your weight and try harder to find work and you will make a contact. ****** S. T. M.—Please tell me why my husband’s people seem so cold towards me here of late? Ans: Some time ago you acted Charles F. Davis, Atty at Law .. NOTICE In the District Court in and for Douglas County, Nebraska Dora Harris, plaintiff vs. Leroy James Harris, defendant. Dock et 357, Page 179-—NOTICE TO-Leroy James Harris, de fendant, address and place resi dence unknown. You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of February 1911, Dora Harris, as plaintiff, filed a petition against you in the Dist rict Court in and for Douglas like you wanted to “eat them up” you were so good and kind to them. When you stopped show ing them attention, they took it for granted you were pouting with them- Visit them more often and let them know you like them. Your husband's people aren’t very demonstrative in their affection for their own folks but they are sincere in caring for you. County, Nebraska and there index ed in Appearance Docket 357 at Page 179, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of absolute divorce from you on the Then Read WHY Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Is Real “Woman’s Friend”! Some women suffer severe monthly pain (cramps, backache, headache) due to female functional disorders while other's nerves tend to become upset and they get cross, restless and moody. ' So why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound made especially to help tired, run-down, nervous wom en to go smiling thru “difficult days." Pinkham’s Compound contains no opi ^ ates or habit-forming ingredients. It i-i ex. for INS. is made from nature’s own beneficial roots and herbs—each with its own special purpose to HELP WOMEN . Famous for over 60 years—Pinkham’s Compound is the best known and one of the most effective “woman’s” obtainable. Try it l SMART WOMEN vm GOLDEN-GLO BEAUTY PREPARA TIONS. They like the smooth texture ond excellent quality, plus extraordinary value In these fine cosmetics. THE PATH TO LOVELINESS A big Beauty Box weighing over fwe pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to you with no additional charges. ALL FULL SIZE-$3.00 VALUE **#. Frlta Cleansing Cream . 50* Vanishing Cream.. SO* foundation (Golden Brawn, Ochre, Nat Brawn) 35* Foe* Powder (OoW Brown. Ochre, Nut Brown) 50* Up trick (Peintetta Bed, Maple ted. Cordovan) 25* Llxhl Sltdlea Pit* Hair Drettar. 50* Ointment . 50c -Check your thedrt hekrw | GOLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC. / 108 Eett 41it Street, New York, N. Y. / For the enclosed S1.00 bill 8r money order, tend me your complete Beauty Bos containing 7 full V site GOLDEN-CLO products, with no additions! \ charge to me. ' NAME: } ADDRESS: - ^ CITY: .-STATE:_ A Pwshllui—Ocldsn Breen t t Ochra I I Nai Braun f I 'll Pauu-r—OtUm Ittuun ( I Ochra ( ) Nut Bruua < * - Lip,Ilia—Palnsatta l > Uspls Red | ) Cordsisn I ) :.'i FOR ONLY 20c " We will send you any 50c item listed , above as an introductory offer. Send two j dime* in an envelope and we will mail with- I out any extra charge to you. GOLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC | 106 East 41 Street New York, N. Y. ■— ■' — I AMAZING NATURAL SYMBOLIC CROSS I E tartly at shown. Logon4 toys: 1l feat tlffi Fw«s to brine Loch la Lo*a—Cameo—Boa Imm* Wake wishes eorao trot/* “POWKRFUL LUCK CHARM** Wo aaabe no supernatural r la Ism. and soil aa* m • rare, genuine natural stone rrooo owrto »«UolootMB Guaranteed or money bark! Bent tmetpold lot e*» * or C O D. S11L Don t wait, art ws. It . Jtof **gj!*wg order* i» THW* taHa • W1C THE EXPOSE NOBODY DARED WRITE BEFORE! Sex and Race (Saga of Miscegenation from Dawn of History to Present) BY J. A. ROGERS Traveler, Historian, Ethnologist, Author of “As Nature Leads,” “From Superman to Man,” ‘100 Amazing Facts About the Negro” WHAT IT CONTAINS 1. Mixing of Negroes and Caucasians in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, Japan, Africa, Europe (especially France, Eng land and Germany*. 2. Love story of Baudelaire (white) and Jeanne Duval (Negro) 3. Negro Discoverers of America. 4. Black Gods and Goddesses throughout the World. 5. Napoleon’s sister and her love affairs with Negroes 6. Strange sex power of Black Men. 7. Negro daughter of Queen Maria Theresa cf France. 8. Negro father of Gustavus IV. King of Sweden. 9. Negro strain in British and other royal families 10. Slavery of whites in Africa. AND— -Hundreds of Amazing Facts with Proof by Authorities (whita)— PRICE: $3-00 - 306 Pages - 80 full page Illustrations CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON The Negro News Syndicate, 2286 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York Gentlemen: Enclose please find $3.00 in money order for which please send me the publication, Sex and Race by J. A. Rogers. NAME. STREET .. • ..... CITY . STATE . o ground of extreme cruelty and non support. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of July, 1941, or said petition a gainst you will be taken as true. Signed, Dora Harris. I 7th Ave. at 125th St When in NEW YORK For the Day, The Weekend or Permanently The HOTEL THERESA FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. Large rooma with private bath *2.00 Slagle—*2.50 Double and up *1.50 Single-*2.00 Double and up Special VTttkb & Monthly Rate* WALTER W. SCOTT, Manager Hotel THERESA 12Stt St, ■— Tort Ctty jCSTmohi m ii if oo'