The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 07, 1941, City Edition, Image 1

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Entered fsSe5°nd-cia8s Matter at The Post office^ Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, Jurce 7,1941 OUR 14th YEAR, No. 12—City Edition, 5c Copy
Under Act of March 8, 1874—Business Phone: WE. 1517 9 9 J9 ,_'_____
Coronation Ball, Monday
June 9, at Dreamland
Crowning: at 10 p. m.
It pays to know something well.
If you do there is a job waiting <
for you somewhere- Miss Mary
Thomas of Gary. Indiana, arrived
in Omaha just three days ago,
looking for a job. She called Mr.
Sherman of the Edholm Serman
Laundry at 24th and Willis Ave.,
and asked for permission to make
application for a position. Mr
Sherman in turn asked her what
her experience was in laundry
wj>rk. Miss Thomas stated her
experience and that she had been
regularly employed at the Double
■“L” Laundry in Gary, Indiana for
some time, and that she was qual
ified to do a certain particular
kind of work. Mr. Sherman ask
ed her was she sure she could do
that kind of work. She said *‘yes”
He told her to come down to the
laundry—he had a job for her.
She is now employed in this posit
ion at the Edholm Sherman Laun
The New Era Baptist State As
sociation will convene June 9-lc,
1941 ats the Paradise Baptist
Church, Rev. C. Adams, pastor.
Dr. J. M. Nabrit, President of
A. B. T. Seminary and executive
secretary of the National Baptist
onvention, Inc.,, and Dr. Clement
Richaidson, President of Western
Baptist Seminary, Kansas City,
Mo., will be guest of the assoc
iation and the churches of Omaha.
There will be sermons, address
es and special music, by some of
our leading speakers and music
ians of the city and state- Tho
public is invited to attend this
meeting. F. P. Jones is Moder
ator and F. C. Williams, Con. Sec.
New York—The battle for the
passage of Senate Resolution 75
is taking on new life as ten Sen
ators have already replied to the
letter sent out May 21 by the Na
tional Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People requesting
that they actively support the res
Senators Charles L. McNary,
Henrik Shipstead, William H.
Smathers and Styles Bridges have
indicated their approval and act
ive support of the measure. Sen
ators James M. Tunnell, Carl A
Hatch and Alexander Wiley re
port that they have not had time
to study the resolution, but they
are in favor of any effort to ban
discrimination on account of race
Copies of a strong resolution
passed by the National Public Af
fairs Committee of the YWCA,
have been sent out to 900 YWCA
branches with urgent requests
that all persons interested in the
fair and equitable integration of
the Negro into the national def
ense program write to Senator El
bert D. Thomas, chairman of the
Senate committee on Labor and
Education, emphatically request-*
ing that S. R. 75 be reported fa
vorably to the Senate, and that
they write their own Senators giv
ing their reasons for supporting
Due to the lateness in getting a
Contest Editor, and getting the 18 high
school girls to enter the Omaha Guide's
$300.00 Scholarships Campaign, we the
Omaha Guide wish to state that our
$300.00 Sholarships Campaign will of
ficially open on June 6, and will close
within 60 days from date with the
crowning of the girl w-ho wins the first
prize as “Miss Omaha Guide” with a big
party for her at the Dreamland Hall.
Watch the paper for future announce
ments about this $300.00 Scholarships
_A A
Roscoe Buniee To Be Keynote Speaker
the resolution and asking 1he
solons to work for its passage.
Anderson, S. C.—Trial opened
here Monday, May 26, in the Gaf
fney, S. C., election case which be
g-_ n in August, 1940 wh *a election
officials flatly refused to permit
seven eligible Negro voters to
register in the presidential prim
aries, and slammed the door in the
focp of three others.
According to the affidavit one
of the election officials is said to
have told the prospective voters,
“Darkies ain’t never registered in
South Carolina and especially in
Cherokee county. Unless the law
is given, we will not register you”
The trial Monday is the result of
an investigation by the Federal
Bureau of Investigation which was
brought about by action by the
A telegram was sent to the De
partment of Justice by Thurgocd
Marshall, NAACP. special counsel
urging that the case be prosecut
ed by a representative of the
Washington office of the Depart
ment and not by a local official
“Experience shows,” Mr. Marsh
all stated, “that the only success
ful prosecutions in this type of
case have been through repres
entatives of the Washington off
ice.” ,
Springfield, 111., aMy 31 (ANP1*
A bill sponsored by Rep. Charles
J. Jenkins of Chicago, which prov
ides that any tavern or place for
the sale of alcohol liquor must be
at least 200 feet from any church,
school, hospital, home for the aged
or indigent persons or home for
veterans, or from any military or
naval station, passed the Illinois
House of Representatives.
In presenting the measure
which will be handled in the sen
ate by Sen. Richard J. Barr,
white, who has been a member of
that body for 40 years, Rep. Jen
kins said: ‘I am seeking to put the
temptation of strong drink a little
further away from children whose
will power is not so strong and
the noise and the clank of the tav
ern a little further away from the
services of our churches-”
The Ministers alliance, high
school prinicpals and the Chicago
Urban league have been much in
terested in the Jenkins measure.
Kansas City, Mo.,—At the end
of its annual spring membership
campaign the local branch of the
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People sent
to the National office a check for
$578 95. Carl R. Johnson is the
branch president.
NEW YORK—Roscoe Dunjee,
fighting editor of the Oklahoma
City Black Dispatch, will deliver
the keynote speech for the open
ing of the 32nd annual NAACP.
conference in Houston, Texas,
Tuesday night, June 24.
Mr. Dunjee, known throughout
the Southwest for his fearless
battles for his race, is a member
of the board of directors of the
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People and
president of the Oklahoma confer
ence of branches of the associat
His keynote speecn will set toe
tone for the entire conference. If
it follows the pattern of Dunjee
speeches and philosophy it will be
a fiery call to action in these tim
es when the race must act to pres
erve its rights and make new pro
Editor Dunjee is one of those
rare persons who has stayed in
the South and battled as loudly
and fearlessly as though he lived
in Boston, Mass. On more than
one occasion he has been shot at,
presumably by Ku Klux Klan
members- Years ago the plate;
glass window of his office was
shattered by one bullet.
On May 9, 1930, a mob at Sher
man, Texas, lynched George Hu
ghes by burning down the court
house and roasting Hughes (who
was locked in the treasurer’s
vault) alive. Before the fire de
partment' had put out the flames,
Dunjee was in Sherman getting a
story for his paper on the spot,
having jumped in his car and driv
en fiom Oklahoma City at the
first report of the lynching.
Dunjee is a power in state poli
tics arid has been known as the
right hard adviser of several gov
ernors- His state conference of
branches of the NAACP. Is the
best organized of any in the coun
try, and has functioning units in
more than forty cities and towns
in the state, In 1935 Editor Dun
dee was awarded the Merit Medal
of the NAACP. for outstanding
work in the association, and in
1936 he was elected to the nation
al board of directors.
New York—Proof that increas
ed pressure and aroused public
sentiment for the inclusion of Ne
groes in the national defense pro
gram is taking effect is the ann
ouncement by the United Insti
tute of Aeronautics, Inc., that the
company will admit Negroes to its
training courses.
Last week Mr. S .A. Buckley, an
official of the Institute, requested
that the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo
ple secure for him as many Ne
groes as possible who desire this
training. Mr. Buckley will take
personal charge of the applicants
and stated he is willing to explain
the courses to them and give them
as much help as they need.
Information about this opport
unity has already been distribut
ed from the New York office of
NAACP., 69th Fifth Avenue.
Interested men are requested to
write or call the ofice immediately
“Time To Subscribe”
—Min——nmw mnwinnninnuM imi nui—iinnwimrn—ltTnwmmi"i I'f ' r rr'inn MBM1mM MMK ...riTWrwr',,F,'Y^'y-'^^Tg1II"ifprT5'-ff
FRONT VIEW of The Omaha
Guide Office. Mr. C. C. Galloway,
pointing to the sign on the face of
the new electric clock which reads:
“Time To Subscribe For The
Omaha Guide”. This sign i3 in
visble in this cut, but you are in
vited to call at our office and com
ply with its request.
Cops Offer Boy Two-Doliars
To Forget Beating
mmmmmmmm——mm—mmmmmmammmmmmimmmbmmmmmm—m wmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmm—mmm—mmm~mmmmmm—^^
SIH)ll«tt1Mtiliililiiil!lllll!ll!!lllill!i!lllLi: iiillllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllll!l!III!!!!!!r^
for instructions and literature a
bout the course.
Fort Bragg, N. C., May 27 (AN
P)—Negro trainees from all parts
of the country are stationed at
Fort Bragg. They are members of
six regiments or battalions: the
41st Engineers, the 76th and 77th
Coast Artillery regiments Anti
aircraft', the 96th Engineer bat
talion and the 48th Quartermaster
regiment (truck), and a battalion
of field artillerymen at the p'ield
Artillery Replacement Training
In addition to these troops, col
ored doctors and nurses are on
duty with the medical department
at the Station hospital.
Baltimore, Md.,— With a full
two-day program, the first annual
Maryland state conference of
branches of the National Associa
tion for the Advancement of Col
ored People, was held here Sat
urday and Sunday May 24 and 25.
Discussion topics include Equal
Education Opportunities for Mary
land, Jobs and the Equal Right to
Earn, Police Brutality and What
We Can Do About It, climaxed at
the Sunday meeting with an ad
dress by Walter White, executive
secretary, “Does America Want
To Be Saved?”
Life membership certificate
went to Local 858 of the Interna
tional Longshoreman’s Union- Mrs
Enclia McMillan and Raymond
Young are co-chairman of the
state conference planning comm
ittee. Mrs. Lillie M. Jackson
president of the Baltimore branch.
) “Ode To America”, the new re
ligious patriotic hymn by Jules
Bledsoe, negro baritone which was
widely sung on Memorial Day,
owes its inspiration to a trip up
the Washington Monument. While
looking from the observation plat
form on the Monument across to
Lincoln Memorial, Mr. Bledsoe
was deeply affected by the con
tribution of Washington and Lin
coln to the political thought of the
United States and the vitality of
this thought when it came in open
conflict with the domina ;ing phil
osophies of the fascists states.
“Conditions have been far from
ideal in the United States for the
Negro race” said Mr. Bledsoe,
“but we have fundamentally sound
roasrrrss to be thankful that we
are -Americans, as have the people
o* e\ery other minority living in
our country. I am sure the negio
people would not sacrifice their
American citizenship to live in
France or Germany, altlHuigh in
some superficial aspects, they re
ce-v.j better treatment ‘here.”
A line of the song, “Oh ,thou
land by God inspired”, grew to a
stirring lyric by the time Mr.
Bledsoe reached his home in Cali
fornia following his trip from
Washington. He has sung ‘‘Ode
To America” on his recent concert
tour at schools and colleges where
the audience has been asked to
join in the paen of triumphant
praise to a freedom-loving coun
try. He believes that as the war
sentiment grows, people of the
United States will seek closer
communion withre ligion and that
much of the strength of our coun
try will lie in genuine religious
conviction, now absent in totaltar
ian countries.
Washington, D. C.— Blatant
statements fajvoring segregation
in the government Employment
Service offices are still being is
sued here. The latest one tc
come to the attention of the NA
New York—“One of them took
me out in the hall and said they
were sorry and to forget about
the whole thing and said “Take
this. For it/ and placed two dol
lars in my hand ”
This statement is from the af
fidavit given to the National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People by Edwin Lark,
20, a machinist, who was kieKed,
chased and beaten by two New
York City detectives Wednesday,
May 14.
According to Lark, who works
at nigth, he left the building
where he works on the night of
May 14 to get his supper, noticed
a crowd at 45th street and went
to investigate. The two detect
ives who were pushing the crowd
back, turned to him, told him to
“Beat it!” and one of them, for
no reason, kicked him in the groin
Lark ran back into the building
he had just left, followed by the
police who trapped him in an ele
vator and began kicking and beat
ing him.
L,arK s employer ana a oystana
er reported the matter to tht
police. Lark came the next day tc
the NAACP. office where he talk
ed with members of the lega
staff. That afternoon he was ap
proached at work by the two de
tectives who offered him two dol
lars to “forget about the whoh
thing.” The boy has made an af
fidavit against the men which hai
been sent to New York Pclic<
Commissioner Lewis J. Valentim
with the two dollars attached.
A hearing on the case is expect
edso on. Thurgood Marshall spec
ial counsel for NAACP- is handl
ing -the case for Lark.
ACP. which is urging adoption o
the “Carpenter Plan’ ’to abolisi
discrimination, is from an iten
circulated by the informat-ona
service of the Social Securit
Board in a pamphlet called “Dail;
Press Digest”. The item state
that Arthur J. Altmeyer has as
sured Butler B. Hare of Sout
Carolina, member of the Hous
Appropriations committee that th
anti-segregation plan will mee
with his oppositiin. Altmeyer i
chairman of the SSB.
Early last week Mr. Herman
Lewis, a city fireman was arrested
by three members of the Omaha
Police Vice Detail end charged
with vagrancy, disturbing the
peace and resisting arrest.
The trial was had before Judge
John W. Battin in the Central Po
lice court. The attorney for Mr.
Lepis objected to the introduction
of any testimony on the ground
that the officers making the ar
rest had no warrant and that the
arrest was illegal and that Mr.
Lewis should be discharged. The
judge over-ruled the motion and
heard the testimony by the three
arresting officers.
I They testified in substance that
they went to the home of Mr
Lewis and inquired for a woman
who lived in Mr. Lewis’ home. He
told them that she lived there and
invited the officers into the house.
After the officers had entered
they questioned the woman who
stated that she was Mr. Lewis’
housekeeper, Mr. Lewis’ wife be
ing ill in the hospital. The offic
ers asked the housekeeper if she
would be willing to go with them
for a medcal examination and she
consented to go.
ine ollicers iurtner testmea
that when they started to take the
woman out of the house, Mr. Lew
is objected to the arrest because
they had no warrant, and struck
one of the officers whereupon the
officers gave Mr. Lewis a severe
beating about the head, cutting
several gashes in his head. The
officers testified that the blows
which caused the cuts in Mr. Lew
is’ head were strudk by officer
Trotter. During the trial the City
Prosecutor filed a fourth charge
against Mr. Lewis for assault and
Mr. Lewis did not present any
testimony, preferring to stand up-1
on his legal rights. Judge Bat
tin, however, fined Mr. Lewis $25
on the charge of assualt and bat
tery and $25 on the charge of re
sisting arrest. The vagrancy
charge and the charge of disturb
ing the peace were dismissed. Mr.
Lewis appealed both cases to the
District Court where they will be
heard the latter part of this week.
The case has been referred to
The Omaha Branch of the NAAC
P. for investigation as to whether
or not the police were justified in
administering the brutal beating
given Mr. Lewis.
Detroit, Mich.,—Congratulations
on the election victory in the Ford
plant were received by R. J. Thom
as, president of the United Auto
mobile Workers, CIO affiliate to
day, from the National Associat
ion for the Advoncement of Col
red People.
The telegram, signed by Walter
White, NAACP. executive secret
ary stated, the victory offers the
UAW ‘‘an opportunity to demoit
1 strate that it is one labor union
which has risen above racial or
other prejudices and that it can
prove by demonstration that men
can work together irrespective oi
Statistics published in the Reg
istrar, which is released by tlie
Department of Commerce, Burei'J
of the Census, show that th(
“death rate of Negro babies un
der 1 year of age, has decline;
from 192 per 1,000 births in 191;
^ to 77.9 in 1938.” This shows i
l 12 percent decrease in the num
t ber of infant deaths over a per
i iod of 23 years.
1 -
s Washington, May 31 (ANP) —
- The United States Civil Servict
\ Commission announces open com
e petitive examinations for the fol
e lowing positions: senior medica
t officer, meidcal officer, associat*
s medical officer; senior inspector
■ engineering materials; inspector
'fe 8 PAGES 3 'fe
TAYLOR, 16, daughter of Mrs.
Thearis Taylor, granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gordon and
of Mrs. Russell Taylor and the
late Rev. Russell Taylor, was a
warded a scholarship to Fisk Uni
versity, Nashville, Tennessee, alt
her graduation ceremony Wednes
day, June 4, 1941.
During her high school career,
Kathryne has been on the honor
roll. She has been awarded both
tha Praemium Gratiae Politae and
the Hall Patrol's certificate of
Appreciation. She was a member
of the Speakers’ Bureau. During
her senior year, she has partici
pated in a Style Show held at the
school, has been a hostess at the
Senior banquet and played the
part cf “Rheba” in the well-known
Senior play ‘‘You Can’t Take It
with You.”
Kathryne has held various oil
ices in her homerooms ranging
from Vice President to a library
Before the recent election, Miss
Taylor was the Vice-president of
the Gross Eiks Club of the y. W.
C. A.—A member of the Leader
ship Council of the YWCA., and
is now president of the Les Juene
Filles Club.
Last year, along with fifteen
other students of various high
schools, Kathryne was the only
Colored student to win the Kiwan
is Club's essay contest on “Why
the American Form of Govern
ment is the Best Form of Govern
Kathryne plans to major in
teaching and wishes that all of
her many friends could join her in
attending Fisk next September.
Woshingnon, D. C.—Personally
replying to a recent letter from
the National Association for the
Advance’^* ui of Colored Pe ;p!e
p'vnting ou.. the «trious conse
quences to the Negro people
should proposed cuts in WPA.
funds go through, President Fran
1:1 ui D. Roosevelt wrote:
"1 have been assurid by the W.
P. A. Commissioner thar. in any
reduction in WPA. employment
there will be a special effort made
•o guard ogainst any discrimin
ction against Negroes. The Com
missioner informs me that he 13
well aware of the difficulty facing
Negroes in securing an adequat3
proportion of new cefc-nse jobs,
and that this will be taken into
consideration in planmng future
W F A. employment.”
engineering materials; Associate
inspector, engineering materials.,
junior stenographer and junior typ
ist. For the last two positions,
application cards may be obtained
from local postoffices and must be
on file with the commission in
Washington no alter than June 9,
Atlanta, Georgia, May 27
The commencement address to the
graduating class at Spelman Col
lege will be delivered on Wedne3
‘ day, June 4, by President Molcolm
Shaw MacLean of Hampton Insti
tute. These exercises will bring
I to a close the activities of the
! 1941 commencement season on the
, campuses of the affiliated insti
, tutions.