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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1941)
GIRLS ONTHE~ STREETS... | PRESENTING—PAST — PRESENT—FUTURE At this time the girls on the Streets, wishes to express »heir feelings to the bereaved family of Miss Juanita Josephine Lett, who departed this life on Tuesday May 13 We are terribly sorry and we will always ermember Juanita as f YOU Get the best Used Car Deal in Omaha— from the Leader MILLER-KNUTH Because We sell the best and junk the rest ’36 FORD TUDOR SED. Rebuilt Motor $245 ’40 FORD DEL. TOWN SED. Like new $515 ’35 OLDS. 4 door spt. sed. 1 owner $265 ’40 CHEV. Town Sed. low mileage $595 ’34 FORD COUPE a real bargain $123 ’33 NASH 4 Door Sed. Runs good $115 ’31 FORD COACH runs good $85 ’31 PONTIAC COUPE a real car $95 THE LEADER— Miller Knuth 18th & Howard —“The Chevrolet Corner”— .. one of our school chums of How ard Kennedy School. Signs of Summer When you see the Cats walk down the avenue with those peg pants and 34 inch drapped coats and wide brim hats; When women parade down the streets in house coats, shorts and slacks; When you see the boulevards, parks and streets jammed With old broken dcwn cars; and when you sea dumb students lugging books home from school; it’s then, my friends, you will know that summer is near. An Overheard Conversation ‘‘How’s Business?” Said the beggar, ‘It’s poor." Said the Undertaker, “It’s dead’’ Said the junkman, “It’s picking up.” Said the Author, ‘‘It’s All write” Said the orchestra man, “It'.s sound.” Said the Athlete, “It’s kept on a jump.” Said the butcher, “I make b«.th ends meat.” Said the tailor, “It suits me.” Said the Girls on the Streets, “News is coming on ” ****** And Now for the Weekly Gossip ACT I— Place—Dreamland Hall, Time—Monday night, Actors—Elvia Avant, Fred F. Nona L. S. Test—N. S. testing F. F. love for E. A. Score—F. A. not sure of F. F. N. S. left in the fog. Brenda and Cobina— is out looking for a mate- Must we tip them off that Simon Hugh es says he’s a batchelor, now. The Come On— Why of course they aren't dis couraged yet—I’m speaking of the Orpheum Theatre employees and their associates—If you haven't heard—they had another On”, Friday night. It may not have got started until about ten but it was on Jack! ****** Strollers— They were strolling to keep from spending cab fare. All of —J. C. and C. S. after getting' hep —he took her in a cab to Chur** Sunday. __ * The Lady In Red— “Don’t get so excited, it isn’t a fire wagon, a fire chief or eapt ajn—it’s (L. Wright) in person— styling a complete beautiful red outfit. (Eye Witnesses). ****** Did You Know That— Two of Omaha’s best looking Cats are: 1 Chauncey Barnett, 2. “Lucky”, Best Personalities— 1. Charlie Stewart, 2 Herman Franklin. Popular Cars: 1. Gcno Harrison, 2. Ro3coe Mitchell. Best Drowsed— 1. Thomas Watson, 2. Fletcher. Best Stride: 1. Joseph Lamberth, 2. Willard Morgan, ****** James Calhoun, better known as “loose eye” was going with Cor rine Seay on a bet—well—every thing was all-right until she found out about this bet—Then she cut out. ****** i Just wondering about the young couple that were fighting the oth er, Monday night after the dance. It seemed as though she wasn’t ready to go home. Well, there were eight licks passed, she got six of them—After weeping a bit, she decided she wanted to go home but then he wasn’t Teady to go, so she went her way and he went his way. I wasn’t very close to the tragedy and it was hard to distinguish. I’m not sure, but I think it was D. C. and B. M. ****** Goldie Locks,— Better known as P. T. is now be ing seen wearing sun glasses when the sun is fifty miles over the uni verse. Mabe she's trying to hide some more of that—well she pass es by her own race now without even speaking. Come on kid— you’ll have to leave Omaha to pull stunts like that. Don’t forget to attend the Char ity Ball—May 26th—at the Dream land Hall. •••*** The Girl of the Week Each week the G. 0. T. S. will attempt to choose their idea of the ideal girl, boy, young man, or young lady of the week. Last week we presented a young man. This week we are introducing a young lady We have selected for this week one who is a graduate of Technic* al High School, and is now a stu dent of the university of Omaha. She is an active member of the Y. W. C. A. Enire Nous Club. She also takes the census record for Colored people. This young lady is brown skinned, black hair, a bout 5* 6” and wears attractive clothes. She has a charming per sonality and a winning smile- You have already guesed it. We are speaking of none other than—Miss Eva Mae Stewart This news is gathered from the facilities of the associated gossip— If you don’t want your name in our column—Stay of the street — or better than that—don’t do any thing out of ordinary—If you - ■ - -- - A New, Deluxe SAFEWAY STORE NOW OPEN...30th & Hamilton Pictures tell a better story than words, and your own eyes tell you better than pictures, so we welcome you to just come in, look around and see for yourself all the many latest advantages we have to offer. That’s really a lot better than trying to tell [ : you about them. We know you will agree that for convenient, pleasant shopping and for food economy, this large, ultra-mod ern store is second to none! Begin enjoying it now ! Other Conveniently Located, Deluxe-type SAFE WAYS in Omaha: 20th & Ohio 20th & Cuming 24th & ‘P’ Street Nolt:—Yotra Quimos Ttu. Bi Ahituu "Paw" « Tkm Cotme. g** , "Vrivttt R'ply” . . . Send only 2J« for my now AmouxT , * Lmst D*t Chut and receive by return mid a confidential letter of fra* AJrici mlji iog thrre (>) Qucatiooa privately. Sign your full name, addreae. and birtbdate aa all letter!, and pleaae include a aelf-addreaaed, iUmpeJ envelop* far your ^iy. Send all letters to ABBE’ WALLACE, P. 0. Box, 11, Atlanta, Georgia H. F_I am so bad off and need help. My brother’s mind went bad and we don’t know what to do and we wonder if it is natural and we wanted so much to have a hap py home. Ans: There’s no way for me to determine the cause, but I assure you that if you put your brother under the competent care of a good doctor and try to get him in the State Institution for the Insane, every possible thing wil be done to help bring him back to normal. When the doctors have had a chance to go over his case, they can tell you if there is a chance of his getting well. You must be brave at a time like this. M. C. D.—My husband and I love each other but we just can’t get along and I want to know if we should go on like this or what is want your name in this column— do something outstanding—other wise—my friends—Your name is subjected to this column anytime until then, G’bye now—Your G. 0. T. S. REMEMBER THE HANDICAP BED IN OUR MIDST— As a result of our nation-wide program of Defense there is grave danger of many of our weaker citizens being forgotten or push ed aside because they are not able to fit into the program. The hand icapped people of our city must be taken care of. There is a con structive plan for doing this in operation in the Goodwill Indus tries of Omaha. Handicapped peo pie are given employment and paid wages out of the income of articles which they repair or re condition- At this time of the year when you are finding articles such as shoes, furniture, clothing, paper, magazines, pieces of metal and other articles which seem use less to you, remember that if these are turned over to Goodwill In dustries they will make Opport unity Wages for some needy per son. Why not get together a large a mount of such materials and call the Goodwill today. The number is At. 4609. In sending your art icles to the Goodwill Industries you will be helping handicapped people to earn self-respective wag es rather than to go without the necessities of life or to have to ask for charity ” MISS RUBY GENE BEAVER IN OMAHA SATURDAY Miss Ruby Gene Beaver of In dianapolis, president of Tau Fhi Lambda, national sorority affiliat ed with Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle, arrive in Omaha Saturday to confer with Mrs. Dora Alexand er Talley, president, president of Woodmen Circle, on plans for the sorority’s national convention in Omaha in June. Miss Beaver was elected first national president of the sorority when it was organized at the time of Woodmen Circle’s 1937 Nation al Institute in Omaha. It now has 90 chapters and a membership of 1,600 and attendance at the Om aha convention in June is expected from nearly every state in the Uni ted States. The sorority’s convention will foim an important part of Wood men Circle’s second National Ins titute, to be held June 22 to 26. and which is expected to bring 2,500 women to Omaha there for us together? Ans: Both you and your husb and realize the direct cause for your unhappiness and you must make a change if you expect to live together. It won’t be neces sary for you to hurt his mother’s feelings if you get out and find a place of your own. Talk it over with her and let her know that you prefer living alone and she will be welcome to vist with you, although you do not want to live with her all the time. She will see your side of the situation clear ly ****** W. M.—Tell me how come the boy that goes with my daughter tells her one thing and do anoth er. Have he love for her like he claims ? Ans: Not as much as he claims —if he did, he wouldn’t forever disappoint her and make her un happy. I honestly believe there is another girl in his life and your daughter should not take him too seriously. Tell her to get her an other beau to ***** G. N.—I have been offered a trip and wish to know if I should go and would it hold anything in the future for me? Ans: If you make the trip - you would be expected to stay permanently. I am sure that you will be able to find something right there in your home town that would appeal to you mora than the trip that has been offer ed you. There is more behind the trip than has been exposed. T. B. M-—You are my unseen friend and 1 am writing for help. Do he love me. and do I lovediim and do we love each other ? Ans: There’s love in the air al right and you two seem to be! wrapped up in one another. The month of June is going to be too much for you two love birds--in dications are that you may decide to get married. A. H- K.—I have been working at this service station for 3 years and the man hasn’t ever been able to pay me my whole salary. Now I have a wife and two babies and I need every penny that I earn- Tell me if I should quit this job? Ans: Indeed you must. Make the rounds at various filing stat ions in your city and try to get a job before quitting the one you have. If you are able to find something, tell the man you are working for that you must quit and the reason for quitting. It seems to me that you would have no trouble whatever finidng a job as you are experienced in your line. ***** M. P. D.—Tell me if I should go ahead and marry this man and would he be true to me ? I want a home very bad and I want to be happy when I do get married. Ans: Do not marry this fellow right now. He has had an affair with another woman the whole time you two have been going to gether and he wouldn’t live true to you after marriage if he doesn’t now. I suggest that you look a round for another companion—one at least who doesn’t have to share his time with other girls. READ The GUIDE NflW? HAVE your laundry com ilV/TT PLETELY FINISHED FOR ONLY -10c A POUND Emerson-Saratoga’s . CHALLENGER SERVICE 181BS 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes'Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST EMERSON - SARATOGA LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24lh EDITORIAL (by MISS H. D. WHEELER) COMMUNITY CENTER AND PLAYGROUNDS—A GROWING NEED— Race Men and Women Must Invest In Essential Projects For Betterment of Youth It is past time for race men and women of Omaha to realize that we are not going to feel the whole-hearted respect from whit? neighbors until we own more hom es, businesses and have a suffic ient number of Community cent ers to keep youth from the streets and to offer more of a special training to young mothers and older adults. We need to sacrif ice something from our personal pleasures in order to build much needed structures for Community purposes. The Urban League and future Centers are just as vital for race development as the Church and school. Many interests that were offer ed in homes years ago are no long er present. The new and old in terests are found in taverns of all descriptions, night clubs, thea tres, improvised street play grounds, summer camps, and in the world of sports for girls and boys. Not even the radio can keep youth home. The new free dom and equality of girls and boys —the new outside interests for a dults, and the economic setup have produced many new problems to day. Most of the problems can be ad justed through the establishment of several— not just one, Comm unity Centers. Negro boys and girls need wholesome play. They need playgrounds supervised by competent advisers. Race men and women can own their own centers, if they can see now that a few dollars pooled to gether, will establish memorials to youths andad ults of the fucure. Let us build something worth while. Something of which we as Omaha Negroes will be proud. We can do it. Let us begin now with the purchase of the Urban League building. READERS,—ARE YOU AWARE IOF WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MANY NEGRO YOUTHS? Far into the night and eavly mom'—one can see our youth in dulging in night life—too fre quently vile language is heard from the lips of young women de void of all respect for themseives. At anytime during the day, and ■MdleiBs to say, far into the night, white men in more or less fine cars, drive slowly up and down Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH AND CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVERA mmmwmmmwnmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmi I 24th and 25th streets, looking for girls and women of our race What is happening? Girls and women of my race, re member, we live not only for self, but for thousands of those who come after us. It is the women who shape the future course of their people. She can build or tear doWn the hopes of her racs. MUSIC—“It’s Study Exalts Life” Coming events of merit are tho recitals of Mrs. Flora Pinkston, tire operetta and Ballet sponsored by the afore mention and M-s. Maijorie Bolden Ware A musical Exrtavaganza will be presented Friday evening by the Kitchen Club of St. John AME. Church. Its purpose is to raise funds to buy kitchen furniture for tae rew kitchen which will Le a phase of St. John's New struct ure Trustee Helpers Club of Bethel AME will present a Concert feat unng Leading Quartettes and Tri os of the city, May 28th. On the fourth Sunday evening of each month the St. John Choir presents special music. The pub lic is always invited. The Singing Church On Sunday afternoon, May 25, from 3 to 4:30 the Omaha Coun cil of Churches will present a ser vice of special music at the First Presbyterian Church at 34th and Farnam. There will be instrum ental music, union of choirs and fellowship singing. The public is cordially invited. There is no ad mission. ■iiuBiiHiiiiiiHUiHiiiiiiiimiiiininnnnmniiiiiiiiiiniinimHnninmimniimnninnnnnia 1301 N. 24th St. WE. 4737 Metropolitan Produce Co. HOME OF LIVE CARP & BUFFALO A. A. Rosschaert, Prop. iwiiniiiiniiiiimiiiiiiwiiiainiiimimHHimnnniiiiiiitmimiiHUHmniininimpaminiiiim COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 HATS by A Roman $2.95 Send for free catalogue today! Completely illustrated. Featuring the ROMAN warriors in the latest Army colors. Narrow to extra wide brims. The biggest variety ever offered. We sell by mail only to all parts of the world. THE ROMAN COMPANY 141 West 125th St., Dept. OG., New York City, N. Y. wmwwMw.waw INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Oas trapped In the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart At the flrat sign of distress smart men and women depend on Rell-ans Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of the fasteat acting medicines known for acid indigeiklnn. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 25c, Hep eat this Over and Over.. .1 "forme from now on" MM '-A CHAMPION OF VINES ‘BY A CHAMPION OF CLASS 'Ask Your kkrfor 'HENRY AlHSTHS? . SOlf DISTRIBUTOR FOR TH€ U.SA. HENRY ARMSTRONG -SKOURAS WINE CORP. 271 WEST I25T-H ST., NEW YORK,NY.