CLASSIFIED ADS FOR YOUR GARDENS PLANTS, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Cabbage after April 10, 1941. Book your order now. H. G. Davis and Sons R. 4 South Omaha. "join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage. Friendship, or Pleasure. Send Dime for member ship blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen dell, Chicago, 111. WANTED TO RENT Want A 6 Rooms House, must have 3 bedrooms,—Call WE. 1517 Omaha Guide Office. ROOMS FOR RENT Room For Rent, We. 2365. 2 Room Apartment, furnished or unfurnished. WEbffter 0360. Call evenings. Room For Rent for single man. Reasonable, call evenings AT. 9460 Room for man and wife AT. 0748 Furnished Room For Rent— 2520 Patrick. WE. 2217. For Rent, a large front kitchenette apt. for Rent—Call JA. 7568 p.m. House for Rent, 7 rooms all mod ern, double garage, 2 blocks from carline, Furnish references WE. 2017. _ 6 Room House, large backyard, 3029 Pinkney—$15, HA. 1422. FURNISHED ROOM and APT. FOR RENT, WE. 0718- _ FURNISHED ROOM AND APT. FOR RENT, WE. 0718 2 Room Apt., private bath $4.50, 2430 Blondo St- JA. 0986. All bills paid. 6 Room house for rent, all mod ern $16.00 per mo., AT. 5998. 5 Rooms, modern and neatly furn ished at 2706 Maple St., telephone and water bills paid. Only $4.50 per week. WE. 6402. For Rent, One room Apt. WE-2365 ROOMS FOR RENT, —WE. 6174 .- --— LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM& SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6055 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUB CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.” WANT TO BUY— Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 20£2 HARDWARE— DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We d« glazing and make window shade* *o order. 182 N. 24th St. WE. 1607. Note:—You* Question Will Be Anstuu "Fwbe~ b> Tkb Column. Bar a "Prtottt Rtply" . . . Send only 2fc for my nra Amotoov Jlltiww ft Local Dat Chaet and receive by return mail a confidential latter oi Brae jUmkt aaaly mg three (3) Questions privately. Sign yoar fall name, address, and birth date an all letters, and please include a self-addressed, ittmpti envelope for fear reply. Send all letters to ABBE’ WALLACE, P. O. Box, 11, Atlanta, Georgia L. B. H.—Look into my pitiful condition and lend me a helping hand if you please. Last night 1 saw him with another woman and you know how I felt about him walking with her right before me. Tell me what to do about it? Ans: Play the same game that he is playing—get you a friend and show off in front of him. This man does have other friends, and I feel that you would be making a mistake to concentrate on him al together. Someone else will come into your life who will mean more to you later on. ****** L. T. G.—I want to know if my husband is going with this so-call ed girl he has in his car all of the time? I hope he gets drafted soon Ans: Well there isn’t any rea son for him to be hauling her ar ound if he wasn’t interest in her— I think that it is time for you to put a stop to this business. Let him know that you won’t stand any mere of it Your husband will probably bo classified very soon in regards to the draft. ****** S. C. M.—Wo have been want ing to move for the past few nv'ftbs and wondor i.1 it woul l be alright to do to? Ars: A change is recommend ed since you are so dissatisfied. Stay there in tbe city, but look arou.-d for a de'wrble place to li ‘V where you w.H nave more pri vu( ****** 0. M-—I am m the middle of a l ed f.x. I am ana have bee”, iak .;ig e course of i?gal training thru the mail. I am delinquent hi my p..ynunts and am financially un DUFFY Pharmacy 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 vAWMW.\vyvw«ww Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids Excess acids, poisons and wastes In your blood are removed chiefly by your kidneys. Getting up Nights. Burning Passages. Back ache, Swollen Ankles. Nervousness. Rheu matic Pains, Dizziness, Circles Under Eyes, and feeling worn out, often are caused by non-organic and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder troubles. Usually In such cases, the very first dose of Cystex goes right to work helping the Kidneys flush out excess acids and wastes. And this cleansing, purifying Kidney action. In Just a day or so. may eas ily make you feel younger, stronger and better than In years. A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Cystex In sures an Immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely satisfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get •ystex from your druggist today for only 35c. f. C. C, ex. for N. S. Joe’s Food Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY— SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ORANGE AND BLUE FOOD STAMPS RE DEEMED at JOE’S Food Market at Low Prices. ****** SUGAR 5 POUNDS 27c COFFEE P0,JNU 15c BEST QUALITY Butter, lb. 34c FLOUR, 5 lb. bag 19c Prunes, 2 lb. pkg. 15c Soda Crackers, lb. pkg. 9c 2 pound box 17c FANCY Cookies, lb. 121/2c GREEN BEANS,_TOMATOES. Corn, 3 cans 25c PEACHES or Red-Pitted Cherries, tall can 10c FULL QUART JAR Dill Pickles, _10c LARGE CAN Pork and Beans, 10c FRESH GROUND Beef, Special, lb. I2V2C FRESH GROUND PURE Pork Sausage, lb;_12Vac Baling Beef, lb. 10c u. s. CHOICE Pot Roast, lb. _20c Venl Roast, lb._ 18c Pork Roast, lb. 16c Dry Salt Jowls, lb. -10c PORTO RICAN YAMS, pound 5c JUICY Oranges, dizen 19c Grapefruit, each 4c Catsup, large bottle 10c able to meet biis demand. The < ompany is threatening to sue me. Tell me what to c'f ? Acs: They can’t get blood out of a turnip—let them wait. I tug gost that you write the compa ly a nice letter explaining to them that you intend to take up your payments just as soon as you can get work. Get out and hunt a job —this matter should be handled satisfactory and I don’t think they will enter suit if you make arrangements to take up these payments in a few months time. ****** C- B.—Would it be advisable for me to marry this boy I have now? Hope you giye me some advice seen? Ans: The first thing you must do :s get your DIVORCE fiom your former husband. The man you are going with admires you — seems to me that he is yery sin cere m wanting you to become his mate H- B. N.—What would be the proper thing to do about the acci dent tnat I was in recently. Some one told me that I should get me a lawyer right away. Ans: The company operating the bus you were injured on knows about the accident and they are waiting for you to contact them. Go to their office immediately ana file your complaint. I don’t ad vise your seeing a lawyer unless necessary—if you did—you would have to give him a good portion of vhat you collected for his fee. L. S.—Would it turn out alright if 1 married my girl friend’s hus band as I now have in mind? I feel worried about it and do not know what to do as I have no par ents to tell me. Ar,t: As long as your girl friend lived she was very fonj of you md I am sure that she would approve of you taking her baby and marrying her husband. He is in love with you now and I see no reason why you shouldn’t mar ry him at an early date. KOSENWALD FELLOWSHIP AWARDS ANNOUNCED (Continued from page 1) Reappointment. James Walter Fisher, instructor in social sciences, Delaware State college, for an historical study of the slave and the free Negro in Delaware, at the University of Pennsylvania. Estella Harris Scott, head resi dent, Fisk university social cent er, and instructor in the depart ment of social sciences, for studies in sociology, at the University of Pennsylvania. Reappointment. Mabel Murphy Smythe, instruc tor at Fort Valley State college, Ga., for study of the effects of protective labor legislation on Ne gro workers, at the University of Wisconsin. Waters Edwin Turpin, instruct or in English language and liter ature, Lincoln university, Pa., for the writing of a novel about the Maryland free Negro. Samuel Z. Westerfield, Jr., Washington, for a study of the consumer purchasing and savings habits of Negroes and whites, at the same income level, at Harvard university. Clyde Julian Wdnkfield, Chicago accompanist for Etta Moten, for piano study. Nancy Bullock Woolridge, ass JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Holler, Mgr. R ABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park— J r"i|iiri:iiiiiiii, . . ,.;i;, m :Ulil;|, ‘ :unill!lll!";i!^m LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St. At Willis Avenne LAST CALL " NOW OR NEVER $300 In Cash free! USE YOUR SPARE TIME ONLY The Omaha Guide’s Scholarships Subscription Campaign beginning time is extended one month, and will begin May 1,1941 and end June 30, 1941. Every contestant wins— no blanks. If interested call WE. 1517, or better yet, call at the office, 2420 Grant St. Our slogan, “The Omaha Guide In Every Negro Home In Douglas County Before Our 3 Day Inspection of Our New, Modern Building and Plant”. EXTRA - - EXTRA! In addition to the cash prizes, the first prize winner will be given a 10 day sight-seeing free trip to Chicago. The following is an outline of the Omaha Guide’s $300.00 Subscription Scholarships Popularity Vote Contest, which we want 12 girls to enter in with 12 sponsors for a 60 day period from May 1,1941 to June 30, 1941. The girl getting the largest number of popularity votes will win the first prize, and will be given one year’s wrork in the News and Subscription Department at a reasonable salary. One Year’s subscription obtained by a contestant, will entitle her to 10,000 popularity vote§, 6 months subscription 4,000 popularity votes, 3 months 1,500 popularity votes. To be eligible for the Subscription Scholarships Contest, contestant must have a sponsor and must secure at least 50 sub scribers to be eligible for prize. Prizes are as follows: FIRST PRIZE $100.00 THIRD PRIZE $50.00 FIFTH PRIZE $15.00 SEVENTH PRIZE $10.00 NINTH PRIZE $5.00 SECOND PRIZE $75.00 FOURTH PRIZE $25.00 SIXTH PRIZE $10.00 EIGHTH PRIZE $5.00 TENTH PRIZE $5.00 -GRAND TOTAL OF PRIZES $300.00 Contestant will receive 10% of Total Sales If No Prize Is Won istant professor of English lang uage and literature, Louisville Municipal college, for studies in American literature, at the Univ ersity of Chicago, dealing espec ially with the literature depiction of the Negro religious character. Margaret Just Wormley, in structor in English language and literature, Miner Teachers college Washington, for studies in Amer ican literature, at Boston Uni. Lyonel Charles Florant, New York City, for a study of the pat tern of Negro population move ments since 1930, at the University of Chicago. Reappointment. Manet Helen Fowler, New York City, for studies in social anthro pology at Columbia university. Cornelius Lacy Golightly, Det roit, for studies in philosophy, at the University of Michigan. Edmonia White Grant, princip al of the Peebles School, Nasliv.lle for studies in adult education. Harry James Green Jr., assoc iate professor of chemistry, North Carolina A. & T. college, for stud ies in chemistry at Ohio State un iversity. Henry Aaron Hill, St. Joseph, Mo., &for studies in chemistry at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology. Reappointment. John Hope 11, instructor in eco nomics, Spelman college ond At lanta university for a study of consumption habits and credit practices among low income fam ilies in the southern economy, at the University of Chicago. Re appointment. Langston Hughes, New York City, for the writing of a series cf one-act plays, each to be centered around an outstanding Negro his torical character. Lloyd Harris Hughes, instructor of social sciences, Western uni versity, Kansas, for a study of the contributions of the Negro to the life and culture of New Spain, at the University of California. Bernard Samuel Jefferson, as sociate professor of law, Hovvurd university, for studies in law, at Harvard university. Frederick Douglass Jenkins, Al exandrio, La., or studies in mathe matics at the University of Chi cago. Clifton Ralpfy Jones, Philadel phia, for a study of the social stratification within the Negro population, at the State Univers ity of Iowa. Jacob Lawrence, New York City for creative work in painting. Re appointment. Ulysses Grant Lee, Jr-, assist ant professor of English, Lincoln University, Pa., for studies in A meriean culture and the prepara tion of a volume on the anti-slav ery press at the University of Chi cago. Roscoe Edwin Lewis, associate I professor of chemistry, Hampton institute, for an historical study of the lives, reminiscences and songs related by former slaves an others who lived during the slaveholding period. Robert Earl Martin, instructor in political science. Agricultural and Technical college, Greensboro, N. C., for studies in political science, at the University of Chi cago, Reappointment. Clinton F. Oliver, New York City, for studies in American civ ilization, with special reference to the creative and philosophical ex pression of the Negro at Harvard university. Edward Nelson I’almer, New port News, Va., for studies in soc iology, especially the determinat ion and measurement of facto-s associated with unemployment u mong Negro workers at the Uni versity of Michigan. Reappoint ment. Youra Thelma Qualls assistant in the department of English, Fisk university, for studies in English language and literature, at Rat cliffe college. Reappointment. Marion Clifton Rhaney, Brans ’Tis Aptly Named -By Frances Lee Barton——* NO angels dwell in Angel Food No cooks abide in cookies. A crack in crackers is taboo There are no n rooks in / 1 rookies. ' I But this sponge J cake is right | ly named f The very taste > is regal. I call it “Em m press" and ™ that name Is proper, apt and legal. Empress Sponge Cake 1 cup sifted cake flour; 1% tea spoons grated lemon rind; 2 table spoons water; l1/*. cups sifted granulated sugar; 7 egg yolks; 1% tablespoons lemon juice; 7 egg whites; M, teaspoon salt; % tea spoon cream of tartar; % teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour once, measure, and sift four times. Add lemon rind, water, and % cup sugar to egg yolks and beat with rotary egg beater until very thick and light-colored. Add lemon juice gradually, beating con stantly. Add flour all at once and stir until just blended. Beat egg whites and salt with rotary egg beater or flat wire whisk. When foamy, add cream of tartar and continue beating until egg whites are stiff enough to hold up in peaks, but not dry. Add remaining ^4 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating well. Fold in egg yolk mix ture. Add vanilla. Turn into un greased 10-inch tube pan. Cut gently through batter with knife to remove air bubbles. Bake in slow oven (828° F.) 1 hour, or until done. Re inove from oven and invert pan 1 hour, or until cold. LOANS^f? We I^oan Money on Suits, Shoes Typewriters, Radios, Rifles, Trunks, Diamonds, Wrist Watch es Good Jewelry, Musical In strum«*nts, Anything Valuable. We sell unredeemable suits 4.95 & up. or anything not redeemed. BILL’S LOAN BANK 1804 N. 24th St. Phone JA. 9375 MitfttfiMliaiMMMWMhi wick, Ga ., for studies in biology at Atlanta university. Thomas Nathaniel Roberts, Soil Conservation service, U. S. Dep artment of Agriciulture, TuskegOe for studies in agricultural econom ics, at the University of Wisconsin —Reappointment. ARTHRITIS Don't despair of relief from terrible Arthri tis aches or pains. The NEW Colloidal Iodized Sulphur capsules called Sin.PHO-KAPS often bring wel Don’t give up hope come relief in Arthritis due to Sulphur de ficiency. Small daily cost. Mon ey back if no relief after 30 days’ dosage. Begin taking TODAY. YourDruggjijtlia^RULPHCMt^ps ETERNAL SPRINGTIME (by Myrtle M. Goodlow) When Spring’s miracles unfold A message Divine is told, Trees and flowers that long looked dead— Blossom forth more glorious instead, Telling us the reason why— Our faith and hope should never die— That we too, shall live again Just across the way In God’s Eternal Spring — When we have shed our earthly clay. Omaha Jobbing Co. 317 N. 15th JA. 5604 PAINT g*|00 A Gallon Wallpaper - Roofing Linoleum & Rugs HWKKXMHHHl