ZETA PROJECT IN ST. LOUIS__ _ —nTTWMTTTimnrrgwiiMriTrn ZETA'S FIRST YEAR-ROUND 4 RECREATIONAL CENTER LOCATED IN ST. LOUIS IS VISITED BY RICHMOND SOROR Interested Zetas are watching children enjoy work and play at the Dickson center in St. Louis where Xi Zeta chapter of the Zeta Beta sorority furnishes the budd ing for the center activities, and a Xi Zeta, Carolyn Williams, is the director with four WPA workers assisting her. In both pictures above the ar row is pointing to the visiting Soror, Miss Naomi L. Lewis, who made a special trip to the center as guest of Lou Swarzt noted sol oist dramatist, who is seen stand ing to the left of Miss Lewis :n both pictures. In the top picture to the right, of Miss Lewis is the director Car olyn Williams, and next to her is Miss Lucille Ogden. Reading left to right in the lower picture are Lou Swarz, Misses Lewis (shewn by the arrow1, Odgen, Williams, and Dorothy Casey; and to the ex treme left is Miss Lucille Nelson, president of the undergraduate Zeta chapter on the Stowe camp us of St. Louis, and also secretary of Gelasius Institute of Speech and Dramatic Art. Such activities as are being viewed have been open five years, but only had its first public financial drive last month; and citizens chose a Zeta soror, Anna B- Thomas, to head the drive which was a successful ona. (ANP) CRITICS PICK “NATIVE SON” SECOND BEST New York (NNS) In a season lush with Broadway hits, Richard Wright’s “Native Son” drew sec ond choice of the drama critics circle, reviewers for New York dailies, the anti-Nazi show ‘‘Watch On the Rhine” by Lillian Heilman getting the critics’ nod. Burns Mantle, critic for the New York Daily News, held out stubbornly for the much-talked of novel of the life of Bigger Thomas, a slum brat who goes wrong. Neverthe i Thursday, Friday and Saturday ) THE BARGAIN SENSATION OF OMAHA 1 Beautiful 9x12 VELVET RUGS / One-Piece ( Think of it! These beautiful new one-piece rugs in IQR ) gorgeous designs at a price like this. Only through *P M j a very extraordinary direct-jobber purchase is this I ( sensational rug value possible. / Each rug has rubberized back for non-slipping and smooth lay 1 ing. Compare these rugs with those selling at $29.60-you’ll \ then want one for every room. FIDELITY SPECIAL MATTRESS ( This fine mattress has 180 tempered steel coil inn08springs. J Beautiful art ticking, in your choice of blue, green, rose or oroh j id. A. C. A- covering if preferred. Roll edge and tufted. Our ( regular $12 96 quality, for this sale $"187 J ONLY . I FIDELITY FURNITURE DEPARTMENT j 1107 HOWARD - - JA. 0288 Our Business Is Picking Up FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR MOVING JOBS « LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE,' AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM- I PETENT, TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JOB. ' -ALSO AUTO STORAGE- 1 I NORTHSIDE TRANSFER 1 < —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR— % 2414 Grant Street WEbster 5656 II i -- - - - less Canada Lee, who plays the role of Bigger Thomas, was pick ed by Sydney Whipple of the New York World Telegram, as having given one of the outstanding per formances of the season. Orson Welles, director of the production, was so enthused with Lee’s per formance that he presented him with a brand new automobile as a present. HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR OWN STATE? How well do you know Nebraska —your own home state? Do you know, for instance, that Nebxaska has seven beautiful state parks and twenty-five convenient recre ation grounds ? Do you kn<'w that right in Nebraska you can find many excellent places for bass i fishing ? There are loads of fine places for camping—and many in teresting scenic and historical spots. Plan to see Nebraska this year. Take your family on pleas ant little week-end jaunts—or ar :ange a regular two week vaca tior in Nebraska. The new Nebr aska Tour-O Graph ij your color ful guide to Nebraska’s points of interest. Send for your free copy. Address the Nebraska Advertising Commission, State House, Lincoln Nebraska today! HIRES IDEAL Bottling Company MAKERS OF SUPF.RB BEVERAGES 911 North 24th Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA When In NEW YORK For the Day, The Weekend or Permanently The HOTEL THERESA 7th flve. at 125th St FOR EXQUISITE LIVING U&istinctive location ... All outside rooms: luxurious suites. Restaurant arid Bar. Every comfort and facility. Larga room* with privata bath •2.00 Slilb —*2.50 Double tod op •1.S0 Sloci* — *2.00 Double tod 9 StatUIVmkbb Monthly Ratal — WALTER W. SCOTT, Manager Hotel THEBESA km. at 125th St, Dm Yoet Qtf •Asasi MOnvmsni 1-1700 OUR SPIRITUALS (by Myrtle M. Goodlow) Our foreparents speak to us In the only language they knew For their advantages were few— Yet the blessed saints of old, In each Spiritual has told Their unwavering faith in God, No matter how dark the way Nor the story road they trod— They never ceased to sing and pray And through eyes of faith could see — The joys throughout Eternity That each bitter tear of sorrow Would be a jewel tomorrow— In their golden crown. When they laid their burdens down. They have long since reached their goal! And for each beloved soul— Who left such treasures here May we their songs revere. Cherish each and every word Whenever they are heard. This Week In Religion and Thought BY ROBT. L. MOODY . Suppressing Resentment— There is a new movement which has for its aim: Aid For Worthy Aliens. The idea is to “patriate” worthy aliens who are hindered by pre judice and war hysteria. This movement plans to (1) Conduct a press—radio—newsreel campaign to convince the general public; (2) to make efforts to influence employers to hire qualified aliens and— (3' To put pressure on labor un ions to cease discrimination a gainst them. The purpose of such campaign is to prevent many loyal aliens from becoming embittered groups of resentful people. We wonder if the promoters of this campaign realize that there are between ten and thirteen million native born American-Negroes, who need their patriotic support? This is the largest minority group in this country and to have it become em bittered and resentful because of discrimination would be destruct • n* ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HATS by Roman ^ $2.95 ® Send for free catalogue today! Completely illustrated. Featuring the ROMAN warriors in the latest Army colors. Narrow to extra wide brims. The biggest variety ever offered. We sell by mail only to all parts of the world. THE ROMAN COMPANY 141 West 125th St.. Hept. OG., New York City, N. Y. GIRLS ON THE 8 STREETS..... FLASH!!! It is not surprising to see the drugstore on Grant street empty now, because the gates and gaters have found other places to shall we say waste their time or dine. Namely, the New People’s (I Scream) parlor. The DEBS are what they call themselves. Yes! It consists of a group around here that goes by that name. We wonder if they really know the meaning of deb untant. ****** Now For The Weekly Gossip— -Amelia Jackson seems to be so overjoyed, could it be that Law rence Brown of Minnesota is com ing here? ****** She was seen in South Omaha. I am talking about none other than Joyce Hall. I reckon that Jack Smith was her excuse for be ing over there. What’s the mat ter with North Omaha Joyce? ****** Gene Harrison seems to be very interested in Doris P. What a* bout this Florence and Kenneth? Are you going to let romance bud out.? J. B. and E. W. are exchanging slaps with each other. I presume that they are love slaps. ****** A no built disromantic unhep Chick by the name of V. T. can’t find a boy friend. Could it b« that she’s ran out or is P. T. will ing to stage a comeback. (Eye witness—L. W.) ****** For Men Only—What do you think of the females wearing these white turbans. Don’t you think that they are very becoming to some? And also very attractive on others? ****** Dorothy Ward is getting her kix with a CCC- Cat. What;’s his name Dot? Could it be Buddy? ****** R. J. ring occupies the 3rd fin-1 ger on the left hand of M. W.— (Truth or Consequence?) ****** As usual everyone was talking about how fine the Quack’s style show was and the pleasant and enjoyable evening they spent at Dreamland. ****** Wasn’t told to me I only heara that E. L. enjoys dandyline sand whiches with cold biscuits for lunch every day. (Eye witness, B. M.) E. C. and E. F. seems to be picking up weight since the school has been providing free lunches for the unfortunate. (Eye witness B. M.» ive to national unity. Please re member the native born American who are discriminated against as well as the loyal aliens. H. DOLGOFF HARDWARE CO. 1822 North 24th St. ► —WE. 1607— i i i This Coupon is worth , k i i k • k > 1 < -— ® ] i 25c-25c ! i H. DOLGOFF 1 25c-25c - ©-© 1 SPECIAL | THIS WEEK; ONLY ; Anyone bringing in! this coupon and pur-' chases One or more1 i dollars worth of mer-. chandise, can deduct! Twenty-Five cents' from the bill. Mack F. seems to be the best man in Lola U ’s heart. I won’t ray—What do you say Lola? ****** Ernest S. seems to be cutting in on U. Avant’s girl friend. C. S. said that she wasn’t going to de pi r.d on Ernest because his jive i3 frone. ****** Calhoun, it didn’t seem to me from what I seen the other night, that you abide by the 10 command ments, I don’t mean the command ments of love neither. HARMONIOUS SLIPOVER SWEATER REPLACES VEST For those who do not like the ordinary matching vest, sleeveless slipover sweaters till the bill. Sweaters worn with tweed, flonnsl, cheviot etc. should be of a subdued color—either b’rnding with cr matching suit, or perhaps teamed up with tie. ■iiiiiHiiiiHiiiHiiitHiiiiuiiiiuiiiniiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiinmmiinimiiiimiiinuuimiiHin 1301 N. 24th St. WE. 4737 Metropolitan Produce Co. HOME OF LIVE CARP & BUFFALO A. A. Rosschaert, Prop. illlUIIIIIHIIIlllllinilMIlllillMl m-® Jjl TYPEWRITERS, Adding aft Machines, Duplicating 8 Machines For Sale. 8 One Remington Typewriter *■£ $1;>.00 Terms Arranged 8 L. R. FOX COMPANY 8 430 Electric Bldg. JA. 4858 Kathryn Taylor corresponds with a certain laddie in college. Ask her for more information ****** Is it true that mayor Allen is tht first man in Charlotte’s heart? It doesn’t seem like it does it Clyde? ****** C. S. was seen driving a V S at the musical Sunday. Boy! was it a beauty. Then later we had to cool that jive, because he was driving a model A or T Ford. ****** M- H. B. talks to himself, loud enough for other people to hear, but he doesn’t realize it from what we heard, he seems to be haid up. Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH AND CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVERA SEEDS PLANTS, NURSERY STOCK SAVE 60% By Buying Our Bulk Garden Seed,—Buy Your Seed and Plants at A Seed Store. Your Groceries at the Grocery Store. HOME LANDSCAPE SERVICE 924 North 24th Street JA-5115 Ev’HA-4006 , INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gaa trapped In the stomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart At the first algn of distress smart men and women depend on Bell-ans Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest acting medicines known for acid indigestion. If the FIB8T DOSE doesn’t prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 25c. Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thanks to a Doctor's prescription called Mendaco, thousands now palliate terrible re curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough ing, wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, no smokes, no injections. Just tasteless, pleasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal liative action commonly helps nature bring welcome sleep—a *‘God-send." A printed guarantee wrapped around each package or Mendaco insures an Immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely sat isfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Mendaco from your druggist today for only 60c. * + 1 - vrflW? HAVE your laundry com liV/ TT PLETELY finished for only -10c A POUND Emerson-Saratoga’s CHALLENGER SERVICE 18LBS 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST EMERSON - SARATOGA LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th SMART WOMEN vm GOLDEN-GLO BEAUTY PREPARA TIONS. They like tho wnooih texture and excellent quality, plut extraordinary value In theie fine caunetici. THE PATH TO 10VEUNESS A big Beauty Box weighing over twe pound* now only $1.00 mailed direct te you with no additional charge*. All FUll SIZE—$3.00 VALUE Ret. P.lr* CUentlog been... «• Voeirhlof CrMM . PR* tevedetten (OoUo* Itewe, Od.ro, Net (tew*) 15* Pew Pewder KMd Brew*. Ortire. Nut Irewti) SB* Up.tkk (Peiomtt* Xrd. Meplr led. Cerda.ee) Ut Llftu UrJ.oe Out Heir Bremer . *«• Oietamet. »«* ■“ 1 ’ Cb-ck year ihodm twlow " COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC. / 10* Eort *1.1 Strort, New York. N. Y. / For tho enclored *100 bill Or money order, wed I ow roar oooiplrrr Beauty Bat oontauUoi 1 full \ dm COLDEN-CLO product!, with bo oddltioool \ chore* to mo. ■’ NAME. _■— -- j ADDRESS.___ 5 CITY. ■ STATE. — t tortiUM—O.UH Breo* I t 0-0rr . . M Bn-O ft T PmOw—Ootdro ttreao t I Odito I > N». llrooo t ) * Worm*—Po.rrr.tr t I kiwi* Be* I I Coeh'W til*1' FOR ONLY 20c r \ We will tend you eny 90c item listed ebove *» en Introductory offer. Send two l dime* In en envelope end we will mail with- | out eny extra charge to you. COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS, INC J 108 East 41 Sthext Nrw You, N. Y. ■ — — I'—— ' —-'I AMAZING NATURAL SYMBOLIC CROSS I 4 W* Bill BB MDBf»llBT«l (iBlBB. SM Mil « • nr*. imwIm luunl ium crooa wrt*. “-ti’intM Owrink^l »> lMn«r but! RmH poHptM (M MO II ar C.O-D. II.IS. Dob i *•!;. |M mm, D a Mai ikujiul*? %*** ** Tr***%