LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OP CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS Entered as Second-Class Matter at The Post office, Omaha, Nebraaka, Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, March 15, 1941. OUR 13th YEAR Number 52, City Edition, 5c Copy Under Act of March 8, 1874—Business Phone: WE. 1517_ ^ __ TO BE OBSERVED MARCH 16 iarizing America with the accom- terast in journalism among Negro llAfff A During the week, March 16 to plishments and the possibilities of youths of America to the end that IvvlLI W 22, the Delta Phi Delta Journalis- the Negro press. The program they may seek journalistic train _ - tic society will sponsor the third will stress the contribution made ing, thereby increasing their abil VAWQA/IAAf annual National Negro Newspaper by it since the first Negro paper ity to interpret intelligently the llVllwp®pvl week with programs in schools, appeared in this country on March Negro to American life and soc ■ colleges and universities and thru 16, 1827, 114 years ago. iety ■fig A A m various other agencies and organ- Another purpose of the observ Ww Vw *»B B izations for the purpose of famil- anoe is to stimulate a greater in <> 1111 ■■ Charges that Negroes were the Sunday afternoon. Mi /■ f m victims of discrimination under the McCaw said he had been advised CaW ChargeS WPA. and national defense pro- by W. C. Gumming! director of vo _ _ gram were made by Arthur B. Me- cational education, that no Negro WPA. With Caw, president, speaking before es wiil be accepted for the bomber three hundred at the meeting of plant training program unless the fli £/>■*! m ! □'I'lAfl the Omaha branch, National Ass- Glenn L. Martin company indicat 1/loUI I III I llQ IIUII ociation for Advancement of C' l- es willingness. _ored people, at Zion Baptist church Plan of Cooperation Between the White and Colored People in Republican Politics. We make the following recommendations in an effort to recapture the colored vote of the country for Republican Party. 1. Set up organizations in every precinct in ev ery community where colored men and women, are allowed to vote. 2. Utilize the colored weekly newspapers thru out the country in a campaign to educate both the white and colored voters in the communities as to their responsibilities and, duties in the furtherance of Republican effort. 3. Select well-qualified colored speakers who should be sent throughout the country to address large and small meetings in furtherance of the edu cation of the colored voters. 4. As a necessary pre-requisite to these efforts, State and County Chairmen and National Commit teemen should work in close cooperation at all times with the State Directors and the local colored comm itteemen and, where the Negro population justifies it, white men and women in control of the organize ation should see to it that colored men or women are elected to membership of the State Republican com mittees, district committees and county committees. 5. There should be frequent conferences be tween the Republican National committeemen, Rep ublican State Chairmen and the Directors of the col ored divisions in the various States and detailed plans should be worked out and carried out through which the proper approach should be made to the col ored voters in order to induce them to return to the Republican Party. 6. Most important of all, the approach to the Negro should be economic rather than political. Therefore, industrialists and other employers of la bor should see to it that more and better economic opportunities are provided for colored workers. One of the compelling reasons for the desertion by the Negro of the Republican Party was due to the in ducements offered and given by the Democratic Party through the New Deal setups such as PWA, WPA, and, to some extent, AAA, CCC, and NYA and meanwhile, the Republican Party and its supporters composed of many large employers of labor, failed to offer anything to the colored voters to offset what the New Deal did in furtherance of the economic well-being of the Negroes. 7. In conferences of Republican leaders in this and other States, care should be taken to see that colored representatives are invited to attend and participate in the proceedings. C. C. Galloway, Director, Colored Division for Nebraska. William A. Glenn, Secretary, Colored Division for Nebraska, H. J. Pinlkett, Publicity Director, Colored Divis ion, for Nebraska, • Ray L. Williams, Douglas County, Vice-Chair man, Colored Division for Nebraska. A. B. McCaw, Rep. Member Douglas County Executive Committee., Rev. A. L. Story, President, Colored Ministerial Alliance of Omaha, Nebraska, B. E. Jones, Member, Program Committee of Colored Ministerial Alliance, of Nebraska. THEY’RE IN THE ARMY NOW! BILLY AND NORMAN LOVE FIRST SET OF BROTHERS TO BE CALLED HERE IN DRAFT First set of Omaha brothers ac tually to be drafted together for the selective service in army were BPly Love, 30, and Norman P. Love, 26, of 1610 North Twenty eighth stredt, who with 27 other men will fill the second NegTO quota for March of local draft LAST RITES HELD FOR C. R. JOHNSON Mr- Cicero R. Johnson, age 71, died Thursday evening, March 6th at a hospital in Lincoln after an extended illness. He was a mem ber of Quinn chapel AME. church and had served as a trustee for a number of years. Mr, Johnson was a member of Lebanon Lodge No. 3 A. F. & A. M. past master and Grand Lodge officer of the A. F. & A. M. of Nebraska and Jur isdiction; a member of the Order of Eastern Star; past Grand Pat ron of Amaranthus Grand Chapt er OES. Mr. Johnson had been a trusted employee of the Eastman Kodak store for fifteen years at Lincoln. He is survived by his wife Mrs. H. Johnson, Past Grand Matron of the OES. of Nebraska, daughter Miss Blanche Johnson of Seatts bluff, Nebraska, three foster sons j John Reed, Howard Bean, and ^ Donovan Catus of Lincoln. Funeral services were held Mon day, March 16th from Quinn chap el AME. Church with Rev. J. C Bell, officiating. Amaranthus Grand chapter OES. and the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Nebraska held services, burial was at Wyuka cemetery, in Lincoln. FLORENTINE WILSON JR. SEEKS DIVORCE Florentine A. Turner Wilson, vs, Cunningham Wilson, Junior Petition— Comes now the plaintiff and for cause of action against the defend ant, alleges: 1. That the plaintiff and de fendant were married at Glenwood lowo, May 29, 1939 and that for more than 2 years last past the plaintiff has been a resident of O maha, Douglas County, Nebraska. 2 That the plaintiff has al ways conducted herself as a faith ful and dutiful wife toward the de fendant; but that the defendant without just cause therefore has been guilty of extreme cruelty to wards this plaintiff in numerous ways, Ithe particularities of which the plaintiff stands ready and will ing to set out if requested to do so; that the conduct of the defend ant toward this plaintiff has been board No. 3 Saturday morning. [Billy is a porter at the Schultz baking company, While Norman is porter at Loew’s, Inc., motion pic ture distributors. Others to be inducted are: Har ry Evans, 1805 1-2 N- 24th st.; Richard B. Gibson, 2203 Burdette St.; David L. Mims, 2413 Caldwell St.; Theodore A. Williams, 2418 Indiana avenue; James D. West, 2611 Hamilton St.; William O Penny, 2404 N. 27th ave.; Robert Walker, 1314 N. 25th St.; Earl H. Jones, 971 N. 27th St Joshua Foster, 2504 Blondo St.. Joseph L. Turner, 2514 Caldwell Ct.; Felix 0- Williams, 2407 N. 22nd St.; Gerald Taylor, 2914 N. 25th St.; Ronald W. Coleman, 2911 I^ake St.: Stanley Hollowell, 2415 Seward St.. William H. Wilson, 2519 N. 28th ave.; Archie L. Brown, 2628 Parker St.; Howard Williams, 2411 Seward St. Booker A. Oliver, 1624 N. 25th St.; Charles Jenkins, 1520 1-2 N. 24th St; Richard R. Harrison 2415 Lake St.; Wilburn Curtis, 2414 Franklin St; Richard N. Art ison, 2816 Hamilton St; Pete Hun ter, 2562 Cuming St.; George A. Crumbley, 2846 Binney St.; Aaron E. Cloud, 624 N. 15th St.; and Wil lie L. Hayne, transferred from Chicago. Health Leaders Some of the nation’s best known hospital and health leaders who last wteek attended the sixth ann ual confeience of the National Con ference of Hospital Administrators held at Flint-Goodridge hospital. New Orleans. Hospital nursing executives also were present and formed a national conference to meet annually with the administ rators. President of the hospital administrators is Albert W. Dent, superintendwit of Flint-Goodridge standing in exact center of door way. The 1942 conference will be held at Provident hospital, Chic ago, whose medical director, Dr. John W. Lawlah, is secretary treasurer of the national group. (ANP)— »•> such as to destroy the legitimate ends of matrimony, and that she can no longer live with the de fendant! without greatly impair ing her health and happiness. That because of the conduct of 'h. defendant the plaintiff found ilt necessary to leave the defendant and reside alone and has lived a part from the defendant since, January 14, 1941; that the do fendant has not contributed to the support of the plaintiff during the above mentioned period. 3. That there are no children born as issue of said marriage. WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for an absolute divorce from said defendant and reasonable court costs, and reasonable attorney fees and for such other and further re lief as the Court may deem just and equitable. Plaintiff prays further for restoration of her mai den name, which was Florentine A. Turner. Florentine A. Turner Wilson Jr. by J. D. Crawford, her Atty. State of Nebraska: County of Douglas: SS. Florentine A. Turner Wilson Jr. being first duly sworn on oath de poses and says that she is *he plaintiff in the above entitled ac tion. that she has read the fore _______ going petition; and that the facts therein stated are true as she ver ily believes. Florentine A. Turner Wilson Jr. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 18th day of February, A. D. 1941. Notary Public. CHARGES CRUELTY Mr. Roy McAllister recently fil ed a petition for divorce from his wife, Lucille, with charges of cruelty and adultry. GRANTED DECREE Mrs. Dorothy Beck Ferguson was recently granted a divorce from David Ferguson, Jr. In her petition for divorce she stated that her husband, ‘‘a married man, will fully and fraudulently induces the plaintiff to wed knowing at tne time of said marriage to the plain tiff he was then, and had been for many months, a married man and the father of one child.” Mrs. Ferguson was granted the restoration of her maiden name, Dorothy Beck. , GRANTED DECREE Mrs. Lola Louise Harris was recently granted an absolute de cree of divorce from her husband, Louis Haris, whom she charged with cruelty. 25 WEEKLIES REPRESENTED AT GATH’RING Negro Newspapers Meet, Elect Officers And Map Program Representatives of more than 25 Negro weekly newspapers located in several sections of the nation gathered ait the second annual meeting of the Negro Newspaper Publishers Association in Chicago last week for the purpose of out lining a program for cooperation and unification of purpose of Ne gro newspapers. The conference which opened at the Wjabash avenue YMCA. on Thursday and continued through Saturday stressed the importance (Continued on page t5jr“31 EASTER SEAL DRIVE The Annual Easter Seal Sale for the benefit of crippled child ren will begin March 21 and will end on April 13th. The Seal sale is sponsored by the Nebraska Soc iety for Crippled Children. , $300.00Scholarships SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN HELLO GIRLS AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Here is your opportunity to get your UNIVERSITY TUI TION FREE. The Omaha Guide Publishing Company, 2420 Grant Street, is going to put on A 304)0 DAY $300.00 SCHOLAR SHIPS Subscription Campaign to the girl who can qualify. You must have a qualified sponsor to enter this Scholarships Sub scription Campaign. For full particulars, drop into our office and fill out yiour entry card. Bring your sponsor with you. Re member A $300.00 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS 30-60 day Subscrip tion Campaign. Application accepted to enter this campaign from March 15th to April 1st, so you will have to hurry girls!!! Only 16 girls and boys accepted for this Subscription Campaign. THE OMAHA GUIDE PUBL. CO., INC 2420 GRANT STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA -C. C. Galloway, Business Manager. NEGROES MUST ORGANIZE BY FRANK R. CROSSWAITTIE General Organizer I. L. G. W. U. Chairman, Negro Labor Comm. • •• DURING THE last war large numbers of Negro workers came North and were hired by the vari ous industries as manufacturing plants expanded to meet the needs of war production. These Colored workers gained a foothold in a number of industries and localities where they had heretofore not been employed. In practically ev ery instance they did satisfactory work, and in those industries such as coal mining and the manufact ure of clothing where the unions have always been progressive and active, they joined freely with (their white fellow workers in the efforts made by the unions to maintain and improve conditions for the working class as a whole. WITH THE coming of the dep ression Negro workers suffered more in proportion than did the whites, although they both suffer* ed severely. The traditional pre judice of many employers and some workers held full sway as millions found themselves out of work and pressing for any sort of a job. Negro workers were the first to be discharged. Sometim es this was the result of prejudice but often it was the result of the operation of seniority rights which caused those who had found jobs in the industry most recently to be laid off first when the working force had to be reduced. WITH THE improved conditions under the Roosevelt administration jobs for white and'Colored work ers increased in number, although not sufficient to bring full employ ment But again Negro workers found themselves called back to work more slowly than their fel low workers with white skins. In consequence, all throughout th« land the proportion of Negroes on i relief is far higher tiian it should be, due to denying us a fair oppor tunity to work. ONCE AGAIN the dogs of war rie unleashed in the world. The devastation which they cause will be kept from our shores, as long as the British hold back the flood of aggression by Hitler with his vile racial ideas, and by Mussolini who conquered Ethiopia, but who now feels the heavy hand of jus tice as his stolen lEmpire is being wrested from him by the British lion and the aroused Ethiopians. Our job is to produce the essent ials of war and thus enable those who are fighting against dictator ship to win the day for democracy Again, therefore, opportunity for wider employment in war industry opens up for the Negro. But this time it seems that the prejudice of employers added -to the bar which has been set up by a num ber of short-sighted unions, is blocking our way. ORGANIZED NEGRO workers must be active and determined to demand their fair share of jobs in different industries and their share of opportunity for training for such jobs. Since the industr ies are operating under govern ment contracts in most cases, and since much of the training is be ing carried out through govern ment agencies such as the WPA. and the National Youth Adminis tration, we should use the pressure of our political power wherever we have the right to vote to de mand our rights, and we can also use the power we have gained through our organized industrial strength. The efforts of such or ganizations as the NAACP. and the Urban League to see that wide spread practice of discrimination in the defense industries is ended deserve all the support which we can give them- The efforts of the many thousands of Negro Trade Unionists to end discrimination from within the labor movement likewise deserves our sympathetic understanding and support. Luck ily, within the labor movement progressive white trade unoinists give support to our demands. Sid ney Hillman representing labor in the Office of Production Manage ment has promised to use his in fluence to end discrimination in employment by industries getting government contracts. The Amer ican Labor Party conference in New York he'd this past month February 24, with delegates pres ent from many unions in Now York, both AF. of L. and CIO., (Continued on pageJ5^‘2i