Notet—You* Question Witt Be Answered "Free” in Tins Colonn. Par a ”Prnele Reply” . . . Send only 2!c for my new Astrology Readino ft Lucky Das Chart and receive by return mail a confidential letter of tree Advice analys ing three (}) Questions privately. Sign your full name, addreaa, and birthdate aa all letters, and please include a self-addressed, itemped envelope for your reply. Send all letters to ABBE’ WALLACE, P. O. Box, 11, Atlanta, Georgia Love Sick:—It seems that Ii have made a mess of my life for love. I love the man I am with. He is nice to me but at times, It seems like he has spells and he snaps out of his mind. Advise me the best thing to do about him as I do not want to leave him ? Ans: If you do not want to leave him, then you must put up with the spells that he has occas ionally. I don’t think there is any thing wrong with his mind. When he gets worried about money and business—he gets moody and de pressed and takes the spite out on you. Make up your mind to overlook him these little bad points of his. N. G.—I am a senior in high school and I am all confused as to what I want to take up. Do you have any idea what I would like? ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8x10 Inches Mk or Smeller Jm M P H Desired ftfli # Maine price for full ■ m length or bust 3 for Cl (U) form, and groups. wr landscape*. pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture Hafe return of original photo guaranteed. SEND NO MONEY jubi. man pnowi or Himiwnoi (Buy 1 Rise) and within a week you will receive your beautiful enlargement, guaranteed fadeless. I’ny post man 47e plus imst&ge - or send 4l>c with order ami wc pay postage Big lhM-Inth enlargement sent C O D. 78c plus postage or send 80o and we will pay ixiHtage Take advantage of this amusing offer now Send your photo today Specify si sc wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS 113 S. Jefferson St. Dept. S311»C Chicago, Illinois 9 - ■ Ans: Living in such a small place and your means so limited— you will either have to go in NURSE TRAINING or borrow money to take TEACHERS TRAINING. I feel that you would make an excellent nurse. When you finish this course and work awhile—you could then take a business course If you like. ****** J. L.—I am a young girl in love with a man eight-years my senior. I want to know how to make him love me? I have called him sev eral times on the phone and told him but it doesn’t seem to do any good? Ans. WJell—I think It would be to your advantige to stop calling him on the phone for he doesn’t love you and is engaged to marry another girl- This man just does not care for you like you seem to cars for him and you must stop thinking about him. B. C. M.—Is It advisable for me to take up this offer and go north as I have planned? Would condi tions be alright for me up there? I have never been north and do not know whether to accept this of fer or not. Ans: Personally, I think that it Is a splendid offer that you have received and I urge you to make the change. Going tc a big city will be very interesting to you. You are going to be kept very busy and you won’t have a chance to form a dislike for the place. ****** • F. L- J.—There are twin sisters [ have been looking at. 1 love the prettiest one. Tell me If I should Effective Laxative Makes Happy Friends This laxative makes friends that1 stand by it because it acts just as thoroughly as harsher ones but Is a gentle persuader when taken by the simple directions. BLACK-DRAUGHT i8 a spicy, aromatic, purely vegetable medic cine. Its chief Ingredient is an "intestinal tonic-laxative’’ that ..— helps tone lazy bowel muscles. Next time a laxative is needed, take BLACK-DRAUGHT. Used at bedtime by directions, it generally permit^ a good sleep: acts gently, thoroughly next morning; relieves constipation’s headaches, bilious ness, sour stomach. It is economic al too, 25 to 40 doses: 25c. HOT WATER vfor CLEANLINESS Even the pup likes his bath better when the water's warm. And every body knows that hot water gets things cleaner than cold ever can. Now a day* it's easy to have everything and everyone in the house hot-water clean. AS LITTLE AS $| 95 A MONTH Buys an Automatic GAS WATER HEATER See Your Neighborhood Plumber or Lending a Helping Hand With the restoration of peace in China, many citizens who had fled to the country are retumatg *e their homes. Here in Canton, a Japanese soldier is shown aiding Chinese women with their loaf household goods. drop my present girl friend and take up with this girl I have in mind ? Ana: No—continue to go with the girl back home- I don’t think you are going to win the twin over as easily as you think and you will want someone to fall back on. The twin girl is liked by many young men and competition will be rath er stiff I am afraid- The girl from your home town cares an aw ful lot for you—feel reasonably sure of yourself before dropping her. M- C. S.—I made this trip out here and since I arrived I find • hat I am not wanted and conditions are terrible. I do not want to go homA like I am now and I want to know what to do? Ans: Stay out there and make the best of your situation- It is very unfortunate that you did not realize this fellow didn’t care lor you and he does not want to mar ry you. Now that you are in a predicament, you had better stay there until it is all over ****** C. B. —I have been told by many people that 1 had a good voice and I sing alone at church. Are the lesaons I am taking doing me any good and should I continue on with them ? Ans: Indeed you should- Your voice is very lovely but if you ex pect to cultivate it,—you must take lessons. The experience you are getting by singing in church will do you a world of good *h*h*t*t*t*t***t+*h*t**£li Girls On the Street Who’ll be next? Uncle Sam has taken three more of our fine young men, in the person of Mr. William Penn, Quincy Taylor and Charles Buckley. ****** A party was given at Gaynell’s house the other night. AU of the hipctas were there, and everyone reported having a fine time. ****** Mary Harris was seen at the Masonic the other night at the Sadie Hawkins dance. She was with hen heart beat. Walterine Wright has been go ing over to visit Lyndell P. sineo her cousin is visiting h«r« from California. I see that Myrdle Thomas is geting around since she has been back from the west coast. Morris McGe® is visiting our fair city. We know Morris will have a fine time while here be cause he looks like Gable's broth er. ****** Is he a man or mouse, we use to wonder, but now we know. He has a ten pound baby boy to show. *•*••• Seen: Herman Vernell with two young hens at the Omars U. with one on each arm. ****** Gene Harrison has found him a n:w love. It must be love and not no jive. IF YOU ARE LONESOME Meet Your Sweetheart through the best Colored Correspondence Club in America. Members every where- Friends, Love and Marriage through our club All types of the Negro race. Enclose a 3c stamp for Free Particulars. AMERICAN COLORED CLUB, Box 6836-H, Philadelphia, Pa. TRAINER PLANES FOR DEFENSE Middletown, Ohio—with the gov eminent embarked on an extens ive program of civilian pilot train ing, the production of light train ing ships has become one of the air plane industry’g major defense problems. Shown here are J. W. Fiirdalnder right( executive \|ce president of Aeronca Aircraft greeting Lee H. Smith, the new sales chief on his arrival at the factory, here, with news that pro duction in 1941 will exceed 2,000 doubling that of a year ago. ****** Marian Gray has left on a tour to visit the eastern cities. Well Marian, we hope you will enjoy your trip. A rare party was given at the home of the Franklin’s the other night. You know it was the lick ****** Can you imagine Arthur Davis walking from the U- to the Drug store. ****** Why does Audry Preston and Charlotte Preston make trips to Council Bluffs so often? Could they have Romeos there? ****** Dela Jefferson and Evelyn Al ston were at the U. Saturday nite. Thomas Riggs and several other cats were engaged in a rundup at the Masonic. Chauncey Barnett seems <0 be the man around town these days. Several dames are admiring him. ****** Laura Fagin must have religion [ because she likes Preacher. ****** Eleanor Smith is quitd" fond of the soldiers. One escorted her home the other night ***** Phillip Love is a dashing young Romeo these days. He is getting his kicks on the mellow side of life. ****** Why did a certain cat join the Mt. Calvary Church the other week? Was it his soul he want ed to save or his heart? Frank Brown is like a shadow on the Rockets team because he really gets around. ****** Lavar Powell is like lightning. You don't know where she is go ing to light next Juanita Agee has the grip or James Mosely. He don’t do noth ing behind her back that he would not do in her face- It’s been prov ed. Is it true that Doris S. and Don L. is engaged or is it a rumor? ****** Octavia McClarty trinks that everytime Baker is mentioned it is Lewis. Can’t much blame you Octavia. Baker is O. K ****** Juanita Lett is on our sick list this week. We wish her a speedy recovery ****** Thomas Watson seems to b the lone wolf thee day*. \Vhn»’s he ioason Tremas? ****** Beatrice and Earl Brown must be in love all over again. Th:y were together al lin smiles ****** Well, until next week, GIRLS ON THE STREET SIGNING OFF —Until then Wfe’ll be seeing U. NATION’S OLDEST TWINS Bloomfield. Iowa—Mrs. Jane Giles, left and Miss Rader both of Pulaski, Iowa, are Iowa’s undisput ed oldest twins- They are 96 yrs. old and are in fair health. They were b">rn in 1845 at Piketown, 0 hio, and are believed to be amon^c Nebraska has built a reputation for fine quality products. Now the state markets more than 400 mil lion dollars worth of finished goods annually . . . that means prosperity for Nebraska I You car help build not only the state s, bu' also your own prosperity by "buy Ing Nebraska." Ask for Nebraska grown and processed foods. Bus Nebraska-made products and sup pliesl NEBRASKA ADVERTISING COMMISSION. State Ho--' Lincoln, Nebraska tjf Neutral Switzerland Bombed Soundphoto— Three persons were killed when an aerial bomb scored a direct hit on this home in Basel, Switzerland. The Swiss caption on this photo did not at tempt to fix blame for this bomb the oldest twins in the United States. ITALY IS ACTING TO PRE- . . VENT MASSACRE BY THE ETHIOPIANS Vichy, France, Feb. 11 tANP) When several weeks ago the Brit ish offered to guarantee the sale conduct of the 100,000 Italians set tled in Ethiopia since the Italian conquest, Italian officials scoffed at the proposal. Friday, however, Count Guisseppe Volpi, Italy’s for mer finance minister, stopped over here on his way to London to ne gotiate for the evacuation of the white civilian population. It was Haile Selassie's spectac ular advances in Ethiopia, coupled with the fact that the British are nearing Gonlar, that brought about Rome’s new view of the matter Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly ' If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri- ' tis or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound today. Mix it with a quart ©f, water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It s easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 2 table spoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours " sometimes over night — splendid results are obtained. If the ' pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an absolute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and recom mended by Good Drugstores Everywhere* READ The QjIDE ing although several similar inci dents have been blamed on British flyers who mistook blacked-out towns for German or Italian terr itory, it was reported. Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thanks to a Doctor’s prescription called Mendaco. thousands now palliate terrible re curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough ing, wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, no smokes, no Injections. Just tasteless, pleasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal liative action commonly helps nature bring welcome sleep—a "God-send.” A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Mendaco Insures an Immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely sat isfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Mendaco from your , druggist today for only 60c. When in NEW YORK For the Day, The Weekend or Permanently The HOTEL THERESA 7th Ave. at 125th St FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms: luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. Latga roomi with ptirata bath •2.00 Slagle —*2.50 OoaMe aaO ep •1.S0 Slagle—*2.00 OoaMe aad ap UwtUJ Wttkb & Mmiib EsAs WALTER W. SCOTT. Hanagat Hotel THEHESA IWA^sl USWSUHaaYaakCRp NOW? HAVE your laundry com muw PLETELY FINISHED FOR ONLY -10c A POUND % _ • Emerson-Saratoga’s CHALLENGER SERVICE 18LBS 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST Emerson-Saratoga LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 2Uh SMART WOMEN us* GOLDEN GLO BEAUTY PREPARA TIONS. They like the smooth texture and excellent quality, plus extraordinary value In these fine cosmetics. THI PATH TO LOVELINESS A big Beauty Box weighing over two pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to you with no additional charges. ALL FULL SIZE—$3 00 VALUE ew. trim <%.»•!.« CrMM . SO. VmMlint Cmern . so. Nondotien (Golden IrtwB, Ochre. Net Brown) ISe Boee Powder lOold frown. Ochre, Nut Brown) 50c lipetlch (Peintetto Rod, Mo pie led, Cordovofl) JB* Ll«nt Median Dart Me l» Oreeee* . BO* Ointment... SO* —“““““•Check your shade* below*——-j GOLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS, INC. / 106 East 41*1 Street, New York. N. Y. / Fo» the encloeed II DO bill At money order, tend [ me your complete Beauty Boa containing T full \ sire GOLDEN-CLO products, with do additional \ charge to me. NAME: _ j ADDRESS: ___>1 CTTVt-STATE:_ f Pa—del see—Ooklew Brean t 1 Ortre t » Net Im ( > A Feedef—Oeklen Htvwa | I Orb re « } Nut It row > ( ) J Uaetlc* —roineeiia I | Maple Me* ( I L I ) ’ -__iA FOR ONLY 20c ^ We will send you any 30c item listed above as an introductory offer. Send two dime* In an envelope and we will mail with out am* ettra charge to you. GOLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS, INC lOfl East 41 SrartT New York, N. Y. " W I Ml h CROSS! *