The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 08, 1941, City Edition, Image 1

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Entered as Second-Class Matter at The Post office, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, March 8,1941 OUR 13th YEAR, N|o. 51—City Edition, 5c Copy
Under Act of March 8, 1874—Business Phone: WE. 1517___* - - - - -.- — - - - —
hAA CR Plan Taxpayers Suits Against School Boards
Here is your opportunity to get your UNIVERSITY TUI
TION FREE. The Omaha Guide Publishing Company, 2420
Grant Street, is going to put on A 3(M>0 DAY $300.00 SCHOLAR
SHIPS Subscription Campaign to the girl who can qualify. You
must have a qualified sponsor to enter this Scholarships Sub
scription Campaign. For full particulars, drop into our office
and fill out yiour entry card. Bring your sponsor with you. Re
member A $300.00 CASH SCHOLARSHIPS 30-60 day Subscrip
tion Campaign. Application accepted to enter this campaign
from March 15th to April 1st, so you will have to hurry girls!!!
Only 16 girls and boys accepted for this Subscription Campaign'.
-C. C. Galloway, Business Manager.
Miss Mary Agnes Yerwood, 1940
graduate of the Atlanta University
School of Social Work, has recent
ly been appointed case worker on
the staff of the City-County Dep
artment of Public Welfare, Dallas,
Texas. She Is a native of Austin,
Texas> a graduate of Samuel Hus
ton College, and was formerly em
ployed as an Assistant to the Exe
cutive Secretary of the Blue Tri
angle Branch YWCA, Houston,
Texas; as a case worker with the
Travis County Relief Commission,
Austin, Texas; and as a teacher in
the Public School System of Aus
(BY Booker Washington)
In the Public Schools of Omaha,]
it la required to take some for
eign language, and some type of
math before one is given a dip
loma admitting him to college1.'
However they do not require one |
to take music- Since music is the
most pleasurable of all the arts one
finds it difficult to understand
why music is not in the required
list. It seems that too much
stress is put on Academic subjects
and none on the cultural ones. If
it is necessary for one to learn to
speak a new language, which a
survey shoWs only 1 out of every
15 ever use again, after their
schooling, it should appear that
some stress ought to be put on
the things that the students will
be confronted with after they
leave school.
Forrest Gillum, 913 North 20th
Street, who pleaded guilty to a
manslaughter charge brought a
gainst him as a result of a an ar
gument in which Abner Tunspall
Caiuthersville, Mo., March 10
—(ANP) Led by Rev. Owen H.
Whitfield, a group of colored
sharjcroppers of Pemiscot county
has sent a petition to the Farm Se
curity Administration demanding
that the administration turnover to
the colored croppeis the recently
completed, 80 FSA. homes, which
white sharecroppers insist should
be given them for occupancy.
The homes in this cotton growing
district, are part of the FSA. re
habilitation program for sharecrop
pers and farm laborers. Th ty are
located in Wardell, 15 miles from
Caruthersville. After the controv
ersy was brought to his attention.
Philip G- Beck of Indianapolis FSA
regional director said:
"We felt that the placing of the
80 homes for Negroes at Wardell
was justified by our investigation
in that area. However, the posi
tion taken by the white people has
created a problem and we hop" to
settle it amiciably. You may rest
assured that the Negroes definite
ly will get a fair share of the
h mes which have been built.”
Rev. Whitefield, who represents
the croppers, was the organizer of
the 1939 Missouri roadside demon
ration and was spokesman for
the sharecroppers on the commit
tee named by Gov. Lloyd C- Stark
at that time. In their petition,
sent last week to the FSA., the
farm workers declared:
“We the sharecroppers, tenart
farmers and farm day laborers of
Pemiscot County shall depart from
this county in a body on Marcn 20.
And it is agreed that in other
counties the sharecroppers, tenant
farmers and farm day labore-s
shall not accept the group homes
offered > them, if their brother^ in
Pemiscot County are denie<j the
homes due them.
was killed, was sentenced to 2 yrr.
In the State penitentiary.
Local draft board 2 today ann
ounced the names of the 15 Negro
es who have been called for induc
tion into the selectiv service army
on March 1, and the 15 white mas
who will be Inducted on March 3.
Six of the Negroes are volun
William P. Franklin, 2803 North
24th St., Victor F. Fields, 2807 O
hio St.; Richard I- Cureton, 2050
North 19th St.; Edward J. Smith,
2020 North 25th St.; Charles Buck
ley, 2884 Ohio St.; and Isaac Tur
ner who will be inducted at Wash
ington, D. C.
Draftees: Edgar A. Brookshire,
2025 Ohio St.. Columbus McMorris
2631 Franklin St.; Joseph N. Head
ley, 953t North 25th St.; Willie R
Bibins, 2734 Blondo St.; Leonard
A. Nelson, 2601 Wirt St.; Tim Mil
es, 2120 North 27th St; John F.
Taylor, 2513 Wirt St.; Beryl Mart
in, 6233 Calumet avenue; Julius
M. Jackson, 2911 North 27th St.,
and Earl W. Allen, 2410 Erskinc
An interview with Mr. Edwin
Strawbridge, head of the Junior
Program Ballet Company, appear
ing here on March 19th in two
performances of “The Adventures
of Puck”, reveals a rather inter
esting viewpoint of the dance. A
return to the military might of an
cient Sparta through training sol
diers to dance is advised by Mr.
Strawbridge. He declares that
the greatest heroes of ancient days
were the greatest dancers and ev
ery Spartan soldier obtained a rig
orous physical training in the use
of the body through dancing.
Phyrric dances were practiced only
by brave warriors, and were part
of the competitive program at the
Olympiads, he points out.
“If the United States Army in
corporated dancing and physical
training for the dance in its sys
tem of education for the soldier,
we would have far better soldiers
“Strawbridge affirms, “Nothing
could be more helpful, for example
in the teaching of the manual of
arms than ryhmic footwork and
body control acquired through pro
per dance training. Dancer*, must
have greater physical endurance
than any other artists ’’
In the modern parachute jumper
Mr. Strawbridge sees the epitome
of the dance technique. For the
dance, he sajqs, is merely perfect
physical coordination, and in no
other branch of military service is
this attribute more requisite. Mr.
Strawbridge said that the para
chute jumping soldier must attain
a perfection of physical relaxation
to a point at which he exercises
every muscle of his body with
complete freedom.
“The Greeks had a greater un
derstanding of the practical bene
fits of the dance than do most peo
ple of modem times”, declares the
ballet dancer. “When the great
philosopher Plato said that the be
Marian May Sing
In D.A.R. Hall
Will He Get A
Chance Joe?
LEM FRANKLIN who just re
cently conquered Omaha’s own,
Carl Vinciquerra, hag been herald
ed by leading sports writers as the
leading contender for the crown of
Joe Louis. Will Louis give this
hard hitting member of his own
race a crack at the title.
ginning and end of education are
centered in music and mathemat
ics, he had dancing in mind with
regard to music, for music in
those days was always associated
with dancing."
[ --
(by Myrtle M. Goodlow)
• ••
I thank God for my country.
And her shining light of liberty.
That shed its beams on me,
And for every golden opportun
Shared equally.
To my country I shall be true,
And to the faith of my fore
For theirs was the faith—
That made me free.
To my God I shall be true,
For the ble^ed cross of Christ—
Has shed its radiant light,
And set me free—
For all Eternity.
I shall be true to God and Coun
For both have kept me free,
The Stars and stripes of Glory,
The Cross of Calvary.
Jacob C. Carey’s answer to Zen
obla Carey has not been filed to
date. Attorney W. B. Bryant stat
ed that they have until March l'th
to answer the said petition. A mo
tion was made demanding that the
plaintiff “make paragraph 3 of
her petition more definite and cer
tain by stating further the specif
ic acts of cruelty and when they
were committed in clarification of
the allegation—“has been guilty of
conduct which under the law con
stitutes extreme cruelty.’ ”
A hearing on the motion was
held in Judge Sears courtroom on
February 20th at 2 p. m. At ihis
hearing an amended petition was
ordered, the plaintiff, Zenobia
Carey was granted temporary ali
mony of $46.00 per month for her
support and the support of the
children, and from this amount
she is to take care of her current
expenses. Mr- Jacob C. Carey
was ordered to take care of past
bills. Mrs. Carey was allowed $26
temporary attomey’g fees.
Under the new Federal Income
Tax law, all single men who earn
$800.00 or more per year, and all
married men who earn $2,000.00
or more per year MUST file an
income tax return with the Feder
al Government by March 15th, re
gardless of any or all deductions
which they may have. Many per
sons wTio file these returns will be
exempted from paying any income
tax, but all persons who come un
der the conditions stated above
MUST make a return. Any pers
on who is subject to make the rt
tum and fails to do so, before
March 15th, is liable to a penalty.
Mr. Harry Leland, who is work
ing with the Tax Counsellor Serv
ice, 207 WOW- building will gladly
call at any h°me to assist in mak
ing out the return, or you may
call at the office and receive this
assistance without any charge to
Sgts- obert E. Campbell and Lc
Roy T. Alexander of the 9th Cal
vary at Ft. Riley, Kan- one of the
two Negro calvary regiments of
the army, arrived here today for
two weeks’ duty recruiting Negro
volunteer^ for three-year enlist
ments. The officers will work out
of the regular recruiting office at
224 Postoffice building.
Fire which caused several thou
sand dollars’ damage in a ware
house at 108 South 11th street Sat
urday brought a warning from
Fire Chief Arthur Olsen against
1 unauthorized use of flammable
fumigants, which he blamed for
the blaze.
“Under city ordinances,” Olsen
said, “the fire department must be
notified before a building is fumi
gated, and if the fumigant to be
used is flammable the permission
of the fire department must be ob
tained before it is used ”
New York,—George B. Murphy,
Jr., who, since July, 1938, has been
director of publicity and promot
ion for the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
Washington, March 10 (ANPl
Belief that Marian Anderson may
sing in Constitution hall after all
is rapidly gaining credence In cer
tain circles here.
Because conductors of orches
tra booked to appear in the hall
are permitted to select their own
soloists, It has been rumored that
one noted conductor, whose orch
estra is to appear in Constitution
hall at an early date, has selected
Miss Anderson as his soloist and
that she positively will appear on
the podium of the acred hall.
Confidential note to editors:
Leopold Stokowski, told friends in
Philadelphia that he intended
bringing Miss Anderson to Wash
ington as his soloist when he made
his appearance here early in the
spring series of concerts and that
he is well aware of the ruckus
raised when Miss Anderson was
refused use of the hall.)
People is no longer with the NAA
CP. having reslgnel as of Febru
ary 23, 1941.
Atlanta,Ge orgia, Feb. —Special
“Young men of Morehouse, give
of your best and the best will come
back to you’’ were the stining
Words of Dr. Mary McLeod Beth
une, director of the Negro Division
of the NYA, at the morning chap
el hour in Sale Hall.
Dr. Bethune, regal in black vel
vet, was impressive as she emphas
ized the need for seeking an educ
ation not for selfish purposes, but
rather to enrich and broaden the
live8 of others. The opportunities
for contacts with teachers and lead
ers at Morehouse, she told the stu
dents, should be a challenege thru
which their blessing8 might flow
out to others
The youth of today, the speaker
declared, have the greatest oppor
tunity that has ever been theirs in
the history of the world. She
maintained that she believed more
in the youth of today and in his
development and leadership than
at any other time in her life, stat
ing to the students ‘‘I am willing
to sit at your fee to get the trend
of your minds for you are thinking
is a more courageous strain than
the youth of yesterday—you are
getting your feet more solidly
placed on the ground, and you are
now wanting to be counted among
the youth of America".
After thirty-six years devoted to
the service of young people with
scarcely any let-up day or night,
Dr- Bethune stated that she nas
only gratitude in her heart tnat
The NAACP. will hold a Mas»3
meeting, Sunday, March 9, at 3 p.
m. at Zion Baptist Church. Joba
in defense industries will be dis
cussed- J. Westbrook McPherson
is Chairman.
New York—Law suits by tax
payers against boards of education
that provide defense vocational
training for white youths and no,
or unequal, training for Negro
youths, may be brought in the
near future, It was announced to
day by the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
The Association has received re
port^ from Seattle, Washington,
San Diego, Calif., Nashville, Tenn
essee and St- Louis, Missouri that
boards of education in these cities
have indicated that they will not
provide defense vocational train
ing for Negro students because in
dustrys in or near the cities have
declared that they are refusing to
employ Negroes.
In Seattle, the Boeing airplane
plant has made such a declaration
in San Diego, the Consolidated air
croft corporation; in Nastiville,
the Vultee airplane corporation;
and in St. Louts, the Curtiss
Wright corporation and other in
! The NAACP. is seeking inform
ation from other cities where 'his
situation exists.
In New York City, although
three airplane companies, Br**w
gter, Grumman, and Republic have
so far refused to employ Negroes,
the Board of education is not deny
ing training to Negro youths.
The NAACP. legal committee
is making a study of the law in
volved and feels confident that le
gal action can be brought by col
ored parents and taxpayers where
training has been denied or where
it Is unequal.
In a statement today, the NAA
CP. said:
‘ We are determined by every
means at hand to see that Negro
Americans get a square deal in the
defense program. We are contin
uing the fight against discrimin
ation and segregation in all bran
ches of the army and navy. We
have secured the introduction of
a Senate resolution In an effort to
make public in an official way the
rank discrimination against Negro
es in the whole defense program.
We are continuing the fight for
employment in defense industries.
“One of the most important as
pects of the defense program is
the vocational training being pro
vided by local boards of education,
by the WPA., the NYA., and by
the plants themselves. The gov
ernment has appropriated millions
of dollars for thifi defense train
ing and we intend to see that our
boys and girls receive instructions
which will fit them to be skilled
It is much easier to fight for
employment if it is possible to
produce trained workers for the
jobs than it is if only unskilled
workers are available.
"Now is the time for our people
to fight hard for this specialized
training. In the glamour of the
service in the army and navy we
must not lose sight of the vital im
portance of securing this valuable
training for our young people.
Even after the defense emergency
or—Wan—Negroes will be in a
much better position to campaign
for jobs if they have this train
God has counted her worthy to par
ticipate with him in doing some
thing to help somebody else.
In concluding her address, the
speaker urged the group to be un
selfish and sane in this hour of de
fense when America is calling, to
realize that we are all American
citizens together Whether we have
all that is ours or not, and to keep
in mind that we have more here
than anywhere else.
Commanding Three-Fleet Navy__
Washington, D. C.—Pictured
here are Rear Admiral Husband E
Kimmel center, who is the new
Commander-in-Chief of the Pacif
ic fleet with the additional titl"
and duty as commander-in-chief of
the United States fleet; Rear Ad
miral Ernest J. King, left, who
commands the newly organized
Atlantic fleet, and Admiral Thom
as C Hart, right, who ig to con
tinue as Commander of the Asiatic