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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1941)
0f -— , classifiedTads FRESH BUTCHERED PORK Butchered Hogs For Sale^ Dari 4009 South 60th Street.' HOME COOKED MEALS Home Cooked Meals at Busy Bee Cafe, 106 South 14th St.( JA. 9910 HELP WANTED, Male or Female Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage. Friendship, or Pleasure. Send Dime for member ship blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen dell, Chicago, 111. ROOMS FOR RENT Strictly modern rooms on car line 8502 Lake St, For Rent. Room For Rent, 2520 Patrick Ave WE. 2217. 3 Room Apt. Furnished, private bath, newly decorated, JA. 0986. 2 Room Apartment, furnished or unfurnished. WEbrfter 03601. Call evenings. Room For Rent for single man. Reasonable, call evenings AT. 9460 Room for man and wife AT. 0748 Furnished Room For Rent— 2520 l' Patrick. WE. 2217. HARDWARE— DOLGO FFH A RD W ARE Paint Glass and Varnish. Wed* glazing and make window shades %o order. 182 N. 24th St WE. 1607, FUNERAL DIRECTORS “thoTmas FUNERAL HOME 2033 Lake St. WEbster 2012 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 605J EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order lor you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Pine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy." RUMMAGE SALE Navy Mother’s Club of America, Febr. 22, from 8 a. m 2426 Lake Street . Kidneys Must Clean Out Adds Excess acids, poisons and wastes In your blood are removed chiefly by your kidneys. Getting up Nights. Burning Passages, Back ache, Swollen Ankles, Nervousness. Rheu matic Pains, Dizziness, Circles Under Eyes, and feeling worn out. often are caused by non-organlc and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder troubles. Usually In such cases, the very first dose of Cystex goes right to work helping the Kidneys flush out excess acids and wastes. And this cleansing, purifying Kidney action, in Just a day or so. may eas ily make you feel younger, stronger and better than In years. A printed guarantee | wrapped around each package of Cystex In sures an Immediate refund of the fuu cost unless you are completely satisfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get I Cystex from your druggist today for only SSc. I. C. C. ex. for N. S. I THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418 20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Matcn 15. 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. H. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Flurna Coope^, — — Vice Pies. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. •- Sec’y and Treas. SUSCR1PTION RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Year — — — |2.00 Six Months — — — 1.25 Three Months — — — .60 Single Copy — — — 6c All News Copy of Churches and all organizn* ions must be in ou” office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pro ceeding date of issue, to insure publication ^————» REMOVE ALL BARRIERS (by Charles Stelzle) It is generally assumed by aome otherwise informed Americans that the progress of the Negro race in the United States began at zero on January 1, 1863, when President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation became effective- It is true that more than four mil lion slaves started from scratch at that time, but nearly half a million Negroes were already free, many having purchased freedom througn their own efforts. When the Civil War began, WANT TO BUY— Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 /VWVWWVWWVAWfl DUFFY Pharmacy 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 wa’mwawawwav LOANS-»LO ANS-LO AN S We Loan Money on Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry, RadioH, Type writers, Guns, Musical Ins>.tn ments.—Anything Valuable WE SELL—Unredeemed Suits —Topcoats—Overcoats or any thing not redeemed. BILL’S LOAN BANK 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE-1369 INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Qu trapped In the stomach or gullet may art like a hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress smart men and worsen depend on Bell-ans Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but msde of the fastest - acting medicines known for acid Indigestion. If the F1RHT DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and receive DOVBLK Money Back. 25c. Joe’s FjdJ Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY— SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ORANGE AND BLUE FOOD STAMPS RE DEEMED at JOE’S Food Market at Low Prices. . SUGAR 5 POUNDS 25c COFFEE Butter-Nut pound 25 c BEST QUALITY Butter, lb. 32c FLOUR, 5 lb. bag 19c Soda Crackers, lb. pkg. 9c Sugar Top Cookies lb 12x/2 Catsup, large bottle 10c LARGE CAN Pork & Beans or Pork & Hominy 10c GIANT SIZE CAN Grapefruit Juice 17c LARGE CAN Peaches, in syrup 15c Sunkist Oranges, d izen 19c • MRTO Rjr,\N YAMS, pound 5c JOS TPBH »M 2KR EKTT MKV OLEO, lb. 10c Pure Lard, lb. 7x/k FRESH BULK Sauer Kraut, lb. 5c Veal Roast, lb. 17x/k Boiling Meat, lb. 12x/ec PURE Pork Sausage, lb. 15c U. s. CHOICE Pat Roast, lb. 20c Potataes, 10 lbs. 12X/2C LOCKING OR BAKING Apples, lb. _ 5c Omaha Family Soap, 5 bars 19c great numbers of Negroes had al ready become skilled workers, and while undoubtedly many owed their training to experience ob tained in Americai they had an inheritance which dated to an Af rican background, where for cen turies many of their forefathers were skilled artisans. In music they made a distinct contribution to American life. In religion, they swayed the life of millions. As humble workeri on farms and plantations they made possible the odminance of the South in the production of tobac co, rice sugar and cotton, to say nothing about service in other fields. The devotion to America as sc.' diers has been shown in every con flict in which our country has I been engaged. During the first world war, 380,000 Negroes enrol led for service, and they were the first to get into action. And while hundreds of American^ were ac cused of disloyalty^ it is s»4d that ihere wasn't a s*ngIe Negro am ong the number. And what may be said about these who, in spite of prejudice and opposition have excelled as poets, teachers, journalists, ait ists. actors, artisans, physicians, bankers, businessmen, scientists and many other occupations? Given the same opportunities en joyed by others, hosts of Negroes would today be In the front ranxs among the people of our country Sooner or later the people of this country will realize the unfairness of the barriers which stand ip the way of the Negroes of America, and when that time comes they will be prepared to take their place shoulder to shoulder with all those who hope and work for the prog ress of our great nation. I LEGAL NOTICE Chas. Davis, Atty, at Law Notice of Probate of Will In the County Court of .Douglas County( Nebraska. In life matter of the estate of Frank Morasco, al so known as Frank Mairask, de ceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on file in raid Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said de ceased, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 8th day of March, 1941 and if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 8th day of March, 1941 at 9 o’clock A- M ( to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Willis Ashby or some other suitable person, enter a de cree of heirship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Charles J. Southard, County Judge. begin 2-8, 41 end 2-22-41 NORTH 24th ST. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD "Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. —POPULAR PRICES - REA!) The GlJIDE U. S. PENALIZES GEORGIA FOR RAIDING ROAD FUNDS ■ ■■ '■■■■' 1 — 1 NEWS ITEM: Uncle Siam has notified. Georgia that it will lose £504,074 of its federal aid for highways as a result of the state's policy of diverting gasoline taxes and registration fees away from highway uses. The penalty is the third and the largest penalty ever inflicted upon the states under the penalty clause of Hayden-Cart wright Act through which Con fess apportions its federal aid to .he states. The attitude of the federal gov ernment toward raids on state highway funds was revealed by Jongressman Wilburn Cartwright, chairman of the House Road. Committee, who said, “Congress cannot be expected to continue in definitely attempts to help com plete the highway systems of those states which pursue the in defensible practice of misappro priating their own gasoline and other motorists' special taxes to purposes not related to high ways.'’ To prevent federal penalties ol this kind and to protect their road systems, 11 states have amended their constitutions to require that load funds are u. d actually or i oads. No/e: — Your Question Will B* A ns vie is "Fan" m Tina Column. Far a "Prite/t Reply" . . , Send only 2Je for ay new Aitlologt Iiimn k Local Day Chart and receive by return mail a confidential let tar ad Fra Advice analys ing three ()) Questions privately. Sign you full mama, addreaa, and birthdeag (a all letters, and please include a self-addressed, itempei envelope far yanr reply. Send all letters to ABBE’ WALLACE, P. O. Box, 11, Atlanta, Georgia R. S. R.—My mother wants me to go off to school in mid term and to a school that I do not want to attend. Tell me if I should go or wait and go to school of my cnoice 'O that I may take the trade I like? Ans: Talk this problem over with your mother in a sensible manner. Do not continue »o fuss with her about it. Let her krow that you intend to get a job and go to work this spring and sum mer so you can helP bear your own expenses- If you get dow.i to business with her she will see » your point of view and you can change her quite easily. ****** B. W.—I met a boy a few mon- J ths ago and he has shown quue a lot of interest in me and says he loves me. If I should marry this boy as he has asked me to do you think he and I could be happy to gether ? Ans: Both of you are old enough to assume the rcsponsiiel ity of marriage and I don't think you would be making a mistake if | you carried out your present p'arw : There is no question about you j caring for one another—and this ! is mightly important too I am sure you could be happy. ****** A. M—I want to know what is wrong that my husband and I do not get along well together? Ans: At the present time you aren’t satisfied with your living conditions. You don’t have enough privacy. Get you a place of your own to live and there won’t be so much confusion in 'he home. ****** D. A. B_Please Sir tell ma il I am going to be successful leasing my land ? Ans: Yes ,and it will prove to your advantage to rent out part of your property- Place an ad in the paper—also put a sign on the pro perty and I feel that in a few months time you will have the op portunity to lease a part of H at a reasonable price. ****** M. D. B.—Should I stay on with this man I am with or what do yoj think would be the best thing for me Ans: Why torture yourself any longer—you two aren’t suited and you have no business together any way. Don’t you think tha* you had belt r go bark hoinr to your daddy and start over again. You need to search for a husband ****** L. A. M.—Is there a possibility of me getting a better job soon? DIVES 620 M. P. H. Buffalo, N. Y.—Lieut. Andrew C. McDonough shown after he at tained the phenomenal speed of 620 m. p. h. in a dive of 21,000 feet in a pursuit plane over the Buffalo airport. The dive was part of the U. S. army’s required tests which demand an indicated air spe'M of 623 miles an hour in a dive. I icel so depressed at tint, s- May I send for my Astrology reading? A ns: The job you Lave isn’t ve *y worthwhile and I urge you to look around for something else. Hold to it however until you have n »<;•■ another coma**-. In th* city w.Hvi you live it shouldn’t ' ; lif ti. i, for you to gjt better ".^rk \ *s. you may send for vour Astro R- .u .’t g- The pr!j ’ is 2e.c. 1* sur*. to send fuu nr.rji* ,b r.hdatc a > I address. ****** L. M.—I am in love with a boy and went with him months b^t he found out that l wouldn’t do i\ ejything he want’d me to do JUST OUT HOWARD’S NEW SEPIA EDITION STYLE BOOK of real human hair, WIGS, PAGE BOYS. Send for your copy Today! The biggest variety of hair goods ever seen. Open a Customer's deposit ac count. HOWARD WIG CO. Dept. O. G. 143 W. 125th St., New York (Beauty Parlor Agents wanted! KITCHEN QUEEN! Donne Lacher, serving as offic!al hsotess to peacanners convening in Chicago, assures young house wives that Can-openers and cann ed food are secrets of easy cook ing success. wifr. him and he quit r.O and 1 wan to know if ne will come bati ar.d marry me? .\rs: No my friend he won't be back to marry yon. This f*Ji»w iii;iHiiuiiiiimii!iiiiuut<tRi!n!iiii;m1niiiumiitiitn]uimuHtRimtii'.iiiii!nuis:t.iuii:m! BABE’S BUFFET ■ J ^ T •* 1 • e« 1| for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUOUS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park— I ,,-,ittii!iiiiin!nuumt'Miyitii!iiiiiii«»tiiii:iiiii!t:i'!m*!iii;iuitiiii!iitiiii)'i;ii:i!inittiWiimi - -*. ..— i .--=-lf= ■■ -il-===l “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. I- . '"':=1E.. -■■-j-dl===l LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St. At Willis Avenne Mtfa*artaMa«artatfari«atad(tuta0a(*ac If You Are Lonesome Meet Your Sweetheart thru the only Colored Correspndence Club In America. Members everywhere Friends, Love and Marriage thru our club. All types of the Negro race. Enclose a 3c stamp for Free Particulars. AMERICAN COLORED CLUB Box 6836-H. Philadelphia, Pa had no intentions of marriage. He v> allied a good time a: some one els.?, risk and found out tiiut you w'uVn't take him up and he went olsev here. You used mighty good judgement. ’V. W. S- I hav-J a g? •’ fiicii who is always pretending sh? is w'ti1 she isn’t and trying to make nr.* telieve. Should I ijuit h«r or go or. ? Ai.s: She’s migl ly anxious to get married and is trying every pocf/lde trick to lead you to the altar. If you love her rr.a ry her and if you don’t—*nvc th? girl a Ior*e. I LEWIS & HARRY SERVICE STATION 2?03 N. 24th Street DIAMOND D-X GAS & LUHUICATION Harry Payne, Lewis Irvin, Proprietors Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel Srm laden phlegm, and aid nature soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis I-1 ART PROJECT MAKES COLOR PORTRAITS OF CHILD PICTURES FREE This offer it one of tha molt remark able ever made. WeTl tend you a beautifully hand-colored-in-oil-paint enlargement of any picture you want enlarged. Yet. any tnapahot, any fa vorite picture you’d like enlarged and hand-colored. These enlargements will be site 5*7. They will be mounted on high quality, double-white mat mount ings site 7*9. To duplicate such an enlargement, hand-colored-in-oil- * paint, would cost you from $1.25 to $3.00 in any photographic store. To get this enlargement you pey only 50c for the enlargement and the hand fainting will be done without charge. Simply send a print or negative of your favorite picture and fifty cents in coin. That's all you do, and promptly by mail you'll receive your hand-col ored-in-oil enlargement. Send today to phptyt 360 N. Michigan Ave., Chlcacn. III. -1— 1 ■ ■ i ■ ^ v Acts 2-ways v"> help wo^e:..; "Just what I needed!” Every! year many women say that afier they’ve started using CARDUI! For they find it helps them in two important waya when they suffer from headaches, cramp-like pain, or some other form of periodic dis tress due only to functional cnuse To help relieve functional per iodic discomforts, start three days I-T before “your time” and follow directions. Or take it as a tonic by directions to stimulate appetite improve digestion, by increasing the flow of gastric juices, and help build strength. Probably the great est benefit comes from using CARDU‘1 both ways. Used over 50 years! ... So a telephone call did the job When it’s storming, you may want to postpone an out-of-town trip until a more pleasant day. You can cancel an appointment and take care of the situation easily, quickly and cheaply—by telephone. ^ .^ 14 :