The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 22, 1941, City Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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    Address of Paul E. Lockwood, Executive Assistant
District Attorney on The Staff of Thomas E. Dewey,
At the Third Annual Lincoln and Douglas Commun
ity Program of the New \ork City Branch of Nat 1
Alliance of Postal Employees at the Abyssinian Bap
tist Chucrh, 132 West 138th Street, New York City,
on Sunday, February 9, 1941. ^
(Continued from page 1)
brings up two questions of vital importance to every
American citizen whether colored or white. First
will the Negro obtain his fair share of the employ
ment resulting from defense work? Second-will
the United States make full use of the work capacity
of its 13,000,000 colored citizens?
The American people have said that the social
gainst we have made must not be sacrificed in the
pressure of re-arming. Certainly a tremendous soc
ial and economic loss will be sustained if the colored
citizen is excluded from doing his part fairly in our
defense preparations. In the defence councils of the
nation, Labor speaks on its own behalf. A disting
uished labor leader sits beside the industrial chief of
our defense board in Washington to look out for La
bor’s rights. Labor has demanded such protection.
It has obtained it.
Certainly, it’s reasonable if our colored citizens
should demand firmly and militantly that their right
to an equal opportunity in working for America be
smilarly assured.
This is not an arrogant and unpatriotic demand.
It is a righteous demand that comes from the desire
of the Negro tto do his part for his country and at the
same time raise his status. It is an expression of his
deire to be clothed with the same rights and duties
as every other American citizen.
The colored citizen cannot be sure of adequate
protection merely because several officials are chavg
ed with seeing that his rights are not violated. The
movement must have a broad base. All colored citiz
ens as well as all other fair-mirtded Americans must
unite behind it into a great force. This force will
strengthen those officially charged with the protect
bn of Negro opportunity. They, as well as Negro
organizations, must continue to demand equal rights
and opportunities for the colored citizens in the in
dustrial approach to preparedness.
One great safeguard is equally as important.
The Negro must himself be able to grasp these op
portunities when they appear. He must be trained
and ready for the job. This means that the Negro
must be given opportunities to learn. He must take
advantage of the training of apprentices. The school
ing of young colored men an;I women in technical
skills for defense work must be fostered. \ ou must
be certain that Hot only you, but particularly your
children, have an opportunity to be trained in trades
ant' skills. Then the colored man can work beside the
white man in defense plants with the same degree of
equal ability as he has always exhibited in working
beside the white man in the Postal Service.
America must give to the Negro this opportun
ity tD earn a living and to perform significant serv
ce for his country. He must be justified in feeling
he is an integral and important part of the United
States. In this way, he too, can feel the inspiration
which is born of a sincere love bf country.
Failure to insure such opportunity to the Negro
must inevitably result in ill health. More important
it must result in' the less of the urge to work. In the
District Attorney’s Office, we can see every day one
of the conspicuous evils caused by lack of economic
opportunity. I refer to criminal offenses which in
many instances are fostered by lack of jobs and se
curity. Particularly in the case of the colored offen
ders, it is found that lack of economic opportunity
causes cnflicts with the law.
The other day a young Negro was brought in
charged with robbery. He had “mugged” a colored
woman here in Harlem. He mad|e a free and candid
(| nfession,, and was ready to take his medicine. One
of Mr. Dewey’s assistant’s said to him, “Why did you
do it?”—“Because I was hungry” came back the ans
wer quickly and frankly. The boy had been unem
ployed for months.
The prosecutor of New York County, and, I am
sure, every good citizen, would be most happy to have
lawlessness checked by removing the cause of crime
rather than by punishing offenders.
But such a happy result will n>t be achieved
simply by giving lip service to democracy. It will not
be achieved until the full fruits of our democracy
have been extended to everyone who lives under it.
The mere passage of legislation^ the adoption of res
olutions, the expression of good intentions, will not
bring this about. Something greater than laws is
In this time of wjrld crisis—in democracy’s great
est hour, we deed a fuller understanding of how De
rnc cracy works. What is necessary is actually to put
Today, most intelligent folks,
like the young woman shown a
bove are interested in knowing all
the facts about the things they
When asked about Feen-A-Mlrt
the famous ch. wing gum laxative,
th< modern druggist will answer
o the complete satisfaction of nis
:• . ■————I—l n I wir --«fn-nr
customers. He will point out that
Feen-A-Mint is tested and re-test
ed in modern scientific laborator
ies- He will truthfully add that
66 exacting tests are used in
checking Feen-A-Mint from the
first step right through to the fin
ished product. And the customer
may be assured that the makers
of Feen-A-Mint employ highly
trained graduate scientists, using
the finest' most modern equipment
in testing this product
These are some of the reasons
why millions of people rely on
Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum lax
ative, for welcome, pleasant relief
of constipation.
into practice tolerance; for members of the differ
ent races to defend America by working side by side.
Tlie Postal Service has shown that this can be done.
I know of no case where riots or tights have occui led
in the postal service because a white man'did not care
to work beside a colored man. This tradition of the
Post Office, regardless of political administrations,
should be an object lessen to all industry. It should
be hammered l«bme to all employers who hesitate to
take in Negroes bqcause of a fear that the whites
will object. It should be remembered by all labor un
ions who exclude or curtail Negro membeiship for
fear of offending the “sensibilities” of their white
Let them look at the record of colored men and
white men working side by side in the United Staten
Post Office. They can then be re-assured. They can
then take immediate steps to give equal opportunity
in making a living to the colored citizen, for his own
I sake and the sake of his and our country.
It is more than fitting that seventy-live yea.*3
after the war which brought about the political fiee
dom of the Negro, we should honor Lincoln and the
spirit which guided him. Now the world is engaged
in a death struggle between democracy and the dic
tatorships. We should call upon all true America vs
to make this nation a genuine shrine for democracy
by fighting for the integration of our Negro citizens
into the industrial effort of our defense. To that
objective, let us pledge ourselves here ti xlay!
Girls On the Street
May we congratulate Betty Mit
ehell for being chosen as the
sweetheart of 1941.
Many uong ladies received box
es of chocolates for Valentines day.
I sahn’t mention any names.
A surprise party was given in
honor of Lyndell Partridge Sun
da>. Everyone reported having a
wonderful time.
Odessa Ware seems to have
made a rare hit with a soldier
(Billie) the other night at the U.
Can you imagine Walter Wil
liams being present at the U ?
Gail Pnvenport_ Perry Harris,
and Sammy Taylor have joined the
army in hss than a week. Uncle
Sam has some fine men
Seen on chocolate avenue; A
j certain group of cats were mighty
happy Sunday night, because they
wer.’ singing like larks.
I hear that Frank Jefferson is
going to join the army soon. Sor
ry to see you leave Frank.
The Torch of the week. The
Beau Brumnvels ball Monday night
Helen Bradshaw is making a
hit it seems with Herbert Cole
Where does Avoca come in?
Th*' Tuesday nighters Waftle
dinner was a great success. At'-!
terwards there was dancing and
Wonder whats the matter with
L. A. and J. T.?
Harold Boggas was seen with a
different chick the other nigh*.
Watch i U. M. C.
D. C. was asking information
concerning a guy from South O
maha. He ■tfas a solid sender
Huey Harper has returned to O
maha for a serious occasion. You
have our deepest sympathy.
Gene Harrison should be a fire
man from the speed he drives his
Hazel Montgomery seems to
like a soldier also- In the person
cf Ned Moore.
Lillian Brown and Ralph Ard
uao seems as if they are going to
sign the dotted line. Time will
Discovered A good looking chap
named Marcus. Watch it Marcus.
Margie Johnson was all alone the
other night. What’s the beef kid?
I see that Elvia Avant is going
to have some mighty stiff compe
tition. Don’t lose no sleep Elvia
I hear that Jessie King gave
Harold Biddieux the air for Har
old Bell. Wasn’t told to me I only
Wendell Chamber got his hand
y I • Jv per ton
JA- 0478 S
1NV/TT PLETELY finished for only
-10c A POUND
18LBS 1.79
10c Each Additional Pound
Includes Men’s Shirts Finished
WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th
V. - ^ I
Milan, Italy,—This was one ofi
the first pictures to reach this
country showing damage done in
Italy by the ibombing raids of'the
Royal Air Force. Photo shows
firemen searching in the wreckage
of a bombed home after an attack
Passed by Italian censor.
busted- Gotta be more careful
William Watson and Evelyn P.
^2022 Lake St. WE. 2022
When In
For tbo Day,
The Weekend
7th toe. at 125th St
distinctive location ... All outside
rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant
and Bar. Every comfort and facility.
Large room* with private bath
•2.00 Ui|)a —*2.50 Dtabh ut ip
•1.50 Sintla —*2.00 DooMa asd up
Special W'eekb & Maatily Katei
7® to*, at 125«a St, Seal Yerfc Cttj
Pfcnnai MOsssmS 2-1700
were at the game together.
This is Station G- 0. T. S. sign
ing off until next week. Until
then We’U be seeing U.
...But NOT Men
Here's Help I,
“Sorry, but we want a younger
man!” Have you beard those
words? And watched another
hopeful job hunter turn sadly away,
betrayed by his own gray hair .. .
This needn’t happen to yon.
Hair Coloring you can conceal the
gray in your hair and took years
^er. When used as directed,
iUSE colors evenly—almost
instantly — gives the hair a spar
kling, glossy, young appearance
you’ll be proud of. Choice of IF
Every bottle is guaranteed to
satisfy or your dealer will prompt
ly refund your money. If your
dealer doesn’t have LARIEUSE
(Larry-Use), send $1.25 direct to
Lemon JHice Recipe Checks
Rheumatic Pam Quickly
If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri
tis or neuritis pain, try this simple
inexpensive home recipe that thousands
•re using. Get a package of Ru-Ex
Compound today. Mix it with a quart
of water, add the juice of ♦ lemona.
It's easy. No trouble at all and
pleasant. You need only 2 table
spoonfuls two times a day. Often
within 48 hours — sometimes ovtr
night — splendid results are
obtained. If the paini do not
quickly leave and if you do not
feel better, Ru-Ex will coat you
nothing to try at it is sold by
your druggist under an absolute
money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex
Compound it for tale and recom
mended by Good Drugstores Everywhere
Asthma Mucus
Coughing, Gasping
Thanks to a Doctor's prescription called
Mendaco, thousands now palliate terrible re
curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough
ing, wheeling Bronchial Asthma by helping
nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes,
no smokes, no Injections. Just tasteless,
Rleas ant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal
atlve action commonly helps nature briny
welcome sleep—a "Ood-send.” A printed
Ruarantee wrapped around each package of
lendaeo Insures an immediate refund of
the full cost unless you are completely sat
isfied. You hive everything to gain and
nothing to lose under this positive money
back guarantee so get Meudaco from your
druggist today for only 60c.
Way To Happy Relief
From Lazy lr*sid«r>
Punctual, .satisfying relief fromS
constipation and its headaches,
biliousness, bad breath, is the »-ule |
when spicy t aromatic, time-tested
That is principally due to the
chief ingredient of this purely veg
etable medicine, an “intestinal
tonic-laxative” with high medical
recognition- It helps impart tone
to lazy bowel muscles.
time by the directions. See how jt
generally allows time for sleep;
acts gently—but thoroughly the
next morning. Remember it next
time a laxative is needed! And it's
economical, too! 26-40 doses: 25c.
TIONS. They like the smooth texture ond
excellent quality, plus extraordinary volue
In these fine cosmetics.
A big Beauty Box weighing over fwe
pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to
you with no additional charges.
tot. PrSw
Clieeilee Craeei .. Ms
VenSsMee Creese .. Ms
PeeadaNra |WSm Irrwr, Otter, Net 1mm) Ui
tew tewder Weld Itm. Ottoe. Net Irewe) set
Host!* (Pete teste tod, Mepb tod. Cerdeeee) Its
UM III Sire Due
m .«- w- a^to
IWw nmeto MSiMMieeiMiiiiitsitiiss
OtetHM.. • e e e e . # .M« '
--Ckmk yom <U6m baton — ——
100 la* 41* SEN*, N*w Ton, N. T. /
Pot the ancfcsBad 01J00 bill Or mtaney order, Brad [
mm row tarnpimm Beauty Baa containing 7 full \
*aa COLORN-OLO prodac*. wife no additional \
We will send you sny 50c item listed
above as an fotroductory offer Send two
dimer la an envelope and see will mall with
Old any extra charge to you.
106 East 41 Stxxxt
Nxw Yonx, N. Y.
CROSS! Start ly u Dmm. U«*a4 »t»: <1» ku hrun
i* aha* Lwt la L***—Omni—IwImh'
MU* «iun mm into."
“fowlftrUL LUCK CHARM**
★ W* mu* m Miptmiiurml itolM. u*4 mR Mity n
• W», Mmilto **iur*i ium mu mrl* a*(iir(r'i*»
OMtMxtfnl or aMMr »>•**' Rmii pmiimI4 to* aaty II
at O O O. H IS. u«t i tin, art am*, ft * NIM4
{^RaUf- m Trial* Carta Caw H 44to «.