Tune In On KOIL Sundav Morning Between 9 and 9:30 When in | NEW YORK 3 For the Day, " The Weekend or Permanently The HOTEL THERESA 7th Ave. at 125th St FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. , Large rooma with private bath •2.00 Singh -*2.50 Double and np *1.50 Singh-*2.00 Double and ap Spatial Weakly & Monthly Ratal WALTER W. SCOTT. Manager Hotel THERESA 7* Am. «t I25«h St, Deer Ywfc Otjf Phoaai M Ottoman* 2-WOO ST. JOHN’S CHURCH 4 “The Friendly Church” Rev T. A. Scars, Pastor Our Sunday school at 9:30 a m. last Sunday was very well attend ed and the young people^ as well as the older ones, came in large numbers to the morning service at 10:45 to greet their pastor, who had recovered sufficiently from a I retracted illness, to be in his pul pit and bring the morning mess age. St. John’s is registering enthus iasm over the possiblity of com pleting her church edifice directly after retiring the present mort gage indebtness early in May of this year. All of St. Johns mem bers and well-wishers, will come out and get an earful of the good news first hand. This is announcing young peo ple's day at St. John’s on the third Sunday of this month. The pas tor will direct his remarks to the young people ot the morning ser vice and St. John’s Junior chorus will render the music- And all young people conference and pro I EXPOSITION FLYER Lv. Omaha.11:10 P.M. Ar. Chicago. 8:55 A.M. Observation-lounge car; bedroom car; standard and tourist Pullmans; de luxe chair cars; dining car. (Standard Pull mans ready for occupancy at Omaha 10:00 P.M.) Four Other Fine Trains Daily THE ARISTOCRAT Lv. Omaha.8:IS am Ar. Chicago.;.7:55 pm Observation-lounge car; Pull, mans; de luxe chair cars; dining car. THE FAST MAIL Lv. Omaha.,5:55 pm Ar. Chicago. .6:00 am Standard Pullman, de luxe chair cars and diner-lounge. AK-SAR-BEN ZEPHYR Lv. Omaha.12:15 noon Ar. Chicago. 8:15 pm Stainless steel dining-parlor* observation and chair cars. Buf fet service. DENVER ZEPHYR Lv. Omaha.12:48 am Ar. Chicago. 8:38 am All-room and section Pullmans, de luxe chair cars, dining car. TRAVEL CITY TICKET HEADQUARTERS OFFICE Farnam at Nlnataanth Sixteenth at Farnam Phanei Atlantic 6131 Phonei Atlantic 6U1 I NOWt HAVE YOUR LAUNDRY COM nvjtv pletely finished for only -10c A POUND Emerson-Sara toga's CHALLENGER SERVICE 181BS 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST Emerson-Saratogai LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th Our Business Is Picking Up FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR MOVING JOBS LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE, AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM PETENT, TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JOB. -ALSO AUTO STORAGE NORTHSIDE TRANSFER —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR 2414 Grant Street WEbster 5656 i gram is planned for the late af ternoon- If anyone wishes to make a suggestion or get in on this g< t-to-gethcr meeting, see Miss Edna Blair or Mr. Julian Me Pht'rson. More details of this meeting w»ill appear in next weeks issue of this paper. Richard Allen, the first active Bishop and founder of «he AMil, Church was bom in February and in addition to St. John’s pastor and choir being on the Air Race Relation Sunday from 9-9:30 a m. the entire Church will join . with the A ME Churches throughout the world in celebrating Founders Day—Tune in on KOIL early and come to church and thank God for such a church that God has allow ed Alien and his felow workers to build Mr. Herman Carter is a very en ergetic young man and is working hard to build up the membership of the League. It meets at fi p. m. on Sundays and everyone is invit ed to come out and swell 'he crowd. Our visitors: Mrs. Clara Poin dexter of Chicago and Mr- and Mrs J. L. Peoples of Pueblo, Colorado. All welcome and all invited to come again. Friends meet friends at St. John’s AME. Church. M. E- Webb( reporter. OMAHAN HAS ORCHESTRA IN DENVER by Mabel Glenn Mr. Vercylee Norvell, 2613 Ham ilton who is the director and fea tured soloist with his otvhe.stua, which is always billed as the “Prince of Versality”, Vercylee Norvell, and his Orchestra, the Aristocrats of Rhythm, was inter viewed by the Omaha Guide re porter. At the present time this orchestra is playing at the ‘‘Ex Service Men’s Club’’ in Denver, Colo, on every Thursday and Sat urday night. The orchestra pres ents a broadcast over Radio Sta tion KOA., from 10:30 to 11:30 p. m. Mr. Norvell plans to bring his orchestra to Omaha sometime dur ing the summer Mr- Norvell attended Nortn High school and was graduated in 1938. During the same year he won a scholarship from the Re gional Music Contest for the Temple school of music in Philadcl phia. Pa., bu it was refused be cause the school was not his choice It has been Mr. Norvell’s iden to have an orchestra which was his main object in going to Denver. Upon Mr. NorVell’s return to Den ver the orchestra is going to make a tour of the wiest, including Salt Lake City, Utah and Pasadena, California The orchestra is a hobby of Mr. Norvell's and they have made several recordings such as “Riff Interlude”, “Dolmite”, and “Star Dust” which is their theme signature. On the concert side, which is his real career, Mr. Norvell’s next concert will be given at the Joslyi Memorial in the latter part of the fall. U. I*. COACH I’OUTERS AM) ATTENDANTS DISCUSS PRO GRAM TO ACQUIRE AND ROTECT RIGHTS A three day conference of the Chair Car and Coach Attendants of the Union Pacific Railroad Company was held in Omaha, Ne braska, January 23, 24, 25 under the auspices of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porterst which recently chartered a local division to handle the problems of the Chair Car Attendants on that road Representatives from all divisions of the Union Pacific System were in attendance and conferred with First International Vice President M P. Webster, who came front Chicago to direct the Conference. Among the topics discussed at the meeting were the question of the Brotherhood’s program to ac quire and protect the rights of Ne gro Railroad workers under the Railway Labor Act and the partic ular problems affecting the Union Pacific Chair car employes includ ing the revision of the existing contract by the Brotherhood fcr this group of men. Representat ives from each division of the Un ion Pacific System were in atten dance and the Brotherhood's pro gram of organization tvas appicv ed. rHMMIIIIIIIMliWllllllllllllll||iMliilillMBiailtll!li:|M: THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 HHWBIBimnnirillllil>IIIIIIIHI>,|lfnnil‘,llI*f*:lltitB»wMwiiiimiBiWBni^ Lincoln U. (Mo.) Opens 75th Anniversary Celebration With Address by DuBoe's, Governor -< An analysis of the wages and working conditions Survey now be ing conducted by the Brotherhood was made for the benefit of the delegates present and plans were laid to correct the disadvantages revealed in the Study by means of proposals that are being drafted to be submitted to the Railroad Management. J. F’. Jackson of Cheyenne, Wvo ming, represented the men from that division; C. L Woods of Poc atello, Idaho, represented the South-Ctntral divisions; including in addition to Pocatello, the Green River_ Salt I>ake City and PorUa"d divisions; E. Reeves of Los Angel es, California, represented the at tendants from the South-West | Coast division. | An Aggressive program of organ ization was launched from this meeting for the purpose of per fecting the organization work in this local division. The headquarters of this group is here at Omaha and the local will be officered by Union Pacific Chair Car Attendants- Benjamin Gardner and T. S. Phillips are hold ing the temporary offices of Pres ident and Secretary-Treasurer, re spectively an represent the Omaha division at the Conference- Ih organization of this Union Pacific group under a Brotherhood char ter adds another local to the long list that has been organized under the Brotherhood’s banner since it was granted jurisdiction by the American F'ederatinn of Labor ovu- Tiain Porters, Chair Car Por ters and Attendants. FINGERPRINT EMPLOYES Washington, I). C.—^Employes are being fingerprinted in some of the 1,200 industrial plants un dergoing an anti-sabotage check I) Said Dr. W- E. B- DuBois (top) of Lincoln University of Missouri in his 75th Annversary Fonders’ Day address at Jefferson City re cently—one begins to see here a chance of establishing a real uni versity, a Ni.'gro university not in the sense that it is teaching Negro icienco or merely Negro history or mathematics, but in the larger and broader sense that here sci ence and education are being so administened that the place of the Negro in the world and his rela tion to the body of his fell uv hum an beings is being made clear; up by FBI, it was learned 'CONTEMPT* JUROR, FRIEND JAILED Charged with contempt of court in “talking about’’ a case pending in district court, Carl Bryant, | 2518 Ohio street( a juror on the last panel and Joseph Rooney, 2212 South Fifteenth street, were sent enced to six months in jail by Dis rict Judge Leslie yesterday after noon. “These sentences *may seem se vere ” said Judge Leslie, “but any one connected with the courts knowts how vital it is to assure a fair trial to those who come into court.’’ As jurors had been instructed specifically not to talk about pend ing cases with anyone, the judge said, both Bryant and Rooney were “grievous offenders.’’ HIGH GOAL— Little Rock, Ark., (C) Insurance agents the country over are work ing mighty hard to get $30,000,000 worth of business by National Ne gro Insurance Week, M’ay fifth through' the tenth. Yes sir, it’s • high goal. r/W TKIZD them AIL-BVT SjmsMM*7***** mT'juy wee uses /r. SHE TELLS ME W MAKES EVERY 4 M MEAL TAST/ERI 0 and a fertile starting point prepar ied for a democracy of human cul tures which will make peace in the world not only possible but profit able for all men.’’ Governor Lloyd C. Star, retiring executive of Missouri, stated that he was proud of the record of the Negro state institution of Miss ouri and that he had kept hi pledge that ‘‘freedom and good vs'^ik without regard to politics, color and creed” would mark his administration as governor of the state. I “ ’ Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri tis or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of ♦ lemons. It's easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 2 table spoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes over night — splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an absolute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and recom mended by Good Drugstores Everywhere* Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thanks to a Doctor's prescription called Mendaro, thousands now palliate terrible re curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough ing, wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, no smokes, no Injections. Just tasteless, pleasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal liative action commonly helps nature bring welcome sleep—a "God-send.” A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Mendaro Insures an Immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely sat isfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Mendaro from your druggist today for only 60c. MAKE LOVE'S DREAMS COME TRUE! Gray hair makes you "old looking." You can fix that easily . ■ . with Godefroy's Larieuse hair coloring-today I Gray Hair is no reason why you should find romance only in your dreams. If that keeps your dreams from coming true—here’s good news! With Godefroy’s Larieuse you can bring radiant, gleaming color to ALL your hair. When used as directed, Larieuse gives quick, sure results. It won't rub off or wash out. Permits mar cels, permanent waves. Known and used for 45 years. Money beck if not satisfied. If your dealer doesn’t have it, send $1.25 direct to... GODEFROY MFG. CO, 3)10 OUVE STREET, SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI ^ OODffDOti ^ HAIR COLORING 14) READ The GUID£ Happy Relief When Laxative Is Needed Don’t experiment with harsh ways to relieve constipation. There’s no use when there’s a gentle way: spicy, aromatic, BLACK-DRAUGHT when taken by the directions. It is a purely vegetable medicine Taken as directed at night, it us ually allows time for sleep; acts gently but thoroughly next morn ing. You should feel fine again BLACK-DRAUGHT’S effective, ness is largely due to its chkf ingredient known as an “intestinal tonic-laxative”, which helps impart tone to lazy bowel muscles. Take BLACK-DRAUGHT next time. It is time-tested, economical 25 to 40 doses are just 25c. SMART WOMEN use GOlDEN-GvO BEAUTY PREPARA TIONS. They like the smooth texture end excellent quolity, plus extroordinory value in these fine cosmetics. THE PATH TO LOVELINESS A big Beauty fox weighing over two pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to you with no oddiHonol charges. " AU PUU SIZE-$3 00 VALUE M0* Frit* CfMM .. W« VanithiAf Cream. SO* Fauadotien (Oelden Srawn. Ochre. Nat Brew*) 25* Pace Sawder (Oald Brawn, Ochre, Nat Brawn) 50< Upttkk (fakiMtta Bad, Map * Bad, Cardavan) 2Sc Li*M Stalina Dart Stair Draetar . SO* Ointment...- SO* .—■- — '".Check ytmr ihtdn below""— GOLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC. > 106 Eait «lrt Street. New York. N. Y. / For the encloeed SI M bill ar money order, send [ me year complete Beauty Bor containing 7 full \ itw GOLDEN-CLO product*, with no addition*! \ •Barge to me. j NAM*: -- ADDRESS: - \ CJTT i--STATE:_ i Fmadnltm—Oeldm Brvno 4 I Ochre 4 | Net Brown < ) N»tw OeMa Rw.n 4 ) tVhr. \ » Bel Brawn 4 » Unwvm-IStne^ir 4 I Steal* Be* I ) Canteen 4 > --- FOR ONLY 20c '*“££« We will tend you any 50c item listed W M */ Wf . fl J above at an introductory offer. Send two SYMBOLIC I^J v3j dime* in an envelope and we will mail with o»t ctr. ch,,g, to you. CKUSS1 rSZl COLDEN-CI.O PRODUCTS, INC ** '^SwnS.'iiiai c«.. W I HR Fait 41 Crntrr 4_ W# and Mil «ntr M IlW tAJT 41 STREET ^Lm a r*r». lemiln* nstuitl *umm rrou curio. HatlcfartlM* Naw York, N. Y. Guaranteed or monay bad! Mm (MWtpaI<1 for Mily >1 . « C.O.D. 11.13. Uw’l wait, art urn. It'* tiikt *-«**> omm to Vr tatty Curl* Cm. M 414 «. a. I.