Begin Laying New Telephone Cables From Omaha To Sacramento Wnfl Vine Kf'criin nn twin nnrter' '~* ——■ ■ ■■■■ — - — - - — ■ —■ ■ ... 1 ■■ ■-** ■ ground telephone cables which will ^pan the 1,600 miles between Om aha, Nebraska and Sacramento, California, to link the telephone cable networks on the two sides of the cor.tenent, the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company an nounced1 today. The newt cables -will supplement several existing “open wire” transcontinental lin es- They will increase trancontin ental circuity initially by about 50 percent, supplying a quantity of circuits able to meet practically any future demands of national de fense or other major emergency, and will ultimately almost triple present cross-continent facilities. The project is expected to cost nearly $20,000,000. Construction NORTH 24 th ST\ SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 YOU CANT TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD “Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THB NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS RLE JOINT. * J —POPULAR PRICES I ^HUUUaiM I 7th tvt. at 125th St When In NEW YORK For tho Day, Tho Weekend or Permanently Tho HOTEL THERESA FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. Large rooms with private bath : *2.00 Slide —*2.50 G.eM# mi ip •1.S0 Single—*2.00 Doable and « SftcUl VTtrkh & MoatblrfUiei WALTER W. SCOTT. Manager Hotel THEHESA 71* Am. tt 125«* 5U Nw Tarii City Rons I* MOmmsna* 1-1700 --- permits have been issued for the Omaha-Denver section and applic ations for the remainder of the work will be submitted to the Fed eral Communications Commission in the near future. Buried underground, the new cables are expected to prove an important link in the nation’s com munication system, further insur ing contact during emergencies be tween the vital centers of industry railheads, seaports and troop con centration points on either coast. The work already authorized has been engineered by the A. T- and T- Long Lines Department in co opration with the Northwc3letn Bell Telephone Company and the | Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, and Long Lines gangs have started laying the cables, moving westward from Omaha and from Grand Island, Nebraska. Those directing the I work expect to get as far a« Lar amie, Wyoming, by the end of this year. l^ater, construction gangs of the Pacifit Telephone and Telegraph Company will start eastward from Sacramento and the two forces are expected to meet and complete the job near Wendover, Utah, scene of the histone finishing splice in the first telephone line to span the united States, completed in 1D14. The route followed will be close to the central transcontinental route of pony express riders, railroads and airlines> touching Denver arid passing through Cheyenne and Salt Lake City. The cables now being installed Will employ equipment whereby twelve talking channels can be set up over a circuit composed of a uair of wires in each cable. Wir es for west-bound channels are in one cable, for past bound in the other. Since carrier circuits re quire more frequent amplification than ordinary telephone circuits, a large number of ‘ repeater points’’ will be established along the route. Work has begun on six such ampli fier stations between Omaha and Grand Island, and there will be nearly 100 of them in all in the 1,600 miles between Omaha and Sacramento. Throughout the entire route only a few miles of cable will be above ground. For practically their en tire length the cables will be plow J in, a method of laying under ground cab I which has recently NOW? HAVE YOUR LAUNDRY COM 11U VT PLETELY FINISHED FOR ONLY -10c A POUND Emerson-Saratoga’s CHALLENGER SERVICE 18LBS 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST ^Emerson-Saratoga LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th This "Winter Complexion Duo” by Richard Hudnut will help keep your skin dewy-moist, soft and glam orous m the roughest weather. Gives you double value too, for both the lotion and our Du Barry Powder are yours for the price of the face powder alone. Toiletries—First Floor Also at Both Metropolitans minis I Vat tie gen 'x' in JltM Jjy%'em Cm' structior T . tractors i w - ing a specially constructed plow and two cable-reel trailers plow up the ground, plant the two cables in it ana cover them with earth--all in one continuous operation- This ''train” can travel pretty much as Che crow flies, over any kind of terrain except solid rock or soft swamp. Under favorable conu' tions it can lay several miles of cable a day- For the most part, the cables are buried to a depth of about 30 inches, except where var iations in the condition of the soil or the character of the route make it necessary or desirable to vary I this depth. When crossing a road for example, the depth of the trench may be increased to as much as 48 inches- Occasionally, if the structure of the soil requir es it, the cable reels are detached from the plow, which goes ahead to dig the trench, then returns to lay the cables during a second trip or another plow may precede the cable-laying train ,which follows the same furrow. To protect the cables further, the route follows a carefully sel ected private right of way, avoid ing highways. In the past 12 years, heavy ice ?toims in the region west of Om aha have given considerable trou ble to telephone lines, producing many a glaze or coating of ice on the wires that was picturesque but bail for communication facilities. Burieu wires escape this trouble, but may face new problems under ground. On the Omaha-Denv^r section, for example, it has been considered desirable to "gopher proof” Ihe cables by winding a steel tape between the lead sheath and the outer covering of asphalt ed jute The number of wires in the two cables will vary in different sec tions of the route, averaging be tween two and three hundred for the two cables together. The 1, 600 miles of twin cables will have a total weight of about 25,000 tons and will contain nearly half a mil lion miles of wire- The cables w.ll provide new facilities for all types of Bell System service—long dis tance telephone service, network, broadcasting channels, teletype, telegraph and telephotograph lin es. THE NEGRO AND NAT’L DEFENSE (continued from page 1) says that no man may come into the Army who is not acceptable to the Army—What good will it do us to take men to an induction place if the Army will not take them—I regret this state, but un fortunately^ the Army gets the final say. What we are doing of course, is simply transferring dis crimination from everyduy life in to the Army. Men who make up the Army staff have the sam" i deas as they had before they went into the Army-’' lleneral Lewis B. He-rsh* y, Selective Service Adm. NATIONAL DEFENSE JOBS— Very little evidence is at hand to prove that Negroes are being giv en jobs either in army arsenals or ir the thousands of industrial plants which have been given large contracts for National Defense. Negro carpenters are being re lused employment on construction projects now going forward at Fort Dix, N. J., Ft. Riley, Kansas, and Ft. Lee^ Va., and Negro skill ed and unskilled labor are barred from working at the United Stat es government air fields now un der construction in three cities in Florida. Very acute is the situation in the Boeing Aircraft Plant in Seat tle, Washington, where it was le ;ently revealed that a large num jer of Nazi Bundists are not only mployed by occupy strategic pos tions in the plant, while Negroes, vhatever their qualifications, are How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the ' trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you arc to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis denied jobs in the plant manage ment. , Westinghouse has government contracts for radio apparatus to taling over eight million dollars. In its Baltimore plant, 800 persons are employedj but of this normally three are Negroes. They are lab orers and porters. No skilled Ne groes are hired. But there is no ban on the employment of Negro es, according to the cmpany. The Virginia Engineering Com pany at Norfolk has contracts for more than thirteen million dollars. It employs 1600 persons, of which perhaps 600 are Negroes. All of them are unskilled laborers Glenn R. Martin & Company in Baltimore, employs more than 10 000 workers, most of them on gov ernment orders, but has never em ployed a Negro. Negroes have been turned away from the Colt Arms Company, of Hartford, Conn% with the assert ion, “We are not hiring any Neg roes today” In Cleveland, neither General Motors nor the White Motor Com pany, both of v/hich are working on government contracts, employs Negroes. These facts can be multiplied many, many times. The Associa tion merely lists here a few ex amples of the more flagrant in stances of discrimination and se gregation in the nation’s defense program. 1 SUBMIT MY THOUGHTS (by Bebe Nannette Walker, ‘2613 Grant St., Love Apts No. 3) Give us this day, our daily bread, Seldom spokenf but well said, The more we work, The less tfe shirk— Another day, another dollar. Read more of this and be a good scholar. I went to school to learn the gold en rule; That’s why I’m no one's fool — lj work hard because I’m inde pendent. As hard as anyone’s d ing, so relieving constipation's headaches, bad breath, sour stom ach. BLACK-DRAUIGHT’S chief in gredient, an “intestinal tonic-lax ative,” helps impart tone to lazy IboVel muscles. Millions of pack ages used prove its merit. Econom ical too! 25 to 40 doses: 25c. * SMART WOMEN um GOIDENGLO BEAUTY PREPARA TIONS. They like the smooth texture and excellent quality, plus extraordinary value in these fine cosmetics. THE PATH TO IOVEUNESS A big Beauty Box weighing over twe pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct to yew with no additional charge*. All FUll SIZE-$3.00 VALUE twi. prise 0»W|U| Crsew . w* VwUsklne Crow. *es Foundation (Ooldan Brown, Ochre, Mot Brown) Me Foco Powder (OoW Brown, Ochre, Nut Beown) JOc Uptick (Pamaettn Bod, Maple Rod, Cordovan) 25c LI*M Medina Dark --—Check your ihodec below 1 COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC. 106 Eoat 41*t Street. New York. N. T. j For the enclosed 11.00 bill Or money order. *end [ me your complete Beauty Boa containing 7 full \ aiao COLDEN-CLO product*, wrth no additional ' charge to me. NAME: ADDRESS: ____ CITY:-STATE: _ , Feendeikw—flol.lea Breen C » Ortirr ( $ Net Brava < ) reudei— Oohke Kwen ( » Osh re ( ) Km Breea 4 > Li pelt'd— peliueoe t I Maple Bed I > Cordate* I ) ----JA FOR ONLY 20c ^ We will send you any 50c item listed . above as an introductory offer. Send two i dime* in an envelope and we will mail with* V out any extra charge to you. GOLDEN *CLO PRODUCTS, INC i 100 East 41 Stkeet New York, N. Y. r AMAZING NATURAL SYMBOUC CROSS! Jnnli .. ■!».„ LmM un: m 10 bring Lark In Lo*a—OaaMa—BucImm » kUk* ulakca row* irua.” "POWKRFUL LUCK CHARS'* A _ W* "o (uorrnaiural rlalma. and aril ant? u ■•nu,no natural atana (mi curia. Mallrfartlo* Guaranteed er mono back' Raat goat paid for ani* |i ~£°O. 11.11. 1>»'| iu^’.!i T" “ ,rl*‘'' c*'" *•" M 4I"