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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1941)
NAACP. TAKES UP CALLOW’Y CASE AFTER DRAFT BOARD DENIES ARMY JIM CROW APPEAL (Continued from pag? 1) the margin of the page and indie ated certain social concepts which were my intention to incorporate into ‘religious training and beliefs. I placed a check in both squares to indicate my unwillingness to serve in any capacity. Also an informal statement was attached to the questionnaire (not a sworn affidavit) outlining certain racial - - - - - - — inequality existing in the arm ed forces. “In injecting the question of racial discrimination in the armed forces," h" said, “it was not my intention to narrow it down to a purely ‘racial issue’, as was later assumed by my draft board, but was prepared to consider it in a much broader perspective,—’’ Contending that the board did not have before it the full facts, and in denying him the right of appeal acted in an “arbitrary man ner” contrary to the provisions es ■ ■ 1 ------ MOW! have your laundry com ilV/TT PLETELY finished for only -10c A POUND Emerson-Saratoga’s CHALLENGER SERVICE 18LBS 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST " * » Emerson-Saratoga LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th • __ "MAN TROUBLE "might happen TO YOU / Take no chancesl If your hair is dull, faded, sprinkled with gray, Godefroy's Larieuse will make "him" admire it again. “Man trouble” often results from a wife’s neglect of her f>ersonal appearance. Don’t et that happen to you! Re member, you won your man by making yourself attractive to him. Hold him by staying attractive. If faded, discol ored, gray-streaked hair spoils your appearance, use Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring. » Almost instantly your hair will take on new color... will sparkle with dancing highlights! Coloring won’t rub off or wash out. Permits curling, marcels, permanent waves. Known and used for 45 years. Satisfaction guaran teed or your money back. Ask for Larieusc (LARRY-USE). Look for the red box. If your dealer doesn’t have it, send $1.25 direct to ... J GODIHOrS HAIR Colotvtf * _OOP!WOT MW. CO. Ml* OMVI «T. W. iOIMt. MO. I»» AUTOMATIC GAS HOT WATER is now 9% Cheaper with Omaha's New RICHER GAS Redoing the heat content of Omaha's gas from 550 to 600 heat units per cubic foot automatically reduces the cost of your gas service. For instance, you can now enjoy AUTOMATIC GAS HOT WATER at a reduc tion of slightly less than 10% of its former cost. Stop wasting furnace fuel to heat water! AS LITTLE AS $1.95 A MONTH BUYS An Automatic GAS WATER HEATER SEE YOUR PLUMBER OR tablished by the Selective Service Act,” Calloway said: ‘‘I was under the impression that I was supposed to receive from my Board Form 47 upon which to establish my formal case of conscientious objection- This I did not receive, but instead a card which placed me in 1A classificat ion with the instruction that I had five days in which to appeal this classification, if 1 desired. At tempting to comply with the five day limitations, I presented the appeal notice before my Board. “Through a newspaper report, Friday, January 3, I learned that the Board decided that my object ion did not com'1 within the defin itions of conscientious objection to war by reason if religious train ing and beliefs and refused to al low it| and further held that my ccse cannot be considered by the Draft Appeals Board “Through a newspaper rsport, Friday, January 3, 1 learned that the Board decided that my object ion did not come within the defin itions of conscientious objection to war by reasons of religious training and beliefs, and refused bo allow it, and further held that my case cannot be considered by the Draft Appeals Board. “I maintain that 1 have not pre centej any formal case upon which the Board may possible ar rive at a fair decision. A.s to the procedure the Board has followed it is arbitrary and contrary to the provisions established by the Sel ective Service Act and the instruc tions (form 6) issued to draftees ut the time of registration. The informal memorandum I present ed was merely to prepare the Board for my formal and much broader case of conscientious ob jection on the grounds of religious training and beliefs which incor porate certain social concepts and I feel that the Board exceeded its authority when it refused to sup ply m« with form 47 and to arbit rarily? render its decision in the absence of thig form and without' a proper hearing.” The complete text of the “in formal stsatement’ ’outlining his objections, which Calloway sent to the draft board January 1, follows “My objections of conscience to wards participation in the Sel'ct ive Service Training Program ex tends beyond the pale of relig ious tr&jning and belief and is base<| upon certain fundamental social concepts which are unalter ably opposed to racial disjcriirrn ation, be it in the army or the civilian life of the nation ‘ As a Negro, i]f have accepted many of the responsibilities of my limited citizenship without benefit of a number of its blessings. To me, the present United States Ar my is the most anti-democratic in stitution in American govern.n nt al life. Its colous disregard for the elementary principles of fair play with Negro citizens, reeks of 18th Century ‘mercenarism’ in stead of an army, by, for and of the people. ‘‘The constant refusal of this military branch of our government to pursue a non-discriminatory policy in its attitude towards all the citizens is far out of portion with the large measure of social, economic and political progress that has been made during the pa st few years in America. For a number of decades, the U. S. Army has withstood democratization, es pecially in its relations to Negro es, and there is no visible indic ation of an immediate change in this vicious racial status quo des pite the fact that American dtnioc racy is preparing for its greatest struggle against the forces of ig norance, prejudice and dictator ship. “The practice of relegating spec ial types of service to Negroes and refusing their services in other branches of the armed forces, is neither conducive to effective mor When in NEW YORK For the Day, The Weekend or Permanently L The HOTEL | THERESA 7th Ave. at 125th SL FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. Large rooma with private bath •2.00 Slagle —*2.50 Doable and up •1.50 Single —*2.00 Double and op Specie/ Wttkb 6 Meatbb, WALTER W. SCOTT, Manager Hotel THERESA 7® Ave. at 125® St, Hew Ye* City Rhone; MOnvment 3*1700 S. LOUISE A LOBE Wilberforca, Ohio, has joined staff of National Tuberculosis Association as special field worker on Negro Program. ale or obeying the spirit and let ter of the constitution of the Uni ted States. When the U. S. Army denya mp or any other Negro the right and opportunity to make an equal contribution to the welfare and defense of my country, it vio lates a basic right guaranteed to me by the Constitution. “Therefore to insist upon my participation in the Selective Ser vice Training Program without giving me the guarantees of equal ity of citizenship in the operation of the armed service places cert ain liabilities upon my honor, :'n tegrity and self-respect. For these reagpns, 1 cannot accept the responsibility of taking the oath upon induction into military serv ice under the present anti-democ ratic structure of the U- S. Army, and ask to be exempted from mil itary training until such time that my contribution and participation in the defense of my country can be made on a basis of complete equality.” This Week In Religion and Thought BY ROBT. L. MOODY . The “More Excellent Way”— Many churchmen listened to a very inspiring talk by Bishop Al exander P. Shaw at Clair Chapel Church last Thursday night. 1 wish tp pass onto the readers the kern el of this message. Bishop Shaw reviewed many different ways that Negroes have followed in trying to solve the race problems. He said that much has been done through all of these methods, such as professional train ing, industsrial and vocational ed ucation and legal prosecution- But he stated that the best way that any individual or minority group can succeed in life is to "excel] all otlyrs”.' “Be able- to do some thing as well and better than all others in the field of competition” This seems to be a hopeful phil osophy and method for all of us, especially the scones of Young Negroes in Omaha and other cit ies- It carries with it the feel ing that “A Man’s Gift Maketh Room fo rHim.” Most of us are waiting for and seeking opportun ities. We need them very much because many opportunities are withheld from us. I feel sure that We can accept the Bishop’s ‘More Excellent Way” by becoming very efficient in one or more things but we must have opportunities to show this excellence. We mu'-.t have someone make them for us or we must make them ourselves SENDS HUGE CONCRETE ART PIECE TO FDR. A four foot two-inch 130 pound concrete art piece will be sent to President Roosevelt as a birthday present by Lon L. Morrow, 2610 N Street. The piece has a picture of the president celluloid U.S.A. letters Hope and Happiness at New Polio Center l» - r ___ • *•_M«u««a at th. new Infantile Paralysis Center at Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, find It easy to f^jraarJlS: mNu™Harleaux(above) reads them amusing stories. The Center has been ““i,e away°-r-5L, 0# $161,350 made by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. (Lower ^n^eSn^fdlSTid meS5?officem iLS«t the new Center. Left to right. Dr F. D. Patterson, kft) institute* Dr John Chenault, Director of Orthopedics, and Dr. John Kenny. (KierIriria) m Jota CheSSiS, felt/and Engineer G. L. Washington study the blueprints of fee new building ( DEDICATE TUSK EC. EE’S NEW INFANTILE PARALYSIS HOSPITAL (continued from page 1) tunity for training doctors and nurses who will in turn combat this disease on a nationwide basis” The hospital was made possible by a grant of $161,360. It was au thorized under the direction of Basil O’Connor, president of the Foundation, and 'he Foundation trustees, after long study of the problems in cooperating with Dr. Patterson. Tuskegee was selected because it is devoted to the welfare of Ne groes and bcause of the marked success Dr. John W. Chenault, dir ector of the orthopedic work, who was sent here by the Julius Ros enwald Fund of Chicago to work among crippled Negro children. hanging from- four small airplan'i* a miniature battleship, a flag and a chalk statue of George Washing ton on a horse worked into it. It is covered with pieces of chipped glass, contains several elks’ teeth s topped with a cross and two up sidedown hearts. Morrow said the inspiration for the work came in a vision from God. He is now waiting for a vi sion of a work he can do for Mrs. Roosevelt. MrtartartartartMfiaMMartartartMM NORTH 24“ Si SHOE REP * n> 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 YOU CAN'T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD "Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. —POPULAR PRICES - Our Business Is Picking Up FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR MOVING JOBS LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE, AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM PETENT, TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JOB. - ALSO AUTO STORAGE NORTHSIDE TRANSFER —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR 2414 Grant Street WEbstcr 5656 >Dr. Chenault will be in charge of the training of Negro doctors and surgeons ini orthopedic work, the training of orthopedic nurses and the trainng of physiotherapists. The hospital, nucleus of a great Negro polio centerf has a capacity of thirty beds. Various types of infantile paralysis cases among Negroes will be treated there. Dr. M. O. Bousfield, of Chicago director of Negro health for the Julius Hosenwald fund, praising the new hospital said: ‘‘A highly important part of the program at Tuskegee will be the training of Negro physicians under Dr. Chenault. At the same time, MjiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiacniiHiBffliDtiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiuumiiiiuiimiiiDiiimHmNiiflimmM ? THOMAS FUNERAL I HOME 1 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022* I . MAGIC DISC HEATS IN GO SECONDS Millions need Speed King —gives you !*<>t and cheap. ) »rop Into any pan of water — plug into socket—In 60 E' ord* »'i nave liot wau”. x;mpm . 1 name for » ' ’ u*3 rs «lemo’ r ■ ~~od name. Nu-Way. Dept. 931, W'alnut Bldg , Des Moines, Iowa iW.VW/A'.V.V.V/AVAV however, an educational program should be projected among colored people to show them the possibil ities of corrective surgery in crip pling conditions.” Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri tic or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 2 table spoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes over night — splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to _ try at it is sold by your druggist under an absolute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and recom mended by Good Drugstores Everywhere ^Scratchinrxi For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. GreasefdsS. stainless. Soothes irritation. And quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it. or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. 41 i ex. for INS. Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thanks to a Doctor’s prescription called Mendaco. thousands now palliate terrible re curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough ing. wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, no smokes, no Injections. Just tasteless. fileasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal iatlve action commonly helps nature brim, welcome sleep—a ’’Ood-send." A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Mendaco Insures an immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely sat isfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Mendaco from your druggist today for only 60c. SMART WOMEN use GOIDENG' O BEAUTY PREPARA TIONS. They like the smooth texture and excellent quality, plus extraordinary value In these fine cosmetics. THE PATH TO IOVEUNESS A big Beauty Box weighing over twe pounds now only $1 00 mailed direct to you with no additional charges. All FUll SIZE—$3.00 VALUE *##. Pri«« Cleansing Cream . SO* Vanishing Cream . S0« Foundation (Golden Brawn, Ochra. Nut Brawn) 23c Faca Pawdar (0*U Brawn. Ocfcra, Nut Brown) 50c Upatick (Peiuaettn Rad, Maple Rad, Cordovan) 23c UcM Medians Uut Hair Dresser ...*. 30c Ointment .. 50* "———““■■“■Check your ihndrc below ————— COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC. 1M East 41st Stiaet, New York, N. Y. For the enclosed SI .00 bill Or money order, send I me your complete Beauty Boa containing 7 full ' use COLDEN-CLO product*, with no additional charge t« me. NAME: ___ ADDRESS: — CITY: --STATE _ Pnendsllen—tVM t*n n-mm I t tVhre I i Km tlnmn t » 4...|-trh HU*it t » OfOte « | Mill I'roain 1 ) | L'ltsi■ -a — Ivifw.m* 1 > Stseis Krti ( ) Cerdatm i I FOR ONLY 20c \ We w ill send you any 30c item listed al*o'r a* an introductory alter. Send two j tii.n* • in *o envelope an i wc will mail with* I out « *• « «ra vhargc lo you. CuLDKN-CIO r ODLCTS. INC i lOtv Kwr 41 Srr'tr \ Nt » Here, N. Y. V - AMAZING NATURAL SYMBOLIC CROSS! POWfRFlM. tUC* CHARM* A m 'v» "» ani»rr*>»(or»l <-|*i**. md tall only •« Vr rtr.uint Natural fln*a 'rtu mcl*. NatUfa.• loo nt BHMn barir Hmi po«ip.i,| far nl> || •f «' o il. »| iv Imwi I * ill. an MM. li t r.,l.| Lwi<»’ lt«»i, or ten lu Irla.iy Car.* C* . M AIM ML. lm*|tM, M.