1 IDE /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW .TO THEUNE) LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY — MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS Entered as Second-Class Matter at The Post Office, Omaua, Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, January 4,1941 OUR 13th YEAR—No. 42, City Edition, Copy 5c Under Act of March 8, 1874—Business Phone: WE. 1817 - - ■ - - - .— HARTEN CHALLENGES POWELL HARTEN SAYS NATL* BAPTISTS WILL GIVE POWELL $5000 IF HE CAN PROVE STATEMENT ... 4cTHAT THE LATE L. K. WILLIAMS WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEATH OF PIERSON IN ’30 BISHOP A. SHAW TO SPEAK IN CITY ON THURS., JANUARY 9 HIS SUBJECT WILL BE THY< KINGDOM COME” Bishop Alexander P. Shaw, the resident bishop of the Baltimore area of the Central Jurisdiction of the Methodist Church will be the guest speaker for the Inter-racial meeting that will b ifrians wfork with local draft boards in Nashville, Tpnn., they examine only Negro draftees. Negro physicians work with local draft board in Nashville and in St. Paul, Minn. No N gio physicians work with draft boards in any of the follow ing cities: Tacoma, W’ash ; New Bedford, Mass.; Newport, R. k; Fulton, Ark.: and Charlestown, Mo. ANOTHER $1000 IF HE CAN POINT OUT ANY OFFICIAL STEALING FROM BAPTIST DENOMINATION • •• New York City—Dr. Harten States that “Powell will be given a reward of ine thousand dollars in cash, if he can point out the thief,o r a single man or woman holding a high office in the Nat ional Baptist Convention who is stealing from the denomination, or who has knowledge of the fact, but whose character is such that he is a victim of ‘lockjaw’, which h® referred to on Sunday.” The Rev. Mir. Harten stated: “If Adam Powell accepts, he will send him the names of twenty thousand people who will pack the Madison Square Garden or the Golden Gate Auditorium for the debate. The loser of the debate will pay for the Madison Square Garden or Audit orium” It appeared in one of New York’s Weeklies and other papers that Powell stated in sermon Dec. I6th, "I know that When the next President of the National Baptist Convention in September takes office, I will have him so scared that I bet he won’t do any stealing for the first three or four months at least. There are cer tain ministers who are upholding dishonesty in high places. TIhe reason they can't speak against these things is that their own char acter and integrity are not unques tionable. 1 have the goods on them,” he shouted. "I have the goods on them from down in Tex as to New York City. The minis ter* who are calling me intemper ate and unchristian are just talk ing. They are afraid to do any thing else.” Likening those who have attack ed him to ‘Rats’ Powell boasted, “I will have them scurrying back to the holes from whence they aame, before I am through with mem ” Attack Fearless-Fighting Parson Then he turned his poisonous spleen upon the fearless fighting parson, the Rev. Dr. Thomas S Harten, one of the Vice-Presidents of the National Baptist Convent ion, and Pastor of the Holy Trin ity Baptist Church of Brooklyn, N. Y., Who had differed with Dr. Powell in his atack on the Rev. Dr. L. K. Williams And Dr. Hai ten also made a speech at the Dec ember Board Meeting in Louisville Ky., and along with others, dem anded that step* be taken to bring Rev- Powell to task. Last week, the Rev. Dr. Harten answered the Rev. Adam Powell in a most befitting manner. It is re ported that he received hundreds of messages of congratulation and many came from Powell’s closest friends who termed him ag the very ‘‘incarnation of egotism." The Rev. Harten declared, “I am positive that when the debate is over the entire nation will be convinced thatt hey have been mis led, in regards to Powell’s devot ion to his race. And in attempting to build himself by discrediting Negro leaders, except those who worship at his shrine, and dennunc ing our wiorthvdhile tiji|titutfcjns; the public will know that he is the •I^IGGEST OPPORTUNIST’ that the Ne»rro race has ever produced: that he is fickle, unsafe and bis criticism is destructive; with the intent to kill others that he may shine. He wanta to be ‘Hitler’. He wants to be flooded with hun dreds of invitations to speak, as it were, and to be met at the station with a brass band, and ‘Hai'-ed’ If he is a man he will prove his assertion ccmceming the dishon esty of officers of the National Baptist Convention; but if he is a coward, he will howl that he has been misquoted in the press, or of fer some other alibi- If he is not able to prove that Adam Powell is the most egotistical, chaep public ity speaker in the entire race, the and prove to the audience that a man v#(ho would resort to besmirch ing the character of a dead man, and endeavor to step on his life less body in order to be accepted as a man of courage and a mod ern hero is the cheapest of worth less cowards and not only a dis grace to the ministry, but a hind rance to the progress of the race and a curse to civilisation.” Hsrten and Powell Battle Broadcasted This W eek— One of the Broadcasting Stat ion son th. Negro News deferred (continued on pagej-ip^)