Fashions BY LE CLA,tE if nme. S'.__.wait g»pt. ta I Your daughter will certainly have a difficult time this season choosing her plaids. From the tiny checks to the rich-colored clan plaids there is a wonderful selection in the shops this season to allow anyone to build a complete wardrobe around them. Simply add a sol. id color dress to a plaid coat, a ^hiite blouse to a jumper and so many changes can be added to a young maid’s wardrobe. The plaid reversible pictured albove has a matching hood and is lined throughout with gaberdine. It has a slide fastener fly front closing so much in, demand. The model with the jumper on is a smart gingham, so capable of outlasting many clean blouses. For the tiny tots these cunning little ginghams are sturdy and, above all, very tubbable. The one with the bolero has a pleated skirt and an adorable pair of suspenders. Some of them now have a mat ching school bag, so dear to the heart of the first beginner. ♦♦ 'V v,™ y S'*Art/#MS One of our first considerations when dressing up is a new hat. Of course it must be black velvet. On the upper left si a stunning creation called a pompa dour hat. The brim is stiffened, framing the face and ties dp- ( murely under the chin with a wisp of veiling. I Alor»T) side of it is a new draped crown with a visor which you wear tipped forward over one eye. This hat needs no trim ming but a self material bow at the side-back and being in itself very plain would allow for a quite fancy afternoon frock and lots of costume jewelry. If one is on the small, petit side( th|s new version of the turban, lower left, will add height and plenty of dash. It can be vftorn well back of the head or if one wears an upswing hair-do this turban is equally fetching. Last but not least is the off the face model sketched at the lower right. This style will be well worn this fall and the quill and pompom at the front can be had to match one’s full ensemble. _ Then Read WHY Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Is Real “Woman’s Friend”! Some women suffer severe monthly pain (cramps,backache, headache) due to female functional disorders while other’s nerve* tend to become upset and they get cross, restless and moody. So why not take Lydia E. Pinkhnm’s Vegetable Compound made especially to help tired, run-down, nervous wom en to go smiling thru “difficult days/* Pinkham’s Compound contains no opi ates or habit-forming ingredienta^It^ is made from nature’s own beneficial roots and herbB—each with its own special purpose to HELP WOl^EN. Famous for over 60 years—Pinkham’s Compound is the best known and one of the most effective “woman’s” tonics obtainable. Try it! p ♦♦ I. C. C. «. for N. S. YOU CAN SAVE $1 AND UP PER TON AT THE AMERICAN COAL COMPANY The American Coal Company has been in business in our sec tion of Omaha for over 30 years under the management of Mr. Jac ob Hahn. “Jake”, as you who have dealt with him call him, has been fair an square in his business dealings with the people of our race. He has tried in every way possible to patronize the Colored people. The yard is located at 17th and Izard and you can save $1 and up per ton by getting your coal th