The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 23, 1940, City Edition, Page 2, Image 2
BOYCOTT PRESTO FLOUR AFTER IN SULT IN SALES COUPON Kansas City, Mo.,—A boycott a gainst products olf the Standard Milling Company t a Chicago flour concern which puts out the ‘‘Pres *******»0********* American Beverage, Inc. 420 South 13th HA-0443 •Bottlers of the finest quality V mixers and flavors. 1 Of I JFULL QUARTS lOo —Try a bottle today— COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE Get the Best in Quality at the Lowest Price NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. _ PHONE WE. 4137 Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL'S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Jue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. ■—No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to put in it—Call CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has got the works and knows what to do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. Kidneys Must Clean Out Adds Excess acids, poisons and wastes In your blood are removed chiefly by your kidneys. Getting up Nights, Burning Passages, Back ache, swollen Ankles, Nervousness. Rheu matic Pains, Dizziness, Circles Under Eyes, and feeling worn out, often are caused by non-organic and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder troubles. Usually In such cases, the very first dose of Cystex goes right to work helping the Kidneys flush out excess acids ana wastes. And this cleansing, purifying Kidney action, in just a day or so. may eas ily make you feel younger, stronger and better than In years, A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Cystex in sures an Immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely satisfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Cystex from your druggist today for only 35c. I. C. C. ex. for N. S. FSIEl" $55.00 Worth of Goods Men—women to supply colored peo ple with the famous 12 SISTERS’ products. Deep Cut Prices and lovely preminnms. Send No Money. $55.00 worth of FREE goods given. 12 SISTERS’ PRODUCTS, 74-76 Eaker Street, Dayton, Ohio to,” and “Aritos,” brands of flour was launched here this week by the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The action, according to Carl R. Johnson, president of the branch, was taken following the discovery of a deliberate plan hatched eith er by the Standard Milling Com pany or its subsidiaries, to ex clude Negroes and| foreign born citizen^ "in the greater Kansas City Market," from the benefits of a sales campaign for "Presto” flour. In a letter to tihe Chicago flour concern dated November 11, Mr Johnson said: "It has come to the attention of the local branch of the NA. ACCP. that a large number of grocery merchants in this city lhandling your produces receiv ed a bulletin dated October 28 either from the Associated Gro ceries, Inc.( or from your distri butors in the Kansas City area in which there was material with reference tot the sales of Presto cake flour. Appearing on page six of said bulletin, number 628 is the following par agraph: “ ‘A coupon Worth ten cents in purchase of a package of Presto will be distributed to each of 80,000 homes in the greater Kansag City market, e_ iliminating only Negretes and foreign born.’ ” Pending action on the part of the cotnpany, the letter said: "As a protest against this discriminat ion we have asked Negroes in gen eral to discontinue the use of Pres to cake flour, Aristos or any of the products manufactured by your comapiiy. Officials of the American com mittee for the Protection of the Foreign Bom. whose national head quartets is at 79 Fifth Avenue, N. Y., announced today that they would begin an immediate inves tigation of tlhe mater as it oper ates to discriminate against For eign bom persons. The Comm ittee made the announcement af ter being informed of the case by the national office of the NAACP W. VA. LEGISLATOR REELECTED Welch, W. Va., Nov. 22 (ANP) Fleming A. Jones, tJr., prominent attorney of this section, wtas re elected to the state legislature on the Democratic ticket on Nov. 6 to his third term. McDowell county his home, has the largest Colored population in the state. IlllflffllM THOMAS I FUNERAL HOME 1 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022* IIIHlllllllllll!ll!l!lll!lll!ll!l!llll!lllllll!lll!ll!ll!l!lllllllllllillllllllltl!lll!lllllllllll!llll!llllllllllllii IDEAL FURNITURE MART R. H. Spiegal, Prop. We Bay, Sell & Exchange —NEW & USED— W'e Pay Highest Prices for Merchandise Sell Us Yours WE. 2224 2511-13 N. 24th St eaenainimBiiA mm mmmrnaimfmiiimmm JUST OUT HOWARDS NEW SEPIA EDITION STYLE BOOK of real human hair, WIGS, PAGE BOYS, Send for your copy Today! The biggest vari ety of hair goods ever seen. Open a Customer’s deposit ac count. HOWARD WIG CO. Dept. B. E. 143 W. 125th St.. New York (Beauty Parlor Agents wanted) -SICK, NERVOUS-) PD AII If V "EVERY 0 Ul\ ANA I month”: Then Read WHY Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Is Real“Woman’s Friend”! Some women suffer severe monthly pain (cramps, backache, headache) due to female functional disorders while other’s nervea tend to become upset and they get cross, restless and moody. So why not take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made tape dally to help tired, run-down, nervous wom en to go smiling thru "difficult days." Pinkham’s Compound contains no opi ^ ates or habit-forming ingredients. It is made from nature’s own beneficial roots and herbs —each with its $wn special purpose to HELP WOMEN. Famous for over60 years—Pinkham’a Compound is the best known and one of the most effective "woman’s” tonics obtainable. Try it I p _ I. C. C. m. for N. S. BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS SEALS EARLY! The thirty-fourth annual Christm% Seal Campaign of the Ne braska Tuberculosis Asociation begins November 25 to raise funds to continue tfhe fight against tuberculosis in Nebraska. The annual drive continues through Christmas. Ninety-five percent of the Christm% Seal funds raised in Ne braska remains in the state to maintain the active health program of the Nebraska Tuberculosis Association. Five percent of the funds goes to the national association for educational and research work. Almost 200 chairmen( many of them county superintendents, will conduct the Christmas Seal sale through the rural communities. Rural school children in Nebraska will play an important part in the Christmas Seal campaign, acting as messengers of health bearing Christmas Sea^ to families in their communities. The drive is of great importance to every man, woman and child in Nebraska. Every citizen in the state should feel grateful for the work being done to eradicate tuberculosis—a communicable disease that is preventable and curable. No home is safe from tuberculosis until all homes are safe. This year’s Christmas Seal depicts three children singing songs of the season. This picture is especially appropriate, since tubercul osife is still the leading cause of death in this country between the ages of 15 and 45, the most productive period of life Tho Nebraska Tuberculosis Association hopes to> continue the fine work being done to eradicate the white plague from this state. Generous purchases of Christmas Sea^ will make this possible. Buy and use Christmas Seals! SUPREME COURT RULING IN CHICAGO CASE (Continued from page One) was invalid because the required number of property owners had not signed it. This means, in effect^ that the restrictive provisions of the covenant cannot Ibe enforced and Negroes may move into thig area if they are able to purchase property there. At the same time, any other restrictive covenant case must be decided on its specific merits and not by earlier decision or precedents. According to Gibson, ‘ The action of the United States supreme court in reversing the decision of the Illinois supreme court upholding restrictive covenants is further evidence of increasing recognition be ing given Negroes in their fight for a full measure of citizenship. The decision is particularly significant because, first—it is the only favorable decision in a caae involving restrictive ceovnants ever hand ed down by the highest court, and next, and perhaps most important, it is the first decision involving social rights of Negroes that has been presented to the new court, which, by ist actionj reversed a trend that has continued unchecked since the civil righs case, which took all the meaning out of the 14th amendment, insofar as Negroes were af fected thereby. “Until the Hansberry case, moist of the cases that were present ed to the supreme court involved the right to freedom from physical violence. Obviously, it is as much to the interest of white persons as Negroes that communities not be torn by physical strife. “When the court was called on in the Hansberrp case to hand dowfi a decision opening up 500 or more new homes to Negroes in Chicago, it was presented with a question that preeeeding courts had consistently shied away from. The action of the cour in reversing the case meant a complete victory for the defendant and a recognition (by the court of the right of Negroes as ciizens to live. "The court was not required in the Hansberry case to pass on the constitutionality of covenants generally, as that matter) was not necessary to the decision even though the point was raised in the de fendant’s briefs and argued vigorously. Since lawsuits are tried on specific issues, and since the issue of constitutionality was not neces sary to the decision( that matter mus be left to a later action, where the facts will raise the specific question.” DEFERMENT OF SE LECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRANTS CON SIDERED AFTER CLASSIFICATION Deferement of Selective Service registrants from training will be considered by local boards only af ter actual classifications of indiv iduals begins and all requests for deferment must be withheld until questionsaires are received by the registrant, National Headquarters, Selective Service System, announc ed today. Under Selective Service Regul ations, local boards must classify registrants according to the order established by the National Lot tery of October 29f unless they vol unteer, C. A. Dykstra, director of Selective Service, pointed out. And he emphasized in this con nection that prospective trainees, employers and dependents who are submitting naqjuests for defer ments to local boards far in ad_ I— l£-- iF= I “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. I—■ 1&-. II—■ Z=3 tMliaMliMMliiliatfiMM THE SOUTH 13th STREET CHICKEN HUT at 1103 South 13th St. Offers to the Public under new management as follows:— Special Chicken Dinners —35c Chicken Sandwich to go out l/2-25c. Chitterling Dinners Sat. & Sun. at 25c with Hot Egg Cornbread and A Nice Portion of Slaw “We Solicit Your Patronage —GIVE US A TRIAL” Mrs. K. E. Buttler, Prop Relief At Last ForYour Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist, to sell you n bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis vance of t)he time of classification are merely complicating the work of the local boards without serv ice to interested parties. When the time comes for class ification of a registrant, he, his employers, and his dependents will be given every opportunity toi substantiate deferment claims, the Director said. Any information concerning the registrant sub mitted now to his local board wihich alone has power to defer him, and prior to his receiving the questionnaire probably would be added. Mr. Dykstra said that many large corporations had requested quantities of special Selective Ser vice forms on which dependents and other interested parties may reqeuest deferment of registrants apparently with the intention of filling out the forms in prepara tion for such time a$ their em ployees might be due for classific ation by local boards ‘‘Such procedure, in all probab ility, will be a waste of effort on the part of eveityone concerned and most certainly would intpo3e a useless burden upon tihe local boards if they were deluged with these requests in advance of the time for the classification of par ticular registrants” Mg. Dykstra said. Employers in doubt as to the likelihood of? their employees be ing called for Selective Service training should consult the state advisoi*s on occupational deferm ents now at work in Selective Ser vice Headquarters in every state, Director Dykstra suggested. NAACP. HAILS ORDER BARRING DISCRIMIN ATION IN CIVIL SERVICE New York—The announcement made in Washington November 13 that the President has order'd that the rules governing civil ser vice appointments be changed to prohibit difk’rimination on racial as Well as religious . and political grounds, was hailed as an import ant step forward by the National /AV.W.W.VAV.VrV.W.' DUFFY Pharmacy tin! LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTION* Wp Free Delivery ww/.vwMmwwv Association for the Advancement of Colored People.' The Association, together with fought for this type of change in the civil service laws for a num ber of years. BROTHERHOOD OF FICIALS ATTEND A F of L CONFAB The recent International Conven tion of the Brotherhood of Sleep ing Car Porters elected A. Philip Randolph, International President and M. P. Webster, First Inter national Vice-President as dele_ gates to the American Federation of Labor Convention, which will be held in New Orleans, November 18th to 28th. Brotherhood delegates left Nov ember 15th for the Convention, where they will present resolut ions in the interest of the abolit ion of the color bar and all forms of racial discrimination against Negro workers in the labor move ment. i NAME 7 MORE DRS. TO CHICAGO DRAFT BOARD Chicago, Nov. 21 (ANP) Seven additionol colored doctors were n»m)ed examinihg plhysicians for Chicago draft boards in the ann ouncement made public last week by Paul A. Armstrong, state dir ector of public service. They are Drs. N. Alfred Diggs, Troy Smibh, Charles Bibb, Pedro Santos, Arthur C. Albripht, Ed ward W. Beasley and T. M. Smith. --- 1st NEGRO SENATOR ELECTED To INDIANA LEGISLATURE Indianapolis, Nov. 22 (ANP)— Indiana Republicans last week el ected Robert L. Brokenfiburr to the state Senate, marking the first time that a Negro has been so honored. M)r. Brokenburr, a practicing attorney and legal advisor of the Madame C. (J. Walker Manufaet. uring company, who edged two Democratic contenders for the sen atorial election, is widely known throughout the state % a civic church and community worker- He is married and is the father cf two daughters both of whom are accomplished musicians. LOAN S JLO AN S-LO AN S We Loan Money on Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry, Radios. Type writers, Guns, Musical Instru ments,—Anything Valuable WE SELL—Unredeemed Suits —Topcoats—Overcoats or any thing not redeemed. BILL’S LOAN BANK 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE-1369 . When In NEW YORK For tho Day, The Weekend or Permanently The HOTEL THERESA 7th Ave. at 125th $t FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. Large rooms with private bath *2.00 Single —*2.50 Double end op *1.50 Single—*2.00 Double and op Special Weekly & Monthly Rate* WALTER W. SCOTT. Afanarfsr Hotel THERESA 7» Ave. at 125«i St, New York City fhenat MOnument 2-1700 Negro# DIGEST AUGUST ISSUE NOW ON SALE! Thousands missed the first issue which sold out before it was a week on the stands. Be sure to get your copy of this new, ex citing number of Negro World —96 pages crammed with reado*!e stories { and articles condensed from the best in mag azines and t)ooks every month. Ten minutes o day will keep you ) abreast of the main trends in Negro life. Send for a free, illustrated folder on our amazing subscription and premium offers. I West 125 St., N. Y. C. —!■ «. tv.*- CNS “ART’S LAUNDRY” THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIAL TO OUR CUSTOMERS LAD’S or MAN’S HAT, cleaned and *1 Cp Blocked, Factory Methods (For One Week) ALSO ANY 2 PLAIN GARMENTS ©100 • • • <jpl “ALL WORK DONE IN OUR SHOP GUARANTEED” —SAME LOW PRICES ON LAUNDRY WORK— (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT)) 2627 CUMING ST. JA.7745 CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010'/* N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi American & Chinese Dishes CLASSIFIED ADS USED CLOTHING Used coat8> dresses, and formats For Sale, priced low, Ready-To Wear Commission Shop, 203 Nev ille Block,, 16th and Harney St., HA. 2777. HELP WANTED, Male or Female Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage, Friendship, or Pleasure. Send Dime for member ship blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen dell, Chicago, 111. WORK WANTED Woman wants work in motherless home. JA. 7567. HOUSES FOR RENT 2792 Miami. 5 Room All Modem Duplex $17. Key at HA. 6998. House For R'Jr.t, 2914 N. 25th 'it. 9 Room House—All Modem Will Decorate—$20.00 per month. On Corby Street. Phone JA5033. 7 Room House—Pacific Street. $12.00 perr month. Phone JA5033. ROOMS FOR RENT For Rent, mode;m rooms, 2520 Patrick Ave., WE. 2217. r or Rent, two rooms furnished apt Utilities paid $4.60 per week. JA. 0958. Rooms For> Rent, downstairs or basement apartment. All strictly modern. WE. 0718. 3 Furnished Rooms For Rent,— cheap, 2406 North 21st St. Essex Williams. 4 Room Apartment, Furnished, Bills Paid, Private Bath, $44.50. JA. 0986. 3 ROOM APT., FURNISHED,— Bills Paid, $4.50. Main Floor, JAckson 0986. 2 Nice furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent. Call WE. 0360 ev enings or Mrs. Collins, 262214 Er skine St. For Rent—Modern aptn running hot and cold water. Call WE-4285 FOR RENT—3 Room Apt! WE. 0360. Call evenings. ROOM for Rent, 2309 North 27th Ave.. Phone AT. 6134. One Front Room, 2513 Hamilton St., Call AT. 1897. APT FOR RENT, WE. 2365. For Rent, Tw<> four-room beauti ful apartments; 2409 Lake St., call AT. 7060. READ The GUIDE Apt For Rent, WE. 2365. FOR RENT—Apart'lent o'" R»vn 2607 Binney St. FOR RENT—ON TOP OF THE STREET CAR—One room in pri vate modem home, for men only. Price reasonable, 2825 North 24th Su, AT. 5988 FOR RENT Apt for Rent—2527 Blondo St. 5 Room modern house, good con dition. AT. 6591. Will pay $1.25 for vacant room— HA. 1190 between 3 and 5. Furnished Kitchenette HA. 6672 Apt. for Rent, 2226 Ohio after 2. 2 Rooms for Rent, ;JA- 2607. FOR RENT—3 room modern apt 2226 Ohio St., JA-0682. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, oi 2613 Grant St. Call JA. 7189 Or WE. 2410. Furnished Apt., 3 rooms, private bath, 2517 Miami St., WE. 3653. Front Room, modern WE. 1024. FOR RENT—A four room Apt. An Apt. for Rent, WE. 2365 For Rent, 2 apts. WE. 2737. HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We d« glazing and make window shadea to order. 182 N. 24th St. WE. 1607. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 20L2 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6056 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 102k MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy." A-B BUFFET, 1616 N. 24th St. WINES—LIQUORS at Popular Prices Courteous Service at all Times Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly . ^ y°u suffer from rheumatic, arthri tis or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. I s easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 2 table spoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes over - a “rr Mendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an absolute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound is for .ale and recom mended by Good Drugstores Everywhere* NOW* HAVE Y0UR LAUNDRY com I1V/TT PLETELY FINISHED FOR ONLY -10c A POUND— Emerson-Saratoga’s CHALLENGER SERVICE 18LBS 1.79 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST Emerson-Saratoga LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS ^ ^YE‘_ Erskine At 24th