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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1940)
SOCIAL NEWS • •• On December 4th at 8 p. m. the St. John's Junior Chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Ethel V. Webb, will present a plantation scene musical play, SWANEE RIVER, at St- John’s AME. church 22nd and Willis ave. This play will revive some of the old Negro folks songs which so many of us seem to have forgotten. Not only FREEH Men and women, get Heart's BIG. new 58-page Cata log and make BIG MONEY Tells new beauty aeci-ets on how to improve your looka and shows you how to make money easy. Make up to $5 day spare time, *45 week full “ time Satiafaction guaranteed. Foi FREE CATAUKi, FREE SAM PLES and FREE SAMPLE CASE * 'beauty of song but also beauty of scenery and costumes will prevail throughout the entire rendition. Admission fee will be 16 cents. See any member of the chorus for tickets. Keep this date and occas ion in mind as it promises to be an affair well worth seeing. The members of the chorus are putting forth much time and effort to make this one of their foremost appearances, and they would ap preciate your presence at this af fair. Your presence will be the b#st encouragement! that can We given them. The Chancel Guild of St. Philips Episcopal Church gave a book re view tea at the Urban League Community Center, Sunday Nov. 3. The book, “No Arms, No Ar mour” was reviewed by Father Stams, Rector of the church Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher and their young son of Ohio were overnight guests of Mrs. Julia Washington 1 of 2037 Florence Blvd. After Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISII BRING IN YOUR BROKEN WINDOW AND WE’LL GLAZE THEM FREE! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN & FENCE WIRE OUR STOVE, FURNACE, PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, ROOFING AND GUTTERING ARE COMPLETE “Everything At A Low Price” (Open Evenings) — WE. 1607— 1822 North 24th St. We Offer for Y<»ur Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing:,— Have Your Dry Cleaning: Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EOMOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 When You Clean Up This Fall.. LIGHT UP TOO! — \ / Really do your home justice this year when you clean —light up. too! Light-conditioning simply means the right light in the right places—sott, glare-free light that eliminates eye strain and the headaches and nervous fatigue so often caused by poor light. See the new I. E. S. lamp models today, for better light and better sight! Constant rat* reductions have made it increasingly easier lor homemak ers to enjoy adequate lighting and other time and labor-saving bene fits of cheap electric service. LIGHT-CONDITION YOUR HOME—Today! Be sure to look for the I. E. S. tag on the lamps you buy. It is your assurance of fully completed tests to meet good lighting re quirements. LIVE &0ti ffsif&t. . , ELECTRICITY IS SEE YOUR DEALER OR THE NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY their stay with Mrs. Washington the Fletchers have decidied to make their home in Omaha for the present. They are now staying! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le roy Gude, 2715 Miami. Mr Dock Lloyd of 2702 Miami St.f is still ill in the hospital. He has been in the hospital for about a month, and will welcome all vis itors. , Mrs. Ella Booker of 2401 North 27th St., and Mrs. Arlene Taylor of 2817 North 24th St., spent two weeks in LittAe Rock, A|rk. Be fore returning to Omaha. Mrs; Booker wfcnt to l/>uipville, Ky., and Mrs Tayl.r to Thornton, Ark. Both report having a very enjoy able time. .» Mrs. Christine Althouse of the Althouse Beauty Shop dnd School was the hostess at a dinner given at her home, 2422 North 22nd St., for Mrs. Brown, a beautician from Topeka, Kansas, visiting Mrs. Earl L. Waldron of 2423 Maple St., and Mrs. Hopkins of Raleigh Wyoming The Omaha guests present were: Mr. and Mirs. W- L. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Waldron, Mrs. Gertrude Lucas Craig, and Mrs. Bailey. ■" ---1 Mrs. Rita Curry, student of the Althouse Beauty School hag just recovered from an illness of a few days. , Mrs. Rebecca Evans of Fort Ri ley, Kansas spent a few days in the city with her parents, Mr- and. Mrs. George Beving of 2512 Lake St. Mi*. LeVarn Butler of Little Rock, Ark., who has been visiting in the city for the past month has decided to make Omaha 'his home. Mrs. flames H. Williams of 2816 Blondo St., has spent the past six weeks in EJvergtneen, Ala. She will return to the city sometime this week. * * Sheba Chapter. No. 10, O. E. S sponsored an Autumn Tea Sunday afternoon, Nov. 3rd, from 4 until 7 at the ohme of Mrs. F. W. Cloud at 1916 North 25th, St. Lavish bouquets of fall flowers decorated the rooms. Mrs. Christyne Blue ford was chairman. Mrs. Belma Hawkins, and Mrs. Cozy Buckner Wiere hostesses. Tea was poured by Mrs. Cloma Scott, Mrs. Gussie MjePherson, Mrs. Louise Scott and Mrs. Helen Carter. All committee members were beautifully attired in formats of pastels and fall col ors. It is estimated that approx imately 100 persons attended the tea. SERIOUSLY INJURED Mr. Earl Johnson of Los Angel es, Cal., brother of Neal an Vance Johnson of this city, was injured in an automobile accident wkle chauffering for his' employer, Maiy Boland, a movie actress. Both are in a Los Angeles hospit al in a serious condition. Miss Catherine Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Nelson spent a few days in Lincoln, Neb., visiting friends. FINE FOR KIDNEY AND BLADDER WEAKNESS STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS AND FEEL YOUNGER — Keep your blood more free from waste matter, poisons and acid by putting more activity into kidneys and bladder, and you should ’ive ai healthier, happier and longer life. One efficient, safe and harmless way to do this is to get from your druggist a 36 cent box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules • and take them as directed— the swift results should delight you. Besides getting up nights some symptoms of kidney trouble may be backacihe, shifting pains, puffy eyes. Don’t be an EASY MARK and accept a substitute— Get Cold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules—the original and genuine. Look for the Gold Medal on the box—35 cents., URBAN L’GUE NOTES A new course in Home Skills has been started at the Omaha Urban League Community Center. This course includes training in nutri tion, personality improvement* child care and training, and home making. This class, under the in struction of Mrs. Bernice Peebles is to be held every Wednesday at 9 a. m. All young women inter ested in this class are invited to attend the next session to be held November 13. The adult woodwork ciass is be ing held every Monday evening at Uie Urban league at 7:00 with Mr. Raymond Gordon as instructor. — • --1 The North Star Girl Scout troop under the leadership of Mrs. lone tl,< j er, accompanied by Mrs. ■ ra\».e A. Bra'f ■ d, hiked to Co nn'd'Bluffs, low a, and had a lcve 1 / It rcheon in Fairmont Park. [ >« u may be sur’ that the Girls ii’.i an enjoyao'j time as they return until 9 00 that even 8 .Mi. Nelson Jacf on of the At lanta School of Social Work At I Ga., who wa< in the city making a survey of Woodson Cen ter for the Council of Social A gencies; and Rev. J. E. Blackmore new pastor of the Hillside Presby terian Church, spoke at the meet ing of tihe Coordinating Council held at the Urban League on Fri day, Nov. 8. They spoke on the value of co-ordinating councils. The Urban League Trio, consist ing of the Misses Maxinp Hick man and Ruth Faye Forrest, sang at Trinity Lutheran Church, Thurs day, November 14. They accomp anied Mrs. Ernestine Postles who spoke on her experiences at the Youth Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland. FASHION 464T.'** ' ' r.rfr” rc^lc Nov, 9’ The evening costumes sketched above are just the thing for the woman whose years have added to her chic. Both are long-sleeved and feature the newest and, sometimes, the most daring in necklines and both are lit with a discreet dash of glitter. These gowns were sketched at a very recent and very smart affair and give a good clue to what will be the final word in formal style this winter. On the left is a model which has those nice wide shoulder straps and a very flattering low neck-line. The jacket has a delicate gold bead tracery. May we suggest as color, grape, pink clay, carnelian black or white. With1 accessories, of course, to match. At the right is shown that covered-up look that is so very very chic this season. Features the new heart-shaped neck-line outlined with cryistal beading. Best colors: grey or grape but also fetching in black or white. BEflUTy^RomnncE The Larleuse Beauty Bureau was established by the ^ Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of preserving /Women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public. The change of seasons Is Nature's way of “taking off the old and put ting on the new." Four times a year, she starts again to bedeck her self for the coming months. This Is her cue to the beauty minded to check up, to review their make-up practices. It is Nature’s suggestion to her subjects to fol low in her footsteps. The cold winter days are yet to come but it is not too soon to plan for protection. Take an Inventory of yourself and decide how to keep your beauty through the difficult days ahead. COMPLEXION Chapping, or drying of the skin, Is not only unnecessary but truly inexcusable. The first rule to re member in cleansing the face is to wash it with a mild soap, well lathered, using luke-warm wnter. Make it a point to dry your face thoroughly. I’at it dry with a soft towel. Rubbing has an irritating effect on most complexions and ubets chapping rather than protects against it. Follow with an as tringent (be sure to use astringent whose content of alcohol is small), a powder base and then apply your make-up. MAKE-UP Speaking of make-up, it is wise to adopt a completely new tone of cosmetics to harmonize with the deep shades now popular. Try powder with a “light" tone to bring out the high-lights of your com plexion so needed on grey days. Brighten up your make-up generally and see how quickly your spirits pick up. HANDS Did you know that your hands tell “twice" the story of you? Look at them closely and read the story they tell you. If you have given them little more than cursory at tention, don’t expect them to de scribe you in very complimentary terms. Probably you have let them go because it is so easy to be in formal and careless. If you have continued to care for them every day, then lucky you do not need to worry now. If you have been care less and neglected to keep your hands soft and smooth, start now to make up for lost time. Be sure to dry your hands well after each washing and pat Into the flesh a good lotion. You’ll be glad when your hands defy weathering and look lovely, as you want them. FIGURE For those who are Inclined to find fault with their figures, this is the opportune time to determine what is wrong (this is the easiest part of the entire procedure) and how to overcome it (and this Is simple or difficult, depending on your method and approach to the problem). A frank inspection in a full length mirror will probably amaze you. Once you’ve recognized your fail ings, you have won half the battle. If you find it difficult to analyze your figure, use the rule of the wrist given below: Chest should be 5*4 times the wrist. — Waist should be 4*4 times the wrist. Hips should be 6 times the wrist Thigh should be 3*4 times the wrist. Knee should be 2*4 times the wrist. Calf should be 2*4 times the wrist Ankle should be 1V4 times the wrist. Make a notation of the results of your examination and, if you are dissatisfied with YOU, get to work immediately to remedy the faults. Help America keep its reputation as the home of beautiful women. What are your beauty problems? Write: Marie Downing, Larteuse Beauty Bureau, 3509 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. NEW HAMITIC BIBLE NOW AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC The A. J. Holman Co-, of Phila delphia, Pa., publishers of the new Hamitic Bible( recently announced in these columns, has developed and is undertaking a far seeing CITY FISH MARKET DEALERS IN OYSTERS AND FISH —2418 North Twenty-jFourth Street— RED CHANNEL ^lx/ic SNAPPER CATFISHC FINE OYSTERS - 25c Pint —“EAT MORE SEA FOODS’— OPEN N1TE AND DAY 2418 NORTH 24tii ST. i and noteworthy distribution meth od in the dissemination of the Hamitic Bible. Ministers of various churches and denominations have been of fered the opportunity of selling lihe Hamitic Bible at retail to their congregations and others in 0--— • OMAHA JOBBING CO. 317 N. 15th JA. 5604 • •• Paint — Wallpaper Roofing — Lin:leiin» SPAR VARNISH $1.50 a gallon ---® terested. The Holman Company states that it has made the offer by letter to all Ministers whose names and addresses pere obtain able and that it would gladly of fer the same opportunity to any Minister who is interested. W hat makes the offer notewor thy (and newsworthy) is the fact that any Minister or Church Soc iety caring to cooperate on the Holman plan is not only spreading the Word <>f God in a Bible des igned for our race, telling its ac complishments in religion and civ lization and endorsed in the high est terms by the leading divines of all of our denominations, but also making available from profits due to sales a sum which may be used to help pay salaries, make Church repairs, buy supplies, add to Missionary and relief fund3, or be put to many other uses. The Holman Co., states that the Bible has been most favorably re ceived and that many shipments have been made. READ The GUIDE When In NEW YORK For the Day, The Weekend or Permanently The HOTEL THERESA 7th A»e. at 125th St FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. Large rooms with private bath *2.00 Single —*2.50 Double and op *1.50 Single—*2.00 Double and up Special Weekly & Monthly Rates WALTER W. SCOTT, Manager Hotel THERESA 7«h fl»e. at 125th St, New York City Phone i MOnument 2*1700 A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme. C. J. Walker’s Preparations I * "I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late | Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. f i Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. . J Way "Build-Up" Helps VC^ill Interest ^X^omen The cause of a woman’s periodicC suffering from headache, irritabil ity, cramp-like pain, may be func tional dysmenorrhea due to mal nutrition, a condition that is often helped by CARDUI. Principal way CARPTIT helps is by stimulating appetite and the flow of gastric juices. Thus it may aid digestion; help build up a wo man’s strength, energy and nerve force; so increase physical resist ance to periodic discomfort. It also helps reduce periodic dis tress for many who take it a few days before and during “the time” Your confidence in CARDUI is in vited by its 50 years of popularity. 1 ■ Special Hamitic (Negro) Bible just MM 0 S C S n 3 U published by Holman. Unique out line showing the importance of Negroes in Bible history. Descent Q from Ham, the son of Noah, traced by scholars. Special illustrations of Biblical Negroes. Beautifully ■If} ttfih Uf If n f bound, a handsome book for every HvkI U VW S I V ■ home, church, school, lodge. Ask your pastor about it, or write for __ circular to A. J. Holman Co., _ 1224 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Book endorsed by five Bishops of African M. £. Church TRADTluSflB When a cough, due to a cold, drives you mad. Smith Brothers Cough Drops usually give soothing, pleasant relief. Black or Menthol—5tf. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A J Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the resistance of A . mucous membranes of nose and throat to M cold infections, when lack of resist- ftk W ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency. IfBi