The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 02, 1940, City Edition, Image 1

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Entered as Second-Class Matter at The Post office Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, November 2. 1940 OUR 13th YEAR—No. 33—City Edition— Copy 5c
Under Act of March 8. 1874—Business Phone: WE. lBll__ . .. .. . - , . - -
Read About Highlights of Oscar Stanton ’DePriests ’Jr.’s Address At Huge Republican Rally (See page Three)
4 At Last A Day of Hope For Negroes,’ "SLLO\^GARRISON, Jr.
Washington, D. C.—The Repub-l
lican National Committee today
called attention to a statement
preps' ' by Judge James A. Cobb
a former Special U. S. District
Attorney and Municipal Judge of
the District of Columbia, in which
he deplored the fact tlhat so many
of the Colored leaders of the
country have failed"'to place em
phasis qh the Third Term issue in
addressing folored voters.
He mentioned a speech made
in Washington a few evenings
ago by a Democratic speaker who
stated he “wanted Roosevelt tor
‘This, to my way of thinking,"
declares Judge Cobb, ‘‘is greatly
to be deplored.”
Continuing the statement, he
said, in part:
“Negroes lhave more to lose by
a perpetuation in office of one
man, which will finally eventuate
Into a totalitarian goverment,
than any other class or race. The
weak minority always suffers
most from a depression, or a dic
tatorship, or a totalitarian form
of government. A strong majority
or a strong minority are the last
to suffer, ad they ^re in a bet
ter position to protect themselves.
The real protection of any minor
ity is the Constitution and the
laws made thereunder, and when
they are flouted the minority
has no protection whatsoever
“The . 13th, 14th and 15th
Amendments of thu Constitution
may be printed on two pages of
paper, and yet the whole protec
tion of the Negro, guaranteeing
his freedom, is wrapped up in
those Amendments as interpreted
by the courts. In other words,
some of the most fundamental and
profound principles of our Con
stitution are not in writing.
“Mexico adopted a Constitution
similar to ours and placed in it
that the term of the President
should succeed himself. Porfirio
Diaz, a man of great force and
ambition, was elected President of
Mexico in 1876. He served four
years and when the four years
were up he declared himself in
strict observance of the Constitu
tion and turned over his office to
his successor whom he had ohos
“In 1884 he was re-elected
President, and thereafter every
four years until 1910. He had
illegally put through the Legisla
ture a law suspending the Con
stitution, on account of emergen
cy, and those who opposed he
had purged In 1910 there was a
revolution and he was driven from
office by aMdero, who himself
was assissinated.
“Since that time there has been
no stable government in Mexico,
and this was brought about on
account of the indispensable man
Diaz. It is true that our Constitu
tion does not, in wtords, forbid a
President to serve more than
eight years, but for 150 years
that has been the tradition and
a part of the unwritten law of
our great Constitution. Break it
down and nothing in our Consti
tution is sacred.
“As before stated, our Consti
tution is simply an outline of gov
ernment and some of the most
fundamental principles aret those
translated into the Constitution by
the Supreme Court of the United
States. A decision of the Supreme
Court may be overturned or over
ruled by another Supreme Court
and as disclosed during the last
year, however old a decision may
John Adams, Jr., has served
this district in the 1935. 1937 and
1939 Sessions of the Legislature
He has lived in the 5th district
for 17 years, is a graduate of the
University of Nebraska College of
Arts and Science and Law and has
practiced law in the city for 11
years. He has been active in the
support of legislation on the fol
lowing subjects: Labor- Compen
sation Court, Unemployment, Old
Age Assistance and Relief Laws,
and others benefitting the people
of the State. He has never vot
ed for any new form of taxation.
He is qualified, experienced and
has been regarded by all as a fair
and competent legislator.
be, it isn’t sacred with the New
Deal Supreme Court.
“So, it is at once manifest that I
of a tradition of 160 year* may
be set aside on the ambitious plea
of the indispensable man that an
emergency exists, our Constitu
tion Is Kone.
‘‘The Constitution does not call
for nominating conventions and,
in fact, the principle was not
established until 1931, but it has
become a custom and tradition of
the two grent partiei. What would
the Third-Term Candidate say,
after his forced nomination in
Chicago, if the Democrats of the
country would say that they were
not going to follow that tradition
and elected someone else in lieu
of him.
“Customs and tradition are as
much a part of the fundamental
law of the land as any other part
of our great Constitution. The
14th Amendment says ‘‘no State
shall take life, liberty, or property
without du<| process of law, and
no State shall deny to any inhab
itant thereof the equal protection
of the lawfe.’’ There is Ihothing in
the Constitution that says, if Ne
groes are excluded from the jury
on the ground of being Negroes,
they have not had due process cf
law and that if the regular pro
cedure is not followed, they have
not had equal protection of the
law. But custom and tradition and
the interpretation of the Supreme
Court of the United States are to
the effect if Negroes are denied,
the right to sit on the jury because
they are Negroes, they have not
had due process of law.
“And if the same procedure is
not followed and different rule®
and regulations are practiced in
tha trial of Negroes from that of
white men, they have not had the
equal protection) of the law. In
other words, as spelled out from
the traditions and intent of the
Constitution, the Negro stands on
the same footing as every other
American citizen, and if there is
any departure in th slightest in
the application of the law, or dis
crimination, such lawsi would
thwart the Constitution and are
therefore forbidden. So, it is ap
parent that the Negro, being in
tho minority, has more to lo«e
than any other racial group in the
violation of the customs and tra
! ditions of the Constitution and
I laws.
“Tho only safe and sane course
' for any citizen, especially color
i ed, to follow is to oppose a Third
, Term for* any candidate for the
I Presidency of the United States.”
Willkie-McNary —“A Step Forward”
A vote for Willkie and MeNary
is a vote for a job and a vote for
the Omaha Guide’s 7 Point Pro
gram, published elsewhere in this
issue. The following are a few of
the nationally known fighters wh0
have fought the battle of the Ne
gro, some for three generations
and who are proven friends of the
Negro race, and who say the Ne
gro should vote for Wendell L.
Willkie, Republican nominee for
Oswald Garrison Villard, editor
of the Nation and grandson of
William Lloyd Garrison, America’s
greatest fighter for the freedom
of the Negro in the abolution days
says vote for Wendell L. Willkie.
No Negro living today can doubt
his loyalty to the Negro race. He
says the Negro should vote for
Wendell L. Willkie- William Lloyd
Garrison, Jr., the great grandson
of the the slave abolitioner has
proven this friendship for the Ne
(Judge Cobbs of Washington, D.
Cy who has sat on the bench in
Washington and who knows the
condition of this nation and its re
lation to the Negro says the Ne
gro should vote for Wendell L.
Judge W. C. Hueston, who is a
member of the legal department
of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo
ple and who has fought unselfisn
ly for the past 20 years without
pay from the local courts to the
Supreme Court in the interest of
the well being of the Negro race,
says the Negro should vote for
Wendell L. W’illkie.
Bishop Simms of Washington,
i D. C-, w|bo is a Bishop of the
i AME church, says the Negro
should vote for Wendell L. Will
Dean William Pickens, Field
Secretary of the National Associ*
ation for the Advancement of Col
ored People, who is a writer of
national fame and an undisputed
champion for the Negro rights in
America, says the Negro should
vote for Wendell L. Willkie.
Bishop J. A. Gregg, of Chicago,
Illinois, well known in Omaha and
remembered as an outstanding
fearljess, Christian writer; who re
fused the presidency of Howard
University because of his Chris
tian duty to his people; and who
is well known to the voters of
Omaha, say8 the Negro should
vote for Wendell L. Willkie.
Attorney C. H. Galloway of
Kansas City, Mo., noted for his
shrewdness in the Federal courts
and for his strenuous fight in the
interest of the Negro, says the
Negro should vote for Wendell L,
Bishop Noah William8 who held
a conference in Colorado Springs
with the Republican nominee in
the interest of the Negro, and
who has had world wide experi
ence in racial affairs, says the
Negro should vote for Wendell L.
John L. Lewis. President of the
CIO, is a proven loyal fighter in
the labor movement from coast
f to coast, in the interest of all
workers. A Phillip Randolph said
bo C. C. Galloway when he was
visiting in Omaha, that there was
no doubt as to John L. Lewis’s
| sincerity in the interest of the
Negro workers for the past 25
years. There is no discrimination
against the Ne^ro in any CIO
I union. John L. Lewis says the
Negro should vote for Wendell L.
i Willkie, and that if his opponent
is elect,d he (Lewis) will resign
his present position-'
The above nationally known
leaders wiho have worked in the
interest of the Negro, some for
} tha past 30 years, surely would
not ill advise you.
Now for the local friends of
yours in Omaha, Nebraska.
C. C. Galloway, Acting Editor
of the Omaha Guide wiho has giv
en his life’s blood in tihe struggle
for the best interest of the Ne
gro, who attended the Republican
and Democratic national conven
tions. who presented to both, the
Omaha Guide’s 7 Point Program,
and who had a conference with
Mr. Willkie in Philadelphia, Pa.,
and in Washimrton, D. C., in the
interest of the Negro about the
Omaha Guide’s 7 Point Program,
is convinced that Mr. Willkie will
carry out the Republican platform
to the letter. Mr. Willkie told Mr.
Galloway that if ihe was elected
Presdent of the United States, he
would see to it that the Negro
gets thq( ballot in the South as
well as in the North. He also
stated that discrimination in the
Federal government would be
wiped out at the strike of a pen.
Mir. Willkie is, in my opinion, a
man that can be depended upon to
do what he says.
Mr. John Adams. Jr., the Re
publican national chairman says
the Negro can depend upon Mr.
Willkie to carry out the Omaha
Guide’s 7 Point Program; and
that in his opinion it was covered
in his Chicago speech. “I have
never ill advised through the
columns of the Omaha Guide. I
seriously believe that I know from
where I speak in this presidential
j campaign. I spent 6 weeks in the
East this summer with the leading
American citizens studing apall
ing conditions of this nation and
' 1 am saying to my friends who
know my loyalty to my people,
voto for Wendell L. Willkie for
President of the United States.
Remember I said to the Republi
can resolution committee in Phil
adelphia., Penn-, that if they would
The Rev. L. K. Williams, Presi
dent of the National Baptist Con
vent ioh, Inc-, and pastor of the Ol
ivet Baptist Church, was killed in
(Continued on pa>felj^r‘8)
Just a flew candidates I. C. C.
Galloway personally know very
well. I know they believe in my
policies in regards to fair play,
justice and your pro-rata of that
tax dollar that is expended for
employment and if they are elect
ed and your precinct wwnt for
them, you may feel at liberty to
call on me to come to your rescue
if you find any one of my recom
mended candidates failing to live
up to my recommendations. I
know from where I speak. I have
known some of these gentlemen
for 37 years, when thieiy were not
even thinking of running for any
political office- I know them
through and through, insofar as
your welfare is concerned and if
he is loyal to his pledges to the
Negro( no other race need have
any fear, in fact, they should be
happy of the assurance for his
For President and Vice, —
Wendell L. W'illkie, & Charles
For Senator — Hugh A. Butler
W'ho agree8 to support the An
ti-Lynch Bill to the limit.
For Representative—Theodore
Metcalf, 2nd Congressional Dist.
-For Governor—Dwight
Licutant Governor—William
Edward Johnson
Secretary of State—-Frank Marsh
Attorney General—W'alter R.
County Clerk—John Slavik
For District Judges—Edson Smith
John. A. Rine, Arthur C. Thom
sen, J. C. Travis, James C. Kins
ler, Herbert. Rhoade*, .Charles
I>eslie, Frank M. Dineen.
For County Judge—Charles J.
I am confident if Charles J.
Southard is elected county judge
h» will make a place for Negro
boys or girls in that office.
I For Municipal Judge—John W'.
Itattin. Dennie O’Brien, Lester
I Palmer, J. J. Krajicek, Gerald E.
For State Senator—John Adams,
Jr. Ninth District.
give the Omaiha Guide's 7 Point
Program the proper consideration
three million people would follow
the Republican Party in this
Mr. Robert Smith who was a
member of the Resolution Com
mittee worked with me for G days
in Philadelphia, Penn., attlending
ths committee that was consider
ing the Omaha Guide’s 7 Point
Program. Mr. Robert Smith serv
ed on many committees and he is
a loyal friend of the Negroes in
Omaha, Nebr. Mr. Robert Smith
told me on my return to Omaha
that I was the only one that made
a request to the Republican com
mittee and f?ot a 100 percent lav
orable answer to the request. And
I beg of you to read the answier
that is encouehed in the Republi
can platform in regard* to the
Negro. If you please, this is the
Below will be found an appeal
by William Lloyd Garrison Jr. the
great grandson of William Lloyd
Garrison, the Liberator.
NEW YORK, October 25—Stat
ing that the colored people hold
what is perhaps the most valu
able vote in the United States to
day and that a Willkie victory
could easily be their victory to a
legree never before possible, Wil
lium Lloyd Garrisin, Jr., of Boston
direct descendant of thA famous
abolitionist, today urged members
of the colored race to vote for
Wendell L. Willkie.
Mr. Garrison's appeal was made
public by Alan Valentihla, Execu
tive Director of the National Com
mittee of Democrats'For-Willkie,
122 East 42nd Street, New York.
His complete statement yollows:
“At last a day of hope has
come for United States citizens of
colored blood. N« presidential can
didate since the isuing of the E
mancipation Proclamation has ev
er given Pledges (so far as I am
aware) so completely just and
fair t0 this great group of Amer
icans, who require and deserve
more consideration at the (hands of
government than any other single
group in the United States. The
New Deal, shackled to the Solid
South, cannot be free to protect
them on essential issues, no mat
ter what attempts are made to
gloeg over the facts with honey
el words orsu perficial gestures.
“Wendell L. Willkie, who ap
pears to be the personification of
sincerity and forthright courage,
has gone the distance. No dis
crimination is his watchword.
Should he be elected, as I believe
(he will be, it should be possible
for the members of the Negro
race to take the largest step for
ward in the Wjhole course of their
tragic history on this continent.
“Willkie apparently believes
what was recently stated so effect
ively by Dr. Frederick P. Keppel,
President of the Carnegie Corpor
ation—‘the day is fast approach
ing, if it is not already here, that
we Americans are going to rise or
fall, sink or swim together, east
and west, north and south, rich an
poor, regardless of race or color or
“By a curious twist of fate, the
colored people hold what is per
haps the most valuable vote in the
United States today, thanks to the
location of their great urban
groups in pivotal states. A Will
kie victory could therefore easily
prove to be their victory to a de
gree never before possible in the
annals of America.’
first time in the history of Amer
ica that any major party has
mentioned pacifically what it
would do in the interest of the
Negro race. I claim this is a step
forward, for we as Negroes can
not lose by rallying to the Repub
lican Party in this campaign.
Therefore, I say to the Negro
of the city of Omaha, Douglas
County, State of Nebraska, and
Me Nation, vote for Wendell L.
Willkie. Mr. T. P. Mahammit says
vote for Wendell L. Willkie. Rev.
T. A. Scars, pastor of St. John
AME church says vote for Wen
dell L. Willkie. Senator John
Adams says vote for Wendell L.
Willkie. Guy Wiley says vote for
Wendell L. Willkie. Jim Banks
says vote for Wendell L- Willkie.
Milton Johnson says vote for
Wendell L. Willkie. Charles Cole
man says vote for Wendell L.
Willkie. Rev. John Adams, pre
siding elder over Nebraska con
ference says vote for Wendell L.
Willkie. Mrs. Mattie B. Gooden
says vote for Wendell L. Willkie.
! M>r. Preston Hiteronymous, owner
°f the Nortih Side Transfer, says
; vote for Wendell L. Willkie. Rus
| sel1 Lewis, proprietor of the Lew
is Service Station, says vote for
Wendell L. Willkie. Ed Killings
worth, of Killingsworth & Price
Barber Shop, says vote for Wen
dell L. Willkie, Joe Louis, world
famous prizefighter, says vote fer
Wendell L. Willkie. Mr. George
Watson says vote for Wendell I.
Willkie. Mrs. Hiram Greenfield
says vote for Wendell L. Willkie.
Mrs. T. P. Mahammit says vote
for Wendell L. Willkie. Rev. and
j Mrs. G. D. Hancock says vote
I for Wendell L. Willkie.