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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1940)
OPEN YOUR HEART FOR _CHARITY_ Look! Pre-Halloween Costume Party ELKS HALL THURSDAY OCT. 29, 1940 from 9 p. m. to 2 a. m. Given by the Colored Policemen & Firemen’s Wives Club. —Receipts for Charity Committee: Mrs. Mattie Jones, Chairman, Adell Lewis, Gertrude Lewis, Emma Foxall, Mary Green and Melecina Cole. HOMO' q, 20c STANDARD B9ttlc (Political Advertisement) NO matter how dark and rough your skin is, don’t be discouraged I You have a right to a lighter, softer, more attractive complexion—and famous Nadinola Bleach ing Cream will help you get it I Nadinola Bleaching Cream contains med icated ingredients that gently act to bleach the skin to a lighter, lovelier shade. It helps loosen ugly blackheads too, promotes a softer, smoother, finer skin surface. Money Back Guarantee Think how happy you would be with a love lier, lighter complexion! And with every Nadinola package comes a written promise —your money back if you are not satisfied. With so much to gain, and nothing to lose, don’t delay—get Nadinola today. Full treatment-size jar costs only SOc—contains enough of this wonderful cream for 6 weeks’ daily use. VERSIE’S BEAUTY SCHOOL NOTES nninniiiiifinniiinmiiininiiiiiiiiiuiKinifliRiiiiiiniiiininmmiiiniiimiiiiiitimiimiiiai FLAH!—Mrs. Cassie Rose Mur rell is now a full fledged beautic ian. She recently received her li cense bo practice cosmetology in Nebraska. The entire school wish to congratulate her on her good iortune. ****** Mrs. Mildred Brown, has enroll ed in the school. With her quiet manner andc harming personality, she should make a very good oper atoi. ****** ' Versie's School of Cosmetology ' is a continuation of the Northside Beauty School and the names of the alumni and what they ore do ing will be seen from time to time in this column. Lillian Cunning ham is working at the Economy Shop in Omaha. Florence Elmore is in Kansas City—Anette McDon ald is in Cleveland. Ohio—Jessie CANDIDATE FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE (Non-Political) . J. J. (Jim) KRAJICEK Raised and Educated in South Omaha. 58 years of age. Fam ily of 8- Deputy Co. Mas in South Omaha, 1909 to 1923. South Side Police Court Clerk 6 years. Active Practice of law over 16 years. (Political Advertisement) Girls Are Advised To Build-Up For Relief Lack of knowledge causes many' a weak, undernourished girl a lot of suffering! Many others, however, know how the headaches, nervousness, cramp-like pain of functional dys menorrhea due to malnutrition are helped by the proper use of CARDUL Some take it a few days before I and during “the time,’’ to help ease periodic distress. But CARDUI’S principal use is to help increase appetite; stimulate the flow of gastric juice; so aid diges tion; assist in building up physical resistance and thus help reduce periodical distress. Women have used CARDUI for over 50 years. THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 241820 Grant St OMAHA,NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Ma^ch 16. 1927, at the Post (5ffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. H. J. Ford, *— — — Pres. ■ Mrs. Flurna CoopeT, — — Vice Pres. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’y and Treas. SUSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Year — — — $2.00 Six Months — — — 1.25 Three Months — —- — -60 Single Copy — — — 5c All News Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in out office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre ceed:ng date of issue, to insure publication Mao Rogers is in Oklahoma City, Okla.,—Thelma Lee Williams is in Chicago, 111.—Cora Henderson^ Is in South Omaha. Machineless permanent waves are now available at the school. I WONDER— Why Foster Goodlett left by way of the rear entrance the other day He was in such a hurry I guess he had to catch a train. Why Lula Williams was so ex 'ted Saturday evening. Could it have been the anticipation of giv ing “Fools” a manicure. Hence she could hold nis nand ior an hour and nothing could be said a bout It. Why John Elliott spent so much time at the school the other day— that cute little manicurist never got around to giving him a mas sage or even holding his hand. Why Alberta Starnes can't get to school these days. “Does ‘Pud din* have anything to do with it ? Why Margaret Williams can, never get to school on time. Why the students think the tea cher gives such stiff tests when in reality they are easy compared to the ones she used to give. This is your Cub Reporter, Korea Clark, signing off ’til next week.— GUIDE VISITOR Mr. C. K. Fountaine who oper ates a trucking business in New York City.sstopped at The Omaha Guido offices on Tuesday. October 15, enroute to Denver, Colorado. He made a tour of the office and shop and inspected the presses and stated that he finds the newspap er comparable to the Amsterdam News of New York City and th‘ Chicago Defender. He and his helper, left New York on Wednes day, stopped in Chicago> arrived in Omaha on Tuesday, and will arrive in Denver on Wednesday. QUACK CLUB The Quack Club met Friday night October 11. 1940 at the us ual time with the president presid ing. The chairman of the worsh ip committee conducted the service after which Mrs. Craig gave a splendid talk on the Community Chest and how the money was us ed to help unfortunate people A short business meeting was then held. Plans were made for a bridge and whist tournament to bo held in November. Plans are be ing made to install lights in the front of the YWCA, by the Club members. The interest groups started h ri nitrlii. The girls divided them selves, into two groups Music and I Bridge. Mrs. Thearis Taylor in structed the bridge group and Mrs Dorothy Ferguson instructed the music group. All club members were asked to help make the car nival at the YWCA, a success. We hope to make this a bigger and better year. We'll be seeing you next week, I hope. Dorothy Ferguson, Pres., MWy Bon.t Reporter. RETURNS FROM VACATION Mrs- M. L. Cooper of 2624 Blon io St., returned home from her vacation trip where she visited Mr. Coopers sister and friends in Chi cago and other relatives in St. Paul including Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cooper- She left Omaha on the 23rd of last month on the Stream liner City of Denver. Mrs. Coop r reports a very pleasant and en joyable trip and is looking forward to next years' vacation. READ The GUIDE lianiW!IIUltUIHIIiilillllltlltlllllli!llllttUII|lill<lti;iiUUIIilUlU!lim<iliiBilliiBliilU'llUU ATTENTION 1EAUTY AND BARBERSHOPS Make Your Shop Bookkeeping Easy USE SKELETON WEEKI Y RECORD FORM "The Key to Simple Bookkeeping’’ No writing! Just Enter Figure-1 Forms for Six Months ?1.00 ORDFR NOW! FRANK T. WARD 274 Sumner Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ..Mf RITCHIE SLAYjER GIVEN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR (continued from page 1) in Ritchie's back and told him to keep driving. After they had gone about two miles, he said he ordered Ritchie out of the car. He said he told him that he wanted to use his car to go down in Missouri to see his wife. He said that he was seated in the back seat of the car and that he got out on the right side ordering Ritchie to do likewise. He said when Ritchi© got out of the car that he struck at him and that he dogged th© blow and that it was at this time that he decided to kill him. He admitted that he first shot him twice and when he fell into the ditch and tried to get up he shot him twice more. It was also prov en in court that the fifth shot was fired but failed to explode. John Rogers is married and is an expectant father at this time. His wile and her mother were here all during the trial until the final verdict came in. Tho jury's verdict was guilty of first degree murder and he will be put to death in the electric chair at a date to be set by his judge, the honorable Judge Sears. Rogers father and mother who live in missouri did’nt appear at his trial. The very heartbroken family of the late Wallace Ritchie were all at th trial along with several min isters and outstanding friends. I am sure that the family realize that they have the sympathy of every individual in Omaha. May God bless them all, since justice has done its duty. SCORES BELATED REPUDIA* TION OF ‘SMEAR WILLKIE’ CIRCULAR (Continued from page 1) Deal propaganda assaults made upon industrialists who vainly tri ed to show Mr. Roosevelt that fear of government made for industrial anemia and industrial collapse. “Let them consider the treat ment accorded sincere American Federation of Labor officials, who repeatedly told the President tha' 'he governs best, who governs least’, and were castigated and ex iled from the Roosevelt ear. for their pains. “And, more recentlyj let decent, thinking citizens consider the ‘whispering smear campaign’ dir ected at James A. Farley, wherein New Deal whispers have been ad vising members of Tammany Hall that Farley, not the President, was to blame for the lean years of patronage suffered by the Wig warn'. Truly it has been said and written, that to some ambit ious men loyalty Is an unknown quantity “Finally, it cannot be denied that the Flynn repudiation of this most recent ‘Smear Willkie’ state ment and his pinning the blame for this disgraceful campaign blunder upon Roosevelt Colored workers, is a graphic Illustration of the ad ministration’s treatment of the col ored^ people of America. “Always, it has been the New Deal’s practice to seize upon a whipping boy to take the blame for Roosevelt errors. Here, in this most recent and tragic piece of New Deal malice, un Americanism and bad taste, the Colored Division of the National Democratic Coni" mittee is singles! out for vilificat ion and abuse for a Michelsontdi rected statement which, I’ll wager, was never the authorship of a col ored man. And I’d add as proof of this that Negroes do not foster racial prejudice. Why? Because racial prejudice. Why? Because a victim of racial prejudice has suf fered too much to want to see pre judice extended. Even Mr. Flynn should be able to understand that” DR. J. H. JACKSON TO SPEAK AT PILGRIM Dr. J. H. Jackson, Cor. Sec’.v of the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention- Inc. will make an official visit to Om aha and vicinity Tuesday October 22, and will preach in a Mass meet ing of all the churches at the Pil grim Baptist Church at 8 p. m. Jackson has traveled abroad, and has represented our group in In ternational, as well as National organizations and is in constant de mand, as a pulpit and platform speaker. Dr. Jackson served as pastor of the Bethel Baptist church for seven years and as Moderator cf the New Era Association for 6 years. His extensive travel and wide range of training promises a treat to Omaha. Therefore wo in vite the public to hear this great ■luiiiiiiBUiiHiiunuinilllllllUlllMMini’iiuia miiinqn ittit' nty^/nTTTinTjpniHiiiHiMiyiyTtit'ntTTiPiiii1 JOHNSON DRUG CO.L NEW LOCATION 2306 North 241 h |We. 0998 Free Deliver}! CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 201054 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi I American & Chinese Dishes Joe’s Food Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY— SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ORANCF, AND BLUE FOOD STAMPS RE DEEMED at JOE’S Food Market at Low Prices. ****** SUGAR 5poMds 24c CAN MILK PER CAN 5'2(' C offee. Butter-Nut lb 25c | Butter first quality Jb 30c' FLOUR, 5 lb bag 17c Catsup, large bottle 10c P rk & Be ?ns Ige can 10c Peaches Ige can 15c (IN SYRUP) IONA'r T AN i Annies, 5 lbs_23c Onions, 3 lbs 10c PORTO RIC AN YAMS. Ib 5c Pure Lard. lb. 7c Ole t, lb lftc Pure Ground Beef, lb 15c Pure Pork Sausage, lb 15c Beef Brains, per set 71/iC Sliced Bacon, lb 20c PURE Annie Butter, qt. jar 15c PINK Salmon, large can 15c Cabbage, lb. 2c - (ft 20c Bottle STANDARD man who is an exceptional person ality. Rev. F. P. Jones, moderator Richard H. Larson, Horn and Reartd In Douglas County Richard H. Larson, Republican candidate for Railway Commiss ioner was born and raised in Doutr las county and educated there. Af ter beinK employed ten years in' an Omaha bank, he spent eijfht years out in the state, first year as Assistant to National Bank Exam iners and later seven years as State Examiner. KnowinK the size of our state and the time it would take to present himself and qualifications for office to the cit izens he filed earlv and became the first to file for statewide if fic«. His work gave him training in fact finding, accounting and inves tigation and an understanding of law. all so essentia! ir. the office of Railway Commtission, It also gave him an intimate understand ing of the commerce problems of | the various businesses, towns and ' cities that make up our state. Because of the work that he has done, Richard H- Larson can truly present himself to the people of the state as a “Citizen of Nebr aska". He is an ex-service man, 45 years of age. Many people, in all walks of life throughout the state, know him and the character of work that he has done and is qualified to do If elected. f , B Political adv. H-M Buffet 2420 X. 24th St JA. 8852 Best Chili in Toicn\ Liquors, Lunches $ Beer NORTH 24th ST SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD "leaves No Repair Took” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. —POPULAR PRICES I Rheumatic Happy; Relieves Pain Quick Thousands who suffered from the torturing pains of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neu ralgia and neuritis—are certainly happy over their discovery of NURITO. Now they have found a quick-acting formula which speedily relieves (hose exhausting muscular aches and pains. NURITO is trust worthy and dependable —contains no opiates. If you want to feel again the joy of relief from pain—so you can work in peace and sleep in comfort—he wise and try NURITO under this ironclad guarantee. If tire vety first three doses do not relieve that cruel pain to your satisfaction—your money will be refunded. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for NURITO on this guarantee, e- (T.N.C.) | homo _ ..... STANDARD ” "c We Offer for Your Approval W*'?'; A \ *'’ Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— j Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EOKOLM&, SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street j WE. 6055 LEGAL NOTICE AS TO MEASURE TO BE VOTED UPON NOVEMBER 5, 1940 The following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska will be submitted to the electors of this State for approval or rejection at the general election to be held November 5, 1940: Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That at the general election in November, 1940, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska for ap proval or rejection upon a ballot separate from that upon which the names of candidates appear the following amendments to the Consti tution which are hereby proposed by the Legislature: “Section 1. That See. 4, Article IX, Constitution of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: ‘Sec. 4. The Legislature shall provide by law for the election of such county and township officers as may be necessary: Provided, however, the Legislature may provide by law for a form of county government in which county officers may be elected or appointed, but such form shall be optional with each county and shall obtain in any county only upon the adoption thereof by the electors of such county. Sec 2. That an additional Section be inserted in Article XVII,j Cc* Vtution of Nebraska, to be known and numbered as follows: •See. 10. This amendment (1940) shall be self-executing andl legislation authorized hereby shall be supplemental hereto; and this amendment, except as otherwise herein specifically provided, snail be in full force and take effect on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1941.’ ” Sec 2. That the foregoing proposed amendment to the Consti tution shall be submitted to the electors at said election upon on« ballot separate from that upon which the names of candidates appear, after publication once each week for four weeks in at least one news paper in each county where a newspaper is published immediately preceding said election. Said ballot for the submission of said proposed amendment shall be in the following form: PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT “FOR an amendment to Sec. 4, Article IX, and Article XVII, Constitution of Nebraska, authorizing the Legislature to provide by law for an optional form of county government in which county officers may be elective or appointive, and providing that said amendment shall I be effective on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1941," and * - “AGAINST an amendment to Sec. 4, Article IX, and Article ; XVII, Constitution of Nebraska, authorizing the Legislature to provide bv law for an optional form of county government in which county officers may be elective or appointive, and providing l,hat said amend ment shall be effective on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1941”. . y HARRY R. SWANSON, ■ Secretary of Stata C