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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1940)
CITY EDITION PRICE _ 5cta. _ rni!ajjaiium!!!niiy:ii!i:n;;;;miimiiimiiin«i l COMING! f fl L FISK JUBILEE ||/|j SINGERS r NOVEMBER 18th HEWTOTH£UNE\ st. philips - V^* ' CHURCH mmmmmmmmmmmrnmlmmmmm LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY _ — . - 1 .I— N V* !■■ 1 . —L . '.".'■1"'“VI!.!.""I1.. 1 _ -——-' ■ ■ -L ... = Entered ee Second Claai Matter at Poet Office, Omaha. Nebr., under Act of March 8. 1S74. Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, October 19, 1940 OUR 13th \ EAR Number 31 Bueinese Phone WE. 1517 ’ ___ C. C. Galloway Named State Director Colored Division Republican State i Committee C. C. Galloway, Republican State Chairman Mr. Kemieth Wherry announces the appoint ment of Mr. C. C. Galloway as Director, Colored Div isor),, Republican State Committee in Nebraska. Mr. Galloway has been for many years the direct ing force in the founding and development of The Omaha Guide Printing and Publishing Company which for the past fourteen years has printed and published The Omaha Guide. During this period there has beeh developed a printing establishment which represents a large capital investment. Aside from his business interests Mr. Galloway hos beerf one of the few men who has been active in every civic effort for the advancement of the Color ed People arid the community. He is not a politician and has no flair for it, but has accepted the post as Director, Colored Division of the Republican organi zation, as a patriotic duty to his country and his race. He asks the co-operation of all the people who love liberty and wish to realize it here in their native land. OMAHA BAR ASSOC. CONDUCTS POLL The Omaha Bar Association has conducted a referendum of the members of the Bar in Douglas, Washington and Burt Counties of the candidates running for elect ion to judicial office on November 5th of this year. Members of the Bar in Douglas Washington and Burt Counties were eligible to vote for candidates for District Judge but for the of fice of County Judge, only mem bers of the Bar association of Douglas County were eligible and for the office of Municipal Judge only members of the Bar within the City of Omaha were eligible to vote. The Omaha Bar Association is giving to the public for its inform ation the results of this referen dum, but is taking no further part whatever in the campaign. For District Judge (nine to be elected) Herbert Rhoades 453 | Charles Leslie 443 Arthur C. Thomsen 424 James M. Fitzgerald 387 Willis G. Sears 381 Frank M. Dineen 362 Ross King 351 Edson Smith 336 John A. Rhine 334 Raymond McGrath 312 W. A. Day 285 Henry J. Beal 272 J. C. Travis 217 James C. Kinsler 173 David 0. Matthews 135 John C. Barret 94 Henry F. Pederson 71 Grenville P. North 67 For County Judge (one to be elected) Bryce Crawford( Sr. 295 C. jj. Southard 251 For Municipal Judge (five to be elected) Perry Wheeler 489 John Battin 422 Dennis O’Brien 356 Georg© Holmes 306 Lester Palmer 294 J. J. Krajicek 292 Gerald LaViolette 284 E. M. Melvin Kennedy 165 Patrick O’Connor 83 Fred Anheuser 78 873 Ballots sent out. and 619 re turned Hampton To) Inaugurate President, November ?5 Hampton, Va-, Oct. (ANP> Dr. MSalcolm S. MacLean will be form ally inaugurated as president of Hampton institute pn the morning of Nov. 25. Following the cere monies in Ogden hall and the ad dress by a nationally known speak er, there will be a two day round table conference on the Negro’s | part in national defense. W. RITCHIE SLAYER GIVEN THE CHAIR (BY BILLY DAVIS) JURY FINDS ROGERS GUILTY AFTER TWO HOURS DELIBER ATION Twenty two yea>- old John Rog ers who was born in Star City, Mo was found guilty of first degree murder by the jury on October 16, of Wallace Ritchie, former cheu ffeur of Mr. Fred Hovey. King of Ak Sar Ben. Rogers attorney John Baldwin put up an excellent plea for Rogers. He tried to con vince the jurors to give Rogers life in the penitentiary, but his plea was in vain according to the decision of the jurors. Rogers admitted the kiling cf Ritchie when he took the stand. He admitted the same thing that he said when he gave his statement to the police dept. After twelve witnesses gave their statements and left the stand Rogers was put on the stand by his attorney and he gave the same statement that he previously had gave the arresting officers. He didn’t deny one thing that he had told the officers after they arrest ed him. Rogers was very cool and calm all during the trial with no emot ional display at all. The prosecuting attorney, Mr. Teauser put up a very stiff plea to the juiy demanding the death p nalty followed by the brilliant County Attorney Mr. English in his closing argument. The defendant John Rogers said that he called Ritchie front the drug store at 24th and Lake about 8:15 p. m. on August 15th to take him to South Omaha but instead of having Ritchie to pick him up at 24th and Lake^ he told him to pick him up at 25th and Lake. Then he told Ritchie to drive him to South Omaha to see a friend, of his. After they got to South O maha, he told Ritchie to drive him to Ralston to see another friend. After they had gotten out aways, Rogers said that he stuck a gun (Continued on page ATTEND THE OMAHA GUIDE’S 14TH & FINEST HOUSEHOLD & FOOD DEMONSTRATION YOU’LL BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED. OCT. 12 t<S 19—ELKS HALL, 242° LAKE ST. HOURS 7:30 to 11:30 P.M. (Persistently Imitated But Never Duplicated). \ • __— Scores Belated New Deal Repud iation of “Smear Willkie Circular’' Lamar Perkins, former Assem blyman and chief of the Colored Division of the Republican State Committee, in a statement today (Monday) scouted ‘“belated New Deal repudiation of the “Smear Willkie” circular distributed by the Colored Division of the Not ional Democratic Committee,’’ and declared ‘‘the action of the New Deal high command in pinning the blame for this disgraceful camp aign blunder upon Roosevelt col ored workers is a graphic illustra tion of the administration’s treat ment of the colored people of A merica.” The statement of the former leg islator. made at Republican State Committee headquarters 41 East 42nd street, follows: "Edward J. Flynn, Chairman of the National Democratic Commit tee, has now made belated repud iation of the linear Willkie’ cir cular—a disgraceful piece of Jew Deal propaganda reflecting upon the German ancestry of Mr. Will kie, his wife, and both their fa ' I ies. * "Mr. Flynn's repudiation corn’s too late to be convincing. It is marked by tongue in cheek piety, and it is of a patter^ in purpose and phraseology, with New Deal smear statements made public these last eight years. Apd to those who deny this assertion, I urK« they examine the back files of the newspapers since Mr. Roose velt first took Presidential office.1 These files show that every single person of sufficient consequence to have his or her anti-New Deal views published in the press has been smeared by the New Deal’s uge propaganda machine. “Let those who doubt the accur acy of my assertion consider the attempts to smear former Gover nor A1 Smith, Raymond Moley Dr. Tugwell, L^wis W. Douglas. Dr. Stanley High and John J. Raskob, to mention but a few of those as sailed. “Let them consider the purge of Representative John |J. O'Connor, and the attempts to purge Senat or George and other dully elected representatives of the people who refused to become legislative putty in the hands of Mr. Roosevelt “Let them consider the New (Continued on page t9gr'3) Announcts Temporary Committed For Center Dr. C. W. Pollard .temporary chairman of the Woodson Center a Community Chest agency, ann ounced today the personnel of a temporary committee for adminis tration of the Center. The Woodson Center, which up to two months ago was part of the Social Settlement Association, >s now a separate agency in the Community Chest and is being ad ministered to under the jurisdict ion of this special committee of the Omaha Council of Social Ag encies. A complete study of the prog ram needed to meet the require ments of the area which Woodson Center serves is being made very soon- Upon completion of the study, plans will be made for a permanent administration of the Center, and a new board will be formed. Activities are being carried on at the present time at the Wood son Center in its old location. The Committee appointed by Pollard is as follows: Mr. Lew Etter( Mrs. J. A. Wil liams, Dr. K. W. Klusmire. Miss Ruth Rainey, Mrs. H. B. Bergquist Mrs. Gertrude James, Mr. Charles Stewart, Mr. George Redd, Mrs. Marie Tuckeri Rev. G. A. Stains. Dr. Joseph P. Swoboda, Mr. Frank Bosanek, Mr. C- H. Walls, Mr. Dean Collins Consultant, Rabbi I David Wice, ex-officio. ROOSEVELT RALLY TO BE STAGED IN NEW MADISON SQUARE GARDEN A> DR.V B. POWFI.L 20)000 Expected To Pack Historic Sports Arena Mon. Eve., October 28th. When Prominent Speakers Will Vie With Musical Comedy Stars Flor The Honors of The Night. Broadcast of Meeting To Be Over NBC. DEMOCRATS OPEN HEADQUARTERS The Northside Democrats open ed their headquarters at 24th and Ohio Streets,—-Cochran for United States Senator. Mr. John O. Woods in charge, as sisted by Attorney Charles F. Davis and Mr. Bobbv Brown MEET TO FORM ADVISORY COMMITTEE - -———————^———————. ■■■■ ^■1 ■■■■IIHilHHHltB Interested in the formation of a National Advisory Committee of Negro Democratic women, the group pictured above lunched with Mrs. Crystal Byrd Fauset, national director of work among Negro women for the 1940 Presidential campaign, on Monday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A., in New York. Atty. Julian IX Rainey, natonal director of the Negro division of the Democratic national campaign, was the guest speaker. A second meeting is planned for Saturday, Oct. 12, at 1 o’clock at the same place. In the front row (left to right) are Mrs. T. Arnold Hill; Mrs. Bertha Green and Mrs. Ruth Brown Price, co-leaders of the Nine- ^ teenth and Twenty-first Assembly Districts, respectively; Mr, Rainey and Mrs. Fauset; Mr.. Lester A. Walton, wife of the U. S. Minister to Liberia; Mrs. Bessy. J. Bearde*.Mrs.James. S, Wat son In the middle row (left to right) are Mrs. Mae Irwin, Mrs. Estelle Meade. Mr.. Mary Louiee Brown, Mrs. Frances Dougherty, Mr.. Harry Bragg, Mr.. Eddie Johnson Mr.. M»rgaret V Brown Mrs. Beatrice Elmore. Mrs. Phillip J. Jones. In the top row (left to right) are Miw Ruth Aiken, Mrs. WilliemT. Andrews. Mrs. Leonora Brinkerhoff. Mrs. LHlian Watery Mrs Henrietta De Mendez, Mrs. Sadye Carter Williams, Mrs. Thelma Berladl , Boozer and Mr*, Sgftittu Atty. Lucille Edwards Chance. I NEW YORK—D. C. B. Powell, Negro P'lblcity Director for the Democratic National Committee for the re-election of President Roosevelt, announced today that he had secured New Madison Square Garden for the night of October 28th, wherein to stage a monster “Roosevelt Re-Election Rally. “And it may be possible for the President to be with us,” said the astute, energetic businessman and newspaper publisher. “It’s onl a very remote possibility, but never theless we have hopes that he will be with us for a minute or two. But there is one thing I can posit ively and most emphatically tell you gentlemen now” said Dr. Pow ell to the reporters at his press conference in the Biltmore Hotel, “and that is, the President will not mako a speech.” The program, as outlined by Dr Powell, will be of two and a half hours duration. Among the speakers scheduled to take the ro strum will be Hon. Harold L. Ick es, United States Senator, Robert F. Wagner United States Senator, James M. Meade and United Stat es Representative Joseph Gavagan Mrs. Crystal Bird Fauset, only Col ored woman elected to a 8eat in the State Legislative body and Julian D. Rainey, prominent Boston at torney, Bishop R. R. Wright, Jr. of the AME. Church. Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald, Catherine Jarboro> the Philharm onic Glee Club and the Imperial Lodge 127 Elks Band are some of the musical entertainers that will appear. The doors of the famous sports center will be thrown open at eight oclock and admission will be absolutely free. For that rea son the public is advised to come early and be sure of getting the better seats near the front. 1 he NBC Blue network will broadcast the meeting from the .Madison Square Garden the West side of gth Avenue between 49th